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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Beginners Guide-2

==>Beginner Guide List<==


Table of Contents:

I. Version History [verhis]

-Up to date details.

II. Copyright [cpyrght]

-Legal stuff.

III. Introduction [intro]

- Contact information

IV. Basic Information [bscinfo]

-Three simple tidbits.

V. Maple Terminoligy [mterms]


VI. Need to Know Info [ntkf]

-Things any Mapler must learn and know.

VII. Jobs. [jbs]

-List of jobs and job advancments

-Skills for jobs with descriptions

VIII. Beginners Walkthrough [wlkthrgh]

-Contains walkthrough of Maple Island

-Contains first moments on Victoria Island

-Contains first job advancement

-Training spots

IX. Great sites to check out [sitechk]

-Great sites with more info


I. Version History. [verhis]


Version 1.0

It took me awhile, but I at least got the full guide together

and packed it with as much as I could. I know I have some

revisions I'll have to make, but I just spent several hours

finishing this off. I did this all in one night, simply on

a whim, so please forgive mistakes. I'm quite tired

and I'm sure my current state has left me absent minded

in areas.

Things to come:

-Better navigation.

-Spelling check

-Added information in areas that are somewhat lackluster.

Version 1.1

I went through spell check and fixed some mistakes. Not

the world's biggest fix or update, but it's a start.

Things to come:

-Better Navigation

-Added information in areas that are somewhat lackluster.

Version 1.2

Made changes to layout. Added description of job skills for

each class. Added Table of Contents. Attempted to make

navigation easier with Ctrl+F specifics.

Things to come:

-Hopefully a better layout.

-Possibly adding beginner skill builds for each job.


II. Copyright. [cpyrght]


This should not be reproduced under any circumstances except

for your own personal and private use. It may not be placed

on any website or distributed publicly without my,

ShadowKnightZX's, permission. If you would like permission

to place this on another website, you must email me for

written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site

or as part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a

violation of copyright. Should you see anyone violating

copyright, please contact me immediately.

MapleStory is a product of Nexon and its affiliates.

As of right now www.gamefaqs.com is the only one allowed

to host this.


III. Introduction. [intro]


I'm taking a crack at this MapleStory guide. It's nothing

spectacular, and it only covers some of the basics and helps

you get through Maple Island, while completing all quests.

At least that's my intentions as I'm starting out. Be warned,

this is my first guide ever, and while the subject is simple

enough, don't expect something amazing. I'm doing my

best here, and any and all help you can offer me would be

awesome. I'd honestly appreciate it.

How can you help me?

Tell me things I missed. Ways to make things better.

Things that need clarification.

Etc. etc.

How can you do it?

Contact me.

Email: AceOfHearts89X@hotmail.com

I would give out more contact information, but I don't

really think it's all that necessary. Anything you have

to say, I'm sure can be handled in an email.

Please allow me time to reply to you. If it's been

awhile, please don't send me dozens of emails reminding

me about your one email. I'm bad about checking my

email, but I'm getting better at it. So, please, have

patience. Besides, you need patience to play this game.


IV. Basic Information. [bscinfo]


Well, for starters, welcome to the world of MapleStory. It's a

Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, MMORPG for

short. It may not look the prettiest in comparison, but it's fun

and free, and that's way more than enough incentive for me.

In this game you will meet other players from around the

world and you'll interact with them. If you're just starting

out, which is really who this guide is for, there are some

basic things you should know.

P.S. Download the client, or you can't play. Simple, huh?

Open Internet Explorer

&gt;Type in www.nexon.net

&gt;&gt;Click MapleStory

&gt;&gt;&gt;Choose Game Download

&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;Follow on screen instructions

A. Do not constantly beg for things.

1. There are quests that require you to get certain items,

and sometimes it takes a very long time, dependent on

how you get the item (i.e. monster drops). Do not be

annoying about asking someone if they have any extra

of said item. Ask politely. Something like, "Hey, do you

have any extra Squishy Liquids?" While not everyone is

willing to give these away or help someone out, there are

people that are nice and willing to give people a helping

hand. I have, personally seen people like this, and try to

be a person like this myself. If you're polite you have a

better chance of getting the items you wanted, or some

of them, than if you are annoying and constantly ask and

beg for these items. In the end, you'll piss people off

and they'll probably KS (Kill Steal: more info on this later)


- I personally recommend taking the time to get the items

on your own. If you want to level you need the

Experience (EXP from this point on.)

2. Leveling can take a really long time, especially once

you've picked a job and get into the higher levels. It can

be somewhat easier to hunt, or, more commonly known as

'train', and gain experience if you have a party of people.

In the lower levels, you can only attack certain monsters

until you grow stronger, whereas stronger people can

attack stronger monsters. This is the advantage of having

higher level friends. Do not stand there and beg and cry

that you want a party. This goes back to pissing people

off and having them KS you until you go away. Again, if

you feel you must try and get a party, ask politely for


- As something I've noticed, and something you should

definitely avoid, is that people are leaving Maple Island

much earlier than they should and aren't strong enough

for their job advancement and spend much time crying

about being weak and needing training. For the sake

of common sense, stay on Maple Island until you are

the right level. It'll save you, and others, a lot of grief.

3. Fame is a cool thing, and nice to have, and sometimes

you need some to do certain quests, but other than that,

it isn't all that important. It's, more or less, a status

symbol, as the name implies. That being said, do not

stand there and beg someone to fame you, just because

you want it. It doesn't work that way, and really, you

shouldn't expect it to. If you do, you'll, again, piss

people off and they'll either defame you or KS you. Oh,

since I forgot to mention it, it seems, you can only fame

once you've hit level 15. You can only do it once a day

and can only fame a specific person once a month. But

that's per character, not account.

*Note: Most begging is annoying and can, and most likely will,

get you defamed and KS'd.

*Note: This is first, because this is something you should know

and will make yours, and other players time much more



V. Maple Terminology. [mterms]


1. Mapling: It's the games way of talking about your

adventuring, and you're considered, in the eyes

of the game, a Mapler.

2. NPC: Non-Player Controlled. It's basically the characters

in the towns that just stand around or move a few

feet. They have limited action, if any, and you can

talk to them, but it's pointless unless you want

to start a quest. Yes, talking to NPC's at the right

time is how you start quest (More on this later.

I'm such a tease -_-)

2. KS: Kill Stealing. It's, basically, when someone of a

higher level comes by where lower level characters

are training and kills whatever you, the lower level,

are training on. It happens, so you can politely ask

them to stop, or ask them to change channel, again

do so politely. Never cry and whine about it,

because usually people that KS you, don't care

about you and your needs.

3. CC: Change Channel. If someone asks you to CC, they

want you to change the channelyou're using so that

they can continue training in peace, or for whatever

reason they have in mind. If you ask someone to CC,

do not be rude about it. Like most other things that

are annoying or pointless, it tends to not end well

and they won't listen to you.

4. Mush: This one is pretty simple. It's a short way of saying

Mushroom. There are lots of mushroom enemies,

and many varieties of them. Green mushroom, blue,

orange, horny (get your mind out of the gutter -_-;;),

etc. So it's easier to say Green Mush, or Blue Mush.

It takes less time and saves up space.

5. Pots: This is another shortened term. It's short for

potions. Potions are, in a sense, a life blood for

your character. More on this later, I promise.

6. NX Cash: It's basically a made up kind of money, by

the creators of the game, that you pay real

money for. You can use it to buy special items

you can't get otherwise.

*Note: I think, for the most part, that covers things you might

have questions about.


VI. Need To Know Info. [ntkf]


1. Mesos: This is the games actual currency. It, like the

game and unlike NX Cash, is free. There are

several ways you can get Mesos. The easiest

way, and most common way, is to kill monsters.

Just about every monster will drop some mesos.

