==>Thief Guide List <==
Guide For Bandits
As a bandit you get these skills:
Dagger Mastery Increases your minimum damage and accuracy of your
Mastered: LV20 dagger.
Endure Enables you to regenerate HP and MP while hanging
Mastered: LV20 on ropes and increases the rate and amount of HP
PASSIVE and MP gained.
Dagger Booster Uses some HP and MP to increase the attacking speed
Mastered: LV20 of your dagger.
REQ: Dagger Mastery LV5
Haste Increases you and your party's speed and jumping
Mastered: LV20 power.
Steal Lets you steal from the monster. You can only steal
Mastered: LV30 once, but you can attempt to many times. If you do
ACTIVE steal, the monster will drop nothing after dying.
REQ: Endure LV3
Savage Blow: Dagger Attack the enemy up to six times at once with your
Mastered: LV30 dagger.
(From FireStorms FAQ).
So tada! You've become a bandit! =o
--Where should I start puting my SPs?
1. You should start Dagger Mastery First! Why?
As you get mastery your min dmg increases , thus you wont have the huge ranged attack. (I hated it when I would do 70 dmg then 250 , then another 50 dmg v_v)
Also the fact that you do less ranged dmg and more stable helps your lvling by a lot. (You will be doing 250,220 on a Double Stab instead of a 70 , 210)
So now that you're a brand new bandit at lvl 30 with 1 SP in Dagger Mastery which should be 15% Mastery and +1 Acc. Pretty nice huh? But now what?
Now this is the hard part for bandits , the temptation to start Maxing that awesome uber looking Savage blow v_v. But you must not yet!
Lvl 31 - All 3 into Mastery
Lvl 32 - All 3 into Mastery
Lvl 33 - All 3 into Mastery
Lvl 34 - All 3 into Mastery
Lvl 35 - All 3 into Mastery
Lvl 36 - All 3 into Mastery
So now you should be at 19 Points in Mastery 60% and +19 Acc. Awesome you're dont with the first half of helling lvling for a bandit >_>
Now this is were the time you've been waiting for since you became a bandit starts, Savage blow! =o
Yes, we're leaving Mastery at 19 for now. Why? That +1 acc from lvl 19 Mastery to Lvl 20 Mastery is not as usefull right now , and the current plan is to get SB doing 6 hits by lvl 43. So now this is what you do.
Lvl 37 - All 3 into SB
Lvl 38 - All 3 into SB
Lvl 39 - All 3 into SB
Lvl 40 - All 3 into SB( At this point you will be doing 4 hits , but still DS is better)
Lvl 41 - All 3 into SB
Lvl 42 - All 3 into SB
Lvl 43 - All 3 into SB , Tada! You're done with the first hellish lvls of being a bandit v_v
So there you have SB at lvl 21 , you do 6 hits now. Awesome isnt it? Now you can lvl way quicker as you can now take on Fire Boars in 1 hit =o
Now finish off Maxing SB
Lvl 44 - All 3 into SB
Lvl 45 - All 3 into SB
Lvl 46 - All 3 into SB
-Woot , we're done with SB now what?
-Well here is when you can choose what to do next. Do you want Booster or Haste?
1. Well with Booster you'll be attacking way faster between SB's and with Haste you will be moving way faster as you add points.
-What should I go with?
1. It all Depends on what you plan to hunt. Are you going to stick around at fire boars or cursed eyes , jr wraiths , ect? (Anything you can 1 shot for quick exp)
Or do you want to move on to Stone Gollems , Drakes , Even Dark Gollems , Fire Drakes and Cargos? =o
2. With Fire boars and other things you can 1 shot kill you would probably be better off with Haste since you'll be able to move quickly and kill faster.
3. Now if you plan to move on to harder things I would get Booster to a nice stable lvl (About lvl 5 Booster) first then go with maxing Haste. The reason is , with booster your time between SB's is way faster so in the time you would do 2 SBs you do about 3 SBs or so. Also get it to a nice stable lvl first then haste due to the fact that with 1 Booster you'll have to re-cast it every 10 secs >=/
4. If you plan on mixing inbetween those two you can always go 1 into Booster and 2 into Haste , untill you get booster to around lvl 5 then max out haste.
5. After you're done with Haste come back and max Booster.
---Now with that done we come to our last two skills.
-Endure and Steal-
Alright after testing Steal I've come to think its useless. I have lvl 1 steal and Im going to tell you why its crap.
1. Its even shorter range than SB , so you have to get closer.
2. Theres only a % that it might steal.
3. If money drops it usally only is 1/3 of the normal money that drops.
4. If you get a piece of the enemy by stealing then after you kill it that part doesnt drop , meaning that it would of dropped even if you killed it , thus making it even more useless.
