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Saturday, December 22, 2007

Archer Guide

==>Bowman Guide List<==




Maple Story Ranger FAQ

If you've chosen to be an archer, and then progress to a hunter, you've made
a good choice. Well, we don't get any party skills, and our bows are expensive,
but at least...They're sexy. It's important to know that during the path
through a hunter, you'll experience many hardships, and might not be able to
get the bow you want exactly at the level it's required, but don't let that
discourage you, as a hunter is as fun as any other class. And we get sexy
clothes too, unlike those ugly sins who wear clothes showing their skin, those
cross-dressing mages, and the weird warriors who'll wear anything they get their
hands on. Anyways. To the FAQ.

This FAQ will help you get through each archer advance; the first advance, the
second one, and even the third one. While I specifically named this as a Hunter
FAQ, I just have to give you basic archer knowledge as well as in-depth
for those who aren't interested in staying in the Hunter class.

The Hunter class is basically the stepping stool to the Ranger class. It
you to be able to face every monster as a Ranger, and gives you experience
neccessary to make leveling as a Ranger much easier. Because really if you
from level 30 to level 70 with the same skills you had at level 30, you'd be
ill-equipped. And if there's one thing that the Hunter class does very well it's
getting you used to how your character is as a long range class.

[-Table of Contents-]


1//Stat Point Allocation/Builds/Rolls
--Overall Build [stal]

2//Skill Point Builds
--Archer Build .......................[arbl]
--Hunter Build .......................[hubl]
--Ranger Build .......................[rabl]

3//Training Spots
--Archer Training Spots (1-30) .......[130t]
--Hunter Training Spots (30-70) ......[3070]
--Ranger Training Spots (70-120) .....[7012] (Coming soon...)
--Training Tips ......................[trtp]

4//Contact Information


Jan. 10, 2006 - FAQ Started and stuff. Jan. 11, 2006 - FAQ Updated and all
sections nearly completed.

Jan. 12, 2006 - FAQ readied for upload.

Jan. 17, 2006 – Non-Final Attack Build revised, thanks to an error found by

Jan. 23, 2006 – Archer Build revised, an error found by Linda fixed it though.

Jan. 25, 2006 – Archer and Hunter build revised. Since patch .16, Wizet/NXGames
revised skills to gradually increase in MP instead of abruptly doubling. So this
means no more saving points! Updated the sites this FAQ should appear on.

Jan. 31, 2006 – Fixed the skill build. I think that double MP thing only covers
1st job skills.

Feb. 4, 2006 – I redid the non-FA skill build after experimenting with the
points on my own character and coming up with a good SA/Booster build. I also
changed the FA build a little at the end. When I hit 70, I’m gonna put a good
3rd job build up here. (Currently level 65)

Feb. 24, 2006 – Working on 3rd Job Build...I’ll make sure I have some different

Mar. 4, 2006 – 3rd job builds have been added, along with a few comments on
each. Training spots are coming soon. Also, Ludi training spots will be added
soon...If you’ve found a good Ludi training spot at your level, e-mail me at
zealster[at]gmail.com, and tell me your level, and I’ll put it in here with
credit to whoever mailed it in. However, it will be taken down if I get a few
complaints about it. I honestly don’t think Ludi is any good for archers, as
it’s very small, and includes many platforms. But, there are some monsters that
give better experience than previous monsters, so they might be at least

Mar. 23, 2006 – I fixed up some things, and added a few Ranger training spots
(up to level 80). I’ll be adding more in the future. Also, I still don’t have
any Ludi training spots. I don’t really have the time to level a character in
Ludi, so I count on you guys to mail me some nice training spots in Ludi! And
yea, this log is getting old, so I’ll be saving this and posting in a text
document for more than 3 months back..

June 19, 2006 – Fixed a double level that I got multiple reports on (lazy me!),
and took the time to add a few new things.

June 20, 2006 – Lah! Too pro for arrow blow! Thanks for the report!

Feb. 25, 2007 - Mandatory update. If anyone wants to fill me in on the Guild
Quest and if it helps you level at all...Go for it.