Higher level monsters drop more. Another way is

to find monster items, things dropped by the

monsters, and sell them for mesos at a store.

Sometimes, monsters will drop weapons and

armor, some of which you can use, some you

can't, if you can't use it sell it. Depending on

what you got, you can, almost always, sell it

for higher if you sell it to another player instead

of at a store. Another thing you can find and sell

are scrolls. If you don't need the scroll, or can

live without using it, you can usually sell them

for pretty high prices.

2. Monsters: They don't like you, but let's face it, you have

to love them. They give you the experience

and mesos you need. You might get sick of

seeing the same monsters over and over for

awhile, but eventually the scenery changes

and you get new challenges to take on.

3. Hunting: This is the most important thing that you can

do in MapleStory, and it's very simple to do.

Simply go to an area filled with monsters, and

kill them. That's it. You also get all sorts of

nice stuff for doing so, like has already been

mentioned in this guide.

4. Quests: These are tasks you have to perform, given to

you by an NPC. When you see a NPC with a

light bulb in a square thought bubble, double

click on the NPC to start talking to it. The light

bulb means that they have a quest for you to do.

When doing quests you can gain mesos, potions,

and special items. But, best of all, you get

experience. And trust me, every little bit helps.

5. Experience: This is the most important thing to you. You

kill monsters and do quests to gain experience,

and you only gain levels by gaining experience.

Once you get into higher levels, you need

A LOT of experience to gain just one level.

In other words, don't expect to get to level

100 by killing a low level enemy like the pigs.

If you want to try, you need the patience of a

saint and some anti-psychotic medication.

Represented as the yellow bar on the bottom

of the screen.

6. Leveling: For each level, you have a certain set amount

of experience you need to gain in order to

advance to the next level. When you level

up, your character gets stronger, and more

and more things become available to you. For

one, the higher the level, the more damage

you do. The higher the level, the more quests

you can do. Do you get what I'm saying? I

hope so, because it's pretty basic and easy.

7. Ability Points: Are points you can use to increase and

improve your stats. Each job class as

specific stats that you should be working

on, specifically, while ignoring the others.

8. Skill Points: As your character grows in levels, and with

a job, you get a certain amount of skill

points with each level up. You can then

use these skill points and set them into

skills for your job. You usually get, once

you get a job, three skill points per level.

You're free to do with them as you wish,

but it is highly recommended you actually

use them, because they help to improve

your character.

9. Weapons: A character can have good stats, but weapons

can help modify those stats. They can add to

your characters strengths or maybe help out

with a weakness. If you can afford it, you

should try and upgrade your weapons as

often as possible.

10. Armor: Same idea as the weapons. Except these tend

to give you more benefits than weapons.

There are armors that can boost quite a few of

your stats. Again, if you can afford it, upgrade

your armor as often as possible.

12. HP: Hit Points. These represent your health, and is the

red bar on the bottom of the screen. Slowly

increases over time, unless you have a skill boost.

Large amounts recovered through the use of

potions or other health recovery items (I.E. Meat,


13. MP: Mana Points. These represent your magic ability,

and is the blue bar on the bottom of the screen.

Slowly increases over time, unless you have a skill

boost. Large amounts recovered through the use of

potions, or other mana recovery items

(I.E. Lemons, etc.).

14. STR: Strength ability. Used mainly by Warriors to

determine their attacking power. Also

used by the Bowman class.

15. DEX: Dexterity ability. Used mainly by Bowmen.

Also used by Warriors and Thieves.

16. INT: Intelligence ability. Used only by Magicians.

Determines the magical attack

and the increase in MP per

level up.

17. LUK: Luck ability. Used mainly by thieves. Also used

by magicians.

18. Funded: Someone who has played the game before

and can give mesos to a new character so that

they can buy equips and lots of pots without

worrying about being poor.

19. Unfunded: Most likely this is you, as you're probably a

beginner to the game. This means you

gotta earn your mesos the old fashion

ways. Most of the later walkthrough will talk,

somewhat, about what an unfunded person

should do. As well as unfunded skill builds

for jobs (you're probably goin' 'huh?', right?

Don't worry it'll make sense eventually.

I promise.)


VII Jobs. [jbs]


Beginner: You start off as a beginner. They don't get many

skills, other than the three starting skills. I,

personally, don't care for the starting skills, but

you can't save the skill points for later and use

them when you make the first job advancement.

So, really, check them out and decide which two

of the three you want to use, as they only give

you enough points to max two of them.

Thief: The Thief class is one of my personal favorites.

Your main weapons will be either daggers or

claws used to throw throwing stars. By the second

job job advancement, you can choose between an

Assassin or a Bandit. You should decide which you

want to be, and start raising your skills accordingly as,

once again, you won't be able to max every skill.

Has moderate HP and MP.

Important Note: The Thief class focuses on DEX

and LUK, mainly LUK.

1. First Job Advancement: Rogue.

Requirements: Lvl 10

DEX at 25

-Rogue Skills:

A. Nimble Body

Type: Passive.

Description: Increases accuracy and avoidability.

B. Keen Eyes

Type: Passive.

Description: Increases the range of attack using throwing

weapons such as throwing stars and knives.

C. Disorder

Type: Supportive

Description: Temporarily decreases the morale of an opponent.

Its weapon def. and attack will suffer, and the attacking

enemy will suddenly stop attacking. Can't perform the attack

on an enemy that's already in "disorder", however.

D. Dark Sight

Type: Supportive

Description: Use MP to hide behind the shadows. While hiding,

the enemy won't attack, but you can't attack back either. All

movements other than attacking are available. It's temporary,

so after a while, you'll be back to normal. You also can't use

potions of any kind.

E. Double Stab

Type: Supportive.

Description: Use MP to quickly stab an enemy twice at once

using a dagger.

F. Lucky Seven

Type: Supportive.

Description: Use MP to throw 2 throwing stars and apply

damage based on LUK, regardless of the rate of claw mastery.

2. Second Job Advancements: Assassin and Bandit.

Requirements: Lvl 30

Pass the second job advancement test.

-Assassin Skills

A. Claw Mastery

Type: Passive.

Description: Increases the mastery of throwing stars and

accuracy, along with the maximum number of throwing stars

to recharge. It only applies when the character is throwing


B. Critical Throw

Type: Passive.

Description: Enables the character to make a critical attack

with throwing stars on a certain success rate.

C. Claw Booster

Type: Supportive.

Description: Use HP and MP to temporarily boost up the

attacking speed of the claw. It only applies when the

character is equipped with a claw throwing stars.

D. Haste

Type: Supportive.

Description: Temporarily improves the speed and jumping

ability of every member of the party.

E. Drain

Type: Active.

Description: Absorb some of the damage dished out to the

enemy as HP. The most one can absorb at once is the

character's MaxHP / 2, and can't absorb more than the MaxHP

of the enemy.

F. Endure

Type: Passive

Description: Additional recovery for both HP and MP even

while hanging still on a rope or a ladder. The higher the

level, the faster the recovery time, along with recovering

additional amounts of both MP and HP.

-Bandit Skills

A. Dagger Mastery

Type: Passive.

Description: Increases the dagger mastery and accuracy.

It only applies when the character has a dagger in hand.

B. Savage Blow

Type: Supportive.

Description: Use MP to attack an enemy up to 6 times in a

row with a dagger.

C. Dagger Booster

Type: Supportive.

Description: Use HP and MP to temporarily boost up the

attacking speed of the dagger. It only applies when the

character has a dagger in hand.

D. Haste

Type: Supportive.

Description: Temporarily improves the speed and jumping

ability of every member of the party.

E. Steal

Type: Active.

Description: Enables the character to steal an item from an

enemy with a certain success rate. Only one clean steal per

monster, but multiple attempts can take place in the process.

F. Endure

Type: Passive.

