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Thursday, January 3, 2008

List of All Quests

==>Maplestory Quest Guide List <==

List of all the new quests and solutions

Victoria Island

DANGER! <1-G.Mushrooms> (Part 1)

Objective: Kill 99 Green Mushrooms, then report back to The Rememberer.


Rewards: 50 White Potions

Location: Dungeon: Deep Forest. From Sleepywoods, take the left portal, go all the way up and take the top portal.

DANGER! <1-G.Mushrooms> (Part 2)

Objective: Kill 999 Green Mushrooms, then report back to The Rememberer.

Requirements: Must Finish "DANGER! <1-G.Mushrooms> (Part 1)"

Rewards: 50 Red Potions and 600 EXP

Location: Dungeon: Deep Forest.

DANGER! <2-H.Mushrooms> (Part 1)

Objective: Kill 99 Horned Mushrooms, then report back to The Rememberer.


Rewards: 100 White Potions

Location: Dungeon: Ant Tunnel III.

DANGER! <2-H.Mushrooms> (Part 2)

Objective: Kill 999 Horned Mushrooms, then report back to The Rememberer.

Requirements: Must Finish "DANGER! <2-H.Mushrooms> (Part 1)"

Rewards: 100 Orange Potions and 1,100 EXP

Location: Dungeon: Ant Tunnel III.

DANGER! <3-Z.Mushrooms> (Part 1)

Objective: Kill 99 Zombie Mushrooms, then report back to The Rememberer.

Requirements: ??

Rewards: 50 Blue Potions

Location: Dungeon: Ant Tunnel IV.

DANGER! <3-Z.Mushrooms> (Part 2)

Objective: Kill 999 Zombie Mushrooms, then report back to The Rememberer.

Requirements: Must Finish "DANGER! <3-Z.Mushrooms> (Part 1)"

Rewards: 50 Blue Potions and 140 EXP

Location: Dungeon: Ant Tunnel IV.

POLLUTED! <1-Evil Eyes> (Part 1)

Objective: Kill 99 Evil Eyes, then report back to The Rememberer.

Requirements: ??

Rewards: 100 Mana Elixers

Location: Dungeon: The Cave of Evil Eye I.

POLLUTED! <1-Evil Eyes> (Part 2)

Objective: Kill 999 Evil Eyes, then report back to The Rememberer.

Requirements: Must Finish "POLLUTED! <1-Evil Eyes> (Part 1)"

Rewards: 30 Mana Elixers and 2,000 EXP

Location: Dungeon: The Cave of Evil Eye I.

POLLUTED! <2-Cursed Eyes> (Part 1)

Objective: Kill 99 Cursed Eyes, then report back to The Rememberer.

Requirements: ??

Rewards: List of rewards can be found at Sauna

Location: Dungeon: Hunting Ground in the Deep Forest II. From Sleepywoods take the left portal, go down to the bottom and go into that portal, climb all the way to the top right area and climb the very top latter.

POLLUTED! <2-Cursed Eyes> (Part 2)

Objective: Kill 999 Cursed Eyes, then report back to The Rememberer.

Requirements: Must Finish "POLLUTED! <2-Cursed Eyes> (Part 1)"

Rewards: 3 Reindeer Milk and 3000 EXP.

Location: Dungeon: Hunting Ground in the Deep Forest II.

POLLUTED! <3-Jr. Boogies> (Part 1)

Objective: Collect 10 Jr. Boogie Horns, then report back to The Rememberer.

Requirements: Level 33

Rewards: One of the following: [Garnet, AquaMarine, Emerald, Amethyst, Opal, Sapphire, Topaz, Diamond]

Location: Dungeon: The Cave of Evil Eye IV.

A Spell That Seals Up a Critical Dagger I

Objective: Collect 33 Cold Steam from Cold Eyes.

Requirements: Level 50

Rewards: 20 Power Elixirs and 12,000 EXP

Location: Dungeon: Another Entrance.

NPC: Insignificant Being

A Spell That Seals Up a Critical Dagger II

Objectives: Collect 33 Wild Cargo's Spirit Rocks from Wild Cargos, 18 Taurospear's Spirit Rocks from Taurospears and 18 Tauromacis's Spirit Rocks from Tauromacis.

Requirements: Must finish "A Spell That Seals Up a Critical Dagger I", and be level 50.

Rewards: 30 Power Elixirs and 45,000 EXP

Location: Dungeon: Another Entrance.

NPC: Insignificant Being


View of the Ocean (Part 1)

Objective: Go to Aqua Road Zoo and talk to the girl at the top (Muse).

Requirements: Level 30

Rewards: ??

Location: Orbis Potion shop

NPC: Kriel the Fairy

View of the Ocean (Part 2)

Objective: Go to El Nath and talk to Alcaster, he is at the right part of the El Nath Market.

