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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Being A Thief

==>Maplestory Leveling Guide List <==

==>Thief Guide List <==

Being A Thief

About This Guide

It's been many months on end since MapleGlobal first started, and since then, many thieves have spawned from the abyss. This guide has been created to be relevant with the thief population and to help all those who wish to become a thief. This guide automatically assumes you are a complete beginner.


Q. What is AP?

A. AP stands for "ability point". Ability points are points that you put on certain stats, which include STR, DEX, INT, LUK, HP, and MP. You get 5 ability points every time you level up.

Q. Why should I try to get the lowest stats on STR and INT rather than trying to get the highest stats on DEX and LUK?

A. As a thief, you are, by default, weak up close, but strong with stars. As you level up, these extra ability points will be useless, and you will be weaker in your melee damage too. Therefore, we try to maximize your damage by reducing the amount of unncessary ability points.

Q. I've noticed that I can add AP's to an HP and MP stat. What do they do and is it advisable to add to them?

A. The HP and MP stats just add to your max HP and MP. I'm not sure how much they add per point and I would not advise adding AP's to them at early levels.

Q. Why are DEX and LUK important for thieves?

A. LUK (Luck) is extremely important for thieves because it increases their damage. The DEX helps increase your damage only by a little, but it is a requirment in your equipment, therefore we use as little DEX as possible but enough to wear your level's equipment.

Q. Why aren't STR and INT important?

A. Neither STR (Strength) or INT (Intelligence) is required to wear your equipment. Therefore, you will be weak at your starting levels, but strong later on. One exception is the 'STR Bandit'. The STR Bandit uses STR for other daggers.

Q. What is SP?

A. SP stands for "skill points". Skill points are points that you put on certain skills to activate or upgrade them. As a thief, you receive your first skill point at level 10 when you become a thief and every level after 10 you receive 3 skill points.

Q. I have noticed that on some levels you have the word "save" but I can't find that skill. What is it and what does it mean?

A. When you see "save", please note that this is not a skill. It is just there to tell you that you are not spending any skill points and the number next to it tells you the points that are saved. A brief explanation of why it is wise to save skill points is that when a skill is raised to level 11, the MP/HP requirement for it doubles while the skill's effect only increments by a little. Therefore, you will see that on many guides, the author will tell you to save 10 points after a skill is raised to level 10 and then spend the 10 saved points all at once.


Thieves are one of the first job advancements discussed on this page. They can choose between ranged and melee, unlike the other advancements, and they also have the second best HP, armor and defense, but they lack in MP, which Thieves generally need to use a lot of, even more than mages! This is partly why it isn't recommended for Thief to be your first character.

The Road Onto Being A Thief

You already known that that all thiefs are very strong. Therefore, we will have to use a very special technique to maximimize your damage capibilities. Keep reading to find out.

After pressing the "Create A Character" button, you will be directed to a screen as shown below:

This image is of a name chooser and character customizer. One important feature is the dice roller.

The dice roller rolls for your statistics, it will determine how strong your character in the future. One wrong point and it cost you a bunch of damage points lost. Please keep in mind that this dice rolling procedure is very important and patience is needed to complete and succeed this.

The suggested stats are shown below and in the picture above:

STR: 4(x*)

DEX: x

INT: 4

LUK: x

x Means the numbers can be anything

  • to-be-STR bandits can roll any number in STR

Your character should have 4 STR and 4 INT because these two skills are useless for a thief (with future STR bandits being an exception). You must focus all skill points onto the skills that actually are used by a thief which is the DEX and LUK. If you are the impatient type, then you can just put 4 or 5 points in STR and INT. Never settle for a 5/5, 6/4, 4/6, or higher.

Note: This process may take up to half an hour on average. Make sure you are patient, otherwise, your character will not be as strong. You are now ready to go on your journey as a beginner. Every single character starts out as a beginner. During your tour of Maple Island, you will learn some techniques and features that MapleStory provides. All this is preparation so you can get out of there and go on real journeys and become a thief. While being a beginner, you will not lose experience points (which are required to level up), but when you become a thief, you will lose EXP after dieing. These experience points are precious because later on in MapleStory, you will take hours to gain a lot of experience. Therefore, you must avoid dieing. But since you're a beginner right now, you can die as many times as you want without losing any experience.