[-[//Stat Point Allocation/Builds/Rolls]-]

The skill build for archers is quite different starting out. For archers, dex
means more power. So, you want more dex. But, silly Wizet decided that we
couldn't hoard dex so they made our bows have str requirements, so we couldn't
wander around as pure dex archers. A good roll for an archer would be this:

Str: 9
Dex: 7
Luk: 5
Int: 4

You want to try to get the most into str and dex so you can kill snails on
Maple Island faster, and meet your str and dex requirement. So, get your dex to
25, and then mass str. At level 10, when you make the advance, buy your armor
and be proud to wear it. Because, you're an archer. Unless you don't want to
like me. I usually skip everything until level 25 because they all suck. Go to
the store and buy yourself that shiny new metal axe, and hack and slash snails
to death. Or do what Lire does, and go to Mushroom Garden and kill mass
mushrooms. Also at level 10, stop putting points into strength, and mass dex.
Dex = good. So right now, it's important to know the archer build, so you
don't flame me to death for messing up your archer. If you do, I won't respond,
because I'm busy trying to sell my blasted 74 attack Olympus, which no one
wants to buy.

Archer Stat Build Str: Level + 5
Dex: Everything else

So at level 20, you should have 25 str, and infinity dex. At level 30, 35 str,
and infinity + billion dex. You get the idea. Just make sure you follow it,
because if you don't you can't equip armor/bows/shoes/gloves, or other stuffs
at the required level. And that'll make you sad. And me.

[-[//Skill Point Builds]-]

The skill point builds are probably the most controversial in the whole game,
and the most easy to mess up. Keep in mind if you do mess up, it's not the end
of the world, so don't worry about it too much. If you think it's too drastic,
post it on the board, and it'll usually be cleared up. Either way, remember
it's a game. If you mess something up at level 20, it's easier to fix than if
you mess something up at level 60. Also make a decision before you advance to
be a hunter whether or not you're going Final Attack (FA from here on out) or
not, as the builds are different. You can't just decide one day to go FA, and
one day decide not to, as it messes up you're whole job advance. There's also a
nasty rumor that FA can be controlled by jump shooting, but sadly this isn't
true, and there is no way to control FA, so don't think you can train by jump
shooting without FA.

[-[-[//Archer Build (arbl)]-]-]

This is the first job build which you start by advancing at Henesys at level
10 with 25 or more dex.

--Skill Build
Level 10: +1 into Blessing of the Amazon (1 SP given at advance)
Level 11: +2 into Blessing of the Amazon
+1 into Eye of the Amazon
Level 12: +3 into Eye of the Amazon
Level 13: +3 into Eye of the Amazon
Level 14: +1 into Eye of the Amazon (Maxed Eye of the Amazon)
+2 into Critical Shot
Level 15: +3 into Critical Shot
Level 16: +3 into Critical Shot
Level 17: +3 into Critical Shot
Level 18: +3 into Critical Shot
Level 19: +3 into Critical Shot
Level 20: +3 into Critical Shot (Maxed Critical Shot)
Level 21: +1 into Arrow Blow
+2 into Double Shot
Level 22: +3 into Double Shot
Level 23: +3 into Double Shot
Level 24: +3 into Double Shot
Level 25: +3 into Double Shot
Level 26: +3 into Double Shot
Level 27: +3 into Double Shot (Maxed Double Shot)
Level 28: +3 into Blessing of the Amazon (*)
Level 29: +3 into Blessing of the Amazon (*)
Level 30: +3 into Blessing of the Amazon (*)

* For the last 9 points I choose Blessing of the Amazon because it added
accuracy. For an archer this may seem stupid, but at these low levels it helps
a bit. However, you can put these last 9 points into Arrow Blow or even Focus
if you decide Blessing of the Amazon just isn't awesome enough.

[-[-[//Hunter Build (hubl)]-]-]

We, you're level 30, you've got your Ryden, and you're ready to go see Helena
again, and tell her that you're cooler now, and you're Ryden's sexier than her.
So go see her, and tempt her body by dropping your Ryden in front of her. Only
don't. Because silly mages come in and try to steal it with their tele hacks
which they somehow learned from that really old guy. Anyways, make the
advancement and you'll get a new book. Yay. Remember when I told you to choose
between FA and no-FA? Well, this is where it makes a difference. So if you
haven't chosen already, do so now.

