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Saturday, December 22, 2007

Thief FAQ

==>Thief Guide List <==


Table of Contents

1) Introduction
A) Copyright Information
B) FAQ History
C) Contact
D) Intro to Maple Story
E) Intro to Thieves

2) Stats
A) Stat Descriptions
B) Stat Build - Claw Thief
C) Stat Build - LUK Dagger Thief
D) Stat Build - STR Dagger Thief
E) Damage Formula

3) Skills
A) Skill Descriptions - Rogue
B) Skill Descriptions - Assassin
C) Skill Descriptions - Bandit
D) Skill Chart - Claw Rogue
E) Skill Chart - Dagger Rogue
F) Skill Chart - Assassin
G) Skill Chart - Bandit
H) Skill Boosts - Rogue
I) Skill Boosts - Assassin
J) Skill Boosts - Bandit

4) Job Advancement
A) Beginner -> Rogue
B) Rogue -> Assassin or Bandit

5) Hunting Grounds
A) Level 1 - 10
B) Level 11 - 20
C) Level 21 - 30
D) Level 30 - 40
E) Level 41 - 50
F) Level 51 - 60

6) Comparisons
A) Assassin vs Bandit
B) LUK Bandit vs STR Bandit

7) Weapons
A) Throwing Stars

8) Acknowledgements

1) Introduction
A) Copyright Information

This FAQ cannot be duplicated in part or whole without the permission of the
owner: Rushan Shekar.

I will not be letting any websites other than the following use this FAQ,
except Maple Global if they so incline;)


B) FAQ History
***VERSION 1.7***
March 9, 2005
- Fixed typoes in skill charts
- Added LV60 - 70 Hunting Grounds
- Fixed typo in Hunting Grounds EXP

***VERSION 1.6***
February 2, 2005
- Modified Bandit Skill Chart
- Added Contact Info

***VERSION 1.5***
January 16, 2005
- Corrected Max Ammo for Ilbi Throwing Stars
- Modified Dagger Rogue and Bandit Skill Chart

***VERSION 1.4***
January 3, 2005
- Corrected Assassins Skill Chart
- Clarified Stat Builds
- Added Min Damage Formula
- Re-Added Throwing Stars Data
- Added LV50 - 60 Hunting Grounds

**VERSTION 1.3***
December 23, 2004
- Corrected Assassins Skills Chart
- Corrected Comparison Section

***VERSION 1.2***
December 18, 2004
- Added Damage Formula
- Editted Stats Build
- Editted Assassin Skills Chart
- Added Comparison Section
- Deleted Equipment Section
- Added Level 40 - 50 Hunting Grounds

***VERSION 1.1***
November 10 - 14, 2004
- Finished Claw Section
- Finished Throwing Stars Section
- Editted Skills Chart for Bandit and Assassin
- Editted Rogue -> Assassin or Bandit Job Advancement
- Editted Stat Chart for all Rogue Types

***VERSION 1.0***
November 6 - 9, 2004
- Started FAQ
- Finished Introductions
- Finished Templates
- Finished Stats and Skills Sections
- Finished Job Advancements
- Finished Hunting Grounds up to Level 40
- Finished Hats section
- Finished Acknowledgements
- Finished Templates
- Finished Introductions

C) Contact Info

Need help on something not included in this FAQ?
These are your options:

Post a topic on the Sleepywood.net Forums (Best Option)
Post a topic on the GameFAQs Boards
E-Mail me at rushan_shekar@hotmail.com
Private Message me on Sleepywood.net Forums

DO NOT ADD ME TO MSN. My list is getting full, and I will not
be able to add you. DO NOT ASK ME QUESTIONS THAT ARE

C) Intro to Maple Story

Maple Story is a 2D Side-Scrolling Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing
Game (MMORPG). It is free, which is one of the best parts I must admit. Maple
Story is currently in its BETA stage, but it WILL remain free even after the
BETA period ends and your characters will NOT be deleted. Maple Global is the
International version of Maple Story, this guide is for Maple Global, not the
Korean, Singaporean, Japanese, or any other versions. Maple Global (from here
on called Maple Story) can be downloaded for free at

D) Intro to Thieves

Thieves are the hardest class to use in the game. They level very slowly due
to a low amount of damage, but have some fun skills to use. You can become
either a Dagger Thief or a Claw Thief. Dagger Thieves become Bandits at level
30, while Claw thieves become Assassins. Claw thieves are the most expensive
class to have in the game, so remember to pick wisely! However, after LV50 or
so, Thieves are some of the strongest classes in the game =P

2) Stats
A) Stat Descriptions

There are six stats you can increase when you level up. They are Hit Points,
Mana Points, Strength, Intelligence, Dexterity, and Luck.

HP: The amount of Health you have. Never put this up, it'll increase on its
own and you don't need to give it a boost.

MP: The amount of Mana you have. Never put this up, it'll increase on its own
and you don't need to give it a boost.

