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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Assassin's Ludi PQ Guide

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Assassin's Ludi PQ Guide


Version Info


--0.1 - May 20, 2006 Started with a complete guide except for the errors soon

to be found or info soon to be contributed.

--0.2 - May 24, 2006 I spotted a few typos and fixed. A few readers have

contributed info to me. I have added the ver. info section. Because of some

unknown PC error, I have replaced most long "----------" with "~~~~~~~~~~" plus

it looks nicer o_O.

-0.3 - Critical update. Fixed typo in parties section (used to say lvl is 35-30).

-0.4 - A few pieces of info put into the guide

-0.5 - a tip how to kill king block gollems and slight changes

-0.6 - Section 4b added containing a unique PQ build

-Final - a small fix, now i am working on Cleric's ludi PQ guide

thanks to all the contributers, and hidden-street.net for putting this up


Table of Contents


press ctrl+F and search any of the numbers for the sections 2 times down.

(search 1.1 twice to find the introduction section)

--1. Getting Started

1.1 - Introduction

1.2 - What is pq

1.3 - Requirements

1.4 - Is PQ worth the time

--2.Basics of PQ

2.1 - Basic pq terms of speech

2.2 - Parties

2.3 - Going Inside

2.4 - Stages

--3.Ludi PQ indepth

3.1 - Party Reccomendations --ALERT! A "MUST SEE" WARNING IN HERE

3.2 - Rushing

3.3 - Time

3.4 - Tracking

3.5 - Being Leader

3.6 - "Help someone died or d/c'ed"

--4.Assassin's Edge

4.1 - Why are sins so good for PQ

4.2 - Damage

4.3 - Accuracy

4.4 - Range

4.5 - Jump attack

4.6 - HASTE!!!

--4b.Assassin's unique PQ build

4b.1 - Why a different build?

4b.2 - advantages/disadvantages

4b.3 - the build

4b.4 - equip-wise

--5.Stage Guide


5.2 - Stage 2

5.3 - Stage 3

5.4 - Stage 4



5.6 - Stage 6

5.7 - Stage 7

5.8 - Stage 8

5.9 - Crack In The Wall (Boss)

5.010 - Bonus

5.011 - Determine to adventure


6.1 - Some prizes


7.1 - Credits


1.Getting Started



1.1 - Introduction


The Ludibrium Party Quest is a great add-on to Maplestory. After passing level

50 I have made a guide to help people (assassins in general) learn to master

their pq abilities just as I have. This PQ is a whole different attitude

that of the Kerning PQ. With higher levels, means more powerful players and

a chance to test your newly gained 2nd job skills. You will be faced with

new stronger monsters, puzzles, more and longer stages, and stages where

teamwork is critical. Throughout these challenges, you can learn to

cooperate and work together for a quicker, cleaner PQ.


1.2 - What is pq


PQ is party quest. It is a quest that can be repeated infinite times for a

certain level range. This quest is not displayed in your quest log, and

takes place in a special group of maps that can be entered through forming

a party. There's a catch though, only one party is allowed in at a time

per channel.


1.3 - Requirements


The requirements to do a Ludibrium party quest are...

Level 35~50

Having a full party of 6

All party members are in Eos Tower Floor 101


1.4 - Is PQ worth the time


YES! a PQ is DEFINETELY worth the 30 minutes or so it takes to complete.

This is an EXTREME save in time training and money wasted on pots. to top

it all off, you get prizes from doing pq.

Is it worth the time to GET IN a pq... thats all up to your leader's



2.Basics of PQ



2.1 - Basic pq terms of speech


Since some people didnt do kerning pq much, i made this section to help

those people with pq "slang".

PQ - "Party Quest"

Looking for/Joining pq - "I want to join a party quest"

(lvl 46 sin looking for pq)

Track (noun) - "The name of a person in pq you /find so you know their stage"

(whats the track's name?)

Track (verb) - to type in /find and check the people inside's stage"

(u guys keep tracking and tell me when 8th)

Rush - To exit a party quest and get back in the same channel right away.

(If we try to rush we might miss)

Miss - Another party gets in pq and not yours.