For each level you gain, it is important to remember to add Ability Points. You can do this by pressing "S" on your keyboard (default key). For each level, you obtain 5 ability points. After creating your character, add DEX for every AP until it gets to 25. Then, put the rest of the AP you receive (until level 10) into LUK.

Stats needed to become a Thief

  • LEVEL: 10
  • DEX: 25

Once you have reached level ten, exit Maple Island by going to Southperry and asking Shanks to leave Maple Island. You will then be teleported to Lith Harbor. At Lith Harbor, go down from the boat and find the Ticket Booth (should not be far from the boat) and go to Kerning City. At Kerning City, go toward the left and find the Fusion Jazz Bar. Talk to the Dark Lord and he will instruct you on how to become a thief.

As soon as you become thief you can now fight for a cause. You can beat on things that you couldn't beat before. If you experience people that steals your kills, change channels or ask them politely to stop kill stealing. Remember, if you can pass through all the suffering of the thief, you will join the ranks of the strongest jobs in the world of MapleStory.

What to do when you reach level 10

Please note the rule for your AP is (applies after level 10, do not use this if you are below level 10).

  • LUK: +5 for three levels
  • DEX: +5 for two levels


  • LUK: +3 on each level
  • DEX: +2 on each level

Note: Only use this rule if you are at least level 10.


Please refer to the Skill Point recommended table which will be shown later on if you need help choosing. These recommended ability point adjustments are set to make your thief function the best it can. The following is only a list of the skills a thief could possess.

If you have a good main character that can get a good amount of mesos, (100k before the thief reaches level 20) you can master one of the two main attacks first (to-be-bandits: Double Stab; to-be-assassins: Lucky Seven).

IconName and DescriptionMax LevelRequirements
Nimble Body: Increases accuracy and avoidability.

  • Level 1: Avoidability & Accuracy +1
  • Level 10: Avoidability & Accuracy +10
  • Level 20: Avoidability & Accuracy +20


Keen Eyes: Increases the range of attack using throwing weapons such as throwing stars & knives.

  • Level 1: +25 extra range for throwing weapon
  • Level 4: +100 extra range for throwing weapon
  • Level 8: +200 extra range for throwing weapon

8Nimble Body level 3.
Disorder: Temporarily decreases the stats of an opponent. Its weapon def. and attack will suffer; the attacking enemy will suddenly stop attacking. You can't perform the attack on an enemy that's already in "disorder", however.

  • Level 1: MP -5, decrease enemy's weapon att/def -1 for 7 seconds
  • Level 10: MP -17, decrease enemy's weapon att/def -10 for 31 seconds
  • Level 20: MP -10, decrease enemy's weapon att/def -20 for 60 seconds

Dark Sight: Use MP to hide behind the shadows. While hiding, the enemy can't attack, but you can't attack back either. Magic attacks will still affect you. All movements other than attacking are available. It's temporary, so after a while, you'll be back to normal.

  • Level 1: MP -24 Disappear for 10 seconds, speed -57
  • Level 10: MP -15 Disappear for 100 seconds, speed -30
  • Level 20: MP -5 Disappear for 200 seconds, speed -0

20Disorder level 3.
Double Stab: Use MP to quickly attack the enemy twice with a dagger.

  • Level 1: MP -6 Attack twice, dealing 65% damage per attack
  • Level 10: MP -9 Attack twice, dealing 95% damage per attack
  • Level 20: MP -14 Attack twice, dealing 130% damage per attack

Lucky Seven:Use MP to quickly attack the enemy twice with a throwing star.

  • Level 1: MP -8 Attack twice, dealing 58% damage per attack
  • Level 10: MP -11 Attack twice, dealing 100% damage per attack
  • Level 20: MP -16 Attack twice, dealing 150% damage per attack


Everytime you level up, you gain 3 skill points. This guide will also show you how to use these skill points properly. Follow the guide and everything will be all right.

Claw Thief:

Level 10: +1 Lucky Seven [Player Note: I don't advise this lucky 7 early rule. Just skip this until you get your Keen Eyes maxed. But it's your thief, so it's up to you.]