STR: The amount of damage you do at the beginning, for thieves, damage is NOT
based on STR, so only put it up SLIGHTLY if you want to become a STR
Dagger Thief. Keep it at 4 or 5 if you are any other type of Thief.

INT: Your spell damage is based on this. This is USELESS for thieves, only
used by Mages. Keep it at 4 or 5.

DEX: This determines your accuracy and avoidability. You need 25 of this to
to become a Rogue, your first job advancement. Put it up to 25 ASAP.
After that, DEX should be twice your level so that you can wear new

LUK: This is your biggest stat. It determines your damage. Whatever you
don't put into DEX, goes into here (unless you're a STR Dagger Theif).

B) Stat Build - Claw Thief

When you start, get either 4 STR or 4 INT. One of them could be 5 if you don't
want to spend too much time. Keep rolling the dice until that happens or your
stats will suffer.

LV10: 25 DEX, 37 LUK
LV15: 30 DEX, 57 LUK
LV20: 40 DEX, 72 LUK
LV25: 50 DEX, 87 LUK
LV30: 60 DEX, 102 LUK

As you can see, DEX should be twice your level, and LUK should have everything
else. Put up your LUK by 5 each time for 3 levels, then put up DEX by 5 twice
so that you will have enough DEX to upgrade your armour and weapons. For

LV21 +5 LUK LV23 +5 LUK LV25 +5 DEX LV27 +5 LUK LV29 +5 DEX
LV22 +5 LUK LV24 +5 DEX LV26 +5 LUK LV28 +5 LUK LV30 +5 DEX

This will give you enough DEX to upgrade your weapons, and putting up LUK
increases your maximum damage, so it's best to put that up as fast as you can.
You will need 10 less than usual, so just put DEX in at level 49, 50, 59, 60,
etc. You only need 90 DEX at level 50, 100 DEX at level 60, etc. The ratio
changes from 3 LUK to 2 DEX and becomes 4 LUK to 1 DEX.

C) Stat Build - LUK Dagger Thief

When you start, get either 4 STR or 4 INT. One of them could be 5 if you don't
want to spend too much time. Keep rolling the dice until that happens or your
stats will suffer.

LV10: 25 DEX, 37 LUK
LV15: 30 DEX, 57 LUK
LV20: 40 DEX, 72 LUK
LV25: 50 DEX, 87 LUK
LV30: 60 DEX, 102 LUK

As you can see, DEX should be twice your level, and LUK should have everything
else. Put up your LUK by 5 each time for 3 levels, then put up DEX by 5 twice
so that you will have enough DEX to upgrade your armour and weapons. For

LV21 +5 LUK LV23 +5 LUK LV25 +5 DEX LV27 +5 LUK LV29 +5 DEX
LV22 +5 LUK LV24 +5 DEX LV26 +5 LUK LV28 +5 LUK LV30 +5 DEX

This will give you enough DEX to upgrade your weapons, and putting up LUK
increases your maximum damage, so it's best to put that up as fast as you can.
You will need 10 less than usual, so just put DEX in at level 49, 50, 59, 60,
etc. You only need 90 DEX at level 50, 100 DEX at level 60, etc. The ratio
changes from 3 LUK to 2 DEX and becomes 4 LUK to 1 DEX.
D) Stat Build - STR Dagger Thief

When you star, get 4 INT, don't worry about the rest of the stats. Keep doing
this or your stats will suffer.

LV10: 10 STR, 25 DEX, 31 LUK
LV15: 10 STR, 30 DEX, 51 LUK
LV20: 10 STR, 40 DEX, 66 LUK
LV25: 15 STR, 50 DEX, 76 LUK
LV30: 20 STR, 60 DEX, 86 LUK

You are the only type of thief who requires STR because your dagger has STR
requirements, STR does not affect your damage. DEX should be twice your level,
Check how much STR the next dagger needs and increase that accordingly, put
the rest of your stats into LUK and the amount of DEX needed for the next
weapon/armour upgrade. After Level 40, your DEX requirement decreases. You
will need 10 less than usual, so just put DEX in at level 49, 50, 59, 60, etc.
Put up however much STR you need for your next dagger. You only need 90 DEX
at level 50, 100 DEX at level 60, etc.

E) Damage Formula

The following is used to calculate the damage of LUK Daggers, STR Daggers, and
Claw + Throwing Stars:

(LUKx0.9+(STR + DEX)/4)/25xweapon atk

As you can see from this equation, DEX and STR play very minimal parts in your
damage, most of it comes from LUK and your weapon attack.

The following is used to calculate the minimum damage of LUK Daggers, STR
Daggers, and Claw + Throwing Stars:

(LUKx0.9x3.6xmastery %+STR+DEX)/100xweapon atk

3) SKills
A) Skill Descriptions - Rogue

Nimble Body Increases Accuracy and Avoidablity.
Mastered: LV20

Keen Eyes Increases range of throwing weapons
Mastered: LV8
REQ: Nimble Body LV3

Disorder Decreases enemy's weapon defence, weapon attack,
Mastered: LV20 and stop enemy from attacking for a set time.