(I saw them go in, we missed)

Solo - Kill by oneself with no assistance. mostly refering to bosses

(I'll solo 1st rombot in stage 7)

d/c - d/c simply stands for disconnect

(One of our members d/ced, go get another)

AC or Autoclicker - AC was a program that clicks automatically super fast.


(I heard that guy has ac by using bypass)


2.2 - Parties


The Ludibrium party quest consits of a party with 6 members (the leader

counts as a member). These parties have to be with members levels 35-50.

The party must be in the same room for the leader to click the npc that

takes you in pq. You can join a party by finding people who say

"looking for pq members" and asking them to invite you. Also by you

saying "looking for pq", eventually you will get invited to a party.


2.3 - Going Inside


To enter the Ludibrium Party quest, if you are leader, have a party of 6 and

have them all be Eos Tower floor 101. Make sure they are all lvl 35-50. then

wait for your track to get to "A crack in the wall" here you need to be

ready. As soon as that party reaches Bonus, you click ALOT VERY VERY FAST.

another note... to click very fast, double click the red sign in eos 101

and move the window so the ok button is on top of the sign. then click in

that spot alot.


2.4 - Stages


Ludi pq is longer, unlike the kerning pq. This has 8 main stages, 1 boss

stage, and 2 bonus-style stages (also one exit stage for when you die).

-Stage 1 is killing monsters and collecting passes.

-Stage 2 is breaking boxes and collecting dropped passes

-Stage 3 is breaking boxes, then the boxes summon 3 blocktopus, kill and

collect all the passes.

-Stage 4 is entering darkened rooms and killing special monsters with

different defense capabilities (some magic weak some physical weak)

-Stage 5 is towers you have to climb to break boxes and collect passes

-Stage 6 is a puzzle to get from one place to another (like utah's farm)

-Stage 7 is killing weak monsters that spawn rombots then killing rombots

-Stage 8 is similar to kerning stage 4, exactly same except needs 5 members

and is harder to jump through

-Boss stage is, kill a dirty rat and it spawns the boss alishar. kill alishar,

and give keys (alishar drops) to leader

-Bonus stage is breaking boxes and collecting prizes from them.

-Determine to adventure(2nd bonus) is talk to the npc, and he gives you your

REAL prize of stuff like a scroll.

-the exit stage is when you die or have to leave during pq, you get taken here


3.Ludi PQ indepth



3.1 - Party Reccomendations --ALERT! A "MUST SEE" WARNING IN HERE


I reccomend having a party of all lvl 40+. Have at least one cleric and also

one sin (you).




There are 3 areas that are REQUIRED to do a pq.

1.A thief with dark sight to do bottom of stage 5

2.A magician with teleport to do top of stage 5

3.An assassin or bowman with maxxed range skill to summon monsters in stage 7.




An assassin is GREAT because they cover both reasons 1 and 3. Then also a

cleric is great because wizards are literally useless at boss stage. clerics

cover reason 2 AND can heal the undead monsters that boss summons and heal

the party.

Best jobs for pq:

1. Assassin 40+

2. Cleric 40+

3. Bandit 45+

4. Spearman 45+ (with HB)

5. Bowmen(both types) 45+

6. Fighter 45+ (with or without rage, but preferred if over +5atk)

7. Page 45+

8. Wizard(either) 40+

9. Perma Beginners(lol. this would just be funny)

I'm not saying wizards are completely useless. They can be used in stage 5

in top portal and 4 in the top three portals if you cannot find a cleric.

A quick tip sent by reader:

It is great when a bandit who thought ahead for PQ gets involved. At first a

bandit is the slower of the two, which he is, but after five points into

haste a beautiful skill called steal is unlocked. Yes, beautiful. Yes adding

zounds of points into is a complete waste, but one point is enough to get

a 11% chance to steal an "extra ticket." Let me repeat this an "extra

ticket" this is a ticket that is taken from a living monster. No it doesn't

stop the monster from dropping one at its death too, so what you have is

two tickets from every monster. You may say "oh 11% that will take years."

