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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Henesys Party Quest Guide

==>Maplestory Quest Guide List <==

 /^\    /^\
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I. Introduction
I2. Version History

II. Well Balanced Charcter

III. Henesys Party Quest - Getting Started
III2. Getting a Team
III3. Getting In

IV. Completing the Henesys Party Quest - Method 1
IV2. Planting the Seeds
IV3. Make Some Rice Cakes
IV4. Bonus Round
IV4a. Drops

V. Method 2

VI. Method 3

VII. Method 4

VIII. Leading a Party
VIII3. Planting Seeds
VIII4. Make Some Rice Cakes

IX. PQ Slang

I. Introduction================================================================

MapleStory is a fun, SSMMORPG (Side-Scrolling Massively Multiplayer Online Role
Playing Game, bascially a Side Scrolling cooperative RPG) that is free. To
play, simply google Nexon, and create an account, download it, and play. For
information on HOW to play, check out other guides.

I was gone for almost two months, when I came back. I stumbled upon a new bunny
(or, moreover a girl in a bunny costume) and then asked everyone what was it.
It was the Henesys Party Quest, which recently came out.

Now, I got in, and then, I didn't know what to do. I check GameFAQs, no guides.
Time was running out, so I finished it up. I did it two or three times more and
finally understood it. Then, I tried about ten to twenty more times, and I had
mastered it.

After wanting a guide, I decided to make my own. Which is where I am now.

I2. Version History====================

Version 1.0
- All done, only thing that I haven't done is PQ Slang.

Version 1.1
- Finished PQ slang.

Version 1.15
- Added another method.
- Made some adjustments to the PQ Slang.

Version 1.2
- I added a few seed footings.
- I added a paragraph describing the difference between cycling and planting
with the knowledge of footings.

Version 1.3
- Thanks to bsdkid4ever, I was able to do a lot. I confirmed the seed
- I added a new section about pig drops, as well as some information.

Version 1.4
- I've gotten about a dozen e-mails, and it's been out 2 weeks. I've used these
in the guide.
- I added seperate sections for different methods of the HPQ.

Version 1.45
- Added a good ten or so more drops.
- Added a paragraph about plant drops.

Version 1.5
- Added new method
- More drops

Version 1.6
- Added a lot more drops.

I'm thinking about making this into a Final Version soon. The E-mails have
died off ALOT, so I'm thinking I got most or all of the drops. There's not
really any other methods except for a simple variation of a one stated here,
so. . .if you have any more drops, NOW'S the time to send in E-Mails.

Version 1.7
- Added some notes to the Slang
- One more drop

Again, this is your last chance. Final Version will come by next week, so
be prepared - as my E-Mail will be taken out.

Version 1.8
- Yeah, I just can't let it go. One more week.
- I have added more slang and drops

Version 2.0
- I've been thinking about Creating a walkthrough, and merging this with
the Walkthrough, but it'll take a while. Long story short - no final version.
- I re-did PQ Slang.

II. Well Balanced Charcter=====================================================

In short, I honestly don't want a million E-Mails asking, i cant hit them, or
i do 4 dmg 2 thm. So, here's a short passage on how to keep a well-balanced


You want as low STR and DEX as possible, and as high INT is possible, and
there's a certain formula for your LUK.

At the beginning levels, wait until you LUK is THREE LEVELS HIGHER than your
level. Add all into INT. The next level, add one into LUK. Make sure that at
all times, LUK is three plus your level. All your remaining points is used into

For skills, start with one Energy Bolt. That way you have an offending move.
Then continue with the regular build (check other guides)

You probably don't want to use regular attacks, so use Energy Bolt. Once you
get at least 3 in Magic Claw, you then start using that instead - and drop
off Energy Bolt forever.


Theives are simple. Every level, from the beginning to end, put two into DEX
every level, and three into LUK. LUK is a bit better than DEX, but at the first
roll, it doesn't matter.

For skills, there's different builds. But to start, have one Lucky Seven/Double
Hit. From there, it varies, but Keen Eyes for sins, and Nimble Body for Bandits
are most reccocmended.