Dark Sight Makes you invisible for a set time. You cannot be
Mastered: LV20 hurt by enemies. You can be hurt by obstacles.
REQ: Disorder LV3 You cannot attack enemies or pick up items. You
ACTIVE are also slower during this time.

Double Stab You attack twice with your dagger at once. Damage
Mastered: LV20 is done on the higher bracket of your range.

Lucky Seven You throw two of your throwing items at once.
Mastered: LV20 Damage is done on the higher bracket of your range.

B) Skill Descriptions - Assassin

Javelin Mastery Increases your minimum damage, accuracy, and amount
Mastered: LV20 of throwing stars you can hold.

Critical Throw Increases chance of making a "critical hit" to do
Mastered: LV30 more damage.
REQ: Javelin Mastery LV3

Endure Enables you to regenerate HP and MP while hanging
Mastered: LV20 on ropes and increases the rate and amount of HP
PASSIVE and MP gained.

Javelin Booster Uses some HP and MP to increase the attacking speed
Mastered: LV20 of your claw.
REQ: Javelin Mastery LV5

Haste Increases you and your party's speed and jumping
Mastered: LV20 power.

Drain Takes HP from the enemy and gives it to you.
Mastered: LV30
REQ: Endure LV3

C) Skill Descriptions - Bandit

Dagger Mastery Increases your minimum damage and accuracy of your
Mastered: LV20 dagger.

Endure Enables you to regenerate HP and MP while hanging
Mastered: LV20 on ropes and increases the rate and amount of HP
PASSIVE and MP gained.

Dagger Booster Uses some HP and MP to increase the attacking speed
Mastered: LV20 of your dagger.
REQ: Dagger Mastery LV5

Haste Increases you and your party's speed and jumping
Mastered: LV20 power.

Steal Lets you steal from the monster. You can only steal
Mastered: LV30 once, but you can attempt to many times. If you do
ACTIVE steal, the monster will drop nothing after dying.
REQ: Endure LV3

Savage Blow: Dagger Attack the enemy up to six times at once with your
Mastered: LV30 dagger.

D) Skill Chart - Claw Rogue

After becoming a Rogue at level 10, it is recommended you use your SP as
follows if you'd like to use a claw as your weapon:

+1 Lucky Seven (1)
+3 Nimble Body (3)
+8 Keen Eyes (8)
+9 Lucky Seven (10)
-Save your SP for 3 levels-
+10 Lucky Seven (20 MAX)
+3 Disorder (3)
+3 Dark Sight (3)
+17 Nimble Body (20 MAX)
+7 Disorder (10) or +7 Dark Sight (10)

Disorder or Dark Sight is really just preference, you don't use Disorder as
much as a Claw thief, but it's still useful. But having Dark Sight last
longer with less MP used and less speed lost might also be appealing. If
this is your first account and you'd like to save money on potions, get
Nimble Body before Lucky Seven to save money on potions. Lucky Seven helps
you train almost twice as fast, but you might not be able to afford it on
your first account.

E) Skill Chart - Dagger Rogue

After becoming a Rogue at level 10, it is recommended you use your SP as
follows if you'd like to use a dagger as your weapon:

+20 Nimble Body (20 MAX)
+10 Double Stab (10)
-Save up 3 levels-
+10 Double Stab (20 MAX)
+3 Disorder (3)
+3 Dark Sight (3)
+15 Disorder or +15 Dark Sight (18)

Dark Sight and Disorder are both preference. Disorder works on every hit of
Savage Blow which Bandits seem to like. Dark Sight is also useful. Just
pick the one you like more. Use Nimble Body first if you would like to save
money on potions. If this is your second account, go with Double Stab first
for sure as you'll have MP and HP potions to fund your Rogue. I would
recomment Disorder over Dark Sight for a Dagger Thief.

F) Skill Chart - Assassin

After becoming a Assassin at level 30, it is recommended you use your SP as

+5 Javelin Mastery (5)
+5 Javelin Booster (5)
+30 Critical Shot (30 MAX)
+20 Haste (20 MAX)
+3 Endure (3)
+1 Drain (1)
+15 Javelin Mastery (20 MAX)
+3 Javelin Booster (8)
+29 Drain (30 MAX)
+10 Javelin Booster (18)

That is my recommended chart. However, you can still switch some skills around
to fit how you play. Also the order is changeable. For example taking out two
from Javelin Booster and putting them into Drain. Or getting Haste before
Drain. I'd recommend getting Javelin Mastery to a decent level before putting
up drain, or you will not drain enough HP for it to be worthwhile. I do not
recommend Endure because the MP heal is not very good and you will almost
NEVER stay still to heal HP. One point in Endure at LV30 might help you
as it allows you to heal on ropes. You may max either Drain or Booster,
it's your preference.

