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Monday, January 28, 2008

The Guide To Make A Ton Of Mesos

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The Guide To Make A Ton Of Mesos

This is my first guide that I ever made so it might suck a little : ) Enjoy


1) Introduction to the guide

2) So, you wanna make MESOS???

2.1) Making mesos by merchanting

2.2) Making mesos by hunting

2.3) Making mesos by some other ways

3) Tips

1) Introduction to the guide

Are you JEALOUS of all those pros getting like millions of mesos and showing

off by trading and showing you their millions? Will, you can show your own

million mesos by reading this guide for mesos!

2) So, you wanna make MESOS?

Well, do you? The key to making mesos is patience. If you don't have much

patience, you can't really get a lot of money. For example, if you got an

above average Mithril pole arm that you are selling, but no one wants to buy

it yet, you should wait. If you succesfully sell it, which is like 100k for

an above average one, that's a good start. But if you give up and NPC it,

you only get 25k! that is a 75k difference! Patience is the key to a good


2.1) Making mesos by merchanting

Well, like metioned before, you need patience!!! PATIENCE!!! Yes, you do!

Also, you have to be smart. For example, getting a lot of stuff people need

like leather. Leather can be very useful for building equipments. If you NPC

leather for 100 mesos each, it's not going to be very good. Instead, you

should try selling the leathers to players for I'd say 150-200 mesos each.

Even though it only seems like you are making a 50 mesos profit, if you sell

leathers in large quantities, you will make a very large amount of profit!!!!!

You can also sell screws for 2k each and ores can sell for a lot too! Fame is

also a nice thing to sell, priced around 2-7k depending on the player, Making

profits off noobs are also good =D but I will get to that later...

2.2) Making mesos by hunting

This way is a lot harder than merchandising because you acually have to kill!

This part is more about saving mesos than earning them, but i guess they're the

same thing really 0_o! To save money here, you should fight monsters that you

can kill in 1-2 hits CONSECUTIVELY!!! That means you ALWAYS 1-2 hit the monster

and not 3, because that would be a waste of pots and time!!! Also, use your

mana wisely. If a monster takes you 1 maxed Magic Claw to kill (20MP) and you

can consistantly kill the monster with 3 minimum lvled energy bolts, (6MP) and

that is 20 mana versus 18 mana. That way, you are conserving 2 mana! Even if

you think 2 mana is nothing, wait till you hear this! You regenerate mana every

10 seconds and let's say you cast a spell every second. In 10 seconds, that's

20 mana! Wasted! If you regenerate 40 mana each time, you will only heal 20

instead! And let's not forget about Magic Guard (if you're a mage)! But if you

cast 3 seperate spells, that will take up 3 seconds to cast and and you will

cast 3 spells in the 10 seconds and 6 x 10 is 60MP and 20 x 10 is 200MP!!! You

kill less enemies this way, but you save a lot more money.

Also, hunt for monsters that have the most expensive NPC drop because you

want to spend too much time advertising to sell stuff.

2.3) Making mesos some other ways

Well, this part includes quests and some creative ways to make mesos. I guess

I'll talk about quests first... well. here are some quests that are pretty good

for a beginner.

lvl 1-10 (BTW, I skipped a few quests that I didn't think was good)

(lvl 10) Fixing Blakcbull's house


Req: 30 branches and 40 firewood

Prize: Steel Shield or Red Triangular Shield

This quest is very worthwhile because you can get a Red Triangular shield which

is 25k! Do this quest when you are lvl 20 or buy the firewood for 15 mesos each

(lvl 10) I Need Help On My Homework!


Req: 10 slime bubble, 30 tree branch, 30 squishy liquid

Prize: 25 Blue Potions + 250 exp

You can do this quest when you are lvl 10 and this quest is the 2nd best quest!

(lvl 10) The Reason Behind the Mushroom Studies


Req: 40 Orange Mushroom Caps, 10 Mushroom Spores

Prize: 25 Red Potions + 300 exp

I think also a fairly quest to do because this is very easy and you can get 25

pots which is saving 1250 mesos!

(lvl 10) I'm bored


Req: 40 squishy liquid, 40 tree branch

Prize: 25 red potion, 15 blue potion + 250 exp

To me, this is the Best beginner quest. It's fairly easy and you get a pretty

good prize for such easy monsters to kill and easy questions to answer!

Here are some or easy ways to get money.

Meso Magnet FUN!


a) Leave your computer on for the whole night and go to Henesys Hunting grounds

or any other place where monster drops land on the platform you are standing on

Make sure you are in the first Hunting Ground. Go on a haystack where there

are monsters below. For this you need meso magnet. Just stand on a haystack and

go to bed. When you wake up... Voila! a few hundred thousand mesos! My friend

once got 850k doing that!


b) This is a very easy thing to do. All you have to do is go to a map where

there is a pro killing monsters and not bothering to pick up the drops. All you

have to do is run around picking up his items! It's better to have Meso Magnet

here, but not a must-have item.

Party Stealing! (not recommended)

c) Make a party with some good Maplers and let them kill for you. This is a bad

version of looting. WARNING: YOU MIGHT GET DEFAMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3) Tips

Try not to beg, it will only make people defame you and call you noob. Only beg

if you know that person you're begging for or he's your buddy/guild member. I

just can't say this enough... have PATIENCE! Don't be impatient. Also, don't

play drop games!!! You will lose at least once and you will be PISSED! That

once happened to me before and boy did I get PISSED! I actually reported that

dude and I got suspended for a while :-P. You should set up a free market stall

so you can do something else while waiting for an item to sell. And here is my

last tip for you... go into parties with hermits or ChiefDits, they can use a

skills that makes enemies drop more mesos or drop mesos more often. Well, I

guess that wasn't the last one, make good friends! Get friends that will help

you when your broke and party with you and go hunting. Never get a friend that

will just leech off you items and beg for potions and mesos. Also, help noobs

in need. If you even giv them 100 mesos, they will love you. BTW, i don't scam

noobs. I was kidding about making profits of noobs. They aren't that stupid

you know! Some may have friends that can kick your butt and mass defame you!!!

Never try to take advantage of ANYONE! It is an inhumane thing to do! WEll, I

guess that's all the tips.

4)About Me

WEll, I started Ms a while ago, with a sin. That account was screwed because

it had like 9 Str and 7 Int. I deleted that character and made a Mage. The mage

wasn't perfect, it had 5 Str and 4 Dex, but I continued that charcter and got

pretty good with it. After my mage got to lvl 30 (ice/lightning), i started a

sin character. That character wasn't perfect either :"( but i used him anyway.

I next got my mage to fund my thief and i got it 2 mokbis. I played my thief

till lvl 13, that's when the Aniversery stuff came out I went back to my mage

to hunt for maple lama, maple claw, maple sword and red present. I didn't get

much except an above average Mithril Pole arm, green bennis chainmail, Brown

Jester (above average :-D) and Green Matty. Overall, it was pretty good lvling

and I didn't have to pay much for pots. Right now, I'm still hunting for those

items so if you have them, please contact me at www.omgitssheen@yahoo.ca or my

Ms account: FaetalMage, IKSEDYOU or LEETKser.



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