--Non-Final Attack Skill Build

Level 30: +1 into Arrow Bomb (1 point given at advance)
Level 31: +3 into Bow Mastery
Level 32: +3 into Bow Mastery
Level 33: +3 into Bow Mastery
Level 34: +3 into Bow Mastery
Level 35: +3 into Bow Mastery
Level 36: +3 into Bow Mastery
Level 37: +2 into Bow Mastery (Maxed Bow Mastery)(*)
+1 into Bow Booster
Level 38: +3 into Bow Booster
Level 39: +2 into Bow Booster
+1 into Soul Arrow
Level 40: +1 into Soul Arrow
+2 into Arrow Bomb
Level 41: +3 into Arrow Bomb
Level 42: +3 into Arrow Bomb
Level 43: +3 into Arrow Bomb
Level 44: +3 into Arrow Bomb
Level 45: +3 into Arrow Bomb
Level 46: +3 into Arrow Bomb
Level 47: +3 into Arrow Bomb
Level 48: +3 into Arrow Bomb
Level 49: +3 into Arrow Bomb
Level 50: +1 into Arrow Bomb (Maxed Arrow Bomb)
+2 into Power Knockback
Level 51: +3 into Power Knockback
Level 52: +3 into Power Knockback
Level 53: +3 into Power Knockback
Level 54: +3 into Power Knockback
Level 55: +3 into Power Knockback
Level 56: +3 into Power Knockback (Maxed Power Knockback)
Level 57: +3 into Soul Arrow
Level 58: +2 into Soul Arrow
+1 into Bow Booster
Level 59: +3 into Bow Booster
Level 60: +3 into Bow Booster
Level 61: +3 into Bow Booster
Level 62: +3 into Bow Booster
Level 63: +1 into Bow Booster (Maxed Bow Booster)
+2 into Focus (**)
Level 64: +3 into Focus
Level 65: +3 into Focus
Level 66: +3 into Focus
Level 67: +3 into Focus
Level 68: +3 into Focus
Level 69: +3 into Focus (Maxed Focus)
Level 70: +3 into Anything (***)

The Non-FA build is kind of boring at the end, and even has you max a first job
skill. Now, it’s really up to you if you really are gonna max it or not. The
Soul Arrow/Bow Booster at the end helps you save some more pots, and when you
max bow booster, it’ll end at 200 seconds while Soul Arrow will end at 210
seconds, so you can recast them both without wasting mp or worrying about
wasting it by recasting it.

* You'll notice that when you get to 19 mastery, from 19 to 20, it only gives
you 1 accuracy. Since archers have unlimited accuracy, you might want to leave
it at 19 and be one step ahead of the game. However, since you're not going FA,
you'll have enough points anyway, so put either you can put it in there later,
or you can put it into arrow blow to have 2 points into arrow blow, instead of

** From level 63, since you're not going FA, you really have nothing to do. I
choose to max Focus, however, you can max Soul Arrow and Bow Booster if you
don't go Focus, if you so choose. It's your decision, however, more
avoidability _can_ save you some money on pots.

*** There’s really no other skills to put this in, so you can choose to throw
points into anything. Be it Blessing of Amazon, Soul Arrow, or even Arrow Blow
for fun. Just don’t throw them into Final Attack...That’d be bad.