Level 11: +3 Nimble Body

Level 12: +3 Keen Eyes

Level 13: +3 Keen Eyes

Level 14: +2 Keen Eyes, +1 Lucky Seven

Level 15: +3 Lucky Seven

Level 16: +3 Lucky Seven

Level 17: +3 Lucky Seven

Level 18: +3 Lucky Seven

Level 19: +3 Lucky Seven

Level 20: +3 Lucky Seven

Level 21: +3 Disorder

Level 22: +3 Dark Sight

[Player Note: I only put 1 in dark sight so I could max out Nimble Body earlier.]

Level 23: +3 Nimble Body

Level 24: +3 Nimble Body

Level 25: +3 Nimble Body

Level 26: +3 Nimble Body

Level 27: +3 Nimble Body

Level 28: +2 Nimble Body, +1 Disorder OR +1 Dark Sight

Level 29: +3 Disorder OR +3 Dark Sight

Level 30: +3 Disorder OR +3 Dark Sight

Note: As a Claw Thief, you are able to use Disorder or Dark Sight. Disorder freezes enemies that are up close. Dark Sight disables physical damages to you.

Note: Throwing stars do not work for Disorder.

It's totally up to you to what you choose, but only choose one or the other.

[Player Note: I personally prefer Dark Sight because I just think it looks great]

[Player Note: Claw Thiefs/Assasins do not need Disorder, instead of putting the skill points after maxing Nimble Body, Lucky Seven, and keen eyes, just put the remaining points into Dark Sight. Don't ever choose Disorder if you are an assasin because you will never use it, and at least Dark Sight is better for them]

Note : From level 15 onwards, if this is your first account, I advise you do not max Lucky Seven first as it is MP wasting, and you need to be funded to continue. Otherwise, stay at slimes untill lvl 20.

Dagger Thief:

Level 10: +1 Nimble Body

Level 11: +3 Nimble Body

Level 12: +3 Nimble Body

Level 13: +3 Nimble Body

Level 14: +3 Nimble Body

Level 15: +3 Nimble Body

Level 16: +3 Nimble Body

Level 17: +1 Nimble Body, +2 Double Stab

Level 18: +3 Double Stab

Level 19: +3 Double Stab

Level 20: +3 Double Stab

Level 21: +3 Double Stab

Level 22: +3 Double Stab

Level 23: +3 Double Stab

Level 24: +3 Disorder

Level 25: +3 Dark Sight

Level 26: +3 Disorder OR +3 Dark Sight

Level 27: +3 Disorder OR +3 Dark Sight

Level 28: +3 Disorder OR +3 Dark Sight

Level 29: +3 Disorder OR +3 Dark Sight

Level 30: +3 Disorder OR +3 Dark Sight

  • ShadowStrk:

Took away the "After this mana doubles thing" Cause after some patch, mana doesn't double, it just goes up slowly.


Try not to die - it isn't a good thing. You lose precious experience, (Usually about 5%-10%) and it can be anywhere from a few minutes work to a few hours work to make it up, depending on your level.

Figure out what second job you want to be beforehand so you can prepare for the skill requirments for that certain job.

Don't let anybody's talk get to you. If they are doing that they want to fight so just ignore it and keep training. It's best not to give them what they want.

If you're patient, then find a nice patch of land where no monsters can get you and heal instead of using potions - you save money. You can go do something else.

If you get KSed (Kills Stolen from you) don't yell and/or be mean. That only promotes bad behavior and makes them mad at you, and then they'll just keep KSing you till you leave. They might even follow you. Just ask politely if they continue then just move somewhere else. There's nothing you can do to help solve the problem.

Choosing your Second Job Advancement

When you reach level 30, you should go back to where you first got your job of Thief and talk to the Dark Lord. When you talk to him, he will give you a letter to take to his instructor.

The instructor is two maps east of Kerning City; Talk to him. Buy 50 or 60 orange potions before leaving because once you're in, you can't get out. He'll take you to the advancement area. All I can say after this is, go after the monsters. Get 30 dark marbles, return to thief instructor and obtain the proof. Now, go back to The Dark Lord (Long lecture comes) Now here's the hard part. You're going to have to choose between a Bandit or Assassin. If you already decided before, go ahead with the class you want, but if you haven't, well, keep reading.

