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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Sharenian Guild Quest Guide

==>Maplestory Quest Guide List <==

Sharenian Guild Quest Guide
For Maple Story
Version 2.20
By: cutekittenkyti

This guide covers everything that you want to know, and even stuff
that you don’t need to know about the Sharenian Guild Quest.

Table of Contents
I. Legal Ramifications
II. Version History
III. Introduction (Requirements for the Guild Quest)
IV. Starting the Guild Quest
A. Level Requirements for the GQ
B. Job/Skill requirements
C. Number of people needed for the GQ
D. Items you should have for the GQ
E. Finally starting the GQ
V. Stage 1
A. How this stage works
B. Conversation Example
C. Here are some hints
D. Alternate Version
VI. Stage 2
A. Bottom Portal
B. Middle Portal
C. Top Left Portal
D. Upper Right Portal
VII. Stage 3
A. Getting the Items
B. Dropping the Items
C. Some Hints and Explanations
VIII. Stage 4
A. Getting the Shoes
B. Getting the Pants
C. Getting the Shirt
D. Getting the Crown
E. Dropping the Items
IX. Stage 5
A. Hidden Portal
X. Boss Stage
A. Stats for the monsters
B. Items you should have
C. Strategies for Killing Ergoth
D. Safe Spots
E. After you killed Ergoth
XI. Bonus Stage
XII. End of Journey
XIII. Ended Prematurely
XIV. Miscellaneous (FAQ's)
XV. Thanks (References)

Legal Ramifications

Copyright 2007 cutekittenkyti

This guide may not be replicated under any circumstances except for private
uses. It may not be copied, placed on other websites, or distributed in any
way without permission from the author. Use of this guide or any parts of
this guide on any other website as public display is strictly prohibited.
This file may not be used for monetary gain by any person or party, and using
this guide in such a manner is a violation of copyright.

As of now the only websites allowed to display this guide are:

In other words don’t copy my guide, you can reference it, but no plagiarism.
Version History

Version 0.25
Typed up the information pertaining to starting the GQ and Stage 1

Version 0.30
Added version history and contact information, and thanks

Version 0.40
Added stage two

Version 0.50
Added stage three, updated the references

Version 0.70
Added stage four and stage five
These stages will need a lot of work

Version 0.75
Fixed some of the errors and unknowns in the fourth stage
Completely fixed the fifth stage

Version 0.80
Fixed the errors in the fourth stage, but it still needs some work
Started the boss stage

Version 0.90
Finished the boss stage, but it needs some work still, but not too much

Version 1.0
YAY! I have written down everything for every stage and topic.
Some still need some work though, but GameFAQ’s.com should now post this,
since it is complete.

Version 1.1
HOORAY! My guide is posted on GamFAQ’s now!
This version updates Stage 5 due to a question I received,
And also gives the complete background of the GQ

Version 1.2 (2-23-07)
I have added a map and a conversation example to the first stage. Hopefully
this will help, since this is the hardest stage practically in the GQ

Version 1.5 (2-27-07)
I was wrong about a lot of stuff in stage 4 hopefully I fixed that.
Maybe I will add a map to that section later.
I also added the stats of every other monster in the GQ.
I also gave advice on how to avoid some attacks from some monsters.
Also I added a survival “safe” spot strategy to the Boss Stage.
Boy I was busy, and I still have work to do.

Version 1.55 (2-27-07 later in the day)
I forgot about one problem our guild had with clicking Sharen III at the end
of the fourth stage.
Also I made a change to the section breaks for hopefully more clarity.

Version 1.6 (2-28-07)
I found out the combination for the middle right mini JQ in the second stage,
Also I had someone review my guide and he told me what I needed to change.

Version 1.8 (3-04-07)
I added maps to stage four. A hint about sound for stage one. Gave a better
explanation of what the items do in stage three.
Now all I have to do is add a detailed JQ guide, which isn’t really necessary.
And read my whole guide and edit it.

Version 1.85 (3-09-07)
I have edited the intro and the starting the GQ sections for better clarity
and stuff. I am going to sort of reformat the entire guide so it is for all
level types, and not geared toward 30 minus as it is now.

Version 1.90 (3-14-07)
I have edited the first second and third stages. I also made some minor edits
to the getting started section.

Version 1.98 (3-27-07)
I have edited and proofread my entire guide, although there is some stuff that
could be better, I believe that this might be my final update. This version
also has changes added due to two emails I received. One email came from Jack
L. and the other one from Vincent W.

Version 2.00 (4-29-07)
I was showing one of my friends my guide, and I found a couple of mistakes
that I wanted to change. Also I added a whole bunch of good stuff about the
priest and holy symbol, and about how people get good experience from it. I
am 99.99% sure that this will be my last update.

Version 2.01 (7-31-07)
I made some mistakes about the priests Holy Symbol ability, I fixed those, I
added some info on the statues that appear around Ergoth, and that’s it.

Version 2.05 (8-28-07)
I made some major typos and someone told me that, I also added a quick GQ
guide, so when you want to look something up, it won’t take forever to scroll
all the way down to it.

Version 2.10 (9-3-07)
I added some info that Mike P. sent me about guild points and items from the

Version 2.20 (9-24-07)
I gpqed and thought of a guaranteed way to get the right combination for
stage three, unfortunately it only works if you have 2 or more of one item.
See the new chart in Stage 3 (in both the summary and full guide).
Introduction (Requirements for the Guild Quest)

Here is the Maple Story Introduction to the GQ, taken directly from Shawn the
NPC in the excavation sight.

“We, the Union of Guilds, have been trying to decipher the ‘Emerald Tablet,’
a treasured old relic, for a long time. As a result, we have found out that
Sharenian, the mysterious country from the past, lay asleep here. We also out
that clues of Rubian, a legendary, mythical jewelry, may be here at the
remains of Sharenian. This is why the Union of Guilds have opened Guild Quest
to ultimately find Rubian.

Sharenian was a literate civilization from the past that had control over
every area of the Victoria Island. The Temple of Golem, the Shrine in the
deep part of the Dungeon, and other old architectural constructions where no
one knows who built it are indeed made during the Sharenian times.

The last king of Sharenian was a gentleman named Sharen III, and apparently
he was a very wise and compassionate king. But one day, the whole kingdom
collapsed, and there was no explanation made for it.

Rubian is a legendary jewel that brings eternal youth to the one that
possesses it. Ironically, it seems like everyone that had Rubian ended up
downtrodden, which should explain the downfall of Sharenian.

I’ve sent groups of the explorers to Sharenian before, but none of them ever
cam back, which prompted us to start the Guild Quest. We’ve been waiting for
guilds that are strong enough to take on tough challenged, guilds like yours.

The ultimate goal of this Guild Quest is to explore Sharenian and find
Rubian. This is not a task where power solves everything. Teamwork is more
important here.”

The Sharenian Guild Quest (GQ) is basically like a party quest, but is a bit
harder, and you can have up to thirty people in the Guild Quest.
(30 is the max number of people allowed in a guild)

Quick Guide to the GQ

Have at least six people in your guild, and in the guild quest area ready to
One of them should be a Jr. or the Master.
You need these people to at least get to the boss
A Level 30 minus.
A mage with max teleport.
A thief with darksight and maxed haste.
Someone with maxed range.
For the boss, at least level 90, and that’s still a bit too low to kill him.
Have a lot of Dragon Knights and Warriors and a high level Priest.
And/Or have a lot of Chief Bandits willing to meso explode.

Before Stage 1
Have the Guild Leader click Shuang, then if your guild gets in have everyone
else click on Shuang too. Once the blue door opens, hit one purple rock, and
equip the purple earrings or in the next stage you will die.

Stage 1
The statues will flash in a certain order.
First time, there are four flashes.
Second time, there are five flashes.
Third time, there are six flashes.
You need to hit the statues in the order they flash.
But one person can’t see all of the statues, so have two people, one on
either side call out the number of which statue flashed, then those two people
hit those statues in that order.

Stage 2

Have some strong people go in the middle left portal and kill all the
monsters. Pick up the rusty key that they drop. Bring that key to the top
left portal and drop it in front of the door. Have a mage with teleport go
to the right on the bottom and break open the ruble to get a different key.
Give this key to the thief with dark sight and have that person use dark sight
to get past the monsters on the top. Have the thief drop the key in front of
the door and go inside and get the spear. While this is going on have everyone
else go into the bottom right portal and complete the three mini JQs to get
the other three spears. Once you get a spear, go to the top right portal and
complete another mini JQ to place the spear at the top. The far left anyone
can do, the middle left needs someone with max haste on them. The middle right
has hidden portals that teleport you up in this order, 2 1 5 2 2 1 2. The far
right needs a mage with max teleport. Once all four spears are in place, the
door at the far right of the main room will open.