I don't disagree with you, but it is a percentage making it a wild card. :(

For some strange reason I get a ticket within the first 10 hits, figures

with 11% "you will steal 1 out of every 10 hits." This is just a tip from

a bandit, I am really tired of getting down played and forlorened by every

other job.

-Dont worry dude. Everyone loves both types of thiefs for pq. Both sins

and bandits got power, which helps at Alishar, and Dark sight which helps

at stage 5. ^_^


3.2 - Rushing


Rushing has been eliminated from a fully completed pq. Since another party

can enter during bonus, you can't rush. There are 2 possible ways to rush.

The first is send 3 members out to save names o people incase you miss.

This also might eliminate some parties' tracks. Then when they least expect

it, have your leader exit and try to clik again ALOT and try to get back in.


3.3 - Time


Ludi pq gives you 1 hour to complete, so it will also take longer to do so.

This is more than enough time because an average pq takes from 30~40 minutes.


3.4 - Tracking


The best and most effective way to get a track is to remmber or record names

from previous tracks. Also, take screenshots and later /find each person in

it. After about a week after you start pqing alot, you might be able

to get a track off the top of your head =)


3.5 - Being Leader


Being The leader of a pq takes alot of responsibility. You have to be able

to click very fast to get your party in the party quest. Then you have to

be very experienced in pq to know what and what not to do/make your members do.

You are also responsible for getting the right type of members, like choosing

a cleric over a wizard. When you are in pq you must keep your party

cooperating and not fighting for spots and such.


3.6 - "Help someone died or d/c'ed"


If someone died, dont panic. A party quest might require six to enter, but

only requires 5 to do the stages. You will need 5 to do stage 8. After stage 8

any amount of people can die, except the leader and 1 person.


4.Assassin's Edge



4.1 - Why are sins so good for PQ


1. They are NEEDED to actually complete a pq, unless u wanna waste 2 spaces on

a bandit + bowman 2. because they are so strong and fast, and 3.

because of HASTE!!! These will be explained individually in the next



4.2 - Damage


Yes. Sins are very strong. They can be made even stronger by rich people with

better stars and claws. a lvl 50 sin could possibly do like 3k dmg! A group

of sins lvl 45+ could totally OWN alishar in about 1 minute.


4.3 - Accuracy


This is where accuracy counts. Being able to hit alishar is one of many

places where sins and bowmen triumph over all. An assassin almost never

misses alishar, and have no need for sniper potions. It's all natural

ability :)(except maybe 3x newbies)


4.4 - Range


Range is something very important in pq. Not only in boss stage but it is

used in stage 7. That stage requires max range to complete. You might

say "sure any ol bowman could do that" but read the next section.


4.5 - Jump attack


This (along wth booster) is what makes sins the absolute best at hitting

targets and not getting hit themselves. They cna jump to the target's

range, swiftly shoot a powerful pair of stars, and jump back before

the enemy has time to start attacking.

If you STILL think assassins equal to bowmen in pq read the NEXT section.


4.6 - HASTE!!!


Haste is a skill used by thiefs that makes the party move FAST! this

is why sins are loved the most. Sins get this skill higher usually

before bandits do. Add this to booster and jump attack. Sins are

already so fast, this just makes them even faster.


4b.Assassin's unique PQ build



4b.1 - Why a different build?


Those guides that all say "critical first" i think of them as a

piece of trash. That is TOTALLY not the right way to go, pq or

no pq. This build here is a specialy one for an assassin to be

the best PQ'er he can.


4b.2 - Advantages/disadvantages


This build will allow you to be faster, and more liekd in parties

at lower levels. It is all great except it doesnt exactly let u

do 2k dmg anytime soon. You will stick with 1k then at level 40

or so slowly gain up.