At about level 10-13, your best moves are simple attacks. Once you reach about
14, you should have more MP and more money for potions to use, so you can
use Lucky 7, or continue with regular attacks. By the 20s, you should be
raising your Lucky 7, so use it unless you really want to look bad.


Warriors are also relatively simple. Have high STR, and high DEX. When DEX
reaches double your level, keep it that way. All rest go into STR.

For builds, normally you have HP Recovery, then HP Max. For a bit more, you can
try adding one into Power Strike, and/or Slash Blast.

Slash Blast works well in this PQ, especially for Luring, but does little
damage. If your plan is to kill them, use Power Strike (Although it is pretty
useless until you raise it though)


You need mainly STR and DEX.

If you're a Crossbow(wo)man, you should have your STR equal to your level. If
your a Hunter(ess), you should have 5 more STR than your level. All the rest go
into your DEX, your main power.

You may want to add Double Shot to your build, and then Critical, both will add
good power without disrupting your build.

Bowmen work well with Arrow Shot and Double Blow, but it's BEST to work on
Critical, because it works for life as well as boosts attack no matter which
one you use.

III. Henesys Party Quest - Getting Started=====================================

Henesys Party Quest is located in Henesys (No!) Park. To get there, go to the
portal in the silver arch near the East side of town. Or, go to the second
portal in the Market, the portal to the West.

The party quest area is generally by the bunny. Most people recruiting, or
trying to get a party are in Channel 1.

This PQ is great, because it allows all levels. It was designed dor Levels
10-15, but you can have some higher levels, persay Level 50 join in and help
you, or maybe a friend. You can't do that in other PQs.

Note a few things.
You have to be Level 10 or up to participate.

Only one party in at once per PQ per channel per world.

You must have three or more people in your party.

You must have three or more people at the same map (from a certain distance,
usually about two eye-sights away)

III2. Getting a Team========

To get a team, simply say, Joining (or, in PQ Slang, J>) PQ, or Party Quest.
If you have good atributes, let's say a high level, or a great class, include

"J> PQ, Level 19 Sin"

Add extra stuff that may attract recruiters.

"J> PQ, Level 19 Sin, Very EXPd, I throw Kumbi"

Stuff like that.

Soon, a blue box might appear saying someone would like you to join. Click the
check box.

III3. Getting In=============

To get in, basically follow the leader. A few important terms:

CC: Change channel. It is usually followed by a number, in the PQ case. This
usually means there's already a party in, so find a different one. Usually if
someone who isn't allied with you says 'CC', it usually means that they had the
channel first, and it would be polite to switch.

Track: Track is a track used by typing in /find charctername. You can use that
to tell which stage their one. It's of little use in Henesys PQ though.

Scout: Scouts leave a little bit early, to see if people might try to get in.
They might record their names, so they can have a track.

These are the basics, more in the PQ Slang section.

Anyways, your leader will do most of the work for you. After you get in, get to
work! Continue in the next section.

IV. Completing the Henesys Party Quest=========================================

Bl G
Y = ______________ = Pu ___ Floor
= = = Plant Platform
____ Br M Pi ____ M Moon
= ___ >><< __ = >><<Moon Bunny
P Plant - second is color
PG PBl NPC The Tiger, NPC
_________________________________________NPC ++ Borders, limits

Here's a map about what the hill looks like. To understand the key a little bit
better, check out the next sections.

IV2. Planting The Seeds===

You first spawn by the Tiger NPC. He's mainly for the leader.

Your goal is to plant six certain plants by the moon. When the moon turns full,
the Moon Bunny will spawn. You must defend him while he makes ten Rice Cakes.
The leader then turns them in, and, that's about it.

First, it's best to organize two planters (only one if you only have three
people in your party) and the rest as seed gatherers.


Have the Seed Gatherers hit the plants. The plants are green, tall, and have
brown leaves. Note it takes about ten seconds after you first get there for
them to spawn.

I reccocmend regular Strike, crouch and strike, regular, crouch. That gives you
about the wait time for you to send another strike. That way, it will take care
of them faster.