G) Skill Chart Bandit

After becoming a Bandit at level 30, it is recommended you use your SP as

+19 Dagger Mastery (19)
+30 Savage Blow: Dagger (30 MAX)
+5 Dagger Booster (5)
+10 Haste (20)
+1 Endure
+15 Dagger Booster (20 MAX)
+19 Endure (20 MAX)
+8 Steal (8)
+2 Disorder or +2 Dark Sight (20 MAX)
+1 Dagger Mastery (MAX)

Steal is really a useless move. You do not get a high chance to steal, and
it's the same item you'd have gotten if you'd killed the monster. I'd say
maxing out Disorder or Dark Sight is more useful.

H) Skill Boosts - Rogue

**Nimble Body**
Level Accuracy and Avoidability
LV1 +1
LV2 +2
LV3 +3
LV4 +4
LV5 +5
LV6 +6
LV7 +7
LV8 +8
LV9 +9
LV10 +10
LV11 +11
LV12 +12
LV13 +13
LV14 +14
LV15 +15
LV16 +16
LV17 +17
LV18 +18
LV19 +19
LV20 +20

**Keen Eyes**
Level Range
LV1 125%
LV2 150%
LV3 175%
LV4 200%
LV5 225%
LV6 250%
LV7 275%
LV8 300%

Level Damage/Defence of Enemy Duration
LV1 -1 3 seconds
LV2 -2 6 seconds
LV3 -3 9 seconds
LV4 -4 12 seconds
LV5 -5 15 seconds
LV6 -6 18 seconds
LV7 -7 21 seconds
LV8 -8 24 seconds
LV9 -9 27 seconds
LV10 -10 30 seconds
LV11 -11 33 seconds
LV12 -12 36 seconds
LV13 -13 39 seconds
LV14 -14 42 seconds
LV15 -15 45 seconds
LV16 -16 48 seconds
LV17 -17 51 seconds
LV18 -18 54 seconds
LV19 -19 57 seconds
LV20 -20 60 seconds

**Dark Sight**
Level Speed Decrease Duration MP
LV1 -28% 10 seconds 24
LV2 -26% 20 seconds 23
LV3 -24% 30 seconds 22
LV4 -22% 40 seconds 21
LV5 -20% 50 seconds 20
LV6 -18% 60 seconds 19
LV7 -16% 70 seconds 18
LV8 -14% 80 seconds 17
LV9 -12% 90 seconds 16
LV10 -10% 100 seconds 15
LV11 -9% 110 seconds 14
LV12 -8% 120 seconds 13
LV13 -7% 130 seconds 12
LV14 -6% 140 seconds 11
LV15 -5% 150 seconds 10
LV16 -4% 160 seconds 9
LV17 -3% 170 seconds 8
LV18 -2% 180 seconds 7
LV19 -1% 190 seconds 6
LV20 0% 200 seconds 5

**Double Stab**
LV1 - LV10 = 7 MP
LV11 - LV20 = 14 MP

Level Damage (Each Hit)
LV1 35%
LV2 40%
LV3 45%
LV4 50%
LV5 55%
LV6 60%
LV7 65%
LV8 70%
LV9 75%
LV10 80%
LV11 85%
LV12 90%
LV13 95%
LV14 100%
LV15 105%
LV16 110%
LV17 115%
LV18 120%
LV19 125%
LV20 130%

**Lucky Seven**
LV1 - LV10 = 8 MP
LV11 - LV20 = 16 MP

Level Damage (Each Hit)
LV1 55%
LV2 60%
LV3 65%
LV4 70%
LV5 75%
LV6 80%
LV7 85%
LV8 90%
LV9 95%
LV10 100%
LV11 105%
LV12 110%
LV13 115%
LV14 120%
LV15 125%
LV16 130%
LV17 135%
LV18 140%
LV19 145%
LV20 150%

I) Skill Boosts - Assassin

**Javelin Mastery**
Level Max Ammo Mastery Accuracy
LV1 +10 15% +1
LV2 +20 15% +2
LV3 +30 20% +3
LV4 +40 20% +4
LV5 +50 25% +5
LV6 +60 25% +6
LV7 +70 30% +7
LV8 +80 30% +8
LV9 +90 35% +9
LV10 +100 35% +10
LV11 +110 40% +11
LV12 +120 40% +12
LV13 +130 45% +13
LV14 +140 45% +14
LV15 +150 50% +15
LV16 +160 50% +16
LV17 +170 55% +17
LV18 +180 55% +18
LV19 +190 60% +19
LV20 +200 60% +20