Description: Additional recovery for both HP and MP even while

hanging still on a rope or a ladder. The higher the level, the

faster the recovery time, along with recovering additional

amounts of both MP and HP.

3. Third Job Advancements: Hermit and Chief Bandit.

Requirements: Lvl 70

Pass third job advancement test.

-Hermit Skills

A. Shadow Partner

Type: Supportive.

Description: For a certain amount of time, a shadow will

appear, repeating your every move. There's no real stamina in

it, and it will disappear after some time.

B. Avenger

Type: Active.

Description: Uses MP to make an enormous throwing star for

attack. The throwing star will go through an enemy, and

attack the ones behind it, too. Up to 6 enemies.

C. Flash Jump

Type: Supportive.

Description: While in the air after a jump, use this skill

+ the arrow for a second jump. The higher the skill level, the

farther the distance for the jump.

D. Mesos Up

Type: Supportive.

For a certain amount of time, everyone in the party can make

the enemies drop more mesos than usual with this skill.

E. Shadow Mesos

Type: Active.

Description: Replaces MP with mesos and attacks enemies

with the damage based on the amount of mesos thrown.

Ignores the enemies' "weapon def. up" and "magic guard up."

F. Alchemist

Type: Passive.

Description: Increases the effect of the recovery-based items

like potions and others, and lengthen time for the effect, if the

item is based on such. However, items such as Elixir and others

that base the recovery in % do not apply in this skill.

G. Shadow Web

Type: Supportive.

Description: Makes a spiderweb of your shadow, and holds up

to 6 enemies in one spot at once. The enemies held in the

spiderweb will be unable to move.

-Chief Bandit Skills

A. Shield Mastery

Type: Passive.

Description: Increases the def. of the equipped shield. Only

works when the shield is equipped.

B. Chakra

Type: Supportive.

Description: Uses MP to recover HP. Only works when the HP

is less than 50%, and it'll stop if either attacked or moved.

C. Assaulter

Type: Active.

Description: Attacks one enemy with incredible power and

speed. Enemy can even be stunned on a low success rate.

D. Pickpocket

Type: Supportive.

Description: Makes the enemy drop mesos for a certain period

of time. The amount of mesos dropped depends on the damage

and the skill level.

E. Band of Thieves

Type: Active.

Description: Summons fellow bandits to attack a few monsters

around the area. Can attack up to 6.

F. Mesos Explosion

Type: Active.

Description: Explodes the mesos dropped on the ground

around you to attack monsters. The mesos from the monsters

killed by someone else will not be able to be used for this.

G. Mesos Guard.

Type: Supportive.

Description: Uses mesos to guard 50% of the damage received.

Once the skill is used, it saves up a certain amount of mesos,

and once damaged from then on out, the mesos will be

used based on the damage received. The skill will be turned

off when the saved mesos are used up.

Magician: Another Personal Favorite of mine. They have

high amounts of MP but low amounts of HP.

They greatly make up for this with one of the

early mage skills.

1. First Job Advancement: Mage.

Requirements: Lvl 8

INT at 20

-Mage Skills

A. Improving MP Recovery

Type: Passive.

Description: Recovering even more MP every 10 sec. The

higher the level of the character and the skill level, the more

recovery it enables the character to have.

B. Improving Max MP

Type: Passive.

Description: This skill boosts up the amount of increase on

MaxMP after each Level UP, or AP used on MaxMP.

C. Magic Guard

Type: Supportive.

Description: Temporarily replaces damage with MP instead

of HP. If MP reaches 0, the HP takes a full hit.

D. Magic Armor

Type: Supportive.

Description: Temporarily boosts the weapon defense by

blowing magic into the armor.

E. Energy Bolt

Type: Active.

Description: Use MP to attack one enemy.

F. Magic Claw

Type: Active.

Description: Use MP to attack an enemy twice.

2. Second Job Advancements: Cleric, Ice/Lightning Wizard,

and Fire/Poison Wizard.

Requirements: Lvl 30

Pass second job advancement test.

-Cleric Skills

A. MP Eater

Type: Passive.

Description: Soak up an enemy's MP after every magic attack.

But if its MP reaches 0, no more.

B. Heal

Type: Recovery.

Description: Recovers the HP of all party members around

the area. The amount of healing depends on the number of

people being healed, and the undead monster in the

vicinity of this will receive damage.

C. Invincible

Type: Supportive.

Description: Temporarily decreases the weapon damage

received. Doesn't decrease the spell damage, however.

D. Bless

Type: Supportive.

Description: Temporarily increases the weapon def., magic

def., accuracy and avoidability of all party members around

the area. BUT, it can't be used if combined with a skill or

a potion.

E. Teleport

Type: Supportive.

Description: Use the arrow keys to teleport to other places in

the same map on a set distance. The higher the skill level,

the less MP you spend.

F. Holy Arrow

Type: Active.

Description: Fires holy arrows at an enemy. Applies major

damage to the undeads and devil-based monsters.

-Ice/Lightning Wizard

A. MP eater

Type: Passive.

Description: Soak up an enemy's MP after every magic attack.

But if its MP reaches 0, no more.

B. Meditation

Type: Supportive.

Description: Meditate for a bit to temporarily boost up

the magic attack of party members around

the area.

C. Teleport

Type: Supportive.

Description: Use the arrow keys to teleport to other places in

the same map on a set distance. The higher the skill level,

the less MP you spend.

D. Slow

Type: Supportive.

Description: Temporarily slows down the opponents around

you. Can't use it on them twice at once, and affects only

6 enemies per attack.

E. Cold Beam

Type: Active.

Description: Creates a sharp piece of ice to fire at an enemy.

The ones that are struck temporarily freezes. Damages the

fire-based enemies 1.5 times more, where as the ice-based

enemies get only half the damage.

F. Thunder Bolt

Type: Active.

Description: Creates an electric force field around the wizard

and makes an electric lightening attack on every monster

that's within the area.

-Fire/Poison Wizard

A. MP Eater

Type: Passive.

Description: Soak up an enemy's MP after every magic attack.

But if its MP reaches 0, no more.

B. Meditation

Type: Supportive.

Description: Meditate for a bit to temporarily boost up the

magic attack of party members around the area.

C. Teleport

Type: Supportive.

Description: Use the arrow keys to teleport to other places in

the same map on a set distance. The higher the skill level,

the less MP you spend.

D. Slow

Type: Supportive.

Description: Temporarily slows down the opponents around

you. Can't use it on them twice at once, and affects only

6 enemies per attack.

E. Fire Arrow

Type: Active.

Description: Create a firearrow with the power of magic,

and fires at an enemy. Applies 1.5 times the damage to

the ice-based monsters, whereas fire-based enemies

receive only half the damage.

F. Poison Breath

Type: Active.

Description: Create a poisonous water bubble, and shoots

at an enemy. The enemy gets temporarily poisoned with

a set success rate. Once poisoned, the HP slowly decreases.

3. Third Job Advancements: Priest, Ice/Lightning Wiz,

Fire/Poison Wiz

Requirements: Lvl 70

Pass third job advancement test.

-Priest Skills

A. Element Resistance

Type: Passive.

Description: Gains a higher tolerance for all element-based

spell attacks from the enemy.

B. Dispel

Type: Supportive.

Description: Cancels out all spell effects of the enemies

within a certain area, along with curing everyone in the

party of all sicknesses.

C. Mystic Door

Type: Supportive.

Description: Creates a portal that heads to the nearest

town. All members of the party can use it multiple times

until the portal disappears. Press ‘ to move.

D. Holy Symbol

Type: Supportive.

Description: For a certain amount of time, everyone in the

party can gain more EXP while hunting monsters. It only

works 100% when the party is bigger than 2.

E. Shining Ray

Type: Active.

Description: Attacks multiple enemies at once with the

ray of holy light. Applies massive damage to the undead


F. Doom

Type: Active.

Description: Turns multiple monsters into snails at once.

