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Thursday, January 3, 2008

Kerning City Party Quest

==>Maplestory Quest Guide List <==

Kerning City Party Quest

Party Quests

Some of you may be wondering, what is a Party Quest (PQ)? A PQ is a puzzle-solving-and-hunting quest where you and your party members work together to complete it. To do so, teamwork, patience and skill are required. Once you PQ multiple times, you will begin to understand the quest better, and it will feel a lot easier. There are currently two Party Quests available: The Kerning City Party Quest --explained in this article-- and the Ludibrium PQ. The Kerning City Party Quest requires your level to be between 21 and 30 in order to enter in it. Please notice that PQs aren't shown in the quest window, even though it is a type of quest.

How to Join a Party Quest

You must be in a party of four members in order to begin this quest. The first step is to head to the center of Kerning City, where the sewers are located. You will then need to find three other members to join your party, or to join the party of someone who already has or will soon have two other members. When you find them, and they are in a party with you, the leader should talk to Lakelis, a lady NPC (Non-Playable Character) standing nearby the sewers.

If there are no people doing the Party Quest at the current time, you should get in on your first try. Otherwise, your leader will need to keep on clicking on Lakelis to see if the party finished and you can enter. Having a track may help a lot (see Tactics) --it is much faster and easier than clicking mindlessly.

There are many clicking tricks that will help you get into if the place is very crowded. One of them consists of holding Enter key and clicking Lakelis continuously. With this technique, you can stand anywhere as long Lakelis is on the screen and, sometimes, hide your intentions of entering, so that you won't be often tracked.

When you enter the Party Quest, you will find yourself in the first stage, which is explained below. You will have a time limit of 30 minutes to complete this quest. You will find a timer at the top of your screen while you are PQing.

Tip:~ If you have 4 players ready to go, but there still isnt a place in the PQ, tell your party members what channel to go to, and keep moving around, till you find a place. otherwise, stay at one channel and wait.

The timer found in the Party Quest, which begins at 30:00, meaning that you have 30 minutes to finish the quest. When the timer reaches 0:00, you are kicked out of the Party Quest.

There are six parts of the Party Quest: the First Stage, Second Stage, Third Stage, Fourth Stage, Last Stage, and Bonus Stage. There is also an Exit Stage.

Note: Using third-party software like auto-clickers (often referred to as "AC") to get in is considered illegal, and may lead to blockage of an account.

Being a Leader

If you want to be a leader for a Party Quest, you must

  • be able to find members
  • click rapidly
  • watch over your health closely
  • have the ability to direct everyone in case there are people who are first-timers to PQ

Remember that if the leader dies, the whole party will fail PQ, so the survival of the leader is crucial. If the leader can't click fast, the party will not likely be able to get into PQ.

A good way to find party members is to shout "Who wants PQ?" at Channel 1, near the sewers. It will be very crowded there. The leader must get party members quickly, before any other leaders try to grab them as well.


When choosing party members, some classes will be favourites, while others will be unwanted. Mages and claw Thieves are the most popular class among Party Questers, whereas a dagger Thief or a Warrior would not be as good at Party Quests, therefore being unwanted.

Magicians: This is the most popular class for PQing. They are the most powerful class for this level bracket. This is due to their stable and high damage they can do to King Slime and other monsters.

Warriors: Not a very popular class for Party Quests, as they don't have ranged attacks and also usually lack enough accuracy to hit foes (at lower levels). However, higher-leveled warriors can dish out many damage. They are also quite helpful at killing the King Slime, and the Slimes it summons and splits into after death. Some weaker warriors are only useful because they can absorb damage (tank) while the others kill the monster(s), though.

Bowmen: They aren't awful, and they aren't brilliant either --they're kind of average. Their damage against monsters in the quest is reasonable, but they usually fail at King Slime until past level 28. Bowmen are usually rare in the party quest. You may be lucky to find a lv.30 Hunter with Arrow Bomb, this may assist you in stunning King Slime.