**Critical Throw**
Level Chance Damage
LV1 21% 113%
LV2 22% 116%
LV3 23% 119%
LV4 24% 122%
LV5 25% 125%
LV6 26% 128%
LV7 27% 131%
LV8 28% 134%
LV9 29% 137%
LV10 30% 140%
LV11 31% 143%
LV12 32% 146%
LV13 33% 149%
LV14 34% 152%
LV15 35% 155%
LV16 36% 158%
LV17 37% 161%
LV18 38% 164%
LV19 39% 167%
LV20 40% 170%
LV21 41% 173%
LV22 42% 176%
LV23 43% 179%
LV24 44% 182%
LV25 45% 185%
LV26 46% 188%
LV27 47% 191%
LV28 48% 194%
LV29 49% 197%
LV30 50% 200%

Level Duraction HP Regen MP Regen
LV1 29 seconds +3 +1
LV2 28 seconds +6 +2
LV3 27 seconds +9 +3
LV4 26 seconds +12 +4
LV5 25 seconds +15 +5
LV6 24 seconds +18 +6
LV7 23 seconds +21 +7
LV8 22 seconds +24 +8
LV9 21 seconds +27 +9
LV10 20 seconds +30 +10
LV11 19 seconds +33 +11
LV12 18 seconds +36 +12
LV13 17 seconds +39 +13
LV14 16 seconds +42 +14
LV15 15 seconds +45 +15
LV16 14 seconds +48 +16
LV17 13 seconds +51 +17
LV18 12 seconds +54 +18
LV19 11 seconds +57 +19
LV20 10 seconds +60 +20

**Javelin Booster**
Level Duration HP/MP
LV1 10 seconds 29
LV2 20 seconds 28
LV3 30 seconds 27
LV4 40 seconds 26
LV5 50 seconds 25
LV6 60 seconds 24
LV7 70 seconds 23
LV8 80 seconds 22
LV9 90 seconds 21
LV10 100 seconds 20
LV11 110 seconds 19
LV12 120 seconds 18
LV13 130 seconds 17
LV14 140 seconds 16
LV15 150 seconds 15
LV16 160 seconds 14
LV17 170 seconds 13
LV18 180 seconds 12
LV19 190 seconds 11
LV20 200 seconds 10

LV1 - LV10 = 15 MP
LV11 - LV20 = 30 MP

Level Duration Speed Jump
LV1 10 seconds +2% +1%
LV2 20 seconds +4% +2%
LV3 30 seconds +6% +3%
LV4 40 seconds +8% +4%
LV5 50 seconds +10% +5%
LV6 60 seconds +12% +6%
LV7 70 seconds +14% +7%
LV8 80 seconds +16% +8%
LV9 90 seconds +18% +9%
LV10 100 seconds +20% +10%
LV11 110 seconds +22% +11%
LV12 120 seconds +24% +12%
LV13 130 seconds +26% +13%
LV14 140 seconds +28% +14%
LV15 150 seconds +30% +15%
LV16 160 seconds +32% +16%
LV17 170 seconds +34% +17%
LV18 180 seconds +36% +18%
LV19 190 seconds +38% +19%
LV20 200 seconds +40% +20%

LV1 - LV10 = 12 MP
LV11 - LV30 = 24 MP

Level Damage Drain
LV1 102% 31%
LV2 104% 32%
LV3 106% 33%
LV4 108% 34%
LV5 110% 35%
LV6 112% 36%
LV7 114% 37%
LV8 116% 38%
LV9 118% 39%
LV10 120% 40%
LV11 122% 41%
LV12 124% 42%
LV13 126% 43%
LV14 128% 44%
LV15 130% 45%
LV16 132% 46%
LV17 134% 47%
LV18 136% 48%
LV19 138% 49%
LV20 140% 50%
LV21 142% 51%
LV22 144% 52%
LV23 146% 53%
LV24 148% 54%
LV25 150% 55%
LV26 152% 56%
LV27 154% 57%
LV28 156% 58%
LV29 158% 59%
LV30 160% 60%

J) Skill Boosts - Bandit

**Dagger Mastery**
Level Mastery Accuracy
LV1 15% +1
LV2 15% +2
LV3 20% +3
LV4 20% +4
LV5 25% +5
LV6 25% +6
LV7 30% +7
LV8 30% +8
LV9 35% +9
LV10 35% +10
LV11 40% +11
LV12 40% +12
LV13 45% +13
LV14 45% +14
LV15 50% +15
LV16 50% +16
LV17 55% +17
LV18 55% +18
LV19 60% +19
LV20 60% +20

Level Duraction HP Regen MP Regen
LV1 29 seconds +3 +1
LV2 28 seconds +6 +2
LV3 27 seconds +9 +3
LV4 26 seconds +12 +4
LV5 25 seconds +15 +5
LV6 24 seconds +18 +6
LV7 23 seconds +21 +7
LV8 22 seconds +24 +8
LV9 21 seconds +27 +9
LV10 20 seconds +30 +10
LV11 19 seconds +33 +11
LV12 18 seconds +36 +12
LV13 17 seconds +39 +13
LV14 16 seconds +42 +14
LV15 15 seconds +45 +15
LV16 14 seconds +48 +16
LV17 13 seconds +51 +17
LV18 12 seconds +54 +18
LV19 11 seconds +57 +19
LV20 10 seconds +60 +20