Stage 3
There are monsters that drop paper scrolls or medals. Have one person pick up
the scrolls and one person pick up the medals. Have one person go up and too
the right and get four wine from the mini JQ. Have a different person go up
and to the left and get four foods from the mini JQ. Then once your guild has
all four items, place four of one type of item in front of each of the statues
and have the Guild Leader click the statue.
Do this three times, using three different items. Then you will know how many
of each item is in the combo to open the door. Rearrange the items till you
get the correct answer. You only have seven tries before the combo resets, so
be careful.

Here is my attempt at a chart of the way you should place the items.
(item C is correct item IC is incorrect)
Guess 1:
Four of item X

Guess 2:
Four of item Y

Guess 3:
Four of item Z

(you now know what number or items are in the combo)

Guess 4:
Four of 1 item Three of 1 item Two of 1 item One of each item

C C C C X X X Y C C IC IC (Good Luck)
/ \
Guess 5: / \
/ \
/ 1 correct 2 correct
/ \ \
Guess 6: / \ \
1 correct 2 correct continued

/ \
Guess 7: / \
0 correct 2 correct

(pray that you picked
the right spot for
the other two items)

Stage 4
The guild needs to get four pieces of clothing. Shoes, Pants, Shirt and Crown.
There are hidden portals that people need to go through to either, kill
monsters collect what they drop, drop that in front of a door to get to a
mini JQ to get the item. Or just complete a JQ to get the item. In the room
with the gargoyles, you need someone with maxed range to take out the gargoyle
on top.
Also there is a portal that only a level 30 minus can go through to get the
crown. Make sure that there is somebody getting all the different items to
save time. Once everyone has gone through their item stage, drop the items
on the corpse in this order, Shoes, Pants, Shirt, Crown. The Sharen will
appear and open the door for you.

Stage 5
Have your level 30 minus, or someone who is being nice to the guild, drop
their earrings directly from the equipment inventory on top of the big door.
Make SURE to drop them from the equipment inventory, and not to just take them
off. Because otherwise you still die, and then you can’t drop them so someone
else has to take off their earrings because everyone is in a hurry.

Boss Stage

To summon Ergoth break the crystal on his throne.
Ergoth is level 115! You can survive if your basically 80 plus. But in order
to kill Ergoth you need some really high level Dragon Knights and a good
priest. OR you need some Chief Bandits to meso explode Ergoth.

Bonus Stage

Break open boxes to sometimes get stuff, this is all the reward you will get,
you will not click on someone and they will not give you anything.
The only reason to GQ is, to get the only good exp from killing Ergoth, or
you’re just curious. MAAAAAAYBE you could get something good, but not likely.

This ends the quick overview of the GQ. Read on for an in depth view that
gives you all the details you could ever want.

Starting the GQ

Level Requirements for the GQ

Any level above 10 can GQ, there is no level cap for this guild quest, unlike
some other party quests. However, due to certain monsters and certain
requirements to pass the stages there are two level groups that can GQ

You either need to be a level thirty minus, or around a level eighty to
ninety plus. Although you can be a level 70 plus, but you need to have the
third job advancement.

The reasons for this are as follows.
In Stage Four of the GQ there is a portal that only a level thirty minus can
go through, so every GQing guild needs a level thirty minus to GQ successfully.

The reason I recommend being such a high level is that the only experience
you receive from the GQ is from killing the monsters. You don’t get ANY from
clearing the stages. The reason people GQ is to kill the boss who has a LOT
of experience points. However the boss is level 115, so you need to have a
high level in order to kill the boss and gain the experience.

Job/Skill requirements

The guild needs the following people in order to complete the entire GQ.
- A level 30 minus
- A thief with dark sight
- A thief with maxed haste
- A mage with maxed teleport (tele), or a hermit with maxed flash jump
- A Priest or a cleric if you can’t get a priest (one per party minimum)
-An assassin or bowman with maxed range and/or a dragon knight (DK) with a
decent level of dragon roar
-And maybe a level 80 plus chief bandit with a strong meso explosion

Why these jobs and skills are needed.
A level thirty minus is needed to pass the fourth stage.
A thief with dark sight is needed to get past 8000 contact damage monsters.
A thief with maxed haste to complete a mini JQ in the second stage.
A Priest/Cleric to heal your party.
The priest is especially handy with holy symbol, as that way, in the party
will get good experience.
The range character or the DK to kill a hard to reach monster in the fourth
The chief bandit for a quick yet expensive way of killing the boss.

Number of people needed for the GQ
In order to enter the GQ, you need to have a minimum of six people in the
guild entering the GQ.
I STRONGLY recommend that you have more than six people in the GQ. That way
if someone disconnects (DC’s) or leaves you can still GQ. The reason is that
you always need to have six people in the GQ in the guild. If someone leaves
or DC’s then your GQ will be ended prematurely. See the Ended Prematurely
section near the end of this guide for more information.

People usually make parties before they enter the GQ. They do this in order
to share skills like haste, heal, etc. However you do not need to be in a
party to GQ, you just need to be in the guild. All other group quests require
you to be in a party, even if it’s a party of one. But for the Sharenian GQ
it is not necessary.

You always need to have six people in the GQ in the guild. If someone leaves
or dc’s then your GQ will be ended prematurely. See the Ended Prematurely
section near the end of this guide for more information.

I assume the maximum number of people for a GQ is now 100 since that is the
maximum number of people you can have in a guild. However, it is very rare for
that many people to be online and ready to GQ, so usually the amount seems to
be around six to ten people. But this could increase due to the fact that there
are more Guild expansions available.

Items you should have for the GQ

Make sure you have a lot of mp and hp potions.
Seriously, you really can’t have too many.
Also I recommend having both regular elixirs and power elixirs.
Also, if you don’t have a priest with good dispel then you will need antidote
unless you just want to wait out the poison. Everyone will need holy water,
and everyone but mages need eye drops.

Finally starting the GQ

First you need to get to the excavation sight. Start from Perion and travel
to the right five maps until you see three portals on your map. The map should
say “Victoria Road Rocky Road III” Then go into the top portal, and travel up
three maps until you come to this map.

Victoria Road
Excavation Site <Camp>

Now you channel surf until you find a group of people ready to GQ. (Channel
surfing is changing channels a lot until you find the right conditions you
are looking for)

When you find a group of people from the same guild, I recommend saying
something along the lines of:

“LVL 30- J> GQ!”
"LVL (what level you are) (what job you are) J> GQ! I HAVE STRONG (strong
skill here)!"

Also you might want to say that you know what to do, or that you have
experience with the GQ. Just add “very exp” to the end of your statement.

Then the guild, if they have room, or they need you, will invite you.
Obviously you need to NOT be in a guild in order for them to invite you.

Next, once you have your guild, your junior master or guild master will
register with Shuang to enter the GQ. This person that registered with
Shuang will now be referred to as the GL.

Shuang is the girl in the lower right hand part of the map.

When it is time to go into the GQ, you will see this message at the bottom of
your screen.

“Character Name’s guild is next in line for the Guild Quest on Ch ##”

This message will tell you what channel to change to in order to enter the GQ.
Then you go click on Shuang.

You should see a message appear, giving you a couple options.

If you’re GL, the Master or Jr. Master that registered you, hasn’t entered
Sharenia yet then a message saying:

“Hello, there. I’m Shuang, one of the relic excavators stationed here. I’m in
charge of the registration for exploring Sharenia and the Guild Quest. To
find out the requirements to join this guild quest, please check out the
notice at the left bulletin board.
-Register for the Guild Quest
-The Waitlist for the Guild Quest
-Cancel Registration”

Click on “The Waitlist for the Guild Quest”, to see if you are about to enter.
This message should appear.

“Character Name’s guild is number 0 on the waiting list at Channel 17”
Then press enter.

If it is some other number your guild is not the one that is going to enter.

Then you need to click on Shuang again once your GL has entered.
You should see this message.
“You are on your way to entering Sharenian. The door to Sharenian will open 3
minutes after entering.”

Click next, or press enter to continue. You will be transported to this map.

Sharenian Excavation Site

Go down to the bottom of the map and wait by the big glowing blue door.
You can only enter the door when the clock says 90 minutes.
As you wait some messages will appear counting down the time.
One message that pops up is this:

<Guild Quest Notice>

Search through the remains of the legendary Sharenian Empire and find clues
on Rubian and its whereabouts.

1. The Guild Quest will be canceled if less than 6 Guilds Members enter
the instance before the door to Sharenian opens.
2. During the Guild Quest, if the participating members of the guild reach
below 6, the quest will end prematurely.
Good luck.

(This is a restatement about what you already know.)

