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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Warrior/Page/Knight Guide

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==>Warrior Guide List<==

Warrior Page & Knight Guide



[ A ] Introduction

[ B ] Quick Points on the Page

[ C ] Weapons of the Page

[ D ] Skills of the Page

[ E ] Skills of the White Knight

[ F ] Elemental Adeptness List

[ G ] Where to Train

[ H ] Assorted Information

[ J ] Links Section

[ K ] Updates & Credits


A. Introduction


You've found yourself at the introduction. It's really really boring, why don't you just skip ahead.

Well finally, a guide just for pages! Not for those snappy fighters, not for those smelly spearmen, but instead for the underdogs. It's about time. Anyways, before I begin my guide, I'd like to introduce myself.

My name is Julian and when I first started playing back in December 2004, I picked to be a Page because I liked the idea of being a warrior with the ability to enhance their weapon with the elements. My guide is pretty in-depth and will be updated with time, but of course it isn't 100% accurate. It contains my recommendations and builds. I made this guide because there is a guide specific to both Spearmen and Fighters, but none to Pages. There is a guide that caps all 3 in 1, but still it isn't designated specifically to Pages.

This guide keeps you covered from level 30+. No, it does not help you with 1st job, 1st job builds, or 1st job skills. The guide is not designed to replace the various warrior encyclopedias that are around the forums, as you can see it is designed to cover things other guides don't and put direct emphasis on them. For example, my guide doesn't have stat point builds. Why? Well, we have those in other guides; there is no reason for me to restate them. However, it does tell you about the controversial skill, Threaten, and covers some common Page misconceptions, as well as the elements we can take control of. This guide covers no pre-warrior information or anything before lvl 30.

I made this not with numbers or charts, but with paragraphs. Paragraphs full of information. Not too many lines of builds, mostly just plain Page/Knight information to answer most of your questions.

Please accept the fact that its quite small and lacking in some topics. I just wanted to get it released first and I will be working diligently to update it over the next couple of days. It may even double in information within a month's time.


B. Quick Points on the Page


For those of you choosing to become a Page, please keep the following points in mind.

Point #1. Pages are said to be the weakest of the 3 different warrior types in 2nd job. I will not dispute this. Our unique Threaten skill loses out to the unique Rage skill of Fighters, and the unique Hyper Body skill of Spearmen.

Point #2: Pages do not get elemental charges in 2nd job. Many people convert to Pages thinking this. If you want our flashy elemental charges, you're going to have to wait until the 3rd job.

Point #3: Pages choose between two weapons, swords and blunt weapons. We cannot wield axes, remember that.

Point #4: We get an MP boost upon job advancement, not an HP boost.

Point #5: Out of the three warrior classes, Pages are the least picked in parties and party quests. This is because we are the only class without a party skill.


C. Weapons of the Page


Pages can choose to master one of two weapons: swords and blunt weapons. Don't even think about going hybrid, there's no point to it.


1. Are faster (Good)

2. Are stable in damage (Good)

3. Have longer range (Good)

4. Tend to be more expensive (Bad)

5. Equal damage in all attacks (Neutral)

Blunt Weapons...

1. Are slower (Bad)

2. Have a high damage potential, however unstable (Neutral)

3. Have shorter range (Bad)

4. Are cheaper (Good)

5. Increased swing damage, decreased stab damage (Neutral)

Swords do 100% damage on all types of attacks. BW's *seem* to do about 60% of damage whilst stabbing, and 120%+ whilst swinging.

Swings occur when you sweep your weapon from under or over, a stab is just a straight poke into the enemy.

After tests, we have determined that the average swing rate is 65% and the average stab rate is 35%. Swings will happen more often, thus benefiting blunt weapons.

Should I go with 2-Handed or 1-Handed weapons?

Use 2-handed weapons if you prefer more range and damage.

Use 1-handed weapons if you prefer a little extra defense, added stat bonuses, and increased attack speed.

1-handed weapons also tend to be cheaper, but then you have to buy a shield to go with it.

Swords are the practical choice. But it's your call. For those of you concerned about looks, look below. I have listed the weapons from lvl 30 to lvl 70 for each weapon type:

1-Handed Swords:

2-Handed Swords

1-Handed Blunt Weapons:

2-Handed Blunt Weapons:


D. Skills of the Page (2nd job)


My explanations, not Wizet's.

Sword Mastery: Master your sword to increase minimum damage and accuracy when wielding a sword. This is the first skill you should master if you are a Sword Page, no doubt about it.

Maxed, it gives 20 extra accuracy and a 60% minimum damage bonus.

BW Mastery: Master your BW to increase minimum damage and accuracy when wielding a BW. This is the first skill you should master if you are a BW Page, no doubt about it.