**Dagger Booster**
Level Duration HP/MP
LV1 10 seconds 29
LV2 20 seconds 28
LV3 30 seconds 27
LV4 40 seconds 26
LV5 50 seconds 25
LV6 60 seconds 24
LV7 70 seconds 23
LV8 80 seconds 22
LV9 90 seconds 21
LV10 100 seconds 20
LV11 110 seconds 19
LV12 120 seconds 18
LV13 130 seconds 17
LV14 140 seconds 16
LV15 150 seconds 15
LV16 160 seconds 14
LV17 170 seconds 13
LV18 180 seconds 12
LV19 190 seconds 11
LV20 200 seconds 10

LV1 - LV10 = 15 MP
LV11 - LV20 = 30 MP

Level Duration Speed Jump
LV1 10 seconds +2% +1%
LV2 20 seconds +4% +2%
LV3 30 seconds +6% +3%
LV4 40 seconds +8% +4%
LV5 50 seconds +10% +5%
LV6 60 seconds +12% +6%
LV7 70 seconds +14% +7%
LV8 80 seconds +16% +8%
LV9 90 seconds +18% +9%
LV10 100 seconds +20% +10%
LV11 110 seconds +22% +11%
LV12 120 seconds +24% +12%
LV13 130 seconds +26% +13%
LV14 140 seconds +28% +14%
LV15 150 seconds +30% +15%
LV16 160 seconds +32% +16%
LV17 170 seconds +34% +17%
LV18 180 seconds +36% +18%
LV19 190 seconds +38% +19%
LV20 200 seconds +40% +20%

LV1 - LV15 = 12 MP
LV16 - LV30 = 24 MP

Level Damage Chance
LV1 42% 1%
LV2 44% 2%
LV3 46% 3%
LV4 48% 4%
LV5 50% 5%
LV6 52% 6%
LV7 54% 7%
LV8 56% 8%
LV9 58% 9%
LV10 60% 10%
LV11 62% 11%
LV12 64% 12%
LV13 66% 13%
LV14 68% 14%
LV15 70% 15%
LV16 72% 16%
LV17 74% 17%
LV18 76% 18%
LV19 78% 19%
LV20 80% 20%
LV21 82% 21%
LV22 84% 22%
LV23 86% 23%
LV24 88% 24%
LV25 90% 25%
LV26 92% 26%
LV27 94% 27%
LV28 96% 28%
LV29 98% 29%
LV30 100% 30%

**Savage Blow : Dagger**
Level MP Damage No. of Hits
LV1 9 22% 2
LV2 9 24% 2
LV3 9 26% 2
LV4 9 28% 2
LV5 9 30% 2
LV6 9 32% 2
LV7 9 34% 2
LV8 9 36% 2
LV9 9 38% 2
LV10 9 40% 2
LV11 18 42% 4
LV12 18 44% 4
LV13 18 46% 4
LV14 18 48% 4
LV15 18 50% 4
LV16 18 52% 4
LV17 18 54% 4
LV18 18 56% 4
LV19 18 58% 4
LV20 18 60% 4
LV21 27 62% 6
LV22 27 64% 6
LV23 27 66% 6
LV24 27 68% 6
LV25 27 70% 6
LV26 27 72% 6
LV27 27 74% 6
LV28 27 76% 6
LV29 27 78% 6
LV30 27 80% 6

4) Job Advancement
A) Beginner -> Rogue

Train at Maple Island until you're level 10. After reaching level 10, BE SURE
TO HAVE 25 DEX! After doing both quests on Maple Island, take the boat to Lith
Harbour. From here, take a cab to Kerning City. Go into the Fusion Jazz Club
and go down the stairs. Talk to the Night Road, congratulations! You are now
a Rogue.

B) Rogue -> Assassin or Bandit

After reaching level 30, you will be very experienced in Maple Story. Go back
to the Fusion Jazz Club where you became a Rogue so very long ago and talk to
the Night Road. He'll tell you to talk to the Thief Instructor found at The
Construction Site North of Kerning. Talking to him leads you to a cavern
filled with Blue Mushrooms and Cold Eyes. They are all modified so you can
kill them, so you don't have to worry. They can only drop Dark Marbles or
nothing. After collecting 30 of them (change channels if one is too hard to
use), talk to the instructor. He'll give you a Proof of Hero to take back to
the Night Road. This took me about 15 Mana Potions and 5 White Potions so
be prepared with those items! Congratulations! You are an Assassin now!