4b.3 - the build


Level 30- 1 endure

Level 31- (u shuld lvl from 30-31 in kerning pq) 3 mastery

Level 32- 2 mastery(5) now 1 booster

Level 33- 1 booster 2 haste

Level 34- 3 haste

Level 35- 3 haste

Level 36- 2 haste(10) now 1 critical

Level 37- 3 critical

Level 38- 3 critical

Level 39- 3 critical

Level 40- 3 Critical

Level 41- 2 critical(15) 1 booster

Level 42- 3 haste

Level 43- 3 haste

Level 44- 3 haste

Level 45- 1 haste(MAX) 2 critical

Level 46- 3 critical

Level 47- 3 critical

Level 48- 3 critical

Level 49- 3 critical

Level 50- 1 critical(MAX) 2 mastery

---------here ends pq but the guide goes on---------

Level 51- 2 endure 1 drain(for fun)

Level 52- 3 mastery

Level 53- 3 mastery

Level 54- 3 mastery

Level 55- 2 mastery(MAX) 1drain

Level 56- 3 drain

Level 57- 3 drain

Level 58- 2 booster(5) 1 drain

Level 59- 3 drain

Level 60- 3 drain

Level 61- 3 drain

Level 62- 3 drain

Level 63- 3 drain

Level 64- 3 drain

Level 65- 3 drain(MAX)

Level 67- 3 booster

Level 68- 3 booster

Level 69- 3 booster

Level 70- 3 booster(17)

You end with

3 endure

20 mastery(MAX)

30 critical(MAX)

20 haste(MAX)

30 drain(MAX)

17 booster


4b.4 - equip-wise


This section explains some equip stuff for the unfunded sin

by unfunded i mean having 5m instead of 30m like most of them

at level 35 get maple claw+7 (u shuld have icys)

at level 40 get adamantium/dark avarice+7 (u shuld have 3 icys)

at level 43 get a kandayo+7(if u got the money only)

at level 45 you should have tobis and perhaps a lower attack w/g

at level 50 you should have a 35 attack any color slain

-and a 4 atk w/g if u can afford (at least 1 tobi too)

at level 55 i had a 35 slain, a 3 atk w/g

as for stars. have 1 tobi, 1/or2 icys, and about 5 kumbis

if u want instead get 3 kumbies and get some mokbis/tops

so u dont run out too much


5. Stage Guide


Just a quick note, this guide is from an assassin's point of view, and

is how to do pq with an assassin.(in this guide, lets pretend u'r the only

thief here so no fighting for spots)

Also, for full understanding, follow the guide in order.




YAY! you got in pq. now first of all DON'T MOVE! read the following.





make you exit pq. and just WHO would want that?




Ok, lets begin. First of all, use whatever haste you have, booster, and a

warrior pill. Now go up the tower. Kill these ratz and dirty ratz around you.

You will notice, they are stronger, have more hp, and give more exp. Once all

the enemies are dead, all the party members should give all the passes to

the leader. Then arrange who will go to the next stage first (2 people) to

to tower's trap(see stage 2). Let's say this time, you and some guy are

selected to go.

Monster Info:

Ratz from another dimension







Weapon Attack:112

Weapon Defense:85

Magic Defense:95

Dirty ratz from another dimension







Weapon Attack:125

Weapon Defense:95

Magic Defense:95


5.2 - Stage 2


Here, you and another person have entered (see stage 1). Make your way slightly

lower to the 2nd blue box from the top. Break that one. You will be sent to

"Tower's Trap". There, give an ok to go to your members through party chat.

Head up the tower and break the boxes to get the passes. Head out and give the

passes to your leader. Here your leader will click on the baloons and open the

portal to the next stage, enter it.


5.3 - Stage 3


This time you start near the middle of the map. First haste your members and

either head up or down. Up will require about 2 people. The bottom will require

3-4 people. Break the boxes to summon 3 bloctopus. Kill them to obtain tickets.

The top part will have about 3-4 of them per floor, while the bottom will have

at the very bottom, 9 of them (sins arent good with big mobs). After all of the

enemies have been eliminated, give the passes to your leader. Then the leader

clicks on the baloons to open the portal to the next stage, go in.