Now is the time to get any guild mates to come and GQ with you.
Because you need 6 people to enter the GQ, if you don’t have six people
waiting in the Sharenian Excavation Sight map when the timer reaches 90
minutes you will be sent out of the Excavation sight.
See the section Ended Prematurely for more information.

When the clock hits 90 minutes the door will open. Press up in the center of
the big glowing blue door to move to the next map.

In the next map everyone needs to find a purple rock and break it open.
Use regular attack to open it.
These rocks are just like those weird plants around Ellinia and the boxes in
the Ludibrium PQ.
Once you destroy the rock, a pair of purple earrings will appear. You need to
pick up and equip these purple earrings. DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT take off
those earrings during the GQ, or you will die. If you are curious to know if
you die hold on till near the end of the GQ the level 30 minus, will most
likely have to take off the earrings as a sacrifice.
These earrings only have 10 MP def.
Now continue through the portal on top of the screen and go through the next

Throughout the GQ, there will be these pointless maps that you have to walk
through. The only relevance they hold is that they are a safe spot to wait
until monsters have been killed in the next stage, or you are transported
back to one of these maps if you die in the GQ.

Stage 1

In this stage the Gatekeeper statue (lion) will teleport itself to the
surrounding statues, when it is in a statue that statue will flash. Then after
the statues are done flashing you and your guild mates need to hit the right
statues in the right order. Sounds easy huh?
The problem is that you cannot watch all of the statues at the same time.
The solution is teamwork, and usually a lot of yelling.

Here is a map of the first stage

Map Stage 1

Left Right




Left = left side of the map
Right = right side of the map
O = a statue that could flash
A = watcher A
B = Watcher B
Door = door
GL = Guild Leader
Lion = Gatekeeper Statue

How this stage works

One person (watcher A) stands on the left so they can see eleven statues.
The spot for the watcher on the left is on top of the first ledge, in the
middle of the group of bottom statues. (See Map Stage 1)
You should see four statues on the bottom row, three statues on the middle
row, and 4 statues on the top row.

Another watcher (watcher B) stands on the right so they can see nine statues,
including the one on top of the door.
The spot for the watcher on the right in on top of the first ledge, with one
statue to the left of you and two statues to the right. (See Map Stage 1)
You should see three statues on the bottom row (not including the lion), two
statues in the middle row, and 4 statues on the top row. (The fourth statues
is above the door)

Usually people will Guild talk that they have the “left” or the “right.”

The rest of the people, usually the ones who don’t know what they are doing,
go stand in the middle.
In order not to anger anyone, if you stand in the middle, do not talk, do not
move, do not jump around, and absolutely do NOT hit the statues. You might
want to do something else while you wait for the watchers to complete this
stage. (Something else not in Maple Story, read a book or something, but still
pay attention so you know when the stage is complete)

Now for the hard part.
The Jr. Master or Guild Master that registered your guild (from here on out
known as the GL), clicks on the statue, once the two watchers sides are ready.
The two watchers should guild talk “ready” or “go” to let the GL know it is
All right to click.
I strongly suggest that the GL counts down, or says “GO” so the watchers will
know when to concentrate. The reason for guild talking is that if you all
talk the other watcher will not hear you, and if you party talk, you might be
in a different party then the other watchers and the GL. Believe me JUST
GUILD TALK! It may confuse people outside the GQ but it will avoid people
hitting the wrong statues on the inside of the GQ.

Now the lion will teleport to a random statue, causing that statue to flash.
If you are a watcher and you see a statue flash, guild talk “1”.

Then the other watcher will know that if he sees a statue flash it will be
number two. If he does see a statue flash he calls out “2”. The next person
to see a statue flash says “3”.
The watchers continue this pattern until the statues stop flashing.

Note: there are three mini tests in stage one.
In the first test there are four flashes, and they flash slowly.
In the second test there are five flashes and the flash a bit quicker.
In the third test, there are six flashes and they flash fast.

Once the statues are done flashing (and you know this because a number was
called out for each statue that flashed) then the two watchers go and hit the
statues in that order.
The watcher who saw “1” goes and hits one, and if the other watcher saw 2
flash, then the first watcher says “hit 2”. This lets the other watcher know
that it is time to hit his statue. Once he is done hitting 2 he will say “hit
3” This continues until all the statues are hit. Then the watcher who hit the
last statue will tell the GL to “click”, meaning that it is now ok to click
the lion.

Now either you have hit the statues in the correct order or, you have failed
the test.

Note: if you fail the second or third test, then the whole stage will reset
and you will have to start the first test over again. Tough, I know, but MS
likes to do that to people.

Conversation Example

Here is an example of what the conversation between the GL and Watcher A
and Watcher B would be like. This is a conversation from the first stage so
there are only 4 flashes.
(The words in parentheses is what their actions are)

GL: A and B you ready?
A: ready
B: ready
(GL clicks on the lion)
(A sees a statue flash)
A: 1
(B sees that A has seen the first statue. B sees the next statue flash)
B: 2
(A sees that B has seen the second statue. A sees the next statue flash)
A: 3
(A sees another statue flash)
A: 4
(A hits statue 1, the statue that he called out number one for)
(after A has hit statue 1 he knows its time to hit statue two, but he
doesn’t know which statue was number two, but B does, so he tells B it
is time to hit 2)
A: hit 2
(B hits 2)
B: hit 3 4 (B knows that A has three and four)
(A hits three and four)
A: click
(GL clicks the statue)

If everything is correct the lion will send a message to everyone saying
“You have passed the first stage of the gatekeepers test.”
(Is this example helpful? Send me an email if you get more confused from this

Here are some hints

Most Important Hint
The statues make a sound when they flash, so YOU SHOULD HAVE THE SOUND ON!
That way if you don’t see a statue flash, you will have known that a statue
has flashed and can quickly look for it. However, you cannot here every
statue on the map flash. For example, if you are on the left side and a
statue on the far right side flashes, you won’t be able to hear it. But you
can hear most of the statues flash.

It is very hard to remember which statues flashed and in what order.
So I find it helpful to draw a mini map on a piece of scratch paper.
The one for the left looks something like this.


The one on the right looks something like this.


This way you can write the number on the “statue” so you know when it flashed.
The downside is that if you take too much time writing down numbers, you can
miss a statue flashing. But if you have the sound on, then you will know to
look up and see where the statue flashing is.

Another tip, for the statues that are in the middle row, unless you are very
careful, you can end up hitting the wrong statue.
If you jump and try to hit a middle row statue, you will probably end up
hitting a bottom row statue.
The safe way to hit a middle row statue is to climb on of the ropes, and
jump down on a little ledge next to the statue. (Note you cannot stand on
top of the middle row statues, you will fall through, unlike the top row).
Once you are on the ledge, you can crouch down and safely poke the statue.
It is a little bit difficult to get on this ledge, but much safer then jumping
to hit the statue. Also mages with maxed tele can tele up to this ledge.

Another tip, sometimes you can help out the watchers by paying attention,
and then “all talk” to point out which statue was which number.
I recommend saying something like this
“<<<<< (Number)”
Say this while standing to the right of the statue

If people don’t like this, go stand back in the middle.
But usually people like some help, just don’t say anything when the watchers
are calling out numbers.

In my mind this is the hardest stage in the GQ, because it takes so long to
understand, and complete successfully. The best way to actually learn how to
do this stage is to actually be one of the watchers. And be prepared for
people to get angry at each other.

Alternate Version

There is an alternate version to Stage 1.
Instead of two watchers you have three watchers.

The new watcher “C” stands on top of the door and watches the middle section.
Here is a map of where the watchers stand

Map Alternate Stage 1

Left Right

Left equal left side
Right equals right side
O = a statue that could flash
A = watcher A
B = Watcher B
C = Watcher C
Door is the door obviously
GL = Guild Leader
Lion = Gatekeeper Statue

The watchers and the GL then go through the whole process, but with three
watchers now.
In my opinion, the problem with this version is that the statues that the
watchers are watching are overlapped. Since all the statues are being watched
by watchers A and B, having a third watcher will only lead to confusion,
if not handled properly.

For example, let’s say that the first statue that flashed was the one on top
of the door. Then Watcher C AND Watcher B would BOTH say “1.”
This will cause confusion for A, since he will not be sure if only one statue
flashed or if two statues flashed, and one watcher really meant “2.”
The way around this is for the watchers to pay careful attention to their
message bar, and if they see two names say the same number right after each
other, they then assume that only one statue flashed. But this means that
less attention is being paid to the statues, so someone might miss a statue
that flashed.

Another solution is to divide up the statues by consensus. Meaning you scream
at each other which statues you will watch.
This could be different for every guild that you GQ, with, so while it will
work, it is more work and usually more arguing in the beginning. You want to
get the stage done as fast as possible, so I recommend going with the two
watcher version.