Requirements: Complete "View of the Ocean (Part 1)"

Rewards: 2,000 EXP

Location: Aqua Road Zoo

NPC: Muse

View of the Ocean (Part 3)

Objective: Collect 100 Snowflakes.

Requirements: Complete "View of the Ocean (Part 2)"

Rewards: 6,000 EXP

Location: El Nath Market

NPC: Alcaster

View of the Ocean (Part 4)

Objective: Bring the crystal back to the NPC in Aqua Road Zoo (Muse).

Requirements: Complete "View of the Ocean (Part 3)"

Rewards: 1,000 EXP and Aquaroad Photo Album

Location: El Nath Market

NPC: Alcaster

View of the Ocean (Part 5)

Objective: Bring the Aqua Road Photo album to the fairy in Orbis Potion shop (Kriel The Fairy).

Requirements: Complete "View of the Ocean (Part 4)"

Rewards: One of the following at random: [60% Scroll for Shoes for Jump, 10% Scroll for Shoes for Jump, 60%Scroll for Shoes for Speed, 10% Scroll for Shoes for Speed]

Location: Orbis Potion shop

NPC: Kriel the Fairy

Orbis in Danger (Part 1)

Objective: Talk to Spirtuna again.

Requirements: Level 30

Rewards: 50 EXP

Location: Orbis: Old Man's House

NPC: Spirtuna

Orbis in Danger (Part 2)

Objective: Kill 100 of each Jr. Cellion, Jr. Lioner and Jr. Grupin

Requirements: Level 50 and Complete Part 1.

Rewards: 4,500 EXP and one of the following at random: [5 Steel Ore, 5 Bronze Ore, 5 Mithril Ore, 5 Orihalcon Ore, 5 Adamantium Ore, 5 Silver Ore, 5 Gold Ore]

Location: Orbis: Old Man's House

NPC: "????"

Orbis in Danger (Part 3)

Objective: Collect 30 Cloud Pieces from Star Pixie, Lunar Pixie, and Luster Pixie.

Requirements: Level 30 and Complete Part 2.

Rewards: 5,000 EXP and one of the following at random: [5 Garnet Ore, 5 Amethyst Ore, 5 AquaMarine Ore, 5 Emerald Ore, 5 Opal Ore, 5 Sapphire Ore, 5 Topaz Ore, 5 Diamond Ore, 5 Black Crystal Ore]

Location: Orbis: Old Man's House

NPC: "????"

Orbis in Danger (Part 4)

Objective: Talk to Elma the Housekeeper in Orbis about the Cloud Sprayer

Requirements: Level 30 and Complete Part 3.

Rewards: 500 EXP

Location: Orbis: Old Man's House

NPC: "????"

Orbis in Danger (Part 5)

Objective: Bring the Cloud Sprayer to "????".

Requirements: Level 30 and Complete Part 4.

Rewards: 500 EXP and 30 White Potions

Location: Orbis: Old Man's House

NPC: Elma the Housekeeper

El Nath

Shammos's Request

Objective: Go to perion and talk to Manji. (Top left of perion)

Requirements: Level 55

Rewards: 2,500 EXP and starting next quest, Preparing For the Revival.

Location: El nath -> 3rd job advancement place [Map name?] at the bottom.

NPC: Shammos

Preparing For the Revival

Objective: Kill Coolie Zombies for The Contract of Darkness, then go and talk to Shammos.

Requirements: Finish "Ready for Revival".

Rewards: -2 Fame and one of the following at random: [10% Scroll for Shoes for DEX, 60% Scroll for Shoes for DEX x1, 10% Scroll for Shoes for Jump, 60% Scroll for Shoes for Jump, 10% Scroll for Shoes for Speed, 60% Scroll for Shoes for Speed]

Location: Perion.

NPC: Manji


Kenta's Research 1

Objective: Collect DNA samples from Cicle, Cico and Pinboom.

Requirements: Level 17

Rewards: 500 EXP and one of the following depending on your job: [30 Magic Potion (mage), 30 Sniper Potion (archer), 30 Dexterity Potion (thief), 30 Speed Potion (beginner), 30 Warrior Potion (warrior)]

Location: Aquaroad Zoo In Aquaroad go in the middle portal, climb to the top and go in the door way to the top left.

NPC: Kenta

Kenta's Research 2

Objective: Collect DNA samples from Flower Fish, Masked Fish and Bubble Fish.

Requirements: Complete "Kenta's Research 1"

Rewards: Fish Spear and 2,500 EXP

Location: Aquaroad Zoo

NPC: Kenta

Kenta's Research 3

Objective: Collect DNA samples from Poopa, Sparker and Freezer.

