==>Thief Guide List <==
I. Introduction
It's been bugging me lateley to see so many guides on sins and such but none
for dexless sins. So I decided to compile what I know, my own expierence, and
some help from external sources in order to compile this guide to help you make
your dexless sin a success.
Remember, you can always send your questions, skill builds, and other tidbits,
I will credit you for them, and they will be trademarked to you, unless you
state otherwise.
II. Version Index
Version 0.85 (July 1st, 2007)
- Created skeleton of guide
Version 0.90 (July 2nd, 2007)
- Added training Guide
- Changed formatting
- Added Job Advancement Guide
- Added extra legal information
Version 0.95 (July 3rd, 2007)
- Changed Training guide slightly
- Edited Hermit Job Advancement guide slightly
- Added Training Maps Section
- Added Throwing Stars Guide
- Added Equips Guide
Version 1.0 (July 7th, 2007)
- Added Hermit Training guide
- Changed format on throwing stars
- Summarized skill points
Version 1.05 (July 9th, 2007)
-Minor adjustments overall
- Boss Guide needed fixing
- Added a few notes
- Finished up Hermit Training Maps
- Fixed Weapons guide (minor error)
- Added in Mini-bosses
Version 1.10 (July 13th, 2007)
-More Minor adjustments
- Fixed Minibosses
- cleaned up descriptions of skills
- Added Neoseekers to allowed list
Version 1.15 (August 25th, 2007)
-A couple updates
- FAQ update
- Added in LCK equips guide
- Added new Skill Build
- Added two people to the credits list
- updated Maple Throwing Star Info
- Beginning updates for patch version 0.41
Table of Contents:
[For easier navigation use ctrl + f and copy + paste or type in what's in the
1. Skills ------------------------------------ [1SKL]
1a. Rouge Skills
1b. Assassin Skills
1c. Hermit Skills
2. Ability Point Distribution ---------------- [2APD]
3. Skill Point Distribution ------------------ [3SPD]
3a. Rouge Skill Point Distribution
3b. Assassin Skill Point Distribution
3c. Hermit Skill Point Distribution
4. Training Grounds -------------------------- [4TrG]
4a. Beginner Training
4b. Rouge Training
4c. Assassin Training
4d. Hermit Training
5. Training Maps Guide ----------------------- [5TMG]
5a. Beginner Maps
5b. Rouge Maps
5c. Assassin Maps
5d. Hermit Maps
6. Throwing Star Guide ----------------------- [6TSG]
7. Equips Guide ------------------------------ [7EQG]
7a. Armor
7b. Weapons
7c. Throwing Stars
7d. LCK equips guide
8. Job Advancement Guide --------------------- [8JAG]
8a. Rouge Job Advancement
8b. Assassin Job Advancement
8c. Hermit Job Advancement
9. Bosses ------------------------------------ [9BOS]
10. FAQ -------------------------------------- [10FAQ]
11. Credits, Legal, Contact, Closing --------- [11CLC]
1. Skills ------------------------ [1SKL]
Skills are how you survive the Maplestory world, without them - you're toast.
Luckily, you've got plenty of them, and many ways to distribute your points
to get them. But more of that in a later section.
1a. Rouge Skills
Nimble Body
Master Level: 20
Type: Passive
Description: Increases accuracy and avoidability.
Level 1: Accuracy +1, avoidability +1
Level 5: Accuracy +5, avoidability +5
Level 10: Accuracy +10, avoidability +10
Level 15: Accuracy +15, avoidability +15
Level 20: Accuracy +20, avoidability +20
Keen Eyes
Master Level: 8
Type: Passive
Pre-requisite: Nimble Body Lv. 3
Description: Increases the range of attack using throwing weapons such as
throwing stars & knives.
Level 1: Range of attack for throwing weapon: +25
Level 2: Range of attack for throwing weapon: +50
Level 3: Range of attack for throwing weapon: +75
Level 4: Range of attack for throwing weapon: +100
Level 5: Range of attack for throwing weapon: +125
Level 6: Range of attack for throwing weapon: +150
Level 7: Range of attack for throwing weapon: +175
Level 8: Range of attack for throwing weapon: +200
Master Level: 20
Type: Supportive
Description: Temporarily decreases the morale of an opponent. Its weapon def.
and attack will suffer, and the attacking enemy will suddenly
stop attacking. Can't perform the attack on an enemy that's
already in "disorder", however.