Maxed, it gives 20 extra accuracy and a 60% minimum damage bonus.

Sword Booster: Increases the attack speed of your weapon (sword). Slow goes to Normal, Normal goes to Fast, Fast goes to Faster, etc.

Maxed, it boosts your weapon speed for 200 seconds, costing 10 MP and 10 HP.

BW Booster: Increases the attack speed of your weapon (BW). Slow goes to Normal, Normal goes to Fast, Fast goes to Faster, etc.

Maxed, it boosts your weapon speed for 200 seconds, costing 10 MP and 10 HP.

Sword Final Attack: For every attack skill you use with a sword, there is a certain chance that another one will follow afterwards, with a certain damage rate. Basically, you attack once with Power Strike or Slash Blast, and you flip around (or do some cool animation) and attack again, faster. When a Final Attack activates with Slash Blast, the damage will be split amongst the monsters.

Maxed, there is a 60% chance that an attack will follow which deals 250% of normal damage.

BW Final Attack: For every attack skill you use with a BW, there is a certain chance that another one will follow afterwards, with a certain damage rate. Basically, you attack once with Power Strike or Slash Blast, and you flip around (or do some cool animation) and attack again, faster. When a Final Attack activates with Slash Blast, the damage will be split amongst the monsters.

Maxed, there is a 60% chance that an attack will follow which deals 250% of normal damage.

Threaten: Scare a mob of enemies, decreasing their weapon attack and defense. This means they do less damage to you, and you deal more damage to them when this skill is used.

Maxed, you decrease Weapon Att and Weapon Def of the entire group of monsters by 20. Costs 20 MP and lasts for 60 seconds.

Power Guard: Activate a deflection shield that takes damage dealt to you and reflects it back to the enemy. Say an enemy does 1000 damage to you. If you activate this, then it will only do 600 damage, and it will hurt itself with 400 of that damage, assuming it was not a magic attack. This is going by a maxed Power Guard figure.

Maxed, you reflect 40% of damage for 90 seconds, at a cost of 30 MP.

I don't have different builds as others do. I have one build, one build which I think is better than any other. After displaying the build, I will explain it in full detail.

Level 30 - 1 Mastery

Level 31 - 4 Mastery

Level 32 - 7 Mastery

Level 33 - 10 Mastery

Level 34 - 13 Mastery

Level 35 - 16 Mastery

Level 36 - 19 Mastery

Level 37 - 3 Booster

Level 38 - 6 Booster

Level 39 - 3 Final Attack

Level 40 - 6 Final Attack

Level 41 - 9 Final Attack

Level 42 - 12 Final Attack

Level 43 - 15 Final Attack

Level 44 - 18 Final Attack

Level 45 - 21 Final Attack

Level 46 - 24 Final Attack

Level 47 - 27 Final Attack

Level 48 - 30 Final Attack (MAXED)

Level 49 - 3 Threaten

Level 50 - 3 Power Guard

Level 51 - 6 Power Guard

Level 52 - 9 Power Guard

Level 53 - 12 Power Guard

Level 54 - 15 Power Guard

Level 55 - 18 Power Guard

Level 56 - 21 Power Guard

Level 57 - 24 Power Guard

Level 58 - 27 Power Guard

Level 59 - 30 Power Guard (MAXED)

Level 60 - 9 Booster

Level 61 - 6 Threaten

Level 62 - 9 Threaten

Level 63 - 12 Threaten

Level 64 - 15 Threaten

Level 65 - 18 Threaten

Level 66 - 20 Threaten (MAXED), 10 Booster

Level 67 - 13 Booster

Level 68 - 16 Booster

Level 69 - 19 Booster

Level 70 - 20 Booster (MAXED), 20 Mastery (MAXED)

Final Skills:

20 Mastery

20 Booster

30 Final Attack

30 Power Guard

20 Threaten

And 1 point left over to put into anything.

While we're here on skills, why don't I show you what our active 1st and 2nd job skills look like.

Power Strike

Slash Blast

Booster (Sword & BW)

Final Attack (Sword & BW)

Power Guard


D. Knight Skills (3rd job)


My explanations, not Wizet's. Any numerical information is according to Hidden Street. I will verify upon the release of 3rd job.

Shield Mastery: Defense gained from equipping a shield increases. Stat bonuses do not.

Maxed, you receive 200% shield defense.

Increase MP Recovery: Increases your MP recovery rate. Remember, you will recover MP even when walking, jumping, or attacking.

Maxed, you recover 30 additional MP every 10 seconds.

Magic Crash: Cancel out an enemy's "Magical Defense Up" skill.