After the plant falls, it MIGHT drop a seed. It's about a 1 in 5 chance. The
seeds are:

Purple, Pink, Brown, Yellow, Green, Blue.

Keep track of them, and say them aloud.

Now, repeat. After the planters tell you everything's been found, head up
toward the cloud where the Moon Bunny spawns (marked as >><< in the map) and
wait patiently for the bunnies and enimies to spawn.


Planters are those who gather seeds, and then plant them.

Around the moon, at the upper part of the map, ar six platforms covered in
grass. These are called footings. They are barely big enough for you to stand.
Your job is to simply drop all six of the seeds on the footings. Sounds easy
enough, but there's a twist. Each seed has a specific footing, so you have to
keep on alternating footings.

A wonderful e-mail confirmed the footings. Thanks to bsdkid4ever
/ The order of the seed \
footings is this, starting
the top right, going
clockwise. Green, Purple,
Pink, Brown, Yellow, Blue.


Thanks bunches.

Also, according to Neolord, (and confirmed by me) plants drop certain seeds.
If you look on the map, you can see what plants drop when you're missing
only one or two.

Now, in order to see that the seed was successful, you have to wait about six
seconds. If it was the correct one, a flower will grow. If not, it will
remain there. If it didn't sprout, cycle through the ones WITHOUT flowers,
and keep dropping and waiting.

If none of them worked, there's one of three things wrong, in order from most
common to least.

1) You didn't do every platform. Go back, and try again making sure you did.

2) You didn't wait long enough. You have to wait around six to ten seconds for
it to sprout.

3) That seed was already planted. This might happen if you don't keep track of
what you're planting, especially if you haven't assigned Planters and Seed

IV3. Making Rice Cakes======

After all six seeds are turned into flowers and put on the footings, the moon
in the middle turns full. That tells you it's time for Round 2.

Right then and there, a new member joins your party - the Moon Bunny. He's
cooking up something, but some monsters attack. You need to make sure that he
can make ten rice cakes, before he dies (yes, he has a HP bar, though it's
rare that he dies. Usually time runs out before he does, so don't worry about
it that much)

Have an even amount of people (person, in the case of three people) and have
the odd one out in the middle. Make sure the odd one out if there is one, is
either a strong player, or ranged (Assassin, Mage, or Bow(wo)man)

Have everybody attack like mad. If you see a monster come near, keep it away
from the Moon Bunny by attacking, even if you can't kill it in one or two
hits. Take care of your placement, make sure you focus on your spot only, or
else some monsters might sneak in from your side.

The main thing to worry about are aerial attacks. You may want to do this if
you have six people - put two on the Moon Bunny platform, one having equal
atributes of an 'odd one out', and have that person collect the dropped Rice
Cakes. Have the four other people spread out on the clouds near the Flower
platforms, the same footings. That way, you won't need to worry as much about

To get into more details, the Moon Bunny produces a Rice Cake by not being
touched. If he is, he has to start the time over again, meaning it's more vital
to protect him (or perhaps a her)

The Rice Cakes drop usually right in front, so have either the Leader (who has
to turn it in) or the Odd One Out collect it. At the end, (you need ten Rice
Cakes) have the Odd One Out to drop them and have the leader finish this pesky
PQ up.

IV4. Bonus Round=============

After the chaos, and you finish up, you get 1,600 experience and you're dropped
out at the Shortcut. But it isn't bad this time, there's another bunny waiting
for you at the left. Have the leader click him to advance to the shortcut.

(Beware, click the other bunny, and you leave. If the Leader clicks any bunny,
you ALL leave to wherever he goes)

After that, you're in Pig heaven. A pig beach with better spawn, and it's
exclusive to you. Oh, wow!

It's simple, there's two sides, split by platforms going up. There's arrows in
the center platforms, and then ropes for the long way at the edges. If you're
in trouble, go to the Center or Side Platforms, then go up to the very bottom
or top. If you probably won't make it, jump to a rope and climb all the way
up. Heal if you can, if you ca't - wait 'till time ticks off.