5. Once it hits the floor anyone can get it. What if you steal that pan lid? Well everyone can go rush and get it before you.
6. You get hit.... Lets say you go steal some spears , tada a horn drops or money. Now what? You have to run over and get it thus getting hit. But guess what? You pissed off the spears so now the only way to get out is to kill them due to the nice anti changing channel thing <_>
So I went ahead and did Endure and so far its not great but also not bad. And it sure as hell beats steal.
Bandit hunting grounds.
Alright this is where I lvl'd from lvl 1-65 (where I'm at now =o)
Lvl 1-10 Stay in Maple Island. Snails , shrooms ect. Dont move out to Victoria since it will be hard to lvl there.
Lvl 10-20 Slimes slimes slimes! Thats where slime tree comes in.
Lvl 20-25 Here I did pig beach. I was able to kill them in 1 DS
Lvl 25-30 I did Green Shrooms and Horny shrooms.
Lvl 30-35 I did wild boars here. They're nice exp but pretty costy. If not stick to Horny Shrooms at Ant Tunnel 1-4
Lvl 35-40 I would stick to Wild Boars at this point , but I got bored of just boars and boars and boars so I moved on to Cursed eyes since I could kill them in 2 Double Stabs.
Lvl 40-43. People recomend boars or Ant Tunnel 1-4 but I stuck at Cursed Eyes >_>
Lvl 43-45 At this point I moved on to Fire boars since I was about to kill them in 1 SB. Also you can do White Leattys instead of Fire boars. Also you might want to move on to the Dark Leattys once you can dish out 1.1k dmg. Or the little kittens (Jr. Grunpins , Jr. Lioniers and Jr. Cellions I think they are called)
Lvl 45-50 Yes I went back to Cursed Eyes >_>. I just liked those trees. And since there isnt many people there its nicer since you dont have to worry about getting ksed much, probably why I moved there in the first place instead of sticking at normal boars. Also if you can't 1 hko Cursed Eyes yet then stick to the little Kittens or Dark Leattys for a bit more. If you get tried of Cursed Eyes near lvl 50. You can try the Jr Pepe's or the Star Pixies but I really don't like how those maps are so I stuck to Cursed eyes.
Lvl 50-55 Here I did Zlupins and Gollems to death =o I was about to kill Zlupins in 1 SB and Gollems in 3 so I mixed it up so I wouldn't get tried.
Lvl 55-60 I did D4 with friends and solo D5 , I just found these to be profitable and nice exp. Also towards lvl 60 I found drakes meal to be VERY nice Exp(Once you can kill Cold Eyes in 1 hit). You can also move on to Cargos as they give awesome drops! :D
During this time you can also do Jr Yetis as long as you can 2 hit them , but the EXP isn't as fast. One thing tho they drop 60% Glove attk scrolls which will help you a lot.
Lvl 60-65 I've been doing Cargos , Fire drakes and Sanc 2. Sometimes I come back to D4 or Drakes meal. Sanc 2 is very nice exp. But you lose millions in no time. Also with Ossy now , once you can 2 hit zombies those are awesome EXP.
Lvl 65-70 Sanc 2 , Sanc 2 and more Sanc 2. This became my home for a while and also a graveyard to those who couldnt make it past it. (The joys people looting me then turning dark sight on) *Pokes the Macis*
Now with Ossy you can choose Zombies now as they provide just as fast EXP as Sanc 2 and a bit cheaper due to no macis.
Lvl 70-75 Hmm well I've stuck to Sanc 2. Hot sands is also very good Exp but I find it boring to hell so I rather not go there. Stick to Zombies if you still can't 1 hit the stuff at Hot Sands or don't like Sanc 2
So that to where I am =O
Str Bandits vs Luk Bandits.
Alright so here it is.
Str bandits = Faster daggers
Str bandits = Less Luk , thus less dmg
Str bandits = More stable dmg
Str bandits = Less Acc + Aviod , due to less luk
Luk bandits = Fast Daggers
Luk bandits = More luk , Thus more dmg
Luk bandits = More ranged dmg
Luk bandits = More Acc + Aviod , due to more luk
Basicly it comes down to
Str bandits are quicker , and more stable
Luk bandits are a little bit slower and stronger with more ranged dmg
Also I would like to Add in that Golden River (lvl 70 str dagger) And Kandine (lvl 70 luk dagger) are both the same speed. (thanks to XinKotetsu for that)
So yep this is it , hope it helps elminate some of these "Where should I put my SPs as a bandit" topics and so forth.
Also one more thing I'd like to add. Hell I'll even put it in huge letters so you'll get it.
==>Thief Guide List <==
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