Level 1: MP -5; Enemy's weapon attack -1, weapon def. -1 for 7 seconds
Level 5: MP -5; Enemy's weapon attack -5, weapon def. -5 for 15 seconds
Level 10: MP -7; Enemy's weapon attack -10, weapon def. -10 for 31 seconds
Level 15: MP -9; Enemy's weapon attack -15, weapon def. -15 for 47 seconds
Level 20: MP -10; Enemy's weapon attack -20, weapon def. -20 for 60 seconds
Dark Sight
Master Level: 20
Type: Supportive
Pre-requisite: Disorder Lv. 3
Description: Use MP to hide behind the shadows. While hiding, the enemy
won't attack, but you can't attack back either. All movements
other than attacking are available. It's temporary, so after
a while, you'll be back to normal.
Level 1: MP -24; Disappear for 10 seconds, speed -30
Level 5: MP -20; Disappear for 50 seconds, speed -22
Level 10: MP -15; Disappear for 100 seconds, speed -12
Level 15: MP -10; Disappear for 150 seconds, speed -5
Level 20: MP -5; Disappear for 200 seconds, speed -0
Double Stab
Master Level: 20
Type: Active
Description: Use MP to quickly stab an enemy twice at once using a dagger.
Level 1: MP -6; Damage 65% x 2 Hits
Level 5: MP -7; Damage 78% x 2 Hits
Level 10: MP -9; Damage 95% x 2 Hits
Level 15: MP -11; Damage 112% x 2 Hits
Level 20: MP -14; Damage 130% x 2 Hits
Lucky Seven
Master Level: 20
Type: Active
Description: Use MP to throw 2 throwing stars and apply damage based on
LUK, regardless of the rate of javelin mastery.
NOTE: Until Triple Throw comes out, learn to love this move, you'll be using it
til you get Triple Throw
Level 1: MP -8; Damage 58% x 2 Hits
Level 5: MP -9; Damage 76% x 2 Hits
Level 10: MP -11; Damage 100% x 2 Hits
Level 15: MP -13; Damage 124% x 2 Hits
Level 20: MP -16; Damage 150% x 2 Hits
1b. Assassin Skills
Claw Mastery
Master Level: 20
Type: Passive
Description: Increases the mastery of throwing stars and accuracy, along with
the maximum number of throwing stars to recharge. It only applies
when the character is throwing stars.
Level 1: Claw mastery 15%, accuracy +1, maximum number +10
Level 5: Claw mastery 25%, accuracy +5, maximum number +50
Level 10: Claw mastery 35%, accuracy +10, maximum number +100
Level 15: Claw mastery 50%, accuracy +15, maximum number +150
Level 20: Claw mastery 60%, accuracy +20, maximum number +200
Critical Throw
Master Level: 30
Type: Passive
Pre-requisite: Claw Mastery Lv. 3
Description: Enables the character to make a critical attack with
throwing stars on a certain success rate.
Level 1: 21% success rate, critical damage 113%
Level 5: 25% success rate, critical damage 125%
Level 10: 30% success rate, critical damage 140%
Level 15: 35% success rate, critical damage 155%
Level 20: 40% success rate, critical damage 170%
Level 25: 45% success rate, critical damage 185%
Level 30: 50% success rate, critical damage 200%
Master Level: 20
Type: Passive
Description: Additional recovery for both HP and MP even while hanging
still on a rope or a ladder. The higher the level, the faster
the recovery time, along with recovering additional amounts of
both MP and HP.
Level 1: Additional recovery of HP +3, MP +1 every 29 seconds
Level 5: Additional recovery of HP +15, MP +5 every 25 seconds
Level 10: Additional recovery of HP +30, MP +10 every 20 seconds
Level 15: Additional recovery of HP +45, MP +15 every 15 seconds
Level 20: Additional recovery of HP +60, MP +20 every 10 seconds
Claw Booster
Master Level: 20
Type: Supportive
Pre-requisite Claw Mastery Lv. 5
Description: Use HP and MP to temporarily boost up the attacking speed of
the claw. It only applies when the character is equipped with
a claw throwing stars.