Speed, attacking ability, and the looks all change. Does

not work on boss monsters, and can only change up to 6

monsters at once.

G. Summon Dragon

Type: Active.

Description: Summons a holy dragon for a certain amount of

time. The dragon will stay beside you and attack the

enemies in the process. The higher the skill level, the

stronger the summoned dragon is.

-Ice/Lightning Wiz Skills

A. Partial Resistance

Type: Passive.

Description: You get additional resistance from Ice &


B. Element Amplification

Type: Supportive.

Description: Use more MP, but Increase Magic Attack.

C. Ice Strike


Description: Fires ice blocks at multiple enemies. If struck, all

monsters other than ice-based ones will freeze. Cannot

attack more than 6 at once.

D. Thunder Spear

Type: Active.

Description: Gathers up the power of lightening and turns it

into a spear, attacking a single enemy. Monsters will be

damaged with a lightening-based attack.

E. Seal

Type: Active.

Description: Seals up the enemies around you for a certain

amount of time. Once sealed up, the monsters can't use

attacking skills, but the skill does not work on boss monsters.

F. Magic Booster

Type: Supportive.

Description: Uses up a significant amount of HP and MP to

increase the attacking speed for spells.

G. Magic Composition

Type: Active.

Description: Uses ice & lightning-based spell on a single

enemy. Applies massive damage to monsters that are weak

against ice or lightning, and the enemy will be frozen for

a certain time.

-Fire/Poison Wiz Skills

A. Partial Resistance

Type: Passive.

Description: You get additional resistance from Fire & Poison.

B. Element Amplification

Type: Supportive.

Description: Use more MP, but Increase Magic Attack.

C. Explosion

Type: Active

Description: Make an explosion around the character.

Attack the enemy with the fire power.

D. Poison Myst

Type: Active.

Description: Make a poison fog around the character.

E. Seal

Type: Active.

Description: Seals up the enemies around you for a certain

amount of time. Once sealed up, the monsters can't use

attacking skills, but the skill does not work on boss


F. Magic Booster

Type: Supportive.

Description: Uses up a significant amount of HP and MP to

increase the attacking speed for spells.

G. Magic Composition

Type: Active.

Description: Uses fire & poison-based spell on a single

enemy. Applies massive damage to monsters that are weak

against fire or poison, and the enemy will be poisoned on a

set success rate.

Warrior: I haven't done much with Warriors, though I know

they become -very- powerful later in the game.

Though being stricly melee fighters, they get KS'd

a lot. If you can deal with this, good on you.

High HP, low MP.

1. First Job Advancement: Warrior.

Requirements: Lvl 10

STR at 35

-Warrior Skills

A. Improving HP Recovery

Type: Passive.

Description: Recover additional HP every 10 sec. while

standing still.

B. Improving max HP

Type: Passive.

Description: This skill boosts up the amount of increase

on MaxHP after each Level UP, or AP used on MaxHP.

C. Endure

Type: Passive.

Description: Even when hanging on the rope or ladder,

you'll be able to recover some HP after a certain amount

of time.

D. Iron Body

Type: Supportive.

Description: Temporarily increases your weapon defense.

E. Power Strike

Type: Active.

Description: Use MP to deliver a killer blow to the monsters

with a sword.

F. Slash Blast

Type: Active.

Description: Use HP and MP to attack every enemy around

you with a sword.

2. Second Job Advancements: Fighter, Page, and Spearman.

Requirements: Lvl 30

Pass second job advancement test.

-Fighter Skills

A. Sword Mastery

Type: Passive.

Description: Increases the sword mastery and accuracy. It

only applies when either a one-handed or a two-handed

sword is in hand.

B. Axe Mastery.

Type: Passive.

Description: Increases the axe mastery and accuracy.

It only applies when either a one-handed or

a two-handed axe is in hand.

C. Final Attack: Sword

Type: Passive.

Description: With a certain success rate, another attack

follows after performing an attacking skill. Only works with

a one-handed or two-handed sword in hand.

D. Final Attack: Axe

Type: Passive.

Description: With a certain success rate, another attack

follows after performing an attacking skill. Only works with

a one-handed or two-handed axe in hand.

E. Sword Booster

Type: Supportive.

Description: Use HP and MP to temporarily boost up the

attacking speed of the equipped sword. It only applies when

either a one-handed or a two-handed sword is in hand.

F. Axe Booster

Type: Supportive.

Description: Use HP and MP to temporarily boost up the

attacking speed of the equipped axe. It only applies when

either a one-handed or a two-handed axe is in hand.

G. Rage

Type: Supportive.

Description: Temporarily boosts the weapon attack level of

everyone in the party around the area, but also decreases

the level of weapon defense.

H. Power Guard

Type: Supportive.

Description: Returns a portion of the damage received from

the enemy. Can't return more than 10% of the enemy's Max

HP at once, however.

-Page Skills

A. Sword Mastery

Type: Passive.

Description: Increases the sword mastery and accuracy.

It only applies when either a one-handed or a two-handed

sword is in hand.

B. Blunt Weapon Mastery

Type: Passive.

Description: Increases the blunt mastery and accuracy.

It only applies when either a one-handed or a two-handed

blunt is in hand.

C. Final Attack: Sword

Type: Passive.

Description: With a certain success rate, another attack

follows after performing an attacking skill. Only works with

a one-handed or two-handed sword in hand.

D. Final Attack: Blunt Weapon

Type: Passive.

Description: With a certain success rate, another attack

follows after performing an attacking skill. Only works

with a one-handed or two-handed blunt weapon in hand.

E. Sword Booster

Type: Supportive.

Description: Use HP and MP to temporarily boost up the

attacking speed of the equipped sword. It only applies

when either a one-handed or a two-handed sword is in


F. Blunt Weapon Booster

Type: Supportive.

Description: Use HP and MP to temporarily boost up the

attacking speed of the equipped blunt weapon. It only

applies when either a one-handed or a two-handed blunt

weapon is in hand.

G. Threaten

Type: Supportive.

Description: Use MP to temporarily theaten an enemy.

Decreases the level of weapon attack and weapon defense of

every enemy around the area.

H. Power Guard

Type: Supportive.

Description: Returns a portion of the damage received from

the enemy. Can't return more than 10% of the enemy's

Max HP at once, however.

-Spearman Skills

A. Spear Mastery

Type: Passive.

Description: Increases the spear mastery and accuracy. It

only applies when a spear is in hand.

B. Pole Arm Mastery

Type: Passive.

Description: Increases the pole arm mastery and accuracy. It

only applies when a pole arm is in hand.

C. Final Attack: Spear

Type: Passive.

Description: With a certain success rate, another attack

follows after performing an attacking skill. Only works with

a spear in hand.

D. Final Attack: Pole Arm

Type: Passive.

Description: With a certain success rate, another attack

follows after performing an attacking skill. Only works with

a pole arm in hand.

E. Spear Booster

Type: Supportive.

Description: Use HP and MP to temporarily boost up the

attacking speed of the equipped spear. It only applies when a

spear is in hand.

F. Pole Arm Booster

Type: Supportive.

Description: Use HP and MP to temporarily boost up the

attacking speed of the equipped pole arm. It only applies

when a pole arm is in hand.

G. Iron Will

Type: Supportive.

Description: Temporarily increases the level of weapon and

magic defense on every member of the party around the area.

H. Hyper Body

Type: Supportive.

Description: Temporarily increases the Max HP and Max MP

of all members of the party around the area.

3. Third Job Advancements: Crusader, Knight, Dragon Knight

Requirements: Lvl 70

Pass third job advancement test.

-Crusader Skills

A. Relax

Type: Passive.

Description: Recovering even more MP every 10 sec.

B. Shield Mastery

Type: Passive.

Description: Shield Defense increases. However, it does not

affect if the character does not equip the shield.