Requirements: Complete "Kenta's Research 2"

Rewards: 10 Dolphin Coupons and 6,500 EXP

Location: Aquaroad Zoo

NPC: Kenta

Hughes's Hobby

Objective: Kill 50 Scuba Pete and collect 10 Toy Baby Seals.

Requirements: Level 35

Rewards: 30 Air Bubbles and 9,000 EXP

Location: Orbis : Orbis Tower<Hugh's Laboratory>

NPC: Hughes

Hughes's Weird Invention

Objective: Collect 50 Snorkles, 50 Air Bubbles, 5 Steel plates and 30 Screws.

Requirements: Level 35, complete "Hughes's Hobby".

Rewards: 3,000 EXP and a Oxygen Tank, a cape that when equipped will allow you to breath under water with out need for Air Bubbles.

Location: Orbis : Orbis Tower<Hugh's Laboratory>

NPC: Hughes

Hughes's Research Material

Objective: Collect 30 Seal Tooth from Sparker and 20 Seal Skin from Freezer.

Requirements: Level 35, complete "Hughes's Weird Invention"

Rewards: 10 Mana Elixirs and 15,000 EXP

Location: Orbis : Orbis Tower<Hugh's Laboratory>

NPC: Hughes

Healthy Snack for the Huskeys

Objective: Collect 50 Seal Meat from Freezers or Sparklers.

Requirements: Level 40

Rewards: 50 Dried Squid and 10,000 EXP

Location: Aqua Road : Snowy Whale Island (The one left from town.)

NPC: Nanuke

Ima geev u rand0m ch-hair!

Objective: Talk to him again?

Requirements: ??

Rewards: The Relaxer. Lame looking chair. You can use it anywhere, heals 50 hp every 10 seconds even if you have endure you will get 50hp per second.

Location: Aqua Road : Snowy Whale Island (The one left from town.)

NPC: Nanuke

** NOTE : You can get this chair from Pio on noobie island, same deal.

Lost in the Ocean (Part 1)

Objective: Talk to Kay in the Omega Sector.

Requirements: Level 35

Rewards: 10,000 EXP and 2 Fame.

Location: Aqua Road: Two Palm Trees (The one right from town.)

NPC: Robinson

Lost in the Ocean (Part 2)

Objective: Go back to Robinson and give him the "special" warp capsole that Kay gave you.

Requirements: Level 35, Complete "Lost in the Ocean (Part 1)"

Rewards: 10,000 Mesos and Level 40 helmet.

Location: Aqua Road: Two Palm Trees (The one right from town.)

NPC: Robinson

Omega Sector

** NOTE: These quests are ment to be done with the other quest from orbis to distroy the Drum Bunnies. Not worth doing other wise.

The Drumming Bunnies

Objective: Collect 100 Toy Drums

Requirements: Level 31

Rewards: 12,000 Mesos and 3,000 EXP.

Location: Ludibrium: Eos Tower 60th Floor.

NPC: Roly-Poly 5

Eliminating the Drumming Bunny

Objective: Collect 1000 Toy Drums

Requirements: Level 31, Complete "The Drumming Bunnies".

Rewards: 4,500 EXP and Level 35 hat for your class

Location: Ludibrium: Eos Tower 60th Floor.

NPC: Roly-Poly 5

** End of note.

Retrieving the Robotic Parts

Objective: Collect the 3 parts that Dr. Kim asks for. They can be found through the following Hidden Streets: Location 1, Location 2, Location 3

Requirements: Level 30

Rewards: 3 Command Center Warp Capsoles, 3 Ludibrium Warp Capsoles and 4,200 EXP.

Location: Omega Sector: Command Center.

NPC: Dr. Kim

Eliminating Aliens

Objective: Kill 5 MT-09.

Requirements: Level 40, Complete "Retrieving the Robotic Parts"

Rewards: Blue Moon Earrings and 6,000 EXP.

Location: Omega Sector: Command Center.

NPC: Dr. Kim

Pet quests:

You must have a pet to do the following 2 quests.

Nella's Dream

Objective: Find the cat from her dream. He is in Ellina top portal, go left 3 maps. On the 3rd map go all the way left, its hard to miss him. He looks kinda like that cat from Alice in Wonderland. He disappears and comes back every 5 seconds or so. Look at the map you can see him there.

Requirements: Level 10

Rewards: 500 EXP and 15 closeness.

Location: Kerning, above PQ area to the right, infront of the Barber shop.

NPC: Nella

Kenta's Advice

Objective: Collect all 5 pieces of paper. Bust open treasure chests to find them. I suggest you do this at the first map after you get out of the orbis tower and go in a circle.

Requirements: Level 30

Rewards: 20 closeness and you pet walks faster!

Location: Aquaroad Zoo. [Map name?] In Aquaroad go in the middle portal, climb to the top and go in the door way to the top left.

NPC: Kenta

==>Maplestory Quest Guide List <==

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