-Final Attack Build

Level 30: +1 into Arrow Bomb (1 given at job advance)
Level 31: +3 into Mastery
Level 32: +3 into Mastery
Level 33: +3 into Mastery
Level 34: +3 into Mastery
Level 35: +3 into Mastery
Level 36: +3 into Mastery
Level 37: +1 into Mastery
+2 into Bow Booster
Level 38: +3 into Bow Booster
Level 39: +1 into Bow Booster
+2 into Soul Arrow
Level 40: +3 into Final Attack (*)
Level 41: +3 into Final Attack
Level 42: +3 into Final Attack
Level 43: +3 into Final Attack
Level 44: +3 into Final Attack
Level 45: +3 into Final Attack
Level 46: +3 into Final Attack
Level 47: +3 into Final Attack
Level 48: +3 into Final Attack
Level 49: +3 into Final Attack (Maxed Final Attack)
Level 50: +3 into Arrow Bomb
Level 51: +3 into Arrow Bomb
Level 52: +3 into Arrow Bomb
Level 53: +3 into Arrow Bomb
Level 54: +1 into Arrow Bomb
Level 55: +3 into Arrow Bomb
Level 56: +3 into Arrow Bomb
Level 57: +3 into Arrow Bomb
Level 58: +3 into Arrow Bomb
Level 59: +2 into Arrow Bomb (Maxed Arrow Bomb)
+1 into Power Knockback
Level 60: +3 into Power Knockback
Level 61: +3 into Power Knockback
Level 62: +3 into Power Knockback
Level 63: +3 into Power Knockback
Level 64: +3 into Power Knockback
Level 65: +3 into Power Knockback
Level 66: +1 into Power Knockback (Maxed Power Knockback)
+2 into Focus
Level 67: +3 into Focus
Level 68: +3 into Focus
Level 69: +3 into Focus
Level 70: +3 into Focus

The FA build is very busy right to level 70. Even though you can't control FA,
it's very powerful, and you can level much faster, and save alot of money on
pots. Since FA does as much, or more damage than another Double Shot, you can
train at high level spawns earlier than a non-FA archer. FA archers also are
able to make alot more money since they can train more efficiently at a lower

This points from here are completely optional, but will save you some time
recasting Soul Arrow/Bow Booster, and eventually a pot or two.

(*) If you're looking for a stable FA, you might try saving all your points
until you can put them all in FA at once. It may or may not help. You'd
have to get an FA archer's opinion on that one.

(**) Depending on if you followed my

[-[-[//Ranger Build (rabl)]-]-]

For those of you that have finally reached Ranger status, give yourself a well
deserved pat on the back...And then...Curse Wizet out for making the first point
into Strafe so weak. It just...well, it really sucks, basically. Strafe doesn’t
get really strong until 75-80, when you have a lot of points into it.

It’s really disappointing for those of us that worked so hard, and get this
crappy one point. The plus side is, you do get 5 free AP to mass into dex. I was
really happy about this, because at 70, one dex is like 3 attack (although I’m
pretty sure it’s really 3.5).

Since there's been so many new maps added, it's obvious that Mortal Blow is the
most useless skill ever made, unless you plain on leveling at fairly low-leveled
monster spawns the rest of your maple career. Once you hit level 80 and go
to different maps with fairly high leveled monsters, you'll realize that they
REALLY hurt alot, and that puppet is very awesome. The point of having puppet is
to enable archers to use (or abuse) it to distract monsters so you don't get
If you run around in high leveled spawns like Squids using Mortal Blow, you're
gonna get hit, you're gonna lag eventually, and you're gonna die in two hits.

The point is: if you rely on Mortal Blow, you're wasting money and most likely
your time, therefore Mortal Blow is wasteful and useless. Thrust is pretty
as well, because by the time you're high enough to put points into it, you've
likely already bought speed equips and/or are in parties enough of the time it
won't matter. A few points into it won't hurt, but maxing it is a ridiculous
of Skill Points.