See what I mean about this stage being hard. If people start talking and
moving around it makes it even MORE hard to complete the stage. This is the
stage that might tear your guild apart. It’s that hard to get the first
couple of times. It took me and a new GQing guild an hour to get past the
first stage. That’s two thirds of the time you have to finish the GQ. The
other stages, although hard, do not require this incredible amount of
cooperation and teamwork. Also the next stages involve jump quests and
monster killing, something everyone is familiar with.

Stage 2

In this stage you need to collect four Longinus Spears and place them on
four pedestals in order to open the door.

The map should say “Hall of the Knight”
If it does not, you are in one of those in between maps, keep walking until you
reach the correct map.

In this map there are four doors/ portals.
The bottom door has three spears in it.
The middle door has monsters and a key in it.
The top left door is sealed for now.
The top right door is where the spears will be placed.

Note: in order to pick up the spears you need to jump and press your pick up
button. The reason for this, the spears are just extra large. (Don’t worry
they still fit in your inventory though.)

Bottom Portal

At least three people need to enter the bottom door to obtain three spears.
A person can only carry one spear at a time, so you need three people.

The reason for this is, that in order to obtain the spears, you need to
complete a mini jump quest (JQ). Haste and teleport doesn’t work in here. The
jump quests consist of lasers. You should call out which color of lasers you
are doing. The blue lasers are on the left, the yellow lasers are in the
middle, and the red lasers are on the right.
I recommend that you specialize in one of these jump quests, so that if
everyone know how to do one jump quest then your guild can complete the stage
The spear is chained up on a pedestal at the top of the JQ. You need to
regular attack the pedestal a couple of times to get at the spear.

Middle Portal

While (at least) three people are completing the JQ’s a strong warrior
(because you need high HP and not really a mage because of strong magic
defense) goes into the middle portal, preferably with a priest/cleric to heal.
In there Muscle Stones need to be defeated.
A set of keys will come from the Master Muscle Stone.
The regular Muscle Stones will keep spawning until you kill the Master Muscle
The reason for the warrior is that you need a high HP and the Muscle Stones
have high magic defense. Bring a Priest or cleric with you too. But any high
enough level can complete this portal, it’s just easier for a warrior.
The stats for the Muscle Stones are as follows.

Muscle Stone

Level: 63
HP: 16000
MP: 100
EXP: 520
KB (Knock-Back): 2500

Weapon ATT: 285
Magic ATT: 0
Weapon DEF: 350
Magic DEF: 560
Speed: -60
Accuracy: 140
Avoidability: 23

Most effective magic: none
Effective magic: Holy
Less effective magic: Ice, Lightning, Fire, Poison
Non-effective magic: Heal
Special ATT: none

Master Muscle Stone
(He looks exactly like all the other Muscle Stones except he has a circle
buckle in the middle of his chest instead of a square one)

Level: 65
HP: 40000
MP: 180
EXP: 1120
KB (Knock-Back): 2500

Weapon ATT: 285
Magic ATT: 0
Weapon DEF: 380
Magic DEF: 560
Speed: -60
Accuracy: 145
Avoidability: 23

Most effective magic: none
Effective magic: Holy
Less effective magic: Ice, Lightning, Fire, Poison
Non-effective magic: Heal
Special ATT: spawning lots of Muscle Stones

Top Left Portal

After the warrior gets the keys he takes those keys and drops them in front
of the sealed portal on the top left of the map.
Wait for a bit and the door should open.

Inside there is a set of barriers on the bottom right.
A mage with any level teleport, or a hermit with any level flash jump, needs
to go past these barriers to obtain a set of keys. On the far right of the
barriers there is a pile of debris. Regular attack this debris until you get
to a box. Regular attack this box until it breaks and the keys come out.
Then the keys need to be given to the thief with dark sight.
In the same portal still, the dark sight thief takes the keys up and to the
right past the Dark Muscle Stones. The thief needs dark sight to get past
these monsters because they do 8k contact damage. I REPEAT! THE THIEF NEEDS

For those of you who are curious, here are the stats for the Dark Muscle

Master Muscle Stone

Level: 200
HP: 9999999
MP: 0
EXP: 0
KB (Knock-Back): 99999

Weapon ATT: 999
Magic ATT: 0
Weapon DEF: 999
Magic DEF: 999
Speed: -60
Accuracy: 999
Avoidability: 999

Most effective magic: none
Effective magic: none
Less effective magic: Ice, Lightning, Fire, Poison, Holy
Non-effective magic: Heal
Special ATT: none

(Can anyone say EEK! These are the highest level monsters on Hidden-Street)

The thief then opens the locked door (by dropping the keys) on the other side
of the Dark Muscle Stones.
Then you obtain the fourth spear.

Upper Right Portal

Once you have a spear, from any of the portals, go to the upper right portal
to place the spear on a pedestal. You reach the pedestals by doing a mini jump
quest. The four mini JQ’s are clearly defined. You need to guild talk everyone
so that they know which JQ’s have been done. You should call out far left,
middle left, middle right, and far right.

The one on the far left anyone can do, it’s just climbing and jumping from
rope to rope.

The middle left one someone with haste, or with haste on them, needs to do.
There are a couple of jumps that are two big for normal jumping, and that
aren’t right for teleporting. Also there are lasers on this mini jump quest.

The middle right anyone can do. There is a teleporting sequence that you have
to follow, like in the Ludi PQ, but there are no boxes with numbers. Here is
my map of which spots you press up on.

Map of the Middle Right JQ to place a Longinus Spear.

1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 3

The numbers with a “*” above them mean you press up on that platform.
The amount of numbers show how many platforms there are, and about where the
platforms are located. Whenever you press up on a platform, if it’s the correct
one, you will appear on the first platform on the level above you.
Note: the bottom two sets of three you can get on by jumping on top of them.

The far right is the one that only a mage with maxed teleport can do. It also
has lasers to avoid.

When you drop the spear on top of a pedestal, it should turn into a pair of
yellow wings, and then turn green.
Once the last spear is on its pedestal, then the glowing blue skull will
vanish and you can go onto stage three.

Stage Three

In this stage you and your guild need to “give” four vassals the correct
items in order to open the secret passageway to the next stage.

The map should say
Fountain of the Wise Man

There are Black Knights, and Myst Knights, (black ghost thingies) that you
have to kill.
The stats for the Knights are as follows.

Black Knight

Level: 66
HP: 40000
MP: 200
EXP: 1060
KB (Knock-Back): 2700

Weapon ATT: 250
Magic ATT: 320
Weapon def: 550
Magic def: 320
Speed: -20
Accuracy: 145
Avoidability: 25

Most effective magic: Holy
Effective magic: Ice, Lightning, Fire
Less effective magic: Poison
Non-effective magic: Heal
Special ATT:
- Poisons you for about 30 seconds where you lose 15 HP about every 3 seconds.
- Increase their weapon defense (yellow colored circle)
- Increase their magic defense (blue colored circle)

Myst Knight

Level: 66
HP: 40000
MP: 200
EXP: 1060
KB (Knock-Back): 2700

Weapon ATT: 250
Magic ATT: 320
Weapon def: 550
Magic def: 320
Speed: -10
Accuracy: 145
Avoidability: 25

Most effective magic: Holy
Effective magic: Ice, Lightning, Fire
Less effective magic: Poison
Non-effective magic: Heal
Special ATT:
- Poisons you for about 30 seconds where you lose 15 HP about every 3 seconds.
- Increase their weapon defense (yellow colored circle)
- Increase their magic defense (blue colored circle)

Note: if you are lower level you should wait outside, in the hallway map
between stages two and three, until the higher levels have killed all the

Getting the Items

These monsters drop four medals and four papers. PICK UP THESE ITEMS!!!!!

On the upper portal to the left (the wine cellar) there are boxes that you
have to break open to obtain four drinks.

On the upper portal to the right (the center banquet) there are these silver
tureens that you need to break open to obtain four foods. Also in the upper
right portal there are these shooting arrows that you need to dodge to get
the food.

If you are in the party that killed the monsters, then you are able to pick
up the items. Once someone has picked up an item, it can ONLY be picked up by
that one person. Also once you have picked up the item and then dropped it, it
will NOT disappear, they WILL disappear if you don’t pick them up in the
first place. It is one of those maps, that whoever drops an item, is the only
person who can pick it up. You can drop any type of item.

Dropping the Items

Once your guild has four types of every item it is time to come back to the
center map.
Then your guild should drop four of their item. They should drop one in front
of each statue on the bottom.
For example let’s say on decide on paper, you would then drop one paper in
front of each statue.
Then the GL should click on the Guard Statue (lion).
If this is the first click the lion will explain that in order to open the
secret passageway each of the vassals (statues) needs the correct gift, a.k.a.
food, drink, paper, or a medal.