Monster Info:

Blocktopus from another dimension







Weapon Attack:115

Weapon Defense:125

Magic Defense:150


5.4 - Stage 4


Here, there are 5 portals. EXCLUDING the VERY top and VERY bottom. the top 3

portals are for a mage to do. Those monsters in there ae weak to magic but darn

strong to....everything else These monsters have sorta sad eyes. The bottom 2

portals are resistant to magic, but physically are weak. These monsters have

sorta mad eyes. The 4th portal has 2 monsters. This means there are 6 passes

in total. Give your pass or passes to the leader and contine to the next

stage when the portal opens.

Monster Info:

Dark eye from another dimension


Level: 43

Experience: 340

HP: 6,500

Accuracy: 120

Avoidability: 18

Weapon attack: 130

Weapon defense: 70

Magic defense: 470

-Strong against ice

-Strong against lightning

-Strong against fire

-Strong against holy

Shadow eye from another dimension


Level: 43

Experience: 340

HP: 7,100

Accuracy: 120

Avoidability: 18

Weapon attack: 130

Weapon defense: 470

Magic defense: 70




Here is one of the places where being a sin is critical to doing a PQ. First

of all, haste your party members, then head near the rope you see right when

you start.




DO NOT GO DOWN THIS ROPE YET! Those down there are no ordinary king block

golems. They are indestructible, doing a damage of OVER 7000! NOT A TYPO!

First, go into dark sight and then go down. enter the portal you see.




You have entered "tower's Maze". Here, you will find several floors, each

containing a few king block golems. The only way to make it through is with

dark sight. Use dark sight to dodge the golems and then reach the safe floor.

Break the box and collect the passes. Then go in dark sight again and head

up past the golems. Repeat this process until you are at the top and have the

last pass. You should finish with 4 passes. Head out the portal on top and

dark sight past the beginning golems. then head safely near the baloons and

give your passes to your leader. The leader will then click on the baloons

and open the portal to the next stage.


Amazing tip:

when a cleric or 2 manage to jump down off the rope to get to the platform

below, and an hp-pure page/fighter with maxed power guard stays on the rope

just below the king block gollems, having the clerics spam heal him, he can

touch the King block gollems to death, killing them with his Power Guard.

-hb would help too, and a pure hp fighter would do best, they have more hp

thanks for the tip michael


Monster Info:

King block golem from another dimension


Level: unknown (estimated 200)

Experience: 800 to each member or around it

HP: 99,000

Accuracy: UNavoidable

Avoidability: Impossible to hit

Weapon Attack: Unknown, dmg=7000+

Weapon Defense: unknown, cant be hit

Magic Defense: unknown, cant be hit


5.6 - Stage 6


This stage gives nothing and has no monsters. It is simply a puzzle with

a never-changing combination. Go on top of the box with a number and

press up to use the box. The code for them is...

133 221 333 123 111

Once up top, just enter the portal and head to stage 7


5.7 - Stage 7


(haste + booster recommended)

More monsters await in stage 7. Head up the rope you see to the left. From that

spot, slowly turn right to the tip and kill the first ratz there. Then head up

and be ready to kill the dirty ratz that is there. Once the party has killed

the first rombard kill the dirty ratz. Then head to the third floor. When

the party finishes off the 2nd rombard, kill the bloctopus to spawn the 3rd

and final rombard. As soon as the bloctopus dies, head quickly down to the

bottom of the map and help kill the rombard. Jump attack to avoid the magic

attack. Beware, rombard summons block golems when it is weak. After all passes

are obtained by the leader, he/she clicks the baloon to enter the next stage.

Monster Info:

Ratz from another dimension







Weapon Attack:112

Weapon Defense:85

Magic Defense:95

Dirty ratz from another dimension







Weapon Attack:125

Weapon Defense:95

Magic Defense:95

Blocktopus from another dimension







Weapon Attack:115

Weapon Defense:125

Magic Defense:150

Block golem from another dimension







Weapon attack:145

Weapon defense:130

Magic defense:110

Rombard from another dimension








Weapon attack:175

Weapon defense:185

Magic attack:195

Magic defense:200

as you can see, there are 2 monsters you might mistake.

Rombard, is PQ's stronger version of Rombot. They're not

the same one.


