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Friday, January 25, 2008

Poison Mist Guide

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Train VERY effectively with Poison Mist

Poison Mist

Poison Mist is one of the most unique 3rd job skills in maplestory. The effective damage isn’t based on your ability points, but it’s based on the hp of the monster. Basically, the poison is going to bring the monsters to a very low hp after 40 seconds, or 1hp when it’s maxed. However, we still need to come back to finish the monster off.

I assume you all know about this, so I won’t go through the basics any further.

Hit and run technique

Hit and run is the technique that most of f/p mages use when using poison mist. So, we mist the whole map, and come back to finish the monster off (RoboBride’s guide has an excellent explanation about this technique, so I suggest you read her guide first before you continue reading my guide). This technique boosts our exp fast at level 80s. However, when we reach level 90s or more it’s not that fast anymore and the spawn is considerably slow. This is because we need to finish off the monsters ourselves to create new spawn. So, here are some tips that may help you to train effectively with Poison Mist.

Tips on training with Poison Mist (at least 28 sp on Poison Mist):

1.Get a clean-up crew

If you don’t mind to train in party, then I suggest you to get yourself a clean-up crew to finish-off the poisoned monsters. Clean-up crew doesn’t have to be made up of high-level people, as long as they can ‘hit’ and ‘seldom miss’, they can be in the crew. Moreover, it’s unlikely that high-level people would be happy to be the crew since the exp will not be that good for them.


• To boost the experience faster, get a priest with full Holy Symbol (HS) to join the team

• Limit the size of your party to a maximum of 4

• I strongly suggest that your crew is made up of people that you are close with. The reason behind this is that most of the time, it is them doing the last hit, not you (even though it is your kill). So it’s more likely that they are going to find the drops not you, since you don’t do the last hit often. I personally prefer a party that is open to each other about the drops and what we’re going to do with it.

• If one or more of your crew are more than 5 level below the monster’s level AND more than 5 level below you. Have them to hit every single monster and run. That way, they will get the experience too.


• Mist the whole map.

At least one mist for each platform, two Mists for a longer one, etc.

• Get your crew to clean-up, i.e. finish-off the poisoned ones.

• Bear in mind that if your crew are not strong enough for the monsters, tell them to hit and run too, i.e. if the monster doesn’t die in one or two hits, move on to another monsters. That way the spawn are faster.

• Work-out a route for you to run around and for your crew to clean-up.

• To reduce your pots consumption, try to face away from the monster when you do the Mist. This way, the Poison Mist will not directly hit the monster but will still poison the monster. The monster will not be mad at you, hence you could run away safe and sound, and your crew will clean-up. This technique is quite easy to do at lethal squid map since you can swim around and mist. However, this technique is hard to do at grim’s map especially the floor part since one monster is close to another.

Refer to my own experience, there are two maps that I always train at from mid 80s onward. One is grims map, and the other one is lethal squid map.

Grims map

For me and some of my friends, too many people in grims map would cause us a huge lag. If you experience the same problem, limit your party to 3 people. The more people in a map, the worst are the lag.

Your party may consist of one f/p mage (you), one or two priests, and another clean-up crew (if you are not lagging badly). Since grims are healable, it will be alright if there are only one f/p and one or more priests in the team. The priest/s can clean-up as well as give you HS.

Late 80s and 90s priests, whose element resistance are nearly maxed, and have enough hp to stand a hit (AND those who don’t like or who don’t get a DK to train with ) will surely love you. Because the killing rate and the spawn are faster compared to solo training, hence the experience rates for all members are faster.

Another important point is that you and your team need to work out a route. Say that you go around misting in anticlockwise direction. And let’s say:

• Your clean-up crew consist of two late 80s priest who have a little faith that they could solo without Hyper Body (HB) since they barely stand one hit from grims. Have them go around together in either clockwise or anticlockwise direction and clean-up with their Heal. That way, they would Heal each other: if one of them is lagging (as may be the common case if someone is entering the map), the other one could heal the laggy one. This will minimize the chance of lag death in your team.

• Your clean-up crew consist of stronger priests who often solo training at grims. Divide them into section, e.g. one priest clean-up and kill the new spawn for the top and left platforms, and another priest clean-up and kill the new spawn for the right and middle two platforms, and whoever finish their section may do floor. As for you, just run around misting the map in anticlockwise direction (RoboBride’s guide explained why it is best to do it in anticlockwise direction).

Lethal squid

The problem with the lethal squid map is that there are a few black squids spawn in this map. These black squids are strong to fire and non-poisonable. Therefore, it is hard for us as a f/p mage to kill it. These black squids are going to slow you down even though there are not many in that map. If you don’t kill those black squids, the spawn are going to be slow.

To encounter the problem above, I suggest that you get someone that can kill black squids effectively in your team. That person could be an ice mage, a sin, etc. Level 80s ice mage or sin can already kill them pretty well.

So, your team may be made up of one f/p mage (you), a priest (for HS and clean-up the lethal one), and another crew who can kill the black squid well. You may have a fourth crew in the team, and that person could be anything as long as she/he can clean-up.

The route here could be:

• You Mist from top to bottom and swim back up and re-Mist the map

• Your crew clean-up from top to bottom and swim back to top

Once you are familiar with the map, you and your crew can work out your own route.

2. Get a speed gear

You don’t need INT when you train using poison mist. But, you do need speed and HP because you are going to run around and mist. You need to be ‘fast and furious’ to minimize your pots consumption. So, I suggest you get:

• a HP-scrolled icarus speed cape,

• a nicely scrolled speed shoes,

• a lama staff,

• a speed bone helmet

If you don’t have a speed bone helmet, get your old brown jesters. The difference in speed is only 3. Bone helmet gives Speed +8 whereas brown jesters give Speed +5. So it is not a big different.

I recommend you to HP-scrolled your helmet too.

• a speed pills if you still need an extra speed

The reason why I suggest you to scroll your equipment with speed and HP is that when you train using Mist you are going to take considerably a lot of damage. With a good speed and teleport, you can minimize the touch damage or dodge their attack easier. With a good HP, you will stay alive longer. And if you use elixirs (the pink one), you are going to get more HP when using that pots.

3. Get a Hyper Body (HB) mule

If you have two computers that you can use for mapling and you want to minimize your elixirs (pink) consumption as well as to boost your confidence when you run around misting, make a HB mule.

It is not that hard to level your noob these days. You could level it with exchange quest, or snail attack. Snail attacks never miss on any monster!! So, you could poison one lethal squid map, get your noob to come and finish them off with one hit snails attack.


• Your HB mule will be fully ready, i.e. has a max HB, at level 41.

• Place your mule at a safe spot.

In grims, I always place my hb mule on the rope at the middle of the map. That way I can HB myself two times. When I finish misting down, and when I’m going down the ladder on the left.

This HB mule will be helpful for your priests or other mage friends too. Moreover, this HB mule will not get any experience if it is only hanging on the rope and HB-ing the team. And since this hb mule is hardly move, it will not cause any lag in that map.

Alright fellow f/p mages, that is all from me. I do hope that this will be beneficial for your mapling experience as f/p mage. Please post all critique, comments, and feedback as I would like to hear from my reader.

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