--Revised Build
Level 70: +1 into Strafe (1 point given at advance)
Level 71: +3 into Strafe
Level 72: +3 into Strafe
Level 73: +3 into Strafe
Level 74: +3 into Strafe
Level 75: +2 into Strafe
+1 into Puppet
Level 76: +3 into Strafe
Level 77: +3 into Strafe
Level 78: +3 into Strafe
Level 79: +3 into Strafe
Level 80: +3 into Strafe (Maxed Strafe)
Level 81: +3 into Mortal Blow
Level 82: +2 into Mortal Blow
+1 into Arrow Rain
Level 83: +3 into Arrow Rain
Level 84: +3 into Arrow Rain
Level 84: +3 into Arrow Rain
Level 85: +3 into Arrow Rain
Level 86: +3 into Arrow Rain
Level 87: +3 into Puppet
Level 88: +3 into Puppet
Level 89: +2 into Puppet
+1 into Silver Hawk
Level 90: +3 into Arrow Rain
Level 91: +3 into Arrow Rain
Level 92: +3 into Arrow Rain
Level 93: +3 into Arrow Rain
Level 94: +3 into Arrow Rain (Maxed Arrow Rain)
Level 95: +3 into Silver Hawk
Level 96: +3 into Silver Hawk
Level 97: +3 into Silver Hawk
Level 98: +3 into Silver Hawk
Level 99: +3 into Silver Hawk

Level 100: +3 into Silver Hawk
Level 101: +3 into Silver Hawk
Level 102: +3 into Silver Hawk
Level 103: +3 into Silver Hawk
Level 104: +2 into Silver Hawk (Maxed Silver Hawk)
+1 into Inferno
Level 105: +3 into Inferno
Level 106: +3 into Inferno
Level 107: +3 into Inferno
Level 108: +3 into Inferno
Level 109: +3 into Inferno
Level 110: +3 into Inferno
Level 111: +3 into Inferno
Level 112: +3 into Inferno
Level 114: +3 into Inferno
Level 115: +3 into Inferno
Level 116: +2 into Inferno (Maxed Inferno)
+1 into Puppet
Level 117: +3 into Puppet
Level 118: +3 into Puppet
Level 119: +2 into Puppet (Maxed Puppet time)
+1 into Thrust/Mortal Blow
Level 120: +3 into Thrust/Mortal Blow

This is most likely the perfect build ever. Keep in mind it's customizable.
You can switch out skills you dislike with skills you like, but this is the
recommended build, and the build I'll be going with.

[-[//Training Spots]-]

New training spots are the most asked question asked on the boards. "WHERE
SHOULD I TRAIN," or "I'M BORED OF [insert random spawn here]," are frequently
asked. Keep in mind that these training spots are recommended, not mandatory.
If you like to train at someplace where no one else trains at, go for it.

Remember, it's your character, not mine. Don't complain to me on the board
that you don't like my training spots, or you're bored of gollems. These are
only my personal recommendations that I've used. If you'll notice, I only
cover training spots up to what level I am so I know what works and what
doesn't work for the weakest archers, but I'm clueless if you have tons of

[-[-[//Archer Training Spots (130t)]-]-]

These are training spots I used from level 1-30. I also put notes about what
weapons I had so that you know or not if you can take the spawn.

Level 1-10:
Maple Island (Green Snails, Blue, Red Snails)

At level 1-5, you're still getting your str up, so green snails are the only
way to go. At 5+, if you find yourself bored, go to blue snails, and if you can
1-3hko them, go for them. You can usually go for blue and red snails until
level 8 or 9. You can also do that mushroom quest if you want to, because, hey,
free fruit knife, and at level 9, it's easy to take down mushrooms. Even if you
die, you don't even lose experience, so don't worry about it. When you finally
reach level 10, jump off Maple Island, and head to Henesys to do the job

Level 10-20:
Henesys Hunting Ground I (Green Snails, Blue Snails, Red Snails)
Mushroom Garden (Orange Mushrooms, Shrooms)

You've finally reached level 10, and you did the 1st job advance at Henesys.
Alright. Now onto training...some more. You have two choices at this point. Go
to Henesys Hunting Ground I, or Mushroom Garden. Now, I did Mushroom Garden
from level 10-20, but, if you feel it hurts too much, go ahead and stay at
Henesys Hunting Ground until you can go to Mushroom Garden. Henesys Hunting
Ground is way too crowded most of the time though, so Mushroom Garden is a nice
place to get away from it. There's a huge spawn there too, and if you party,
you can take the top and the bottom for a faster spawn. Stay here until level
20, and then head to the next spot. A helpful reminder as well: If you've been
using a melee weapon, at 15-17, you can do good enough damage to use a bow, if
you haven't
already been doing so.