5.8 - Stage 8


This is the final main stage. Very similar to Kerning PQ's 4th stage. The

difference is this puzzle needs 5 people to complete. Snowshoes are recommended

for this stage, especially if you are number 4 or 5. Jumping is pretty tricky

here and you will need to learn how to pwn this stage by experience. The boxes

are aligned like this




Most parties go in a certain order, which is self explanitory. Here is the list

of possibilites in order from what you should try first to last.

12345, 12346, 12347, 12348, 12349, 12356, 12357, 12358, 12359, 12367, 12368,

12369, 12378, 12379, 12389, 12456, 12457, 12458, 12459, 12467, 12468, 12469,

12478, 12479, 12489, 12567, 12568, 12569, 12578, 12579, 12589, 12678, 12679,

12689, 12789, 13456, 13457, 13458, 13459, 13467, 13468, 13469, 13478, 13479,

13489, 13567, 13568, 13569, 13578, 13579, 13589, 13678, 13679, 13689, 13789,

14567, 14568, 14569, 14578, 14579, 14589, 14678, 14679, 14689, 14789, 15678,

15679, 15689, 15789, 16789, 23456, 23457, 23458, 23459, 23467, 23468, 23469,

23478, 23479, 23489, 23567, 23568, 23569, 23578, 23579, 23589, 23678, 23679,

23689, 23789, 24567, 24568, 24569, 24578, 24579, 24589, 24678, 24679, 24689,

24789, 25678, 25679, 25689, 25789, 26789, 34567, 34568, 34569, 34578, 34579,

34589, 34678, 34679, 34689, 34789, 35678, 35679, 35689, 35789, 36789, 45678,

45679, 45689, 45789, 46789, 56789.

Yes I know what you must be thinking. That there are SO MUCH

combinations, but when you play through it, it takes less than it looks like.

this is how its done if you dont already know.

people get on 1/2/3/4/5

the person on 5 moves to 6

then he/she moves to 7, and so on.

once he/she has reached to 9 and the combination was invalid, the "#4 person"

moves to 5, and the last person moves to 6

once you're down to 1/2/3/8/9, the #3 goes to 4, the 8 goes to 5, and the

9 goes to 6, making it 1/2/4/5/6.

the pattern continues. once its down to 1/2/7/8/9, the #2 goes to 3.

This is complicated to read & learn and must be personally seen/done.

Once you get the right combination, the portal to the boss stage will open.

Enter it.


5.9 - Crack In The Wall (Boss)


This is the "hardest" part of Ludi PQ, the boss, Alishar. Before you do

anything, make sure you are ready, then kill the dirty ratz that is in the

platform whree the box is. Let the pass fall on the box and Alishar will be

summoned. Make sure you are hasted, have booster, used a warrior pill/pot, and

a sniper pill if you are below level 40 just incase. When it has been summoned

nonstop jump attack with lucky seven. Do a back attack when it goes near you

will be out of its magic attack range. As it is weakened, it will summon

chronos, then platooon chronos, then master chronos. Keep attacking alishar

and use cure pots when you are cursed. I don't recommend all cure pots, for

that is a waste. Instead, in path of time, buy holy waters and eyedrops.

When Alishar dies, let your leader get the keys he drops. Then he/she will

talk to the baloon and be sent to bonus stage.

A quick tip sent by a reader:

Stand on the ledge where the NPC baloon is and attack from there nonstop.

He also noted, Do not count on a cleric for heal. ALWAYS have pots with

you. A cleric can get cursed, and if he/she uses magic guard, his/her

MP will run out very quickly.

-I agree with the cleric part. I personally think most clerics run away

from Alishar when he gets close. I've never depended on a cleric and

always used pots i get from determine stage.

and another:

Put cure potions on quickslot or a slot where its NEAR YOUR ATTACK SKILL

SLOT. Thats saves time.

like I put Lucky Seven on X, put it on c. hav it

near the button. bring at least the amount of pots for LV4X.

100 White potions

150 mana pills.

Aviod attacking chronos by all means of jump shoting. They are pretty

annonying even you stand the top part where the sin shoots star for the rat.