Then the GL should click on the lion ONCE.
You have been warned.

The lion should then tell the GL which of the vassals knows about the item
and which don’t. The GL should tell the rest of the guild how many are correct.
For example, let’s say two of the papers are right, the GL would then say two
are right.

You should write down on a piece of scrap paper “2 paper” so you don’t have to
worry about forgetting the combo.

Also for each guess two Black Knights or Myst Knights appear one either side
of the vassals. (If you get the combo wrong)

Now the person, who dropped the papers, picks them up.
Next you drop four of a different item, let’s say medals. Remember one item
for each statue.

The GL then clicks on the lion once. Let’s say that one is correct.

After you kill the Knight, the person that dropped the medals picks them all

Let’s say you know drop four drinks. The GL then clicks once on the lion.
Let’s say that none are correct.
Now you know that the combination has two papers, one medal, and one food.
So, obviously you put down two papers, one medal, and one food.

But wait a minute, you might say; shouldn’t we put down four foods?
Nope, because we know for certain that the combo is 2 papers, 1 medal, and 1
food. Putting down four foods would just waste a guess.

Now here is a strategy to get the correct combo, but it requires that you
have only two of an item (if you have one of each item, good luck, if you
have three of one item, its easy, if you have four of an item you all ready
know the correct combo.)
So our pretend combo is 2 papers 1, 1 medal, and 1 food. Put down two papers
and then put down two wine. That’s right use the item that you know isn’t in
the combo. This way you will know EXACTLY where the double items go so you
can get the right combo before using up the number of guesses.

So you have two paper (on the left) and two wine (on the right). If the statue
says two are correct, then the two wine stay where they are, and you put down
the other two items instead.

If the statue says 1 correct move the two paper to the two central statues, so
the pattern looks like:

Incorrect item, correct item, correct item, incorrect item.

If the statue says zero items are correct then you know the papers go on the
first statue and the fourth statue. If the statue says two are correct, you
just leave them there. If the statue says one item is correct then the two
items are either on the first and third statues, or the second and fourth
statues. You should test to see which one is right. Then pray for good luck
when you put down the other two items, because it will be your last guess

This is arguably the best way to find out the order of the items, because,
if you put down the items in the combination, you don’t know what item is
correct or not. If you wanted to try this with one correct item and 3
incorrect items you would waste 3 guesses, and you only have seven and you
have already spent three guess finding out the combo.

If you don’t get the correct combo within the seven guesses then a mob of
Black and Myst Knights will appear.
Also the combo is something totally new and different. So you have to restart
the whole process again.

Note: Level 30 minus, you should be on the top part of the map in order to
survive the mob of Black and Myst Knights, since they only appear on the

Some Hints and Explanations

Some people wonder why you put down four of each item, even though you
already know that you have, for example, two papers. The reason is that if
you kept out two papers and put down two medals, then when the GL says how
many are correct, you don’t know if it is the paper or the medals that are
correct. So you don’t know how many medals you have. The Lion does not say
if you have the right item out, but in the wrong spot. The lion only says
correct or not correct. So you need to put out four of each item, and you
only need to do that three times.

If I just totally confused, just trust me that you need to put out four of
one type if item. And you do that three times only, with a different item
for each time.

Sometimes you will have a combo that has one of each item. In that case it
is almost impossible to get the right combo in seven tries. The only way I
would know how to do that is to change all but the first one, then put a
different one in the first one, then change the rest, and so on. This
obviously takes more then the four remaining guesses, so if anyone has a
better way to discover which is the right combo please email me. Otherwise,
you just randomly move the objects around, while keeping track of which
combos you have done, and hope you get lucky.

Once you get the correct combination the secret passageway will open.
Unlike any other map in MS, the secret passageway is not to the right.
Instead it is to the left of the four statues.
People can be confused by this.

Note: the four items can also be known as:
Paper = Scroll
Drink = Wine
Food = Olives
Medals they just equal medals.

Another Note: You can pass this stage if you don’t have four of every item,
but you NEED to have at least four of three types of items. But the combo
could be four of an item you don’t have so just make sure you have four of
every item.

Here is my attempt at a chart of the way you should place the items.
(item C is correct item IC is incorrect)
Guess 1:
Four of item X

Guess 2:
Four of item Y

Guess 3:
Four of item Z

(you now know what number or items are in the combo)

Guess 4:
Four of 1 item Three of 1 item Two of 1 item One of each item

C C C C X X X Y C C IC IC (Good Luck)
/ \
Guess 5: / \
/ \
/ 1 correct 2 correct
/ \ \
Guess 6: / \ \
1 correct 2 correct continued

/ \
Guess 7: / \
0 correct 2 correct

(pray that you picked
the right spot for
the other two items)

Stage 4

After you go through the secret passageway you should now be in a long
horizontal map.
You should be next to an NPC, a pile of paper like stuff that says
Sharen III’s Will

Read Sharen III’s Will.
The will basically says that you need four clothing items, shoes, pants,
shirt, and crown, to pass the stage. Once you have these items you need to
drop them on Sharen in the order, shoe pants, shirt, crown (not the will but
the corpse of Sharen, it’s in another map). Also that when you drop the
items you need to wait for Sharen to absorb the items before you drop the
next one on him.

Do NOT drop all four items on Sharen at the same time or in the wrong order!
He WILL absorb them and you will have to restart the ENTIRE GQ!

There are now four portals that you and your guild members need to split up
between yourselves. (Some people get the shoes; some people get the pants,
etc.) I will cover the portals in the order that you need to drop the items
on Sharen.

First though some information on the map. There are four sets of hidden
portals, and they look like sewers things.
The far right set has six sewers, and you can jump to it.
The middle left set has three sewers and you can’t jump to it.
The middle right has three sewers and you can jump to it.
The far right has five sewers and you can’t jump to it.

Here is a map of stage 4

Far Left Middle Left Middle Right Far Right
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
/ \ ___ / \ / \ ___ ___ / \ ___ / \
___ / \ ___ ___ / \ / \ ___ ___ / \ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ \___/ ___ / \ ___ \___/ ___
/ \ ___ / \ / \ \___/ ___ / \ / \
___ / \ ___ ___ / \ ___ ___
\___/ ___

Getting the Shoes

Who should get the Shoes

Technically any person can get the shoes as there are no level requirements
or tough monsters to fight. But the level thirty minus and the people with
range attacks (Archers, Assassins and Dragon Knights) should not do this
portal since they are needed in other portals. Also the Priests/Clerics
should go with the people that are going to fight monsters, so they really
shouldn’t do this portal either. But if you have a lot of the range attackers,
etc. then they can do this portal too.

How to get to the shoes

Guild talk that you are going to get the shoes.
You then need to teleport through a couple of hidden portals to get the right
Jump to the middle bottom portal on the far left set and press up, you should
be in the same set but in the top right corner. Jump to the bottom left corner
on the same set and press up. You should now be on the far right set on the
top right sewer. Jump to the bottom left sewer of the same set and press up.
You should be on the middle left set on the top portal. Jump to either the
bottom portal in the same set and press up. You should then enter a different
If you don’t follow the correct order you will end up by Sharen III’s will.

Here is a map of how to get to the shoes.

Far Left Middle Left Middle Right Far Right
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
/ \ ___ / 1\ / 3\ ___ ___ / \ ___ / 2\
___ / \ ___ ___ / \ / \ ___ ___ / \ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ \___/ ___ / \ ___ \___/ ___
/2 \ ___ / \ / X \ \___/ ___ /3 \ / \
___ /1 \ ___ ___ / \ ___ ___
\___/ ___

If the number is on the left side of the portal that means you press up there.
If the number is on the right side of the portal that means you appear there.
The “X” means that is where you press up to get to the next map.

You now need to complete a JQ, to collect the shoes. The JQ consists of
conveyor belts and teleporting sewers. Once you get the shoes go through
the portal in the JQ map.
You should be at the map:
Sharen III’s grave.
Wait for the rest of the guild by the corpse and glowing blue skull.

Getting the pants

Who should get the Pants

I recommend that a level sixty plus (at the very minimum) enters this portal
to kill the monsters and get the pants. Again the level thirty minus, and the
range attackers (Archers, Assassins, and Dragon Knights) should not do this
portal since they are needed in another portal. But if you have a lot of range
attackers feel free to do this portal. Priests and clerics can come in and
help heal and kill the monsters.

How to get the pants

Guild talk that you will be getting the pants.
You then need to teleport through a couple of hidden portals to get the right
The hidden portals are in the sewer like things.
In this map there are four sets of sewer looking things.
On the far left set jump onto the middle bottom portal and then jump to the
bottom right portal, and press up.

Here is a map of how to get to the pants.