Thieves: Dagger thieves at lower levels are horrible, but they become OK at levels 29-30. Claw thieves are actually quite powerful towards level 30, and may even become stronger than the magician. Most of their performance depends on the quality of the throwing-star, so many thieves shout the type of stars they have when looking for PQ, to draw leaders' preference. Daggers do from little to some damage to monsters, while stars are above-average/good. The only problem for claw thieves occurs when the party is at last stage battling King Slime --thieves take a lot of "touch" damage from it. Thieves must use their surroundings to their advantage to be an effective attacker at PQ.

Completing the Kerning Party Quest: Step By Step

First Stage

In the first stage (Accompaniment), each of the PQers (excluding the leader) will be asked a question by Cloto, a Party Quest NPC, which is located at the right side of the map. To answer these questions, you have to obtain coupons from Ligators, which have a drop rate of 100%, and hand Cloto the correct number of coupons.


Questions Cloto may ask:

  • Level needed to become a Magician: collect 8 coupons
  • Level needed to become any other class (Warrior, Bowman or Thief): collect 10 coupons
  • DEX needed to become a Thief or an Bowman: collect 25 coupons
  • STR needed to become a Warrior: collect 35 coupons
  • INT needed to become a Magician: collect 20 coupons
  • EXP needed to get from level 1 to level 2: collect 15 coupons

When the collecting is done, talk to Cloto (not Nella, she'll take you out of PQ!). Make sure you have the exact number of coupons you need. If you have more than required, you will not receive the pass. Try to drop your coupons near Cloto in case your party members need some. If you give Cloto the correct number of coupons, you will receive a Pass. Party members must give their passes to the leader, and the leader must talk to Cloto with three passes --two if one party member is dead. This will allow you to advance to the second stage.

Second Stage

In the 2nd stage, you will find yourself and the rest of the party in a room similar to the 1st stage, but quite smaller and without monsters. There are 4 platforms, each with a rope hanging from it. Three party members will need to hang on three ropes, making combinations. Notice: if one has fallen in battle or disconnected, the leader will have to take his/her place. This will leave one rope, without people hanging on it. The leader then talks to Cloto, who will determine whether the PQers are on the right combination of ropes or not. If they aren't, the party members will have to keep switching ropes (in a clock-wise or counter-clock-wise manner) until they find the right combination. It is recommended to hang on the ropes in the following order, assuming 1 is the bottom left rope, 2 is the top left one, 3 is the top right one, and 4 is the bottom right one:

  • 1-2-3
  • 1-2-4
  • 1-3-4
  • 2-3-4

Third Stage

After entering the third stage, slope up, and you will reach the top. There are 5 platforms with kittens on them. Each platform has a specific number of kittens: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 kittens. This stage is similar to the previous one --you have to try different platform combinations, until you get the right one. Three party members have to stand on three platforms. The leader must talk to Cloto to check. It is recommended to follow these combinations to complete this stage (the number of the platform refers to how many kittens are on it):

  • 1-2-3; 1-2-4; 1-2-5; 1-3-4; 1-3-5; 1-4-5; 2-3-4; 2-3-5; 2-4-5; 3-4-5

Fourth Stage

Upon entering the 4th stage, you will find a pathway leading to the top of the map. Go up the pathway, and you will find yourself in front of 6 stacked and numbered barrels. This stage is similar to the previous stage, with an extra number barrel --six in total. The three party members (again, assuming no one died) have to get on one of the boxes, starting with combination 1-2-3 (this makes it much easier and faster). The leader then checks with Cloto to see if the combination is correct. If you follow this series of combinations, you will get through this stage without problems:

  • 1-2-3; 1-2-4; 1-2-5; 1-2-6; 1-3-4; 1-3-5; 1-3-6; 1-4-5; 1-4-6; 1-5-6; 2-3-4; 2-3-5; 2-3-6; 2-4-5; 2-4-6; 2-5-6; 3-4-5; 3-4-6; 3-5-6; 4-5-6