Level 1: HP -29, MP -29; Improves claw speed for 10 seconds
Level 5: HP -25, MP -25; Improves claw speed for 50 seconds
Level 10: HP -20, MP -20; Improves claw speed for 100 seconds
Level 15: HP -15, MP -15; Improves claw speed for 150 seconds
Level 20: HP -10, MP -10; Improves claw speed for 200 seconds
Master Level: 20
Type: Supportive
Description: Temporarily improves the speed and jumping ability of every
member of the party.
Level 1: MP -15; Speed +2, jump +1 for 10 seconds
Level 5: MP -15; Speed +10, jump +5 for 50 seconds
Level 10: MP -15; Speed +20, jump +10 for 100 seconds
Level 15: MP -30; Speed +30, jump +15 for 150 seconds
Level 20: MP -30; Speed +40, jump +20 for 200 seconds
Master Level: 30
Type: Active
Pre-requisite: Endure Lv. 3
Description: Absorb some of the damage dished out to the enemy as HP. The most
one can absorb at once is the character's MaxHP / 2, and can't
absorb more than the MaxHP of the enemy.
Level 1: MP -12; Damage 102%, absorbing 16% of the damage
Level 5: MP -12; Damage 110%, absorbing 20% of the damage
Level 10: MP -12; Damage 120%, absorbing 25% of the damage
Level 15: MP -12; Damage 130%, absorbing 30% of the damage
Level 20: MP -24; Damage 140%, absorbing 35% of the damage
Level 25: MP -24; Damage 150%, absorbing 40% of the damage
Level 30: MP -24; Damage 160%, absorbing 45% of the damage
1c. Hermit Skills
Master Level: 20
Type: Passive
Description: Increases the effect of the recovery-based items like potions
and others, and lengthen time for the effect, if the item is based on such.
However, items such as Elixir and others that base the recovery in % do not
apply in this skill.
Level 1: Recovery rate 103%, duration of effect 103%
Level 5: Recovery rate 115%, duration of effect 115%
Level 10: Recovery rate 130%, duration of effect 130%
Level 15: Recovery rate 140%, duration of effect 140%
Level 20: Recovery rate 150%, duration of effect 150%
Meso UP
Master Level: 20
Type: Support
Description: For a certain amount of time, everyone in the party can make
the enemies drop more mesos than usual with this skill.
Level 1: MP -45; Drop rate +3% for 25 seconds
Level 5: MP -45; Drop rate +15% for 45 seconds
Level 10: MP -50; Drop rate +30% for 70 seconds
Level 15: MP -55; Drop rate +40% for 95 seconds
Level 20: MP -60; Drop rate +50% for 120 seconds
Shadow Partner
Master Level: 30
Type: Support
Pre-requisite: Consume 1 Summoning Rock
Description: For a certain amount of time, a shadow will appear, repeating your
every move. There's no real stamina in it, and it will disappear after some
Level 1: MP -200; Normal attack 20%, summoned with basic attack 21% for 60
Level 5: MP -180; Normal attack 34%, summoned with basic attack 21% for 60
Level 10: MP -155; Normal attack 49%, summoned with basic attack 24% for 60
Level 15: MP -130; Normal attack 60%, summoned with basic attack 29% for 120
Level 20: MP -105; Normal attack 70%, summoned with basic attack 34% for 120
Level 25: MP -80; Normal attack 75%, summoned with basic attack 40% for 180
Level 30: MP -55; Normal attack 80%, summoned with basic attack 50% for 180
Shadow Web
Master Level: 20
Type: Support
Description: Makes a spiderweb of your shadow, and holds up to 6 enemies in
one spot at once. The enemies held in the spiderweb will be unable to move.
Level 1: MP -10; Holds the enemies with 42% success rate for 5 seconds
Level 5: MP -10; Holds the enemies with 50% success rate for 5 seconds
Level 10: MP -14; Holds the enemies with 60% success rate for 6 seconds
Level 15: MP -18; Holds the enemies with 70% success rate for 7 seconds
Level 20: MP -22; Holds the enemies with 80% success rate for 8 seconds
Shadow Meso
Master Level: 30
Type: Active
Pre-requisite: Meso UP Lv 5
Description: Replaces MP with mesos and attacks enemies with the damage based
on the amount of mesos thrown. Ignores the enemies' "weapon def. up" and "magic
guard up."