The Assassin

Pros: Is ranged and can shoot very far. Is very fast when it comes to killing monsters. Cons: Can not attack up close. Damage varies a lot, it can range to very low to very high.

  • Note from a player: To counter the close range attacks, buy a dagger, just in case.

The Bandit

Pros: Can attack up close, can use savage blow which can attack up to 6 times in a row in the same second. Very high damage Cons: Is not ranged, can not attack as fast as an assassin.

  • Note from a player: Buy a claw just in case.

So choose carefully, next we will show what skills each of these thieves have.

The Assassin

The Assassin is the most popular thief second job advancement. The Assassin is ranged and throw stars very fast. The following is a list of skills an Assassin can use.

Claw Mastery: Increases the mastery of throwing stars and accuracy, along with the maximum number of throwing stars to recharge. It only applies when the character is throwing stars.

  • Note from a player: Max this skill, it's for your own good!

Critical Throw : Enables the character to make a critical attack with throwing stars on a certain success rate.

Endure: Additional recovery for both HP and MP even while hanging still on a rope or a ladder. The higher the level, the faster the recovery time, along with recovering additional amounts of both MP and HP.

Claw Booster : Use HP and MP to temporarily boost up the attacking speed of the claw. It only applies when the character is equipped with a claw throwing stars.

Haste: Temporarily improves the speed and jumping ability of every member of the party. (A must max one)

Drain: Absorbs some of the damage dished out to the enemy as HP. The most one can absorb at once is the character's MaxHP / 2, and can't absorb more than the MaxHP of the enemy.

Every Assassin needs to spend SP in the right way, therefore, we have come up with the best possible assassin SP spending guide.

Level 30: +1 Claw Mastery

Level 31: +2 Claw Mastery, +1 Critical Throw

Level 32: +3 Critical Throw

Level 33: +3 Critical Throw

Level 34: +3 Critical Throw

Level 35: +3 Critical Throw

Level 36: +3 Critical Throw

Level 37: +3 Critical Throw

Level 38: +3 Critical Throw

Level 39: +3 Critical Throw

Level 40: +3 Critical Throw

Level 41: +2 Critical Throw, +1 Claw Mastery

Level 42: +1 Claw Mastery, +2 Claw Booster

Level 43: +3 Claw Booster

Level 44: +3 Haste

Level 45: +3 Haste

Level 46: +3 Haste

Level 47: +3 Haste

Level 48: +3 Haste

Level 49: +3 Haste

Level 50: +2 Haste, +1 Endure

Level 51: +2 Endure, +1 Drain

Level 52: +3 Claw Mastery

Level 53: +3 Claw Mastery

Level 54: +3 Claw Mastery

Level 55: +3 Claw Mastery

Level 56: +3 Claw Mastery

Level 57: +3 Claw Booster

Level 58: +3 Claw Booster

Level 59: +3 Claw Booster

Level 60: +3 Claw Booster

Level 61: +3 Claw Booster

Level 62: +3 Drain

Level 63: +3 Drain

Level 64: +3 Drain

Level 65: +3 Drain

Level 66: +3 Drain

Level 67: +3 Drain

Level 68: +3 Drain

Level 69: +3 Drain

Level 70: +3 Drain

Assassin Techniques

There are many ways to fight using an assassin. Listen to the following techniques!

Backward shot: You can shoot while going backwards. Just jump to the back and turn while in midair and shoot!

  • Note from a player: This is very hard to master, it will need a lot of time.

Aerial Shot: Assassins can shoot while in mid air! To do this, simply jump and attack!

  • Note from a player: This is easy to master.

Jump over the monster and shoot: Simply jump over the monster when you are close by and just back shot them before they touch you!

  • Note from a player: This is extremely hard to master.

  • Note from a player: BTW, for back shot you can turn back as soon as possible when you jump and shoot and it's a VERY cool looking back shot and gives you time for maybe 2 back shots if hasted.