Last Stage

Your party will now enter the last stage, where the fighting resumes. At the end of this stage, you will face the boss of the Party Quest --the King Slime. After entering this stage, you should be prepared to fight, because there are 3 Curse Eyes on the platform below you. Jump down onto this platform and take on the Curse Eyes. However, these aren't regular Curse Eyes --these have much more HP than a usual Curse Eye, but less avoidability to make it easier to hit. Note: There was a glitch in the game that prevented monsters from dropping passes if it was a corner-kill. It seems this bug is now fixed in MapleStory Global, but not in MapleSEA (needs verification).

After killing the Curse Eyes, take the passes they drop and head down to the next platform by going through the portal. On the next platform, there are 6 Jr. Neckis ready to be killed. Again, these have more HP and less avoidability than an average Jr. Necki. Since they are still easy to kill, magicians will often ask to solo them, to get more EXP. Kill them and pick up the passes.

The leader should have 9 passes now. Go down the portal, and be ready to face the boss of the Party Quest: the King Slime.

With 8000 HP, 160 weapon and magic defence and 10 avoidability, this boss is a nightmare for those PQing under level 25. Warriors will not be able to hit it, archers and thieves will do terrible damage, and although being able to deliver good damage, mages will be killed in 1 to 2 hits (Assuming they don't have a decent level of Magic Guard yet). However, once you get to level 25, the boss will no longer be the beast that it used to be. A party of 4 above level 25 should be able to take the King Slime fairly easily. Be warned: King Slime can sometimes jump and hit the ground to make the floor shake, dealing big amounts of damage --more than that of "touch" damage. To avoid the damage, you must be on the air (jump!) when it's hitting the ground. When the King Slime approaches low health, it will begin to summon Slimes. These Slimes get in the way of your fighting, but otherwise are of no threat. Even after the King Slime is dead it will split into many other slimes. When the King Slime dies, it will drop the 10th pass. Go back to the portal at the top of the map. The leader has to talk to Cloto having 10 passes. You have now officially completed the Party Quest, and you will be awarded for your hard work. Note: Feel free to kill the spawn of slimes after King Slime is dead. Party members would tell you not to, but it's just another rumour.

  • player's note: Corner-kill and spawn-killing is TRUE-don't belive me?

  • player's note: This only applies to MapleSEA, because corner killing was fixed in GMS in a recent patch.

Possible Rewards

An important prize of this Accompaniment is the EXP obtained from completing the five stages: 100; 200; 400; 800 and 1500 and from killing Ligators, Curse Eyes, Jr. Neckis and from King Slime. Here is a list of possible rewards from completing the last stage of the Party Quest:

  • Earrings: Yellow Square, Gold Earrings, Red Cross Earrings, Lightning Earrings, Emerald Earrings, Star Earrings, Sapphire Earrings
  • Scrolls: 10% Scroll for Overall for DEF, 10% Scroll for Overall for DEX, 10% Scroll for Helmet for DEF, 10% Scroll for Bottomwear for DEF, 10% Scroll for Topwear for DEF, 60% Scroll for Gloves for DEX
  • Hats (Armour): Green Bamboo Hat, Blue Bamboo Hat, Brown Bamboo Hat
  • Potions/Food: 80 Orange Potions, 80 White Potions, 80 Blue Potions, 50 Mana Elixirs, 5 Elixirs, 15 of Unagi, 15 bottles of Pure Water
  • Mineral Ores: 8 Adamantium Ores, 8 Bronze Ores, 8 Mithril Ores, 5 Gold Ores, 8 Silver Ores, 8 Steel Ores, 8 Orihalcon Ores
  • Jewel Ores: 8 Aquamarine Ores, 8 Amethyst Ores, 3 Diamond Ores, 8 Opal Ores, 8 Garnet Ores, 8 Emerald Ores, 8 Sapphire Ores, 8 Topaz Ores, 3 Black Crystal Ores
  • Other: 30 Screws

Bonus Stage

After recieving your reward, you will be teleported to Bonus Stage of Party Quest. There is a large spawn of Green and Horned Mushrooms. Although this stage gives good experience, try not to stay in it too long, because there are other people trying to get into the Party Quest. Talk to Nella to exit the PQ. Congratulations! You have officially completed the Kerning City Party Quest!