Maxed, it costs 7 MP and nullifies an enemy's magic guard with 100% success.

Fire Charge: Charge your equipped weapon with the fire attribute. You deal more damage to enemies weak versus this element.

Maxed, it lasts for 200 seconds, adding 120% weapon attack, and costing 35 MP.

Ice Charge: Charge your equipped weapon with the ice attribute. You deal more damage to enemies weak versus this element.

Maxed, it lasts for 200 seconds, adding 105% weapon attack, and costing 35 MP.

Lightning Charge: Charge your equipped weapon with the lightning attribute. You deal more damage to enemies weak versus this element.

Maxed, it lasts for 200 seconds, adding 125% weapon attack, and costing 35 MP.

Charge Blow: A skill that unleashes the power of your element against a mob of enemies. Deals massive damage and may stun as well. Ends your elemental charge.

Maxed, it has 250% attack power and a 90% chance of stunning the enemies you hit. Costs 25 HP and 26 MP.

And after some research and collaboration with other well-versed Pages in-game, this is the build proposed. If Wizet releases 3rd job with the same numbers and calculations that we know of, it should fare well.

Level 70 - 1 Fire Charge

Level 71 - 4 Fire Charge

Level 72 - 7 Fire Charge

Level 73 - 10 Fire Charge

Level 74 - 13 Fire Charge

Level 75 - 16 Fire Charge

Level 76 - 19 Fire Charge

Level 77 - 22 Fire Charge

Level 78 - 25 Fire Charge

Level 79 - 28 Fire Charge

Level 80 - 30 Fire Charge (MAXED), 1 Charge Blow

Level 81 - 4 Charge Blow

Level 82 - 7 Charge Blow

Level 83 - 10 Charge Blow

Level 84 - 13 Charge Blow

Level 85 - 16 Charge Blow

Level 86 - 19 Charge Blow

Level 87 - 22 Charge Blow

Level 88 - 25 Charge Blow

Level 89 - 28 Charge Blow

Level 90 - 30 Charge Blow (MAXED), 1 Lightning Charge

Level 91 - 4 Lightning Charge

Level 92 - 7 Lightning Charge

Level 93 - 10 Lightning Charge

Level 94 - 13 Lightning Charge

Level 95 - 16 Lightning Charge

Level 96 - 19 Lightning Charge

Level 97 - 22 Lightning Charge

Level 98 - 25 Lightning Charge

Level 99 - 28 Lightning Charge

Level 100 - 30 Lightning Charge (MAXED), 1 Ice Charge

Level 101 - 4 Ice Charge

Level 102 - 7 Ice Charge

Level 103 - 10 Ice Charge

Level 104 - 13 Ice Charge

Level 105 - 16 Ice Charge

Level 106 - 19 Ice Charge

Level 107 - 22 Ice Charge

Level 108 - 25 Ice Charge

Level 109 - 28 Ice Charge

Level 110 - 30 Ice Charge, 1 Magic Crash

Level 111 - 4 Magic Crash

Level 112 - 7 Magic Crash

Level 113 - 10 Magic Crash

Level 114 - 13 Magic Crash

Level 115 - 16 Magic Crash

Level 116 - 19 Magic Crash

Level 117 - 20 Magic Crash (MAXED), 2 Increasing MP Recovery or 2 Shield Mastery

Level 118 - 5 Increasing MP Recovery or 5 Shield Mastery

Level 119 - 8 Increasing MP Recovery or 8 Shield Mastery

Level 120 - 11 Increasing MP Recovery or 11 Shield Mastery

Final Skills:

30 Fire Charge

30 Lightning Charge

30 Ice Charge

30 Charge Blow

20 Magic Crush

11 Increasing MP Recovery or 11 Shield Mastery

In the above build, go ahead and throw in Ice Charge at an earlier level. Perhaps, after maxing Charge Blow you can put some points into Ice Charge for its freezing capabilities.

There is always the option of getting other charges first. It all depends on what you plan to fight, and for what reason (item hunting, money, EXP, whatever). Thus I have compiled the list below.


E. Elemental Adeptness List


Knights can choose to fight a wide array of monsters in 3rd job. I have created the following list in the format of:

Monster - Level Recommended - Weak Element

'Level Recommended' is the level that I advise you to be before training on that monster. These are monsters from Victoria and Ossyria only.

*NOTE* Colors match the color of the element effective against it, not the element of the monster.