The Bandit

The bandit does melee damage but can not attack ranged. They do very high amounts of damage.

Dagger Mastery: Increases dagger mastery and accuracy. It only applies when the character has a dagger in hand.

Steal : Enables the character to steal an item from an enemy with a certain success rate. Only one clean steal per monster, but multiple attempts can take place in the process.

Endure: Additional recovery for both HP and MP even while hanging still on a rope or a ladder. The higher the level, the faster the recovery time, along with recovering additional amounts of both MP and HP.

Dagger Booster: Use HP and MP to temporarily boost up the attacking speed of the dagger. It only applies when the character has a dagger in hand.

Haste: Temporarily improves the speed and jumping ability of every member of the party.

Savage Blow: Dagger: Use MP to attack an enemy up to 6 times in a row with a dagger.

Every Bandit needs to spend SP in the right way, therefore, we have come up with the best possible Bandit SP spending guide.

Level 30: +1 Dagger Mastery

Level 31: +3 Dagger Mastery

Level 32: +3 Dagger Mastery

Level 33: +3 Dagger Mastery

Level 34: +3 Dagger Mastery

Level 35: +3 Dagger Mastery

Level 36: +3 Dagger Mastery

Level 37: +3 Savage Blow: Dagger

Level 38: +3 Savage Blow: Dagger

Level 39: +3 Savage Blow: Dagger

Level 40: +3 Savage Blow: Dagger

Level 41: +3 Savage Blow: Dagger

Level 42: +3 Savage Blow: Dagger

Level 43: +3 Savage Blow: Dagger

Level 44: +3 Savage Blow: Dagger

Level 45: +3 Savage Blow: Dagger

Level 46: +3 Savage Blow: Dagger

Level 47: +3 Dagger Booster

Level 48: +2 Dagger Booster , +1 Haste

Level 49: +3 Haste

Level 50: +3 Haste

Level 51: +3 Haste

Level 52: +3 Haste

Level 53: +3 Haste

Level 54: +3 Haste

Level 55: +1 Haste, +1 Endure, +1 Dagger Booster

Level 56: +3 Dagger Booster

Level 57: +3 Dagger Booster

Level 58: +3 Dagger Booster

Level 59: +3 Dagger Booster

Level 60: +2 Dagger Booster, +1 Endure

Level 61: +3 Endure

Level 62: +3 Endure

Level 63: +3 Endure

Level 64: +3 Endure

Level 65: +3 Endure

Level 66: +3 Endure

Level 67: +3 Steal

Level 68: +3 Steal

Level 69: +2 Steal

Level 70: +2 Disorder or +2 Dark Sight, +1 Dagger Mastery

Bandit Techniques

Here is a list of techniques that most bandits love to use!

Savage blow is a good move: (Good for getting attention) so use it to show off. It does good damage too, so put it to at least level 1 ASAP.

Haste is your friend: Always use haste, as it keeps those ranged people from KSing you.

Don't use Savage blow on weak things: Saveage blow is an MP drainer, try to conserve your cash.

Be fast: When you are a low level, many ranged people will KS you, use strategy and speed to level up.


Hermits are 3rd Job advacnement of Assassins. When you become lvl 70, you go take the 3rd job test and you complete it, you can become a hermit with new skills and be even more stronger then before.


Alchemist Master Level: 20 Type: Passive Description: Increases the effect of the recovery-based items like potions and others, and lengthen time for the effect, if the item is based on such. However, items such as Elixir and others that base the recovery in % do not apply in this skill.

Level 1: Recovery rate 103%, duration of effect 103%

Level 10: Recovery rate 130%, duration of effect 130%

Level 20: Recovery rate 150%, duration of effect 150%

Meso UP Master Level: 20 Type: Support Description: For a certain amount of time, everyone in the party can make the enemies drop more mesos than usual with this skill. ( u really really want to max this)

Level 1: MP -45; Drop rate +3% for 25 seconds

Level 10: MP -50; Drop rate +30% for 70 seconds

Level 20: MP -60; Drop rate +50% for 120 seconds

Shadow Partner Master Level: 30 Type: Support Pre-requisite: Consume 1 Summoning Rock Description: For a certain amount of time, a shadow will appear, repeating your every move. There's no real stamina in it, and it will disappear after some time.( max it ,or else its worthless)