You have 5 minutes of heaven, nevertheless your time leaving. After that, you
transport out back to Henesys Park, where you can rush (go in for a second time
without letting a waiting group get in, look in PQ slang) or simply leave.

Also, accoring to bsdkid4ever, pigs drop a lot more than normal. Along with
that, Iron Hogs are a bit easier to kill, and also drop good drops more

IV4a. Drops=

Pigs drop more, and better items in the bonus round. Although you can go to
Pig Beach, it's alot easier to hunt at the bonus round, where drops are a lot

Name [Class] {Minimum Level} (Type)



Brown Cotton Shorts [Beginner] {Level 1} (Pants)
Blue Shorts [Beginner] {Level 5} (Pants)
Red Skullcap [Beginner] {Level 5} (Hat)
Wooden Shield [Beginner] {Level 5} (Shield)
Orange Sporty T-Shirt [Beginner] {Level 11} (Top)
Red-Striped T-Shirt [Beginner] {Level 11} (Top)
Amethyst Earrings [Beginner] {Level 15} (Earrings)

Wooden Sword [All but Mage] {Level 10} (Sword)
Wooden Mallet [All but Mage] {Level 10} (Mace)

Garnier [Thief] {Level 10} (Claw)
Dark Nightshift [Thief] {Level 15} (Top)
Dark Nightshift Pants [Thief] {Level 15} (Pants)
Reef Dagger [Thief] {Level 30} (Dagger)
Gold Steal Tops [Thief] {Level 30} (Top)
Gold Steal Pants [Thief] {Level 30} (Pants)
Dark Theif Hat [Thief] {Level 30} (Hat)

Orange Loclia Armor [Warrior] {Level 10} (Top)
Wooden Samurai Sword [Warrior] {Level 15} (Sword)
Bronze Full Helm [Warrior] {Level 15} (Hat)
Two-Handed Axe [Warrior] {Level 25} (Axe)
Eloon [Warrior] {Level 25} (1-H Sword)
Broadsword [Warrior] {Level 25} (2-H Sword)
Forked Spear [Warrior] {Level 30} (Spear)
Dankke [Warrior] {Level 35} (Axe)

Silver Leather Hoodwear [Bowman] {Level 15} (Top)
Brown Hard Leather Pants [Bowman] {Level 20} (Pants)

Orange Split Piece [Magician] {Level 18} (Top)
White Split Pants [Magician] {Level 18} (Pants)
White Split Skirt [Magician] {Level 18} (Skirt)
Mithril Wand [Magician] {Level 18} (Wand)
Dark Mansana [Magician] {Level 25} (Glove)
Wizard's Staff [Magician] {Level 30} (Staff)

Bronze Missels??
Blue Fairy Pants??
Golden Prides??


Leather [Etc.]
Stiff Feather [Etc.]
Pig's Head [Etc.]
Pig's Ribbon [Etc.]
Monster Card [Etc.]

Gold Ore [Ore]
Topaz Ore [Ore]
Amethyst Ore [Ore]
Mithril Ore [Ore]

Red Potion [Potion]

10% Dex Shoe Scroll [Scroll]
10% Luk Cape Scroll [Scroll]
10% Def Shield Scroll [Scroll]

Omok Piece: Pig [Omok]


Orange Whitebottom Boots [Beginner] {Level 26} (Shoes)
Green Bamboo Hat [Beginner] {Level 25} (Hat)
Red Flowery Tube??

Blue Loose-Cap [Thief] {Level 20} (Hat)
Halfmoon Zamadar [Thief] {Level 32} (Dagger)
Brown Burglar [Thief] {Level 35} (Hat)
Gold Cleave [Thief] {Level 40} (Glove)
Blood Slain [Thief] {Level 50} (Glove)
Steal Guards??
Gold Titans??