Far Left Middle Left Middle Right Far Right
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
/ \ ___ / \ / \ ___ ___ / \ ___ / \
___ / \ ___ ___ / \ / \ ___ ___ / \ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ \___/ ___ / \ ___ \___/ ___
/ \ ___ / X \ / \ \___/ ___ / \ / \
___ / \ ___ ___ / \ ___ ___
\___/ ___

The “X” means that is where you press up to get to the next map.

You should then be in the room with the puppet golems.
The puppet golem look like weird blocks with strings attached to a little black
circle floating above them.
The stats for the puppet golems are as follows.

Puppet Golem

Level: 67
HP: 35000
MP: 120
EXP: 1100
KB (Knock-Back): 1500

Weapon ATT: 310
Magic ATT: 0
Weapon DEF: 550
Magic DEF: 800
Speed: -50
Accuracy: 145
Avoidability: 21

Most effective magic: -
Effective magic: -
Less effective magic: Ice, Lightning, Fire Poison, Holy
Non-effective magic: Heal
Special ATT: none

You now need to kill all the puppet golems. You should collect all the Marks
of Evil (skull things) that they drop. You (and your partners if you have any)
should now have Nine Marks of Evil. Now go to the sealed door in your portal.
Drop Nine Marks of Evil on the door. (You probably need to give all the Marks
to one person) Wait a bit and then the sealed door should open. Go through the
now open portal (you should gain some guild points) Now complete the mini JQ
to obtain the pants. This JQ has conveyor belts as well and teleporting
portals. Once you have the pants, go through the portal in the JQ map, you
should then be at the map:
Sharen III’s Grave
Wait for the rest of the guild by the corpse and glowing blue skull.
I recommend that any job except a mage does this portal, preferably a warrior
because of the puppet golems’ high magic defense. The thirty minus doesn’t do
this portal.

Getting the shirt

Who should get the shirt
The level thirty minus should NOT enter this portal. The range attackers
(Archers, Assassins, and Dragon Knights with a good Dragon Roar) with the
helpful Priests and Clerics should do this portal. Although, the Priests
and Clerics are not technically necessary if you have enough HP pots.
Range attackers should be at the very minimum level sixty.

How to get the shirt

Guild talk that you will be getting shirt.
You then need to teleport through a couple of hidden portals to get the right
You should jump onto the middle bottom portal of the far left set and press
up. You should be in the same set on the top right. Then jump to the bottom
left portal on the same set and press up. You should now be on the far right
set on the top right portal. Jump to the center portal and press up.

Here is a map of how to get to the shirt.

Far Left Middle Left Middle Right Far Right
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
/ \ ___ / 1\ / \ ___ ___ / \ ___ / 2\
___ / \ ___ ___ / \ / \ ___ ___ / X \ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ \___/ ___ / \ ___ \___/ ___
/2 \ ___ / \ / \ \___/ ___ / \ / \
___ /1 \ ___ ___ / \ ___ ___
\___/ ___

If the number is on the left side of the portal that means you press up there.
If the number is on the right side of the portal that means you appear there.
The “X” means that is where you press up to get to the next map.

You should be in a map with a gargoyle at the top.
You now need to kill the gargoyles.
Do NOT kill the gargoyle at the top until your guild kill all of the Jr.
Gargoyles that spawn at the bottom. I believe that if you kill the gargoyle
at the top before you kill the Jr. Gargoyles at the bottom you won’t be
able to get the marks of evil to open the door, you will get the mysterious
invisible item instead, I think. According to Jack L. the invisible item is
a glitch. The invisible item does not take the place of shirt. If you do end
up getting this invisible item, then you cannot finish the GQ, you will have
to restart.

Once you kill the all Jr. Gargoyles at the bottom, you can kill the gargoyle
at the top. To kill the gargoyle at the top you need a Dragon Knight with
Dragon Roar to kill it, or a person with maxed range. The person with maxed
range goes to the far right of the map and presses up in the sewer there,
you should appear in another sewer at the top left of the screen and you
should be able to hit the Gargoyle with some effort. I say with some effort
because of the special attack the Gargoyle at the top has. He drops these
spiked wheels all over the map. See the Gargoyle stats for more information.

Once you kill the Gargoyle at the top, more Jr. Gargoyles will spawn and
these will drop Marks of Evil. You need eight Marks to open the sealed door
in the gargoyle map. Once you have eight Marks, drop them in front of the door
(you might need to have only one person have all the Marks before you drop
them). Then go through the now open portal and complete the JQ to get the
shirt. The JQ consists of conveyor belts, flashing poison gas, and teleporting
sewer portals.

The stats for the top Gargoyle and the Jr. Gargoyles are as follows.


Level: 68
HP: 35000
MP: 300
EXP: 1150
KB (Knock-Back): 1600

Weapon ATT: 260
Magic ATT: 360
Weapon def: 340
Magic def: 570
Speed: 0
Accuracy: 140
Avoidability: 20

Most effective magic: none
Effective magic: none
Less effective magic: Ice, Lightning, Fire, Poison, Holy
Non-effective magic: Heal
Special ATT: Summon Jr. Gargoyles and drop about ten spiky wheels all over
the floor at the same time, that do about 900 damage. You can avoid these
spiky wheels of doom, because a black skull thing flashes on the floor a
couple of times right where the wheels will drop, before they do drop.

Jr. Gargoyle

Level: 62
HP: 15000
MP: 100
EXP: 430
KB (Knock-Back): 1200

Weapon ATT: 220
Magic ATT: 0
Weapon DEF: 250
Magic DEF: 250
Speed: 5
Accuracy: 130
Avoidability: 26

Most effective magic: none
Effective magic: Ice, Lightning, Fire, Poison, Holy
Less effective magic: none
Non-effective magic: Heal
Special ATT: none

(this is the map that you go through if you die in the boss stage, because
the jump quest is split in two parts, so it’s easy to walk through and you
can get to the next stage without having to do a jump quest.)

Once you have the shirt, go through the portal in the JQ map, you should then
be at the map:
Sharen III’s Grave
Wait for the rest of the guild by the corpse and glowing blue skull.

Getting the crown

Who should get the crown?

Only a level thirty minus can get the crown. This is why you need the thirty
minus in the first place. I recommend that a level twenty five plus does this
portal to finish it quickly. If you are above level thirty and press up by
this portal, a message appears saying there is an immovable wall in your way.

How to get the crown?

Guild talk that you are getting the crown.
The level 30 minus goes to the third set of sewers (the middle right set).
This set only has three sewers. The lower right sewer has a little brown
plaque above it.
Here is a map of how to get to the crown.

Far Left Middle Left Middle Right Far Right
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
/ \ ___ / \ / \ ___ ___ / \ ___ / \
___ / \ ___ ___ / \ / \ ___ ___ / \ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ \___/ ___ / \ ___ \___/ ___
/ \ ___ / \ / \ \___/ *__ / \ / \
___ / \ ___ ___ / X \ ___ ___
\___/ ___

The “X” means that is where you press up to get to the next map.
The “*” is where the little brown plaque is.

Once inside you kill all the Devil Slime.
The stats for the Devil Slime are as follows.

Devil Slime

Level: 23
HP: 1000
MP: 0
EXP: 170
KB (Knock-Back): 100

Weapon ATT: 95
Magic ATT: 0
Weapon DEF: 30
Magic DEF: 40
Speed: -20
Accuracy: 55
Avoidability: 8

Most effective magic: none
Effective magic: Ice, Lightning, Fire, Poison, Holy
Less effective magic: none
Non-effective magic: Heal
Special ATT: none

Collect all the Marks of Evil the Devil Slimes drop. You should
have 20 Marks. You then drop the 20 Marks on the sealed portal on the top
right of the screen. Wait for a bit and the door should open. Go inside and
complete the mini JQ to get the crown. This JQ has conveyor belts, a semi
hidden ladder on the right side of the map and flashing green gas to knock
you off. Once you have the crown go through the portal in the JQ map. You
should now be at the map:
Sharen III’s Grave
Wait for the rest of the guild by the corpse and glowing blue skull.

Dropping the Items

Once all of you are there by the corpse, then you can start dropping the
items on Sharen. The reason for waiting, is that if you drop the items in the
wrong order or drop them too quickly then Sharen will absorb them and you will
have to RESTART THE ENTIRE GQ! Of course you can start dropping items before
the rest of the guild is there, but this could lead to confusion, so just wait
a little bit. The corpse is on the right side of the map.

Order of dropping the items

First you drop the shoes on Sharen. Wait for him to absorb the shoes. Then
drop the pants, and wait for him to absorb it. Then you drop the shirt on
Sharen, and wait for him to absorb it. Then finally you drop the crown on
Sharen, and wait for him to absorb it.
If you do it wrong, the corpse will absorb the items anyway, and you will have
to restart the entire GQ.