Firebomb - 50 - Ice

Red Drake - 60 - Ice

Buffoon - 75 - Ice

Deep Buffoon - 80 - Ice

Bain - 90 - Ice

White Pang - 60 - Fire

Jr. Yeti (Transformed) - 60 - Fire

Yeti - 60 - Fire

Pepe - 65 - Fire

Klock - 75 - Fire

Yeti & Pepe - 75 - Fire

Lycanthrope - 80 - Fire

Ghost Pirate - 85 - Fire

Death Teddy - 85 - Fire

Dual Ghost Pirate - 90 - Fire

Phantom Watch - 100 - Fire

Grim Phantom Watch - 100 - Fire

Spirit Viking - 95 - Lightning

Gigantic Spirit Viking - 100 - Lightning

Ice Charge's freeze is effective against (in no particular order):







Coolie Zombie

Minor Zombie

Dark Jr. Yeti

Dark Yeti

Dark Yeti & Pepe

Dark Pepe


Jr. Balrog ??

Mushmom ??

Crimson Balrog ??

The list above (what freeze works on) excludes monsters already mentioned in the elemental adeptness list. The list also excludes monsters you probably won't be fighting as a Knight. Additionally, the above list does not include Ludibrium monsters just yet. I'm working on that.


F. Where to Train


Here are the monsters I recommend you train with for the level you are currently at.

Levels 1-10 : Green Snails, Blue Snails

Levels 11-19: Slimes

Levels 20-26: Pigs, Ribbon Pigs

Levels 27-38: Wild Boars, Evil Eyes

Levels 39-44: Jr. Kitties, Leattys, Pink Teddies, Brown Teddies

Levels 45-52: Lorangs, Copper Drakes & Fire Boars, Stone Golems

Levels 53-60: Jr. Yetis, Drakes & Cold Eyes, Cargos

Levels 61-65: Jr. Yetis, Hectors, White Pangs, Red Drakes

Levels 66-70: Tauromacis & Cold Eyes White Pangs, Zombies

Levels 71-75: Tauromacis & Cold Eyes, Werewolves & Hectors, Zombies

And after that my knowledge is blurry, so I'll cut it there.


G. Assorted Information


Covering Threaten...

Threaten is a very controversial skill. Some pages like to use it, some pages get iron body instead, etc. depending on how they built their character. You probably SHOULD max threaten. Here's why you should:

-What else would you get? Your other options are Iron Body, Endure, and HP Recovery. All of which, you guessed it, are numerical-based. That means their effectiveness doesn't increase with level. In a sense, Threaten's does, as weapon attack reduction increases with the strength of the monster. Not sure about weapon defense, however.

-It's helpful in situations where you'll be fighting the "big giants". This includes werewolves, lycanthropes, taurospears, tauromacis, and lucidas too. Just one button and 20 MP and the power of your enemy is drastically reduced.

-It is showing premise right now. With an ongoing investigation on how Threaten works (whether it's really % or not), you don't want to miss out after we get the full, confirmed results. Iron Body will always reduce that 16 damage, and HP Recovery will always heal that same amount of HP while you're standing still. Ugh.

But why should you get Threaten before Booster?

Increased Booster level only increases duration and slightly decreases HP and MP cost. I think your savings of mesos in a realistic setting are no more than a couple thousand. Not worth the SP, yet, but as you have no skills later to work on, you just max Booster for the heck of it. Threaten will help you last longer in some training situations, save mesos (at least equal or more than you spend on casting), and it just plain looks cool.

Covering the strength of Pages...

Pages aren't as good as Spearmen or Fighters in 2nd job. We just have to accept that. Fighters get HP, we get MP. HP is more important than MP. You run out of HP, you die. You run out of MP, you can't use skills, but can run or use a potion. So they win in that battle. Then on to skills, I've already mentioned it above, about why Spearmen and Fighters are given the upperhand in 2nd job.

Covering the strength of Knights...

It would seem that for the beginning of 3rd job (say, level 70 to 90 or so), Knights overpower Crusaders because of that instant 50% elemental bonus, plus the power of freezing and stunning with charge blow. However, the Crusaders have their share of paralyzing magics (which can blind and stun), so they catch up or pass us later. Oh, but we look so much cooler. I won't even touch Dragon Knights until I've gathered more information on them, I don't want to create any misconceptions.

Where to cap DEX...

This isn't specific to Pages, but many warriors ask where to cap their DEX. No one knows for sure. Personally, anywhere between 60~80 is good, or you can cap it at 70 and just be inbetween. People cap it at 60 to make the most out of their strength, and others cap it at 80 to just be average. You'll find that level plays more of a role in hitting monsters than accuracy. For example, at level 70 with 80 DEX + maxed bless you may not be able to hit a certain monster, but at level 75 with 80 DEX without bless you might be able to. Me? I capped mine at 80. You can go along with:

60 DEX at level 30

60 DEX at level 40

70 DEX at level 50

80 DEX at level 60~70

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