Fireman's Axe [Warrior] {Level 30} (Axe)
Dankke [Warrior] {Level 35} (Sword)
Adamantium Tower Shielf [Warrior] {Level 40} (Shield)
Knuckle Mace [Warrior] {Level 50} (Mace)

Blue Pierre Shoes [Bowman] {Level 40} (Shoes)
Blue-Lined Kismet [Bowman] {Level 50} (Overall)
Red-Lined Kismet [Bowman] {Level 50} (Overall)

Brown Gullitan [Magician] {Level 40} (Hat)
Red Moon Shoes [Magician] (Level 40} (Shoes)
Orange Calaf [Magician] {Level 48} (Overall)

Gold Sylvias
Blue Fairy Tops


Iron Hog's Metal Hoof [Etc.]

White Potion [Potion]
Blue Potion [Potion]
Elixer [Potion]

Adamantium Ore [Ore]
Sapphire Ore [Ore]

Icicles [Throwing Star]
Tobi [Throwing Star]

If you see any incorrect information, can confirm, add, or remove certain
drops, please contact me (At end of the guide)

Thanks to me, bsdkid4ever, MapleTip, Hidden-Street, Sleepywood, Chris,
patykidz40, and neolord00733

VI. Method 2==================================================================

Another method, is the individual method. It's shorter and less organized, but
possibly easier and certainly faster.

It's basically every man for him/herself. You hit plants, pick up the seed,
and plant it yourself. This'll save time from organizing and that junk, yet
it's still not as orderly as the other one.

Right before the sixth seed, summon everyone to the Moon Bunny platform (>><<
on the map) Then continue the same method in Method 1 for the Moon Bunny.

"After all six seeds are turned into flowers and put on the footings, the
moon in the middle turns full. That tells you it's time for Round 2.

Right then and there, a new member joins your party - the Moon Bunny. He's
cooking up something, but some monsters attack. You need to make sure that he
can make ten rice cakes, before he dies (yes, he has a HP bar, though it's
rare that he dies. Usually time runs out before he does, so don't worry about
it that much)

Have an even amount of people (person, in the case of three people) and have
the odd one out in the middle. Make sure the odd one out if there is one, is
either a strong player, or ranged (Assassin, Mage, or Bow(wo)man)

Have everybody attack like mad. If you see a monster come near, keep it away
from the Moon Bunny by attacking, even if you can't kill it in one or two
hits. Take care of your placement, make sure you focus on your spot only, or
else some monsters might sneak in from your side.

The main thing to worry about are aerial attacks. You may want to do this if
you have six people - put two on the Moon Bunny platform, one having equal
atributes of an 'odd one out', and have that person collect the dropped Rice
Cakes. Have the four other people spread out on the clouds near the Flower
platforms, the same footings. That way, you won't need to worry as much about

To get into more details, the Moon Bunny produces a Rice Cake by not being
touched. If he is, he has to start the time over again, meaning it's more vital
to protect him (or perhaps a her)

The Rice Cakes drop usually right in front, so have either the Leader (who has
to turn it in) or the Odd One Out collect it. At the end, (you need ten Rice
Cakes) have the Odd One Out to drop them and have the leader finish this pesky
PQ up."

VII. Method 3=================================================================

This method was sent in by Diana.

(i just copied and pasted the following picture from your guide and just
adjusted it a bit)

* * *
v v v
= ______________ = <*
= = <*
*> ____ M ____ <*
*> = __ >><< __ = <*

As you can see i'v highlighted some platforms in red. these are the platforms
that require people to stand on, when killing the bunnies and the green
asterix (*) are the monsters (the arrow things next to them or below them
show the direction they fly) and the lines ( ) are the people. I have
suggested this method in all the hpq's i'v been in and it works perfectly.
(assuming you have 6 people) 1st of all you get 1 person (preferable a warrior
or a mage) to stand on the one furtherest to the left facing left and try to
kill everything coming from the left(you don't really need to kill, you just
need to do some dmg on them to lure them away from the bunny, but they will
follow you around until you kill them). You get another person (preferably a
theif or bowman) to stand on the platform furtherest to the right, facing
right and try to kill (or harm) everything coming from the right. You get 2
more people to stand (one on each of the 2 platforms next to where the moon
bunny is as shown on the picture) to kill any thing that the people on the
leftest or rightest side have missed or just to give further protection to
the bunny. Finally get the last 2 ppl (preferably the strongest) to stand
where the moon bunny is to kill (yes they have to kill) the stuff coming from
above. They do not need to worry about the monsters coming from their left
and right because the rest of the party are hopefully taking care of them if
all has gone to plan. That is the best method. However if you only have 3ppl,
then put 1 on the leftest side, 1 on the rightest side and 1 in the middle
(place the strongest member of the party or the leader in the middle). If you
have 4 ppl then put 1 on the leftest side, 1 on the rightest side and 2 ppl
in the middle. if you have 5ppl in the party, then put 1 on each of the 5
platforms (the strongest person or the leader goes in the middle). Yes that's
basically it.