700 Damage and 150 damage extra?

-o_O most global players have different key sets than u msea guys. and using

cure pots so quickly is not so urgent, because u almost never get cursed.

I'd say the best way to defeat alishar IS jump attack but its backwards

jump attack specifically. It's pretty complicated but assassin players

should understand...When u do a jump atk(backwards) wait until the peak

of the jump to attack (with booster of course) this is the technique used

to attack tall monsters in a mob or the farthest away in a mob. this will

probably leave u not being able to move for half a second on the ground

but since its a BACKWARDS jump attack it keeps you out of the enemy's

attack range.

Monster Info:



Level: 56






Weapon attack:280

Weapon defense:210

Magic attack:260

Magic defense:240


5.010 - Bonus


Here, you will have 1 full minute to break boxes. Then the boxes will drop

mesos, and strong potions. Sometimes they will drop Any color Napoleons',

and lvl 40 or 50 earrings. The stats are not always avg. Please be considerate

and do not steal what your party members have gotten from one of their boxes.

After your minute is over, (actually a few more seconds than 1 minute) you

will be transported to another map called Determine To Adventure.


5.011 - Determine to adventure


Climb up to the top where you will see an NPC there. Make sure you have at

least 1 slot in etc, use, and equip. Then click on the npc. say next, or yes to

whatever he asks you. You will be taken back to Eos Tower floor 101 and you

will be given a prize. Congradulations, you have completed the treacherous

Ludibrium Party Quest.





6.1 - Some prizes


Here is a list of prizes that "I" know of you can get in the Ludi PQ. There may

be more prizes i don't know of.


Cat's eye (also in determine)

Blue moons

Skull earrings

Red heart earrings


in bonus only


Black Napoleon's

White Napoleon's

Green Napoleon's

Blue Napoleon's

Red Napoleon's

in determine only


Black Justice cape

White Justice cape

Red Justice cape

Blue Justice cape


in bonus only



Power Elixir

Grape Juice

Ornage Juice

Ice Cream Pop

Red Bean Sundae

Sunrise Dew

Sunset Dew


in determine only


100 white potions

100 white pills

100 blue potions

100 blue pills

10 elixir



i only know of these scrolls but there are probably more

Helm HP

Helm Def

Cape MP

Cape Def

Cape Mdef

Cape STR

Cape INT

Cape DEX

cape LUK

Overall STR

Overall DEX

Overall LUK

Overall INT

Earring Int-

Overall Def-


Glove Atk-

Bottomwear Def-


glove Atk

The ones with an - at the end are the ones sent in by ackmard, a contributer.





7.1 - Credits


I have used the following sources for the making of this guide.


http://www.hidden-street.net's Ludi PQ guide



Most of the stages part was made with my own knowledge and experience, while

the monster info and such was madfe with the help of others.


I would now like to thank the following people, all in Scania

-SinXxXxX - for getting me in pq countless times(THE BEST!)

-Sh1nob1sin - for getting me in pq alot of times too (2nd best)

-one player, unfortunately i cannot remember his, he got be through a

entire pq in 16 minutes, fastest ever.

-Badboy9393 - Helps alot sometimes like in training with me. (you

might have heard of him as one of the best drop game players in

all of ms!!!)

the guild "Sacrificed" for all the good times, before and after ludi.

(and Lbaorz for making the guild)


These are people who have spotted errors or contributed useful information

after my guide was put up.


- 150k - He provided me with the info in the 2nd area of The

"Crack in the wall" section.

- A guy provided me with the info about bandits, unfortunately he forgot to

leave his ign.

- ackmard (didnt leave ign) - he gave me a small list of scrolls I dont have

listed as prizes.

- lizzinner(msea player) - he sent in some tips about fighting alishar and

pot management.

-michael(not ign) 57 broa cleric - great info about how to kill

the indestructable king block gollems


Contact Info


If you find any errors in my guide or need anything and need to contact me,

chat invite me in game or e-mail to


main IGN's used are





these IGN's are from august 30,2006, more might come which will not be

listed here, this is the last update

==>All Maplestory Guide List<==

==>Maplestory Leveling Guide List<==

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