C. Combo Attack

Type: Active.

Description: You can charge the Combos and when the

combos charge up, you can use the Finish Attack. The Max

Combo Counter is 5.

D. Panic (Sword)

Type: Active.

Description: Attack one monster with dark power. You can

use this skill only when you equip the sword and your

combo should be charged up.

E. Panic (Axe)

Type: Active.

Description: Attack one monster with dark power. You can

use this skill only when you equip the axe and your

combo should be charged up.

F. Coma (Sword)

Type: Active.

Description: Enemy becomes panicked when they get

damaged. You can use this skill only when you equip the

sword and your combo should be charged up.

G. Coma (Axe)

Type: Active.

Description: Enemy become panic when they get damaged.

You can use this skill only when you equip the axe and

your combo should be charged up.

H. Armor Crush

Type: Supportive.

Description: Cancel out enemy's physical defense up skill in

a certain rate.

I. Shout

Type: Active.

Description: Make the enemy stun with the damage. The

max number of enemy you can attack is six.

-Knight Skills

A. Relax

Type: Passive.

Description: Recovering even more MP every 10 sec.

B. Shield Mastery

Type: Passive.

Description: Shield Defense increases. However, it does not

affect if the character does not equip the shield.

C. Charged Blow

Type: Active.

Description: Make the enemy stun. You can use this skill only

when your combo is charged up.

D. Fire Charge (Sword)

Type: Active.

Description: You can attack with fire power. The skill gets

canceled if you use Charge Blow or if the time runs out.

E. Fire Charge (Blunt Weapon)

Type: Active.

Description: You can attack with fire power. The skill gets

canceled if you use Charge Blow or if the time runs out.

F. Ice Charge (Sword)

Type: Active.

Description: You can attack with ice power. The skill get

canceled if you use Charge Blow or if the time runs out.

G. Blizzard Charge (Blunt Weapon)

Type: Active.

Description: You can attack with blizzard power. The skill

get canceled if you use Charge Blow or if the time runs out.

H. Thunder Charge (Sword)

Type: Active.

Description: You can attack with thunder power. The skill

get canceled if you use Charge Blow or if the time runs out.

I. Lightning Charge (Blunt Weapon)

Type: Active.

Description: You can attack with lightning power. The skill

get canceled if you use Charge Blow or if the time runs out.

J. Magic Crash

Type: Supportive.

Description: Cancel out enemy's magical defense up skill in

a certain rate.

-Dragon Knight Skills

A. Element Resistance

Type: Passive.

Description: You get additional resistance from Fire, Cold,

Lightning & Poison.

B. Buster (Spear)

Type: Active.

Description: Attack the enemy several times with the spear.

C. Buster (Pole Arm)

Type: Active.

Description: Attack the enemy several times with the pole


D. Dragon Fury (Spear)

Type: Active.

Description: Attack multiple enemies by swinging the spear.

E. Dragon Fury (Pole Arm)

Type: Active.

Description: Attack multiple enemies by swinging the pole


F. Sacrifice

Type: Active.

Description: Attack one enemy regardless their weapon

defense by sacrificing character's HP.

G. Dragon Roar

Type: Active.

Description: Dragons attack with their roar. You can only

use this skill when you have more than half of HP.

H. Power Crash

Type: Supportive.

Description: Cancels out enemy's power up skill.

I. Dragon Blood

Type: Supportive.

Description: Attack with Increased Damage, but HP slowly


Bowman: Long Range fighters who use bows, or

crossbows, and arrows, to attack. While

attacking at a long range is an advantage, they

lose out to Thieves and assassins, in the fact

that a Bowman must stand still to fire. Though,

from what I've seen, they start to make up for

this later on with skills.

1. First Job Advancement: Bowman

Requirements: Lvl 10

DEX at 25

-Bowman Skills

A. The Blessing of Amazon

Type: Passive.

Description: Increases accuracy

B. The Eye of Amazon

Type: Passive.

Description: Increases the range of attack for both bows

and crossbows.

C. Critical Shot

Type: Passive.

Description: Allows you to perform a critical attack with a

certain success rate.

D. Focus

Type: Supportive.

Description: Focussing to temporarily increase accuracy and


E. Double Shot

Type: Active.

Description: Fires two arrows at once to attack an enemy


F. Arrow Blow

Type: Active.

Description: Fires an arrow with authority. Applies more

damage than usual.

2. Second Job Advancements: Hunter and Crossbowman.

Requirements: Lvl 30

Pass second job advancement test.

-Hunter Skills

A. Bow Mastery

Type: Passive.

Description: Increases the bow mastery and accuracy. It only

applies when a bow is in hand.

B. Final Attack: Bow

Type: Passive.

Description: With a certain success rate, another attack

follows after performing an attacking skill. Only works with

a bow in hand.

C. Bow Booster

Type: Supportive.

Description: Uses HP and MP to temporarily boost up the

attacking speed of the bow. It only works with a bow in


D. Power Knock-Back

Type: Active.

Description: Improves the success rate of knocking back the

enemies far when swinging the bow. The higher the

level, the higher the number of enemies the character

can knock down.

E. Soul Arrow: Bow

Type: Supportive.

Description: Temporarily allows the character to fire bow

arrows without using up the arrows. Only works with a

bow in hand.

F. Arrow Bomb

Type: Active.

Description: Fires arrows with bombs attached to it. If

struck cleanly, the bomb explodes on the enemy,

knocking out some of the enemies around with a certain

success rate. Can't attack more than 6 at once, and it

only works with a bow in hand.

-Crossbowman Skills

A. Crossbow Mastery

Type: Passive.

Description: Increases the crossbow mastery and accuracy.

It only applies when a crossbow is in hand.

B. Final Attack: Crossbow

Type: Passive.

Description: With a certain success rate, another attack

follows after performing an attacking skill. Only works with

a crossbow in hand.

C. Crossbow Booster

Type: Supportive.

Description: Uses HP and MP to temporarily boost up the

attacking speed of the crossbow. It only works with a

crossbow in hand.

D. Power Knock-Back

Type: Active.

Description: Improves the success rate of knocking back

the enemies far when swinging the bow. The higher the

level, the higher the number of enemies the character

can knock down.

E. Soul Arrow: Crossbow

Type: Supportive.

Description: Temporarily allows the character to fire

crossbow arrows without using up the arrows. Only works

with a crossbow in hand.

F. Iron Arrow

Type: Active.

Description: The arrow that's fired goes through the enemy

and damages the ones behind it. The damage decreases for

every enemy it goes through, and it can't damage more

than 6 at once. Only works with a crossbow in hand.

3.. Third Job Advancements: Ranger and Sniper

Requirements: Lvl 70

Pass third job advancement test.

-Ranger Skills

A. Thrust

Type: Passive.

Description: Boosts up the moving speed.

B. Mortal Blow

Type: Passive.

Description: For a certain rate, allows you to fire arrows

even at a very close range. Even kills a monster with

one shot every once in a while.

C. Puppet

Type: Supportive.

Description: Summons a puppet (your other self) for a

certain amount of time. While the puppet is around, the

monsters will attack the puppet, not you.

D. Ranger's Inferno

Type: Active.

Description: Uses fire-based arrows to attack up to 6

monsters at once. Only works when equipped with a bow.

E. Arrow Rain

Type: Active.

Description: Fires a number of arrows into the sky, attacking

up to 6 monsters at once on its way down. Only available

when equipped with a bow.

F. Silver Hawk

Type: Active.

Description: Summons a silver hawk. The hawk will be

hovering around you, attacking monsters nearby.

G. Strafe

Type: Active.

Description: Fires 4 arrows at an enemy.

-Sniper Skills

A. Thrust

Type: Passive.

Description: Boosts up the moving speed.

B. Mortal Blow

Type: Passive.