Level 21-31:
Party Quest (Curse Eyes)

If you want lots of money, and wanna waste lots of time, Party Quest from 21-
30. You won't get in very often, as those clawing mages, and star sins will
outdamage you without mastery. You and those poor warriors will be left out
most of the time. However, the time wasted could be worth it, as you get free
items from Party Quest. I'll be honest: I hate Party Quest. I can never get
in, and I can never wait long enough to do it. I did it once. So, I'm not a
Party Quest expert, but I do see it as a huge waste of time. Besides, it's a
well known fact that sins and mages are close cousins, and archers and warriors
are buds. So, mages and sins will get their own party, while archers and
warriors will have their own. And then a mage will be invited and he'll tell
the leader to kick everyone and add his freinds. Since mages hate archers,
you'll go, ect ect. Anyways, if you want to waste time, go PQ.

Level 20-25:
Pig Beach (Pigs, Ribbon Pigs)

Ok, at Pig Beach, there's a huge spawn of Pigs and Ribbon Pigs. It's usually
full to the brim, but if you can find a good place, it's really really good
experience. However, you don't have to go here if you don't feel like it.
Slimes are easy to kill now, and have great spawn rate as well. Personally, I
recommend Pig Beach, because it's really, really good experience, and very
fast. You might waste alot of money, but it's really good experience. Stay here
until level 25.

Level 25-30:
Ant Tunnel I (Horned Mushrooms, Zombie Mushrooms)
Orbis Tower <20th Floor> (Jr. Sentinals)
You're finally at a high enough level to go to the dungeon, the highest
leveled place in Victoria. Here, you take down Horned Mushrooms, and later on,
around 28, you can go down farther for Zombie Mushrooms. These guys give some
good experience, and alot of money. You should level fast here, until you get
KSed alot. Good advice: Change channels. It doesn't help to defame them, or cuss
them out, or be stubborn and stay there. Not only do you waste time, you lose
experience trying to KS them back out. Defaming does little good, as many losers
make many accounts to mass defame you back. Trust me: been there, done that, got
the defames. Not worth the time or effort. ANYWAYS. If you're dying for mesos,
go to Jr. Sentinals, as they drop alot of them for minimal effort. And they give
decent experience. When you get to 30, and you can equip your Ryden, jump
through the Ant Tunnel, shouting "I'M COOLER THAN YOU!" until a level 40 cleric
comes in and KSes everyone. Then knock Zombie Mushrooms into him and pretend you
have Power Knockback. So head over to Henesys and make the advancement.

[-[-[//Hunter Training Spots (3070)]-]-]

Level 30-37:
Ant Tunnel I (Horned Mushrooms, Zombie Mushrooms)
The Land of Wild Boar I & II (Wild Boars, Dark Axe Stumps)

Equipped with your Ryden, you can decide to either go to boars, or stay at
zombie mushies. I'm pretty sure that I went to boars at level 30, gave up, and
went back to Zombie Mushrooms. Boars are too fast, but if you're bored of
Zombie Mushies, go have fun there. The problem with Land of the Wild Boar I, is
that it's majorly crowded. Those sins love this place, and usually take up the
whole map. If you can't deal with the spawn, go to Land of The Wild Boar II,
where you can party with freinds to get a good spawn going.

Level 37-40:
The Land of Wild Boar I & II (Wild Boars, Dark Axe Stumps)
The Burnt Land II: (Fire Boars)

Moving on up, you're usually training at Boars now that you're 37, and
mastery's maxed. You can either decide to stay at boars, or go to the infamous
Fire Boars, which drop alot of stuff. At 37, you should be able to 2-3hko them.
I stayed at Fire Boars until 40. Again, you can go back to boars if you so

Level 40-46:
Garden of Green (Jr. Grupins)
Garden of Red (Jr. Cellions)
Garden of Yellow: (Jr. Lioners)

Yay. Kittens! Kittens are fun to kill. And they make you rich. 100~ mesos per
kill is nice. Kitties, kitties. It doesn't matter what map you choose, as they
both have the same HP. As a hunter, you might want the bottom spawn, which is
faster for you. Sometimes though, that's taken, so you can take the platforms.
The platforms aren't hard for you, but they do waste alot of pots. Stay at
kittens awhile, as they give you alot of money. If you find a scroll or two,
you could be rolling in the dough. Enough to scroll a nice Olympus when you get
to 50.