I repeat, THE ORDER IS…
Shoes, Pants, Shirt, Crown

After the corpse has absorbed the crown; Sharen III Soul should appear. Your
GL should click on Sharen III’s Soul and then he will destroy the glowing
blue skull blocking the portal.
Go through the portal to get to the next stage.

Stage Five

(The sacrifice stage)

After going through the portal you should see this map:
King’s Corridor Sharenian

At the far right of the map there is a large door. In order to open the door,
you have to drop the purple earrings by it.
“But wait a minute,” you might say, “Didn’t you say to NEVER take the
earrings off?”

Yes, and this is the exception to the rule.

You also might think “Wait a minute. Why sacrifice someone? Why don’t you
carry an extra pair of earrings with you to stage five?”
The reason is that the earrings are that type of items that you can only
have one of. This means that you can only carry the earrings that you are
wearing. So the only way to get a pair of “extra” earrings is to have someone
“unimportant” wear the earrings and drop them by the door.

Since the level thirty minus has finished the thirty minus portal, he can’t
really help out anymore, so the level 30 minus sacrifices them selves by taking
off their earrings to open the door.
Some reasons for this are as follows.
Your guild needs all the high levels to fight the boss.
You can regain exp much quicker than higher levels can, (Especially if you
Kerning PQ).

Also, don’t make too big a deal out of it, because the only exp you lose from
taking off your earrings is 1%, and you have probably gained more than that
by killing the devil slime.

And don’t worry that you will not be able to come back, as long as people are
in the GQ you will reappear inside the GQ

As a level thirty minus, I recommend that you drop your earrings quickly.
This will impress everyone, and saves time. (Believe me, one guy kept saying
that he loved me because I was dropping the earrings without a fuss)
The ONLY way to drop the earrings is to drop them directly from the
equipment menu. If you just take them off you will turn into a ghost and won’t
be able to drop them. So make SURE you drop the from the equipment menu!

Also, make sure that you drop the earrings directly in the center of the door.
Stay there a while as a ghost just to make sure your sacrifice worked.
After your guild has entered the doors, then you can press ok.

Once you do that you will return to this map:
Sharenian Entrance to the Remains
This is the little “useless” map that you walked through after you got the
Since you dropped your earrings you now need another pair in order to not die.
There are a couple purple rocks that you can hit to get them.


Once you have your earrings, walk all the way through every stage to get to
the boss stage.
The easiest way to get through stage four is to follow the gargoyle portal
guide (see previous). And yes you could go through other portals in stage
four, but the gargoyle one is the quickest to walk through.

Note: this is the map you appear in, and the route you follow, if you die in
any stage of the GQ.

Hidden Portal

According to Jack L. there is a hidden portal that you can enter to go into
the boss stage. However once you go through this portal you cannot really go
back and cannot fight the boss from this spot. So the GL should NOT go through
this portal, because they won’t be able to pick up the Rubian crystal.
When you walk to the huge doors, there is a small crack in a pillar. That is
where you press up. Then you appear in a safe spot where you can’t get hit.
However there are some spikes around there and if you hit them you take
damage. If you want to leave that spot, then the only way is to suicide by
taking damage from the spikes.

Boss Stage

Once you go through the portal you should now be in the map
Ergoth’s Throne

You now need to break the Rubian crystal floating above Ergoth’s throne
(it’s the huge throne on the right you can’t miss it)

Stats for the monsters

The stats for Ergoth are as follows (from Hidden-street.net)


Level: 115
HP: 1700000
MP: 150000
EXP: 150000
KB (Knock-Back): 9999

Weapon ATT: 700
Magic ATT: 700
Weapon def: 1100
Magic def: 1200
Speed: 0
Accuracy: 230
Avoidability: 18

Most effective magic: none
Effective magic: Heal
Less effective magic: Ice, Lightning, Fire, Poison, Holy
Non-effective magic: none
Special ATT:
- summon mini reapers that give around 3700 damage,
- heal himself about 30000 HP,
- summon Black Knights and Myst Knights,
- summon mini reapers that deal around 300 damage. You can avoid these reapers
somewhat because there is a little flashing symbol where they appear, right
before they appear.

Ergoth isn’t alone in this stage; he has a couple of “buddies”
to help him out.

There are four statues that help Ergoth attack your guild.
They appear right around Ergoth like this

Knight Knight
Lion Lion

Lion Statue B and Knight Statue B have more of a blue tint the Lion and Knight
Statue A.

Here are their stats.

Lion Statue A

Level: 99
HP: 1000000
MP: 100000
EXP: 0
KB (Knock-Back): 9999

Weapon ATT: 600
Magic ATT: 600
Weapon def: 800
Magic def: 850
Speed: 0
Accuracy: 210
Avoidability: 13

Most effective magic: none
Effective magic: none
Less effective magic: Ice, Lightning, Fire, Poison, Holy
Non-effective magic: Heal

Lion Statue B:

Level: 99
HP: 1000000
MP: 100000
EXP: 0
KB (Knock-Back): 9999

Weapon ATT: 600
Magic ATT: 600
Weapon def: 800
Magic def: 850
Speed: 0
Accuracy: 210
Avoidability: 13

Most effective magic: none
Effective magic: none
Less effective magic: Ice, Lightning, Fire, Poison, Holy
Non-effective magic: Heal

Knight Statue A

Level: 100
HP: 900000
MP: 80000
EXP: 0
KB (Knock-Back): 9999

Weapon ATT: 610
Magic ATT: 610
Weapon def: 950
Magic def: 920
Speed: 0
Accuracy: 210
Avoidability: 14

Most effective magic: none
Effective magic: none
Less effective magic: Ice, Lightning, Fire, Poison, Holy
Non-effective magic: Heal

Knight Statue B

Level: 100
HP: 900000
MP: 80000
EXP: 0
KB (Knock-Back): 9999

Weapon ATT: 610
Magic ATT: 610
Weapon def: 950
Magic def: 920
Speed: 0
Accuracy: 210
Avoidability: 14

Most effective magic: none
Effective magic: none
Less effective magic: Ice, Lightning, Fire, Poison, Holy
Non-effective magic: Heal

According to Immortal’s Guild Quest Guide

The Knight statue on the left can summon saw blades from the floor to deal
about 150 damage. You can avoid these two since a little golden half circle
appears on the floor right before the saw blades attack.

The Knight statue on the right can reduce your HP and MP to one.

The Lion statue on the right can dispel any skills that are on your character.

The Lion statue on the right might summon Jr. Gargoyles, but I don’t know for

Also, according to Jack L. one of the bosses can curse you with seal and
darkness at least.

Now you finally know why you need a Priest.

They will be using heal as their main attack against Ergoth.
And they will be dispelling any curses that are on members of their party too.
And also they will be healing members in their party.
Incredibly handy if the Knight Statue can reduce HP and MP down to one.
And if the priest has Holy Symbol, you will all get high amounts of experience
from killing the boss!
When I GQed to the boss stage I saw 100 plus levels dying, probably because
they did not have a priest/cleric.

Items you should have

You will need a LOT of MP pots, especially Elixir and Power Elixir. So you
should stock up. Also if you don’t have a Priest or Cleric you will need
holy water, eye drops etc. Along with LOTS of HP pots too. Priests can die you

Strategies for Killing Ergoth

This is my general strategy for killing Ergoth.
The Priests stand on either side of Ergoth and heal like crazy. Ergoth is
vulnerable to heal, that’s why the Priests do this.
The other guild members then kill the statues, especially the Knight
Statue on the right (the one that can bring HP and MP down to one). Then they
should concentrate on the one that can dispel skills, then on the one that
summons the saw blades, and then finally, on the one that doesn’t do too
much. If you need to be healed, well you should be in the healing range of
the priests anyway, so just stick close to the statues.
After the four statues are gone, you can help the priests kill Ergoth.
This might mean that you don’t get a lot of exp, since the statues don’t
give you any. But the way I see it, since heal is a second job advancement
skill, it won’t do too much damage. Also you want the cleric’s right around
you when you’re killing the statues, and since the statues and Ergoth are so
close together, well the Priests can’t help but attack Ergoth. This is my own
strategy and later I saw this strategy used by successful guilds on You Tube.

Note: the statues do not give you any exp at all, but with their special
attacks, I think it is worth it to kill the statues before killing Ergoth.
However, you can kill Ergoth first and pick up the Rubian crystal without
having killed the statues.