5) Hunting Grounds
A) Level 1 - Level 10

**Green Snails
**Orange Mushrooms

You are a beginner at the moment. Train mostly against green snails. They are
the fastest to kill for the amount of experience they give. Stay away from
Red Snails, they are a waste of time. Remember to kill 10 Orange Mushrooms or
more to get the 10 Orange mushroom tops for your quest! The dagger may be very
useful to you.

B) Level 10 - Level 20


Slimes are a beautiful source of experience for ten levels. You are a rogue,
and rogue's are very weak compared to the other classes. While your Warrior
and Mage friends go kick some pig ass at Pig Beach around level 18, you'll
need to stick to these Slimes (Dagger thieves might be able to go to
Pig Beach) It's very easy to train against them. One or two hits should kill
them and each slime gives you 10 EXP and items which can add up.

**Orange Mushrooms

Orange Mushrooms can give you 15 EXP but have more HP than Slimes and are less
abundant. They also do more damage to you. However, if you are at Kerning to
buy equipment and such, give these a try!

C) Level 21 - Level 30

**Party Quest

Seriously, you are still weak. Especially compared to Mages and such that are
doing god knows how much damage. Party Quest with a few friends can get you
lots of experience (about 5000 EXP each time through) with minimal fighting
required. You can also gain lots of money by selling your prize which can
range from ores to scrolls! Remember to have a mage with claw/bolt maxed out
so you can kill the Slime King and alligators faster.

**Green Mushrooms
**Horny Mushrooms

WEWT, Horny Mushrooms >_> No you nasty little person, they have horns =O!
Anyway, Green Mushrooms especially are a great source of income after level
25 or so if your Lucky Seven/Double Stab are maxed out. It will kill them in
one shot and maybe a second normal hit. Horny Mushrooms are just around them
and aren't that much harder to kill. These mushrooms are more for a level 25
to level 30 thief.

**Ribbon Pigs

Yay! You can now kill those cursed pigs that you friends got to kill before
you! Ribbon Pigs give you 20 EXP while the normal pigs give you 15 EXP. This
requires less Mana Potions than the Mushroom Tree, but is a tad slower. These
piggies are like little piggy banks because they drop much sought after gold
ores and leather!

D) Level 30 - Level 40


One Lucky Seven/Double Stab should kill these, if not one more normal attack
should. They are a fast source of EXP although they may require a lot of Mana
potions, you will still make a net income by the end.

**Horny Mushrooms
**Zombie Mushrooms

Our good friend the Horny Mushroom is joined by Zombie Mushrooms which are
abundant in Ant Tunnel. They're all pretty good experience, although it might
take a bit of effort to kill at first. As you reach closer to level 40,
they're a good source of EXP. The Horny Mushrooms at the beginning of Ant
Tunnel however, are great even at level 30.

E) Level 41 - Level 50

**Evil Eyes

These are great when you can kill them in one hit. Try going from top to
bottom in Evil Eye Cave I, then change channel to kill from top to bottom
again. After doing this, change back to the old channel. Rinse, Lather, and
Repeat. Each Evil Eye gives 50 EXP.

***Fire Boars

One Lucky Seven/Double Stab should kill these, if not one more normal attack
should. These are a great source of money. The best way to train quickly here
is to get 2 other people that kill at the same speed as you. Party with them.
Have one person cover the top, one cover the bottom left, and one cover the
bottom right. This will keep the spawn rate high and reduce travelling time
to a minumum. Each Fire Boar is 60 EXP.

***Curse Eyes

Forgot the exact name of the place. It's the Tree to the left of the the
Magician Job Advancement Instructor. This tree if for when you get closer to
LV50. Each Curse Eye is 70 EXP and gives you very good drops. Most of the
drops are worth over 100k

***Copper Drakes
***Fire Boars

Killing them in 3 Lucky Sevens should be your goal, the Fire Boars are also
around. You can snipe the Drakes from the left stairway. Not the greatest
place to train, but they drop Dragon Skin which is very useful for making
your level 50 gear. Copper Drakes are 105 EXP while Fire Boars are 60 EXP.

E) Level 51 - Level 60

***Stone Golems
***Blue Mushrooms

Use the Stone Golems for EXP and very expensive drops and use Drain on the
Blue Mushrooms for cheap and easy healing if you are an assassin. Haste is
an important asset here, it allows you to jump onto most of the platforms
without needing to climb up the vines like other classes. Stone Golems are
170 EXP while Blue Mushrooms are 32 EXP.

***Dark Stone Golems
***Curse Eyes

Both monsters are good for experience here. Both monsters also drop some nice
weapons. You will however take a lot of damage. Use the same strategy as in
Evil Eye Caves to train quickly here. Moving from top to bottom and changing
channels. Dark Stone Golems are 200 EXP while Curse Eyes are 70 EXP.
F) Level 60 - Level 70

***Wild Cargo
***Cold Eyes

Wonderful experience. Beautiful drops. This is basically an upgraded version
of Sleepy Dungeon IV. Just keep killing the Cold Eyes and Wild Cargo til you
get to the end then change channels. Cargoes give 240 EXP while Cold Eyes give
85 EXP.