Here are some tactics used within the Kerning City Party Quest.


What is tracking? Tracking is to have track of where a player is currently located within the PQ. By typing the code /find {username}, you can find out what stage your "track" is in. With a track, you can know in which stage of the PQ is another party. Most of the time, leaders are meant to start clicking Lakelis when the other party is at last stage (or already out). This way, a leader can save his/her clicking-effort until (s)he needs to use it. Tracking works for finding players in other areas of the Maple world too, so long as you are in the same channel as the tracked player. Therefore, if you are the leader of a party and have a track while finding a party member in another channel, you can't use the track until you get back to the original channel. One of the best ways of obtaining one (or more) track(s) is to copy down the names of every person (levels 21-30) within the PQ area, then change channel, and repeat. That way, if you cannot get into the PQ, you can check that list of names to see if any of them got into a PQ, and see in which stage are they.


Rushing means to get out and immediately enter into PQ again. If the leader exits the party quest, every party member still within the PQ is transferred to the exit. It is not wise to stay in the Exit Stage, because other parties can get into the Party Quest while you are in this area. After leaving the Party Quest, all party members --or at least the leader-- must quickly return to the sewers, where Lakelis is located. The leader must then click her as fast as possible to re-enter the Party Quest. Equipment that gives speed is helpful for rushing, because you can spawn anywhere in Kerning City, and even a little speed matters. However, rushing is very difficult if the channel is crowded. A rush invite is the same thing as a rush, except because four party members are required for the quest (and for some reason you lost one before the rush) you must now attempt to invite a fourth person into the party while rushing. To pull this off, you should get a party member to go out first (this is called scouting), and find the fourth person. Have them stand on top of Lakelis, and make sure they are ready to accept your invite. Be sure to have "/partyinvite name" ready (on Ctrl-V) so that you don't have to type it when you exit.


The process of scouting requires a party member, not the party leader, to exit the bonus stage and return to the pipes area of Kerning City, where you entered the PQ earlier. There, the "scout" will write down the names of people levels 21-30 in the sewer area around Lakelis, while the other party members remain in the bonus stage. Doing this allows the person to record the names of people within the area, while other parties cannot enter since party members are still in the Party Quest. After recording the names of everyone, most groups will now attempt a "rush". However, if the party ends up "missing" the rush to re-enter the party quest, the party will still have (a) track(s), and a better chance to re-enter the Party Quest when the party within the Party Quest leaves.

Note: You scout after you rush, you rush after you spend some time at bonus, you dawdle at bonus after you kill the King Slime. But you should "delay". Delaying is when you stay in the bonus, (provided you have time) and wait for leaders that are furiously clicking to tire and slow down, and if lucky, stop. This will give you a much better chance when rushing.


Hogging is the term used for staying in the bonus stage until the time in the Party Quest ends. The point of this method is to obtain as much EXP as possible with the time remaining, training on the Green and Horned Mushrooms in the stage. It's a highly unrecommended thing to do. If you get whispers from other characters telling you to get out, you should leave if they kindly asked you. If they whispered you in a bad way, I suggest you reply to them saying you will stay longer if they whisper like that again to you.

Many parties don't like when people do this. In the event that you do get whispers from waiting parties, many people suggest scouting or rushing rather then doing bonus hogging. This is because it really irritates the members of other parties, and could result in defames or bad reputation.

  • I usually do this only when I need 5%-10% more experience to level

==>Maplestory Quest Guide List <==

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