Description: For a certain rate, allows you to fire arrows

even at a very close range. Even kills a monster with one

shot every once in a while.

C. Puppet

Type: Passive.

Description: Summons a puppet (your other self) for a

certain amount of time. While the puppet is around, the

monsters will attack the puppet, not you.

D. Blizzard

Type: Active.

Description: Uses ice-based arrows to attack up to 6

monsters at once. Only works when equipped with a


E. Arrow Eruption

Type: Active.

Description: Fires a number of arrows into the ground,

attacking up to 6 monsters at once on its way up. Only

available when equipped with a crossbow.

F. Golden Eagle

Type: Active.

Description: Summons a golden eagle. The eagle will be

hovering around you, attacking monsters nearby.

G. Strafe

Type: Active.

Description: Fires 4 arrows at an enemy.

***Note: For a more in-depth look at each class and each

skill, look up a guide.***

Huge huge huge thank you to the guys at hidden-street.net

who have all this information up for you, and so very much


----Wow... that took forever...----


VIII. Beginners Walkthrough. [wlkthrgh]


A. Controls.

Your controls should be, as follows, unless you manually

changed them yourself.

Ctrl: Attack.

Alt: Jump

Arrow Keys (located between the main pad and the numeric

keypad): Move around.

Z or 0 on Numpad: Pick up items.

I: Inventory

K: Skills list

S: Abilities List

E: Equipment

R: Buddy List

G: Guild

Q: Quests.

F1 - F7: Different facial expressions a character can make.

*Note: There are other commands, but for the most part, this

is the most important stuff you need to know as a

beginner in the world of MapleStory.

B. Actual play time:

This is gonna be just me talking. Aren't you excited? No?

Well, geeze... -kicks a rock-

Okay, by now you should have downloaded the MapleStory

client... if you haven't... umm, do it?

Pick the server you wish to play on.

Options: Bera (The server I play on)







Next you pick one of the 19 channels. I usually play on

CH 16, but hey, it doesn't matter much. Though, you

will lag a lot in more populated channels if your computer

isn't that great.

Now that you've picked a server and a channel, it's time to

make your character.

Depending on who you are, guy or gal, you entered your

sex during Sign up, and your character is the same sex as

you. There is no changing this. You're stuck with it.

First customize the look of your character. What suits you?

There isn't much to choose from anyways, so don't feel bad

if you just settle for something halfway decent.

Now pick a name and click the "Check" button.

Once you got all of that out of the way, it's time to work on

the important thing: Character stats.

I've already covered the basic stats: Str, Dex, Int, and Luk.

**By now you need to know what kind of character you're


Here's the best possible stats for each class:

Thief: Str: 4

Dex: ?

Int: 4

Luk: ?

You can have both Str and Int at 5's, or one at 5 and

one at 4, but if you're patient, havingboth at 4 is for

the best. Any higher than 5 in either and you're starting to

screw yourself over.

Mage: Str: 4

Dex: 4

Int: ?

Luk: ?

You can have both Str and Dex at 5's, or one at 5 and

one at 4, but if you're patient, having both at 4 is for

the best. Any higher than 5 in either and you're starting to

screw yourself over.

(I hope you're noticing a pattern)

Warrior: Str: ?

Dex: ?

Int: 4

Luk: 4

You can have both Int and Luk at 5's, or one at 5 and

one at 4, but if you're patient, having both at 4 is for

the best. Any higher than 5 in either and you're starting to

screw yourself over.

(If you haven't noticed the pattern yet, you might be

skimming through. Don't! D: )

Bowman: Str: ?

Dex: ?

Int: 4

Luk: 4

You can have both Int and Luk at 5's, or one at 5 and

one at 4, but if you're patient, having both at 4 is for

the best. Any higher than 5 in either and you're starting to

screw yourself over.

So, now that you've made your character, let's put the

little bugger on Maple Island and start things.

First, read up on the controls, even though I told you them

already. After that, close that window and talk to Sera

(To talk to NPC's double click on them &gt;_&gt;).

Agree to go along with the training course.

Aww, look at you! You're a green apple. Aren't you just

adorable? -pinches your cheeks- ^^;;

Anyways, get a feel for the controls if you're new. Feel free

to switch them up if you have to, but the basic controls

are super simple once you're used to them.

Ride the conveyor belts and get a look at the jobs, and

some of the skills. Though, by now, that doesn't

matter too much as you've already started building up

for a specific job. No worries, though, should you see a

job you might like better; you can have up to three

characters on each server.

In the next area talk to Roger for your first quest.

Here's a super big hint!!!!!

NPC's you have quests for you to do have a light bulb bubble

indicating they wanna chat you up for a quest. If you see this

indicator, which is a light bulb in a speech bubble (I'm

repeating myself for a reason), then double click on them

and read carefully.

Quest: Rogers Apple (Don't quote me on the name, kids.)

Objectives: Eat Rogers Apple.

Talk to Roger again.

Rewards: Exp and pots.

After he's done talking your health goes down, open up your

inventory with the I button, or click the hot button towards

the bottom right of the screen, and use Rogers Apple to

regain your health. Once you do, talk to Roger again.

Walk over a bit and jump up on the conveyor belt where you

see Nina. Jump up onto the actual ground with her, and

walk towards the edge. You will most likely see, now, both

Nina and Sen on the screen. Talk to Nina.

Quest: What Sen Wants To Eat.

Objectives: Talk to Sen.

Talk to Nina again.

Rewards: Exp.

After accepting the quest, talk to Sen. Once you're done

with him talk to Nina again.

What Sen Wants To Eat Quest complete.

Moving onward and to the right...

Next we see a fella named Todd. Talk to him, 'cause he's


Quest: Todd's How-To-Hunt

Objectives: Kill 1 Drummer Bunny

Kill 1 Letty

Pick up 1 Toy Drum

Pick up 1 Letty's furball

Give collected items to Peter

Rewards: Exp.

Okay, this is pretty much as easy as it gets. Start off

with the Drummer Bunnys'. Kill the first one you get your

weapon on, pick up the toy drum, move to the right and get

to working on the letty's. Nab the furball and talk to Peter.

He'll take the items.

Todd's How-To-Hunt Quest complete.

Now, personally, I like to take this moment to train. The

enemies here can't hurt you, but you can hurt them

-and- gain experience. Even though it's only 1 exp per kill,

it's still helpful. I usually go to about level 4 here, or

5 if I'm super patient.

By now you've leveled up. Congratulations! Now you gotta

distribute your ability and skill points.

Every time you level up, you get 5 ability points (remember

that one) and 3 skill points (Except for a few of the beginner

levels. Why? I really don't know).

First off, now that you've gained a level, we'll start with

Abilities, even though the game forces you to do skills by

just up and opening the Skills menu with some

explanations. Yes, you should read 'em. Why? 'Cause

reading is good and it can kinda be helpful.

Anyways, put the 1 skill point, or whatever they gave you as

a start in whatever of the beginner skills you want. Just

remember, you will only get 6 skill points as a beginner and

must place them in the Beginner skills only. Of course, 6

points only lets you max two of the skills. So, pick and

choose. I only do Recover and Nimble Feet. Some people

like to use the Snail technique, where you throw shells,

but I think it's a waste of MP and you can easily

sell the shells anyways.

Okay, now open up that good ol' ability points menu with the

S key and take a good look. You need to be familiar with

this, because you have to love it in order for the game to

love you.

How you distribute the points is based on what job you're

going to have. Where won't you put points? HP and MP.

Do not put points in these, as you're simply wasting

points. Instead focus on the two Abilities for your job.

As a reminder...

Thief: Dex and Luk; mainly Luk.

Mage: Int and Luk; mainly Int.

Warrior: Str and Dex: mainly Str (I believe. Don't quote me yet...)

Bowman: Str and Dex; mainly Dex (I believe. Don't quote me yet...

Deja vu, anyone?)