***Tauro Macis
***Cold Eyes

Not a great place to train. If you have another person you want to train with
this place is faster than Cargoes. Just remember you'll use up a LOT of
HP potions. Macis are hard to kill. Cold Eyes are easy to kill. Macis give
240 EXP if I remember correctly, Cold Eyes give 85 EXP.

***Red Drakes
***Copper Drakes
***Fire Boars

This is only for those Assassins who want some steelies. Bad place for to
gain experience. Only good for the drops. Your drain should be at a good
level by now that you do not need Unagi. Red Drakes are 220 EXP each. As
I said before, bad training.


Again, mostly just for drops. Not a great place to train, but better than
Red Drakes. They drop some nice things. Lorangs is 80 EXP, Umtis are around
110 EXP and Clangs are about 128 EXP. Just cycle around the map killing
as you go along. This could be attempted at LV57ish as well.

6) Comparisons
A) Assassin vs Bandit

People ask this so much on message boards it makes most people want to rip
their hair out. What are the differences between a Assasin and a Bandit?

-Assassins attack from far away, Bandits attack head to head
-Assassins use Claw + Throwing Items, Bandits use Daggers
-Assassins are more common than Bandits
-Assassins get Drain instead of Steal
-Assassins and Bandits have very different 3rd Job Skills
-Assassins cost MUCH more than Bandits at the beginning of the game
-Assassins attack from far away, Bandits attack head to head

I will repeat:
-Assassins attack from far away, Bandits attack head to head

That is the main difference. If you like to attack close to an enemy like a
Warrior, go Bandit. If you like to attack from a range like an Archer, go

B) STR Bandit vs LUK Bandit

STR Bandits and LUK Bandits aren't that different. They have the same skills
and everything, except they have different daggers.

-STR Bandits have faster daggers than LUK Bandits
-STR Bandits have lower LUK than LUK Bandits causing lower damage
-STR Bandits have different level requirements for their daggers until LV50
-STR Daggers have a higher min and higher max weapon attack than LUK daggers

They're both very similar and both fight the same way. Close Range. Remember
to roll a 4 for INT as a STR Bandit. STR Bandit is the easiest to roll a dice
for. Also, if you are undecided at the beginning of the game, go with a LUK
Bandit. You can go from LUK Bandit to STR by putting points into STR. But
once you do, you can't take off the STR points. Although daggers have "Fast"
as the weapon speed for both LUK and STR daggers in later levels, the STR
daggers are still a bit faster.

7) Weapons
A) Throwing Stars
Subi Throwing Stars Wolbi Throwing Stars Snowballs
WEP ATK: +15 WEP ATK: +17 WEP ATK: +17
MAX AMO: 500 MAX AMO: 500 MAX AMO: 800
RECHRGE: 150 Meso RECHRGE: 200 Meso RECHRGE: 800 Meso
FOUND: DEF Shops FOUND: Fire Boars FOUND: Lupins, Zombie Lupins

Mokbi Throwing Stars Wooden Tops Kumbi Throwing Stars
WEP ATK: +19 WEP ATK: +19 WEP ATK: +21
MAX AMO: 700 MAX AMO: 800 MAX AMO: 500
RECHRGE: 350 Meso RECHRGE: 800 Meso RECHRGE: 300 Meso
FOUND: Golem, Jr. Wraith FOUND: Dark Axe Stump FOUND: Zombie Lupins
Cold Eye, Drake

Icicles Tobi Throwing Stars Steely Throwing Knives
WEP ATK: +21 WEP ATK: +23 WEP ATK: +25
MAX AMO: 800 MAX AMO: 1000 MAX AMO: 1000
RECHRGE: 800 Meso RECHRGE: ??? Meso RECHRGE: 700 Meso
FOUND: Cold Eye FOUND: Dark Golem, FOUND: Red Drake, Tauro Macis
Wild Cargo

Ilbi Throwing Stars
WEP ATK: +27
MAX AMO: 800
RECHRGE: ??? Meso
FOUND: Mushmom

8) Acknowledgements
Unknown PC (SW) for his Skill Boost Translations
xxdragonxx (GF/SW) for his insight on Stat and Skill Charts
omgwtfhaxx (GF/SW) for his Mini Thief FAQ which I used as a newbie ^_^
starlitsky (SW) for translating Damage Equation

nuhbby (SW)
DeaconFrost (SW)
xpsyche (SW)
Nahema (SW)
spongebobdied (SW)
Shaolin Samurai (SW)
KilluaEXE (SW)
joshwill80 (SW)
NLBgansta (GF)
h3rb (SW)
Evan Wang

==>Thief Guide List <==

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