Level 46-50:
Dangerous Valley I (Fire Boars, Copper Drakes)
The Entrance of Gollem's Temple (Blue Mushrooms, Stone Gollems)
Sleepy Dungeon III (Curse Eyes, Dark Stone Gollems)

Kitties are good and all, but at 46, they start getting tedious. So, if you're
an FA archer, go to Stone Gollems. If you're not, go to Copper Drakes, as they
have a fast spawn, and drop those expensive theif pants: Dark Shadow Pants.
Don't come here if you're FA though, as the Copeer Drakes require alot control
which you don't get out of FA. At 46 with FA though, you can take down Stone
Gollems easily, and even non-FA archers can take them down. Around 47-49,
nowhere's really a good training spot, but Copper Drakes do the trick for non-
FA archers, and Stone Gollems are good for FA. Another spot good for archers is
curse eyes. The only good place for them though is Sleepy Dungeon III,
which has the most Curse Eye spawn with minimal Dark Stone Gollem spawn. For
hunters, it's hard to take down Dark Stone Gollems at such a low level, but the
Curse Eye spawn is worth it. If you don't kill the Dark Stone Gollems, you
don't as good as spawn, so you can't avoid them, unfortuantly.

Level 50-60:
The Entrance of Gollem's Temple (Stone Gollems, Blue Mushrooms)
The Forest of Dead Trees: I-IV (Coolie Zombies)
Sleepywood Dungeon IV, V (Curse Eyes, Dark Stone Gollems)

Ok here's the deal. FA archers can go to Stone Gollems to about 55, at which
time they can take zombies easily, and even make a profit. But, us poor no-FA
archers decide that Stone Gollems pwn too much, so we decide to stay there.
Honestly, I stayed at Stone Gollems to 60. 50-60. Hardcore. They're good
experience, and 2-3 hits around 55 means good money AND good expereience. You
can try zombies, but they take 3-4 hits and you lose money. I'm 60, and I 3hko
zombies, and lose tons of money doing so. If you're bored, go to Dark Stone
Gollems for awhile, and try to get you some Tobis. Dark Stone Gollems are slow
experience, but drop some good items.

Level 60-70:
-The Forest of Dead Trees: I-IV (Coolie Zombies)
-Sleepywood Dungeon IV, V (Curse Eyes, Dark Stone Gollems)
-Forest of Golem (Mixed Golems, Dark Stone Golems)

The last 10 levels! Good experience is hard to find these levels. Zombies are
a constant 190 experience the whole time. It's like attacking gollems for 20
more experience and a whole map full of them. They're very very crowded, as
people train on them until even level 80. Dark Stone Gollems are still good
experience, but still slow. You can kill them faster, but the spawn is very
slow. Wild Cargoes are slow as well. They're kinda like Dark Stone Gollem
spawns. Personally, I hate Zombies and try to avoid them. But, they're good
experience, and around 64, you can train on them faster. Of course, since
they're so crowded, they'd have to have their share of ksers. KSers suck at
zombies. Level 70+ KSers. Just leave, or make a bargain or something.

Although Forest of Golem is a good spot later on, you can try it between 60
and 70, and you might like it. Without Arrow Rain you might have trouble or
get flustrated though. Good drops, very fast spawn.