I know that this may be a bit confusing but it is a wonderful technique. And
one more tip you might want to add is that if everybody wants to plant their
own seed it would be good to tell everyone else in the party what colour seed
they have planted because there was once a party i was in and everybody was
hogging over the planting seeds part and nobody said anything so we had about
4 out of 6 people running around with the same coloured seeds trying to find
where it goes and 5 minutes later they found out that it was already planted.
So it is really helpful if someone calls out (e.g. green done) etc. you get
the gist.

VII. Method 4=================================================================

This method was brought to my notice by Steven Watts.

"Secondly, there is another, widely used tactic that I don't believe you have
hit upon. It is a tactic called "Luring". Generally, when the monsters attack
the moon bunny, everyone attacks with their weakest attack with the sole
intention of having the monsters follow them. Thusly, they would be too busy
attacking you, not the moon bunny! This works every time, unless a person has
too strong of a weapon equipped.

Also, warriors with slash-blast work wonders! They generally equip their
weakest weapon, and attack, en masse. They usually can lure most, if not all,
of the monsters away from the bunny."

This is a good method to use seeing how the main goal is not to destroy the
monsters, but to keep them away from the Moon Bunny. Like it was said - moves
like weak Arrow Bombs, Lightning, and Slash Blasy all work well as keeping the
monsters away.

Along with that, another person has added a similar method:

"You could proceed as normal, but at the end, have a warrior use Slash Blast
and lure all the monsters to the right side and everyone else goes to the
left. If you do this, when ever the Moon Bunny makes a cakes it makes 2 at
the same time. Me and my party did this and got 50 cakes in just 1 round and
we still had 4 min. left. Just letting you know."

Thanks to Random Stalker!

VIII. Leading a Party=========================================================

Leading a Party is a bit different from following. The most part is just
getting a group together and going in - the rest is easy.

Try and get at least four or more people if you're under level 18. Six is the
best, but note - the more people, the more EXP has to be shared, so you've been

After that, ask if anyone has either an empty channel or track. If they do,
follow it. If not, or it proves unsuccessful, hunt for an empty channel.
(Channel surfing)

Then, click the bunny's OK, then 'Yes, I would like to go in'. If you can't,
fix it. If it says there's a party in there, wait, or continue surfing.

VIII2. Planting Seeds========

This is relatively simple. Just follow everyone else, you can be any job you
want to be. The only difference is the fact that you have an extra action to
the tiger, turn in Rice Cakes, except that's not even in this round.

VIII3. Making Rice Cakes=====

Again, not much difference. The main difference though, is to collect Rice
Cakes. You have to be careful, and NOT die. If you do, everyone loses,
including yourself.

At the end, you have collected ten rice cakes, talk to the tiger NPC at the
beginning, and choose the second, or middle option to be taken back to the

Now, it's best to choose the left bunny, even if you don't want to bonus. It's
polite, since the party members should deserve it. Even if you don't do
anything, you get a fraction of the EXP, only for the cost of five minutes.

You're in charge of scouts, tracks etc., but don't leave yourself! When you
leave, everyone else leaves with you!

IX. PQ Slang==================================================================

While it may not seem like it, PQers have their own language! Here's some
short cuts, and acronyms to help you understand PQing better.

There are hundreds of internet slang, so I can't name them all. Most are
minor and easy to figure out. Many, are the first part, and usually one
syllable. An example of it not being first part are Sins and Dits. Take
the first part of Dit, and you get Ban, which is something else popular
in Maple Story. Take the first part in Sin and you get . . .a Donkey.