I received an email from David N. with a semi expensive, yet incredibly quick,
strategy for killing the boss. According to him this way you can kill the
boss less than three minutes.
His strategy is for a level 80+ Chief Bandit to put 450k (Nine 50k bags) by
Ergoth (or by the throne before you summon him) and then meso explode them.
Then Ergoth only has a little bit of life left. So for all of you out there,
who don’t mind using almost half a million to kill Ergoth, go for it. Also
this means that the Chief Bandits get quite a lot of experience, so it’s up
to you and your guild to decide what strategy you want. Also the Chief Bandit
needs some Meso protection as well.

I also received another email from Vincent W. who had some more advice on
this technique. Vincent W. says that the smaller amounts of mesos you drop
the more damage is done. So if you drop a 50k bag it might do 10k damage,
but if you drop 50 1k bags you can do 50k damage. Obviously this takes more
time and effort though. Vincent W. soloed the boss by placing the meso bags
to the left and right of Ergoth. But make sure you keep the bags close enough
to Ergoth so you can damage him. Vincent W. also said that he had a lower level
of meso explosion so this might affect his strategy.

I also talked to a friend, whose guild is number 3 on the gild rank list, and
he said that their highest level is around 85. The reason they are able to
take out Ergoth so many times and so quickly is because they have a lot of
Chief Bandits and they meso explode Ergoth like mad.

Safe Spots

Strategy for lower levels that are in the boss room (The levels 70 minus
basically, not the 30 minus though, they should stay outside the room). The
3k damage will kill you basically right off the bat, but there is a semi safe
spot. If you stay on the left part of the map, on the left of the Tiger
Statue, then the only attacks they get you are the saw blades, and any Jr.
Gargoyles that come over by you. But the thing is if you are over there, you
can’t attack anything.

If you die fighting Ergoth, you can return to the Boss stage and continue
fighting. See the Stage 5 section on how to return to the boss room.
Note: If you do die you only lose 1% EXP, YAY!

Note: if you die in another stage, the same thing will happen to you.

Also see stage five “Hidden Portal” for another safe spot

After you killed Ergoth

Once you have killed Ergoth, he will drop the Rubian crystal, the GL (the one
that registered you for this quest) should pick up the crystal, then click on
the Tiger Statue NPC (He still looks like a lion though). You should then be
transported to the Bonus Stage.

Note: According to an email I received from Jack L. all members do not have to
be in the boss stage in order to go into the bonus stage. Apparently you can
be anywhere in the GQ and still be transported to the bonus stage.

Bonus Stage
Once your leader clicks on the Tiger Statue, you should then be in the bonus

You and your guild members have 40 seconds to open the boxes and obtain items.
(The boxes are opened just like you destroyed the rocks that gave you the
earrings) Also according to Jack L. it takes five hits to open a box.

The Bonus stage is long and horizontal.
Anyone can easily open the boxes at the bottom.
But the boxes at the top can only be reached by going through hidden portals.
A map would be useful, however, with the short amount of time allowed for
being in the bonus stage it is not completely necessary. Also, Mages with
teleport and Hermits with flash jump can get at the top boxes more easily.

The boxes can drop:
HP pots
MP pots
Mush Mom Summoning Sacks
Jr. Balrog Summoning Sacks
Pink, Brown, Purple, Yellow Adventure capes
(Pink gives weapon, brown has more slots maybe, and purple gives magic)
Cape 60% scrolls (Dex, Str, Int, Luk, Def, HP, MP)
Overall 60% scrolls (Dex, Str, Int, Luk, Def, HP, MP)
Top and Bottomwear Def 60%
(Send me an email saying what specific items you got from the bonus stage

Thanks to Mike P. for sending me info on items his guild has received from the

You are not given any items (like in the Kerning City and the Ludibrium PQ)
when you click on the character to leave; you only get items from the boxes.
Once the 40 seconds are up, you are automatically sent to the “End of Journey”

End of Journey

After the time runs out in the bonus stage, you should now be in the map
Returning Path

You need to talk to Nuris, the NPC in the center to leave the map, and return
to the excavation site, maybe to GQ again, if there isn’t another Guild on
the waiting list.

Nuris does not give you any items, so you don’t need to have an empty slot
in you equip, use, and etc inventories (unlike the Kerning and Ludi PQ).

After you click on Nuris, you should be at the map
Excavation Site <Camp>

You can now look at the guild rank board in the center of the map to see how
many guild points you gained from doing the entire GQ.
(there is space for only 50 guilds on the Guild Board though)
Your guild should have gained around a couple hundred guild points for
completing the entire GQ.

Mike P. Sent me this info on the Guild Points.
As for the Amount of GP you get:
You get about 15-20 GP for each stage you complete.
On the jump quest stage (With Sharen III's Will) you get 5GP for each room you
do plus the additional 15-20GP
If you finish the entire GQ around with around 1:10 (1 hour 10 minutes) left,
you will get 850GP.
If you finish after 1:10 you get around 350GP.

Ended Prematurely

If you see one of these messages your GQ is ended prematurely.

Character’s Name has ended the GQ prematurely.

Your Guild Leader Who has registered you for the Guild Quest has left. In
five seconds you will be expelled from the Guild Quest


Your guild consists of less than six members. In five seconds you will be
expelled from the guild quest.

The first message means that someone has clicked on the “Returning Rock” and
left the GQ. (there is a returning rock in every map, except maybe the bonus)

The second message means that there is no one to click on the lions, so you
are expelled from the GQ.

If your party only had six people, then you will now see the second message
appear. And you will be sent to the End of Journey map “Returning Path”. You
then need to click on Nuris to return to the excavation site.

If you see the third message appear, without the first message then:
Your guild only had six people, one of them either, died when other people
were not in the boss stage, disconnected accidentally, quitted the game, or
left the guild.

This is why I strongly recommend more than six people. That way if someone
does die, disconnect, or leave, your guild will still be able to GQ.

Miscellaneous (FAQ's)

What are the earrings for?
The earrings prevent you from dying inside the GQ.
Read the section “Introduction” for more information.

Why don’t you bring a second pair of earrings to the sacrifice stage (stage
The earrings (called protector rocks) are one of those items you can only have
one of in your inventory (or equipped). So you CAN’T carry an extra pair
of earrings with you.
Also in stage two the Longinus spears are the same way, you can only
carry one of them.
Read stage five (and maybe stage two) for more information.

I can’t pick up a Longinus spear, what’s wrong with me?
Nothing is wrong with you, you just need to jump and press “pick up” to get the
spear for some strange reason.

The items that you are missing are the scrolls and medals. If no one picked
them up, they disappear just like regular items. Also the items can “hide”
behind some pillars in that room, so make sure to press pick up behind them.

What are the Guild Points for?

Every stage that you complete gives you guild points and not experience (exp).
The monsters that you fight give you some exp and the boss gives you a LOT of

There is a guild rank board in the excavation sight, so you can see which
guild has GQed more. Also there are “Honorable Rocks” in most cities, and
if you double click on them you can see the guild ranks.

Is there a point to guild points?
Not that I can see right now, but I bet there will be a contest to see who
can get the most in order to win maple points. Anyway just something to do
with maple points in general

Thanks (References)

Thanks to Immortal’s Guild Quest Guide on sleepywood.net. It gave me the idea
for this guide, and let me know somewhat of what I was up for in the GQ. Also
his guide let me know which monsters a person needed to kill in order to stop
other monsters spawning. He also let me know about the special attacks that
the statues have in the Boss stage.
Here is his website to his guide.
Note: I accessed this guide during February 2007

Also I used Hidden-street.net to look up the stats for all of the monsters.

Note: Ergoth also goes by the name Necromancer on other boss guides
Thanks to the pictures from
I was able to figure this out. (That Necromancer equals Ergoth)

Thanks to all the guilds I GQed with. Some of them for putting up with a
noob asking a lot of questions. And some of them for dealing with a bossy
level thirty minus who seemed to know more than was good for her. Or with a
cleric that hid from strong attacks.

Thanks to Wizet for creating this highly addicting game that lets me relax
after school.

Thanks to anyone who gives me good advice or questions that I haven’t

Here is a list of people (so far) that have asked me questions, or given me

Chocopollo – “What are the earrings for?” and “Why don’t you bring a second
pair of earrings to stage five?”

David N. - For his three minute under boss killing strategy.

ZanHe00 - For reading my guide and telling me where I was wrong. He gave me
some information on some of the items you get from the bonus stage.

Jack L. – For sending me a very long email with all the things I made mistakes
on, wasn’t clear about, or had completely left out.

Vincent W. – For his lower level, higher damage meso explosion boss killing

Chris W. - For spotting an important typo that I missed, and giving me the idea
to make a quick overview of the quest.

Mike P. – For sending me much need information on Guild Points and items from
the bonus stage. Thanks

And finally thanks to you for reading my guild quest guide.
Thanks for putting up with all my ramblings.
Enjoy having a fun GQ!

==>Maplestory Quest Guide List <==

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