[-[-[//Ranger Training Spots (7012)]-]-]

Level 70-80:
-The Forest of Dead Trees: I-IV (Coolie Zombies)
-Subway <Line 1> Area 4 (Wraiths)
-Lost Time <1> (Platoon Chronos)
-Sanctuary 2 (Cold Eyes, Tauromacis)
-Cloud Park VI (Lunar Pixies, Luster Pixies)
-Hot Sands
-Forest of Golem (Mixed Golems, Dark Stone Golems)

So you’re the big kahuna, the chief archer, the boss. You’re a Ranger, and
you’re inspired to level up even more. Well, Zombies are the best, or fastest
place still, but there are a few places you can go to as well if you can’t get a
map. So from level 70-73, train at Zombies because Strafe is still suckage, and
isn’t as stable as Double Shot. From 73 though, you can go to either Lost time 1
for Platoon Chronos, which are pretty slow, but offer a lot of income, or you
can go to Wraiths, which hopefully you can 1hko at least 80% of the time with
Strafe. From 74 on, you can stick with anything with decent experience which you
can 1hko. At 74, I stuck to Zombies and Lusters, which I can barely 1hko. Around
this time, you might want to use warrior pots and speed pots to increase your
1hko chances and make training faster.

Hot Sands is also a great place to train if you can 1hko constantly with Strafe.
Though the drops aren’t noteworthy, it’s pretty fast. Make sure you have at
least 25 speed, because if you don’t, it won’t be as fast.

Once again, Forest of Golem is pretty good, but not the best. It won't be as
as you'd hope, but it gets the job done.

Level 80-90:
-The Forest of Dead Trees: I-IV (Coolie Zombies)
-Forgotten Path of Time <3> (Death Teddies)
-Forest of Golem (Mixed Golems, Dark Stone Golems)
-Dangerous Sea Gorge I (Squid, Risell Squid)
-Dangerous Sea Gorge II (Goby, Bombing Fish House, Squid, Risell Squid)
-Warped Path of Time <4> (Spirit Vikings)

Starting out from 80-84 you'll most likely be able to 1hko zombies about 90% of
the time, depending on how rich you are, or your equips. Zombies are good money
and until 84 are very good experience. From 84 until about 88ish, you can go
to Forest of Golem for an awesome spawn and pretty nice experience as well. Not
to mention good money if you're broke. If you've got a good party thing going
Death Teddies are pretty good, as well as Vikings. Around 88 or so, try Squids
and Gobies, as they're very fast and you should be strong enough to take them

Level 90+:

[Work in progress...]

[-[-[//Training Tips (trtp)]-]-]

Buying warrior and speed pills can speed up your training. It's a small
for a rather large difference in experience. Speed helps you move faster, and
more attack helps you do more damage per attack, so it helps out with every step
and every arrow. Though it may be costly at first, you'll find it may even help
you gain more money in the end.

Jumpshooting can speed your training up as well. Alot of people come in my
channels with me jumpshooting, shout "WTF JUMPING ARCHER," make a notion to
report me, and leave. Jumpshooting, is in fact, not a hack. You can practice it
by mashing the left or right, jump, and attack/double shot/arrow blow button.
It's easiest to learn by moving in one direction, and when you master that, you
can then learn standing in one place while still jumpshooting. You should learn
it around level 20, so that at level 40 or so you can have it mastered. It
enables you to train much faster by moving back and foward in midair, while
still shooting. Once you have it mastered, it allows for faster training.

If you suck at jumpshooting, a controller can help you out alot. It's alot
to jumpshot when the buttons are close, and in the case of a PS2 controller,
you should be used to button mashing. There's a vast controller variety in the
market right now, but the easiest to get ahold of right now without spending
too much money is a Ps2 controller. Radioshack came up with this nifty little
"Ps2 to USB" converter that allows you to plug in your PS2 controller into your
USB hub/port. The next thing you'll need is that program Joy2Key so the
will actually work on the computer. You should browse the boards if you're

[-[//Contact Information]-]

E-Mail: zealster[at]gmail.com In Game Name (IGN): Aiolis [Scania]

Do Not: Send me mail asking me to level you, or beg me for money over maple.
Don't ask me where to train at your level, or teach you to jumpshoot, ect.

Do: Tell me that something in my FAQ is wrong: IE. At level 20, you couldn't
go to slimes; At level 10, Mushroom Garden was too hard. Ask me if you can host
this FAQ on your site.

Special Thanks: To my buddy list for inspiring me to level. To Wizet for
releasing the game. To GameFAQs and CJayC for making such a great site.

==>Bowman Guide List<==

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