Greater than sign, self explanatory. Usually means you have more, but
are shortening it. (ie, L> means the letter L greater than, meaning L and
there's more letters, but it's shortened)

Away from keyboard - A longer version of BRB.

Be right back - Usually people who are away from the computer for
usually one to five minutes.

To stay in the Bonus Round. This isn't as serious in Henesys PQ, but
can be annoying in Kerning City PQ.

Change channel - It is usually followed by a number, in the PQ case. This
usually means there's already a party in, so find a different one. Usually if
someone who isn't allied with you says 'CC', it usually means that they had the
channel first, and it would be polite to switch.

Some people don't know the meaning, and use it to mean channel.
"Let's go to cc17" sinply means Channel 17.

Short for channel Channel surf(ing) - Switch channels constantly to find one
that is availible for a PQ. In rarer cases, to find an empty map.

Short for Bandit, although it's only three letters less, and not that
hard to spell. This also refers to as a Rouge with a bandit item.

Short for Henesys.

Henesys PQ.

Another way to say Camp.

Vb. (unless said 'a hop')
Ditched at the last minute, usually a few seconds before you get in.
Usually when someone is mad at someone, and mostly when you only have
three people, so you don't get in. Very rude.

In my opinion - Usually used to describe how someone feels about
something else.

Kerning City

Short for KCPQ/Kerning City PQ/Kerning City Party Quest.

A PQ in Kerning City, for people level 21-30

Looking. Either L> for Party, or, L> for Party Members.

Lith Harbor.

Ludibrum Maze PQ

Ludibrium PQ

Ludibrium, a popular sub-continent.

A different continent

Orbis PQ

Moon Bunny. Sometimes called Bun, MBun, MBunny.

Maple Island, the tutorial like continent.

Vb. (Unless said 'A miss')
Tried to get in, but faild. Someone else got in.

Someone new to the game. Commonly confused with noob/n00b.

A words commonly confused with newb. Means that you are annoying and

Perma N00b
per-muh noob
A Beginner who doesn't have a in-game job for certain reasons,
or for challenge.

Short for potion.

Party Quest.

Join, or Joining.

Vb. (Unless said 'a rush')
Go in for a second time without letting a waiting group get in. Used for
doing multiple PQs for more EXP

Abbv. Vb
Recruit, or recruiting.

Nn/VbScouts leave a little bit early, to see if people might try to get in.
They might record their names, so they can have a track.

Short for assassin. This also refers to Rouge's with claws.

Short for smuggles

Smug PQ
smug pee-kew
A PQ done with smggling

Someone who smuggles.

Smuggling is complicated business where you take Rice Cakes
leftover, and then bring them back using lag, so you have extras for the
next round. Smuggling will not be taught in this guide - as some consider
it to be against the rules.

Spam Track
spam trak
You say the track, to track it. Then you press ENTER and then UP
repeatedly. That way you know where they are.

Track is a track used by typing in /find charctername. You can use that
to tell which stage their one. It's of little use in Henesys PQ though.

Cross. Used most commonly in Crossbow, and Crossbow(wo)man (Xbow, Xbowman)
sometimes Xbow Arrow (Crossbow Arrows)

X. Credits=====================================================================

X. Contacts=================
Email: greenfire64@hotmail.com

I check this (my business/secondary E-mail) once a week. If you do not get a
reply, it usually means it's on the Do Not Send List (if it's minor like
grammer, I usually send back) or I have not checked it. Double check your mail
to make sure.

If you wait a week, and everything's on the Do list, send me once more. No more
than 3 sends per message, and no more than 3 different messages per month.

Send me CONSTRUCTIVE, not ranting, criticism
Any grammer/spelling mistakes
A question
Methods & Strategies

Foul language, inappropriate things, etc.
Bad grammer
Ranting (there's a difference between Ranting and Criticism)
'Fake' winning things, etc.

Other than that, thanks for sending. Expect a reply in a week!

==>Maplestory Quest Guide List <==

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