Also, as stated before, you need a certain required amount of

one ability point for your job, in order to make the job

advancement. Know what this is, and I did tell you what

your jobs requirement is... if you missed it.. scroll up or

CTRL+F "Requirements" til' you find it, and get it to the

required level and then focus on the other stat (I'm not sure

if this is the way to go with a Warrior. I'll do some

checking, yo).

Anyways, it's kinda confusing at first but soon you'll get used

to it. Mainly, the secondary stat is used to help you wear

equips. Often times, people will decide to lose out on

wearing certain equips and maxing out the main stat of

their character class. This seems to work best for Thieves

and Mages. Someone who maxes out the main stat is

called either a Lukless mage or a Dexless thief. Do I

recommend this for a beginner? No. It's expensive

and, as a beginner, you're broke.

Examples (These are, roughly, based off you getting all 4's):

Thief: Str: 4

Dex: 25

Int: 4

Luk: After you get 25 Dex, put all your earned ability

points into here until lvl 10.

Mage: Str: 4

Dex: 4

Int: Once you get 20 Int, get your Luk to 8 for first

equip set, then push the rest of your hard earned

points into Int. Why? Check a guide on mages

to find out. &gt;_&lt;

Luk: 8

Afterwards, things get a bit wonky with how you distribute

points. To better understand how things work for your

job, I seriously recommend you check out a guide that

talks about your job choices specifically. Trust me, you're

gonna be glad you did.

Okay, so now that we had a detour from the

walkthrough... let's get back to it.

Keep training on the letty's, or Drummer Bunnys if you prefer,

or just head to the right some more and talk to Heena and

leave the training area.

Talk with Peter one more time and you'll be taken to

Maple Island.

Ignore the first NPC you see on this map, and head to

the right. As you're moving along you're gonna see my

buddy Sam. Talk to him, because he wants to talk to you

and you're just nice enough to give him your time. Pat

yourself on the back for being awesome.

Okay, seriously, talk to him. He has a quest for you to do.

Quest: Sam's Suggestion

Objectives: Defeat 10 Snails

Talk to Mai

Rewards: Exp.

Well, this is pretty easy, too. Just kill snails on this map

until you kill 10 or level up. Whichever you prefer and

head to the right again and use the Portal.

Once again, head to the right killing snails along the way.

Is your heart content, or are you for monster rights?

Anyways, take the right portal on the bottom again, to find

yourself in Snail Hunting Ground III.

In case you didn't know it, which I hoped you would by just

looking at all of your screen, there's a Mini-Map in the very

top left corner that shows a map, go figure, along with


Legend: Blue marks - Portals

Red marks - Other human controlled players

Yellow marks - NPCs

Orange marks (Eventually) - Party members

Anyways, kids, you're gonna notice the portal's at the very

top right of the screen. So climb up to the top right, killing

along the way, or stay and train.

Honestly, you don't have to rush through each map if you

don't want to. Explore them if you feel like it. Just remember

this, and please do 'cause this is pretty important: For your

job, depending on what it is, do not level up past the

required level to make the first job advancement. Why?

Because if you do, you lose out on skill points which are,

basically, invaluable in this game. So don't lose out. :

Once you've gone through that top right portal, you should

be near a platform that holds up Maria. As you can tell,

she's frantically looking for help, and as a hero, it's your job

to help her. Yes, I called you a hero. Now isn't that special?

Quest: Maria's Letter

Objectives: Take Maria's Letter to Chief Lucas of Ameherst.

Rewards: Exp and Mystery Box. Box contains either a Skull Cap

or a Headband.

Okay, so maybe all the Maple Island quests are simple... ^^;;

As a warning to Mages and Thieves: Red Snails = big pains.

Since you don't really focus much on having str, you will

hit very low (though the thief beginner hits higher than a

mage due to Dex determining some attack power) and they

will hurt you and laugh as you spend 3 minutes or so trying

to kill them. It's just not worth it, but if you think you're

hardcore, go for it. While you do that, I'm gonna go get

somethin' to eat.....

Done yet? Oh, sorry, you were waiting for me. My bad.


In case you haven't been doing so, use Z or 0 on the numpad

to pick up monster drops. I figured this was something

you'd automatically do, but if you haven't, you really really

should. You need the money and some items.

In this same area as Maria, you'll find Mai. She's over to the

right on a platform. And for good reason: She thinks really

high of herself. Talk to her and finish Sam's Suggestion.

Sam's Suggestion Quest complete. -plays victory music-

I'm so proud of you. -mutters to self, "They grow up so fast"-

Err... -cough- anyways....

Talk to Mai once again and select the quest, Mai's Training.

Quest: Mai's Training.

Objectives: Kill 10 Green Snails

Kill 10 Blue Snails

kill 10 Shrooms.

Rewards: Exp.

Well, get to work! Or, you could go to that bottom left

portal and take Mai's advice and talk to that Biggs guy.

**Not reccommended for Mages or Theives.**

That left portal takes you to Southperry, which is a place

you gotta remember.

Go to the right, climb up the ladder or rope, or whatever's

there, and go to the

right once you're on that top platform. Talk to Biggs.

Quest: Biggs Collection of Items.

Objectives: Collect 30 Blue Snail Shells

Collect 10 Orange Mushroom Caps

Rewards: Exp and a mystery box. Box contains either

Razor or Fruit Knife.

If you're going to be a mage, this quest is probably not worth

your time. As of right now, Orange Mushrooms will own

your soul and be very mean to you. The only thing you

would get out of it would be the experience and mesos

from selling either the Razor or Fruit Knife. Basically, it's

not really worth it for you. It really isn't too worth it, either,

if you're a thief, but bandits can use the Fruit Knife. That's

up to you, but you'll probably be annoyed with how long it

takes to take down an Orange Mush and not die in the


On the note of dying. On Maple Island, it's okay if you die.

You'll be taken to the nearest town. Once you're off Maple

Island and have a job, don't die. You lose experience if

you do.

Leave Southperry the way you came, and work on Mai's first

training quest.

It's easiest to take care of Shrooms in this area, and go

back to Snail Hunting Grounds III for the blue and green

snails. Once you're done with all the killing, head back

to Mai.

Mai's Training Quest complete.

During the time you finish her first quest, you'll be

prompted about another.

Quest: Mai's Training (Part two)

Objectives: Kill 10 Orange Mushrooms

Talk to Mai again when you have.

Rewards: Exp and mesos.

Okay, so unless you wanna train here, there's not much left

for you here now. Go up this time and take that upper right

portal. On this map you'll find all the different monster types

that are available on Maple Island, as well as portals to

Danger areas with even more monsters. Kill the monsters

you come across as you make your wait to the right, and,

depending on your job, ignoring the red snails. Once you

make it all the way to the far right go through the portal

and you'll be in Ameherst. Welcome.

You'll see a girl who cries occasionally and whines about

her skin. Whileyou're probably thinking about avoiding

her, talk to her and pick her quiz.

Quest: Rain's Maple Quiz

Objectives: Read/Listen to Rain's lessons about Maple.

Talk to her to start the quiz.

Talk to her seven times to answer seven


Rewards: Exp.

These questions aren't really all that hard, and some of the

answers are (Out there! Whoops, X-Files moment... &lt;_&lt;)in

this guide somewhere. See, it's times like this you

realize the value of reading. Or not. -_-

Go to the right a bit and you'll see Pio walking around. Talk

to him, 'cause his quest definitely has one of the more

worthwhile rewards.

Quest: Pio and the Recycled Goods.

Objectives: Collect 10 Rusty Screws

Collect 10 Old Wooden Boards

Rewards: Exp, mesos, and Relaxer chair.