Level 1: MP -200; Normal attack 20%, summoned with basic attack 21% for 60 seconds

Level 15: MP -130; Normal attack 60%, summoned with basic attack 29% for 120 seconds

Level 30: MP -55; Normal attack 80%, summoned with basic attack 50% for 180 seconds

Shadow Web Master Level: 20 Type: Support Description: Makes a spiderweb of your shadow, and holds up to 6 enemies in one spot at once. The enemies held in the spiderweb will be unable to move.

Level 1: MP -10; Holds the enemies with 42% success rate for 5 seconds

Level 10: MP -14; Holds the enemies with 60% success rate for 6 seconds

Level 20: MP -22; Holds the enemies with 80% success rate for 8 seconds

Shadow Meso Master Level: 30 Type: Passive Pre-requisite: Meso UP Lv 5 Description: Replaces MP with mesos and attacks enemies with the damage based on the amount of mesos thrown. Ignores the enemies' "weapon def. up" and "magic guard up."

Level 1: Uses Min. 50, Max. 220 mesos; Basic attack +50% with 1% success rate

Level 15: Uses Min. 190, Max. 500 mesos; Basic attack +50% with 5% success rate

Level 30: Uses Min. 340, Max. 800 mesos; Basic attack +50% with 10% success rate

Avenger Master Level: 30 Type: Active Description: Uses MP to make an enormous throwing star for attack. The throwing star will go through an enemy, and attack the ones behind it, too.

Level 1: MP -16; Basic attack 65%, uses 3 throwing stars to attack up to 4 enemies

Level 15: MP -23; Basic attack 130%, uses 3 throwing stars to attack up to 5 enemies

Level 30: MP -30; Basic attack 180%, uses 3 throwing stars to attack up to 6 enemies

Flash Jump Master Level: 20 Type: Support Requires: Avenger lvl 5 Description: While in the air after a jump, use this skill + the arrow for a second jump. The higher the skill level, the farther the distance for the jump. (max haste ,max this then use haste then this!!!)

Level 1: MP -60; Jumps a certain distance

Level 10: MP -33; Jumps a certain distance

Level 20: MP -13; Jumps a certain distance

What To Add

Lvl 70: +1 Avenger

Lvl 71: +2 Avenger, +1 Shadow Partner

Lvl 72: +2 Avenger, +1 Flash Jump

Lvl 73: +3 Shadow Partner

Lvl 74: +3 Shadow Partner

Lvl 75: +3 Shadow Partner

Lvl 76: +3 Shadow Partner

Lvl 77: +3 Shadow Partner

Lvl 78: +3 Shadow Partner

Lvl 79: +3 Shadow Partner

Lvl 80: +3 Shadow Partner

Lvl 81: +3 Shadow Partner

Lvl 82: +2 Shadow Partner

Lvl 83: +3 Flash Jump

Lvl 84: +3 Flash Jump

Lvl 85: +3 Flash Jump

Lvl 86: +3 Flash Jump

Lvl 87: +3 Flash Jump

Lvl 88: +3 Flash Jump

Lvl 89: +3 Meso Up

Lvl 90: +3 Meso Up

Lvl 91: +3 Meso Up

Lvl 92: +2 Alchemist, +1 Meso Up

Lvl 93: +3 Alchemist

Lvl 94: +3 Alchemist

Lvl 95: +3 Alchemist

Lvl 96: +3 Alchemist

Lvl 97: +3 Alchemist

Lvl 98: +3 Alchemist

Lvl 99: +3 Meso Up

Lvl 100: +3 Meso Up

Lvl 101: +3 Meso Up

Lvl 102: +2 Avenger, +1 Meso Up

Lvl 103: +3 Avenger

Lvl 104: +3 Avenger

Lvl 105: +3 Avenger

Lvl 106: +3 Avenger

Lvl 107: +3 Avenger

Lvl 108: +3 Avenger

Lvl 109: +3 Avenger

Lvl 110: +2 Avenger, +1 Shadow Web

Lvl 111: +3 Shadow Web

Lvl 112: +3 Shadow Web

Lvl 113: +3 Shadow Web

Lvl 114: +3 Shadow Web

Lvl 115: +3 Shadow Web

Lvl 116: +3 Shadow Web

Lvl 117: +3 Shadow Meso

Lvl 118: +3 Shadow Meso

Lvl 119: +3 Shadow Meso

Lvl 120: +3 Shadow Meso

Places to Train

Now this isn't some weird "OMGLYKWTF TRAIN HERE OR DIE!" thing, it's just suggesting on where to train.