Level 1: Uses min. 50 mesos, max. 220 mesos; Basic attack +50% with 1%
success rate
Level 5: Uses min. 90 mesos, max. 300 mesos; Basic attack +50% with 2%
success rate
Level 10: Uses min. 140 mesos, max. 400 mesos; Basic attack +50% with 4%
success rate
Level 15: Uses min. 190 mesos, max. 500 mesos; Basic attack +50% with 5%
success rate
Level 20: Uses min. 240 mesos, max. 600 mesos; Basic attack +50% with 7%
success rate
Level 25: Uses min. 290 mesos, max. 700 mesos; Basic attack +50% with 9%
success rate
Level 30: Uses min. 340 mesos, max. 800 mesos; Basic attack +50% with 10%
success rate
Master Level: 30
Type: Active
Description: Uses MP to make an enormous throwing star for attack. The throwing
star will go through an enemy, and attack the ones behind it, too. Uses 3
throwing stars
Level 1: MP -16; Basic attack 65%, attack up to 4 enemies
Level 5: MP -16; Basic attack 85%, attack up to 4 enemies
Level 10: MP -16; Basic attack 110%, attack up to 4 enemies
Level 15: MP -23; Basic attack 130%, attack up to 5 enemies
Level 20: MP -23; Basic attack 150%, attack up to 5 enemies
Level 25: MP -30; Basic attack 165%, attack up to 6 enemies
Level 30: MP -30; Basic attack 180%, attack up to 6 enemies
Flash Jump
Master Level: 20
Type: Support
Pre-requisite: Avenger Lv 5
Description: While in the air after a jump, use this skill + the arrow for a
second jump. The higher the skill level, the farther the distance for the jump.
Level 1: MP -60; Jumps a certain distance
Level 5: MP -48; Jumps a certain distance
Level 10: MP -33; Jumps a certain distance
Level 15: MP -23; Jumps a certain distance
Level 20: MP -13; Jumps a certain distance
2. Ability Point Distribution ----- [2APD]
First off when you create you character aim for these numbers:
Str: 4/5
Dex: X
Int: 4/5
Lck: X
6 is okay too, but 4/5 is better so try for that if you're patient. The X's in
Dex and Lck mean those can be anything
Here is a sample build that will vary for some people:
(This is the 4/13/4/4 build but you should get the idea)
Lv. 1: 4/13/4/4
Lv. 2: 4/18/4/4 (+5 Dex)
Lv. 3: 4/23/4/4 (+5 Dex)
Lv. 4: 4/25/4/7 (+2 Dex, +3 Lck)
Lv. 5: 4/25/4/12 (+5 Lck)
Once you get 25 dex you "cap it" and stop adding points to this. Now, Dexless
doesn't mean you have no dex, it just means you have enough to advance to the
thief job and not add anymore dex. Since Assassins use lck as their ability to
do dmg, the more you have the more damage you do. Hence, Dexless Assassins can
usually outdamage most characters relativly close to their level. However,
since they don't have the best of claws, you usually only hit an average of
400 - 600 more than usual.
3. Skill Point Distribution ----- [3SPD]
Now the fun part, skill distribution. As of now, I only have one distribution
chart for each job advancement, but who knows. That may change in the near
3a. Rouge Skill Point Distribution
Lv. 10: +1 Nimble Body (1)
Lv. 11: +2 Nimble Body (3), +1 Keen Eyes (1)
Lv. 12: +3 Keen Eyes (4)
Lv. 13: +3 Keen Eyes (7)
Lv. 14: +1 Keen Eyes (MAXED), +2 Lucky Sevens (2)
Lv. 15: +3 Lucky Sevens (5)
Lv. 16: +3 Lucky Sevens (8)
Lv. 17: +3 Lucky Sevens (11)