See that wooden box next to Pio? Go ahead and attack it

until it breaks open. It will drop 1 screw and 1 board, and

sometimes a potion and mesos. You're gonna need to do

this 10 times to 10 boxes, or be super patient and wait for

that box you just destroyed to respawn. Or, well, you could

listen to me and go to the right a bit and climb up the rope

or ladder and head to the left. There will be a box on the left

and right side of the Weapon store. Break 'em open, get

the goods.

IF you feel the need, you can buy a razor

for extra attack power, but I don't recommend it. You're

gonna need all the mesos you can get.

3 screws and boards down, 7 more to go. Go to the right

and drop down. Keep heading right and you're gonna see

that Lucas fella who you have a letter for. Talk to him

and he'll take the letter and give a reply.

Quest: Maria's Letter

Objectives: Give Maria Lucas' Reply Letter.

Rewards: Exp and Mystery Box. Box contains Skull Cap or


Next to good ol' Lucas is another box. Smash it, collect,

head right. Ignore the portal in front of the Mushroom

house and go a bit farther ahead and you'll see another

box. Smash and collect. Head to the left and enter into

the portal you just passed. Lookie, here! Two more boxes!

Wash, rinse, and repeat our box techniques. Go through

the portal on the left next to the Danger sign and head

left til' you find yet another box.

Note: If you're in a populated channel, other people might

have smashed a box and it won't be where it's

supposed to be until it respawns. For best results,

use unpopulated channels.

Head to the right and into the portal you came through,

and go out the portal you entered the house through and

head left to where Pio is. Smash the boxes that are back

in that area until you finish the quest and talk to Pio.

He'll take the goods and leave you somewhat hanging.

Talk to him, about 2 more times, and you'll finally get

your chair; The Relaxer.

Pio and the Recycling Quest Complete.

You're officially done with Ameherst, and probably

won't return here, unless you die and get sent here.

But now that you have The Relaxer, death should

-not- be an issue. Got it? &gt;:

If you're doing Mai and Bigg's quests that involve Orange

Mushrooms, you have two real choices here:

1. Go back to where Mai is and give Lucas' Reply Letter to

Maria and get your reward. Equip the item you got by

opening the item inventory with I and double clicking

on the head piece in the Equips section of the

inventory. You now have a little extra defense against

the orange mushrooms.

2. You can be all hardcore and go after the orange

mushrooms without the extra defense. I'm pretty

sure it isn't much, in the end, but, as they say,

every little bit helps.

Whatever you decide to do, get back to the portal that

takes you into Ameherst and go up the step like area on

the left. Go up the ladder/rope/whatever, and then jump

up onto the next platform. Walk to the left and you'll

see a Y shape of platforms. Jump up onto them and head

to the right. Here's a tip for ya.

Note: This will be super useful to you, especially if you have

low str/attacking power.

ZOMG TIP!: Stand on the edge of the top most right Y piece

platform and jump and attack monsters on the

higher platform. This works best when you're

as far out on the edge as you can be. If you're

doing it right, you'll be able to attack the

monsters close to the edge of their platform,

from your lower platform without taking any

damage to yourself.

Once the area's clear, jump up onto that platform and head

right to the portal and enter the Dangerous Forest.

-scary music- D:

Here you'll find Orange Mushrooms scattered about. If you go

to the right and jump across the three platforms to the long

one, and dash across the long one to the far right lower

platform, you can do that stand on edge, jump, and attack

trick from before on any Orange Mushrooms that spawn on

the long ledge. When there are none there, go down the

right side until you're on the bottom level, right side.

There's usually very good Mushroom spawn here and plenty

of areas you can jump to to get away when your HP is low.

At this point, finish off either quest in the easiest way for you.

When you're done with all that fun, head back to where you

find our friend Mai. Talk to her again.

Mai's Training Quest Complete.

Well, now you really only have two options.

1. Finish Biggs quest and train.

2. Train until you're ready to leave (if you aren't doing

Biggs quest).

If you started it, and did the objectives....

Biggs Collection of Items Quest Complete.

If you want the Fruit Knife item from Biggs, I recommend

finishing his quest at level 9 or so, to increase your

chances of getting it. If you're a mage, you wasted time

doing his quest anyways. &gt;_&lt;

Once you've done all the training you can, and you're the

right level for your first job advancement, or over 50 or

60% exp, it's time to leave Maple Island.

Note: Once you leave Maple Island, you can not

come back.

Head into Southperry, go all the to the right and talk

to Shanks. Pay him for a boat ride and you'll find yourself

on Victoria Island.

Congratulations, you're off Maple Island and ready to

really start your adventures in MapleStory!

Oh, don't worry... we're not parting ways... yet....

Get off that silly boat and take note of that Phil guy. Head

down and to the right until you find a weird fella named Olaf.

Talk to him.

Quest: A Lesson On Job Advancement.

Objectives: Listen to Olaf's Lessons.

Talk to Olaf again and take the short quiz.

Rewards: Exp.

Talk to him, take quiz, etc. You've done this before.

A Lesson On Job Advancement Quest Complete.

Talk to Olaf one more time, and you'll notice he has four

new quests:

1. The Path of Bowman

2. The Path of Thief

3. The Path of Magician

4. The Path of Warrior

Pick the quest that fits the job you want.

Okay, well, it's time for you to get your job advancement!

Head back to the left and go find that Phil guy. Talk to him

and pick "Please take me somewhere else..."

If you're becoming a Bowman, pick Henesys.

If you're becoming a Thief, pick Kerning City.

If you're becoming a Magician, pick Ellinia.

If you're becoming a Warrior, pick Perion.

Alright, here's some division....

Henesys: Once you've been sent to Henesys wander around

the town and get familiar with it. Find the gates

that say Mushroom Park and enter the Portal. Go

all the way to the right until you see a tree that

has a portal you can enter. Go in and talk to

Athena Pierce. If you've raised yourself properly,

you'll become a Bowman.

Kerning City: Once you've been sent to Kerning City wander

around the town and get familiar with it. Find

the Fusion Jazz Bar and enter through the door.

There is no blue portal, but not every place you

can access is marked by one, so remember that.

Go to the bottom section and talk to Dark Lord.

If you've raised yourself properly, you'll become

a Thief/Rogue.

Ellinia: Once you've been sent to Ellinia wander around the

town and get familiar with it. Head to the very top

by climbing, and enter the building atop two oval

shaped lines. Talk to Grendel the Really Old. If you've

raised yourself properly, you'll become the Magician.

Perion: Once you've been sent to Peron, wander around the

town and get familiar with it. Head to the very top right

area and you'll see a building that's pretty much set

into the rocks. Enter here and talk with Dances with

Balrog. If you've raised yourself properly, you'll

become the Warrior.

Note: Due to Olaf's quest, you will have to talk to each Job

leader twice in order to get the advancement, as

the first time you simply get exp for finishing

Olaf's second quest.

The Path of (your job here) Quest Complete.

Congratulations on making the job advancement. You've

got a lot ahead of you, and so far I think you're on the

right track. I'm gonna give you one more helpful bit before

shutting up, 'cause you're probably sick of me now. :(

Good areas to train:

-For a low level character, one of the best areas is

Henesys Hunting Grounds I. Stick with snails for a bit

and work your way up the levels.

-The Snail tree in Ellinia is a good place, too.

-If HHG is crowded, go to Kerning City and go in the subway

and use the portal on the right and go after Bubblings.

*Do not do this at a low level. You'll die.* Bubblings are

like Green Mushrooms. Wait until you can attack Green

Mushrooms before going for bubblings.

-After bubblings, pig beach, a hidden street, is one of

your next best options.

-Then move on to Ant Tunnel.

- Mid and upper 20's, your single best bet is Kerning

Party Quest.

Explore as much as you can, find the best areas for you

and get strong. Check guides for good ways to raise your

characters, or explore on your own if you'd like, although

I recommend you checking a guide for an idea, at least.

Expand your horizons, meet new people, and have

a good time.

==>Beginner Guide List<==

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