  • Level 1-4: Blue and Green Snails in Maple Island and Lith.

  • Level 4-6: Blue, Red, Green Snails and Shrooms in Maple Island and around Henesys.

  • Level 6-10: Do not train on [Orange Mushroom]]s, for they are far too difficult and will take many hits to kill. Snails and Shrooms are still good EXP at this level.

  • Level 10-15: Slimes. If you haven't already went through the First Job Adv. at level 10 you have to restart and make a new character because if you advance late you will lose out crucial skill points. Buy your items, and some potions. Good places for Slimes are in Ellinia or Henesys. You can also hunt in Kerning City Construction Site for orange mushrooms.

  • Level 15-20: Pigs and Ribbon Pigs. Pig Beach is great, since there is a vast amount of Pigs, but a vast amount of people. Just keep looking around for a place in Pig Beach but if you can't kill them in 1-2 hits, you can still level off of Orange Mushrooms at Henesys.

  • Level 21-30: Green Mushrooms and Horned Mushrooms are great monsters for Rouges. EXP is sure to go up fast. Try the Green and Horned Mushroom tree in Ellinia. You can also try doing the Party Quest in Kerning City.

Players Note: Green Mushroom tree (right beside Slime Tree) is recommended for Bandits, as Horny Mushrooms take too much MP on double stab and too long to kill it without special attacks.

  • Level 30-34: Wild Boars and Evil Eyes are good for now. As an Assassin, you may want to try Wild Boars, as for a Bandit, try Evil Eyes. Also, if you're into making big money from drops go to Chronos in Ludibrium but only if you have many potions and you are an Assassin.

Note From Player: Bandits can also go to Wild Boars around level 33-35. Levels 30-32 should go to Ant Tunnel 1 & 2 and train on Horny Mushrooms and Zombie Mushrooms.

  • Level 35-40: By now, you should be pretty strong. You can make a choice of either Wild Boar or Fire Boar for both Assassin and Bandit. Wild boars would still be good until the mid forty's (40-43),even though it is a pain.

  • Level 40-45: Try Jr. Cellion, Jr. Lioner and Jr. Grupins. They give good EXP and great drops.

Player's Note: You can do the Ludibrium PQ for great exp., and great drops.

  • Level 45-50: By now, you should be able to fight Star Pixies. They drop a fair amount of Pan Lids and give decent EXP. For fast leveling please got the the Ludibrium PQ.

  • Level 50-55: Star Pixies or Zombie Lupins. Good drops and good EXP. Stone Gollems or Block Golems in Ludibrium would also be good.

  • Level 55-60: Zombie Lupins, stay there. If your getting bored you could also try the various types of pixies.

  • Level 60-70: You can either go to Drake's Meal Table (Assasin, Bandit) or Hot Sand (Bandit). Coolie Zombies are the best exp at these levels. It will be hard to get a spot though because pratically every other class trains there.

  • Level 70-80: It is now the time for 3rd job. For Hermits, they can try out monsters like Yeti & Pepe, Chief Bandits can go to Yeti and Pepe, or they can dish out some sweet damage at Tauromacis. Most people just decide to stay at Coolie Zombies.

  • Level 80-90: As you are gaining strength, you may want to try Bain (Hermit) or stay at Yeti & Pepe (Chief Bandit, Hermit)

  • Level 90-100+: As you gain more and more strength, you can experiment on what you want to train on. You can even go for Dark Yeti & Pepe, Crimson Balrog, you name it!

==>Maplestory Leveling Guide List <==

==>Thief Guide List <==

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is a good guide for my thief