Lv. 18: +3 Lucky Sevens (14)
Lv. 19: +3 Lucky Sevens (17)
Lv. 20: +3 Lucky Sevens (MAXED)
Lv. 21: +3 Nimble Body (6)
Lv. 22: +3 Nimble Body (9)
Lv. 23: +3 Nimble Body (12)
Lv. 24: +3 Nimble Body (15)
Lv. 25: +3 Nimble Body (18)
Lv. 26: +2 Nimble Body (MAXED), +1 Disorder (1)
Lv. 27: +2 Disorder (3), +1 Dark Sight (1)
Lv. 28: +3 Dark Sight (4)
Lv. 29: +3 Dark Sight (7)
Lv. 30: +3 Dark Sight (10)
At Lv. 30: Nimble Body (20/20, MAXED)
Keen Eyes (8/8, MAXED)
Lucky Sevens (20/20, MAXED)
Disorder (3/20)
Dark Sight (10/20)
Total: (61/61)
3b. Assassin Skill Point Distribution
Lv. 30: +1 Claw Mastery (1)
Lv. 31: +3 Claw Mastery (4)
Lv. 32: +3 Claw Mastery (7)
Lv. 33: +3 Claw Mastery (10)
Lv. 34: +3 Claw Mastery (13)
Lv. 35: +3 Claw Mastery (16)
Lv. 36: +3 Claw Mastery (19)
Lv. 37: +3 Claw Booster (3)
Lv. 38: +3 Claw Booster (6)
Lv. 39: +3 Claw Booster (9)
Lv. 40: +3 Critical Throw (3)
Lv. 41: +3 Critical Throw (6)
Lv. 42: +3 Critical Throw (9)
Lv. 43: +3 Critical Throw (12)
Lv. 44: +3 Critical Throw (15)
Lv. 45: +3 Critical Throw (18)
Lv. 46: +2 Critical Throw (20), +1 Claw Mastery (MAXED)
Lv. 47: +3 Haste (3)
Lv. 48: +3 Haste (6)
Lv. 49: +3 Haste (9)
Lv. 50: +3 Haste (12)
Lv. 51: +3 Haste (15)
Lv. 52: +3 Haste (18)
Lv. 53: +2 Haste (MAXED), +1 Critical Throw (21)
Lv. 54: +3 Critical Throw (24)
Lv. 55: +3 Critical Throw (27)
Lv. 56: +3 Critical Throw (MAXED)
Lv. 57: +3 Endure (3)
Lv. 58: +3 Drain (3)
Lv. 59: +3 Drain (6)
Lv. 60: +3 Drain (9)
Lv. 61: +3 Drain (12)
Lv. 62: +3 Drain (15)
Lv. 63: +3 Claw Booster (12)
Lv. 64: +3 Claw Booster (15)
Lv. 65: +3 Claw Booster (18)
Lv. 66: +2 Claw Booster (MAXED), +1 Drain (16)
Lv. 67: +3 Drain (19)
Lv. 68: +3 Drain (22)
Lv. 69: +3 Drain (25)
Lv. 70: +3 Drain (28)
At Lv. 70: Claw Mastery (30/30, MAXED)
Claw Booster (20/20, MAXED)
Haste (20/20, MAXED)
Critical Throw (30/30, MAXED)
Drain (28/30)
Endure (3/20)
Total: (121/121)
Submitted by: yuanchenf@yahoo.com
Lv. 30: +1 Claw Mastery (1)
Lv. 31: +3 Claw Mastery (4)
Lv. 32: +1 Claw Mastery (5), 2 Booster (2)
Lv. 33: +3 Booster (5)
Lv. 34: +1 Booster (6) +2 Critical Throw (2)
Lv. 35: +3 Critical Throw (5)
Lv. 36: +3 Critical Throw (8)
Lv. 37: +3 Critical Throw (11)
Lv. 38: +3 Critical Throw (14)
Lv. 39: +3 Critical Throw (17)
Lv. 40: +3 Critical Throw (20)
Lv. 41: +3 Critical Throw (23)
Lv. 42: +3 Critical Throw (26)
Lv. 43: +3 Critical Throw (29)
Lv. 44: +1 Critical Throw (30) (MAXED), +2 Haste (2)
Lv. 45: +3 Haste (5)
Lv. 46: +3 Haste (8)
Lv. 47: +3 Haste (11)
Lv. 48: +3 Haste (14)
Lv. 49: +3 Haste (17)
Lv. 50: +3 Haste (20) (MAXED)
Lv. 51: +3 Claw Mastery (8)
Lv. 52: +3 Claw Mastery (11)
Lv. 53: +3 Claw Mastery (14)
Lv. 54: +3 Claw Mastery (17)
Lv. 55: +3 Claw Mastery (20) (MAXED)
Lv. 56: +3 Booster (9)
Lv. 57: +3 Booster (12)
Lv. 58: +3 Booster (15)
Lv. 59: +3 Booster (18)
Lv. 60: +2 Booster (20) (MAXED) +1 Endure (1)
Lv. 61: +2 Endure (1) + 1 Drain (1)
Lv. 62: +3 Drain (4)
Lv. 63: +3 Drain (7)
Lv. 64: +3 Drain (10)
Lv. 65: +3 Drain (13)
Lv. 66: +3 Drain (16)
Lv. 67: +3 Drain (19)
Lv. 68: +3 Drain (22)
Lv. 69: +3 Drain (25)
Lv. 70: +3 Drain (28)
"You can get Endure + Drain/Mastery/Booster in any order you want.
You can also max Drain by taking 2 out of Booster because Booster's effect
doesn't change, just the duration of effect."
At Lv. 70: Claw Mastery (30/30, MAXED)
Claw Booster (20/20, MAXED)
Haste (20/20, MAXED)
Critical Throw (30/30, MAXED)
Drain (28/30)
Endure (3/20)
Total: (121/121)
1c. Hermit Skill Builds
(This one was harder since I'm that far on yet)
Lv. 70: +1 Shadow Partner (1)
Lv. 71: +3 Shadow Partner (4)
Lv. 72: +3 Shadow Partner (7)
Lv. 73: +3 Shadow Partner (10)
Lv. 74: +3 Shadow Partner (13)
Lv. 75: +2 Shadow Partner (15), +1 Avenger (1)
Lv. 76: +3 Avenger (4)
Lv. 77: +1 Avenger (5), +1 Flash Jump (1), +1 Shadow Partner (16)
Lv. 78: +3 Shadow Partner (19)
Lv. 79: +3 Shadow Partner (22)
Lv. 80: +3 Shadow Partner (25)
Lv. 81: +3 Shadow Partner (28)
Lv. 82: +2 Shadow Partnet (MAXED), +1 Meso Up (1)
Lv. 83: +3 Meso Up (4)
Lv. 84: +1 Meso Up (5), +2 Shadow Web (2)
Lv. 85: +3 Shadow Web (5)
Lv. 86: +3 Shadow Web (8)
Lv. 87: +3 Shadow Web (11)
Lv. 88: +3 Shadow Web (14)
Lv. 89: +3 Shadow Web (17)
Lv. 90: +3 Avenger (8)
Lv. 91: +3 Avenger (11)
Lv. 92: +3 Avenger (14)
Lv. 93: +3 Avenger (17)
Lv. 94: +3 Avenger (20)
Lv. 95: +3 Flash Jump (4)
Lv. 96: +3 Flash Jump (7)
Lv. 97: +3 Flash Jump (10)
Lv. 98: +3 Flash Jump (13)
Lv. 99: +3 Flash Jump (16)
Lv. 100: +3 Flash Jump (19)
Lv. 101: +1 Flash Jump (MAXED), Save 2
Lv. 102: +3 Avenger (23)
Lv. 103: +3 Avenger (26)
Lv. 104: +3 Avenger (29)
Lv. 105: +1 Avenger (MAXED), Save 2
Lv. 106: +3 Meso Up (8)
Lv. 107: +3 Meso Up (11)
Lv. 108: +3 Meso Up (14)
Lv. 109: +3 Meso Up (17)
Lv. 110: +3 Meso Up (MAXED)
(From Lv. 111 - 120 it's up to you whether to max Shadow Meso, or max Alchemist
and have a few points in Shadow Meso, max Shadow Web, or make your own combo.
I outlined the 1st two choices below)
Lv. 111: [+3 Shadow Meso (3)] OR {+3 Alchemist (3)}
Lv. 112: [+3 Shadow Meso (6)] OR {+3 Alchemist (6)}
Lv. 113: [+3 Shadow Meso (9)] OR {+3 Alchemist (9)}
Lv. 114: [+3 Shadow Meso (12)] OR {+3 Alchemist (12)}
Lv. 115: [+3 Shadow Meso (15)] OR {+3 Alchemist (15)}
Lv. 116: [+3 Shadow Meso (18)] OR {+3 Alchemist (18)}
Lv. 117: [+3 Shadow Meso (21)] OR {+2 Alchemist (MAXED), +1 Shadow Meso (1)}
Lv. 118: [+3 Shadow Meso (24)] OR {+3 Shadow Meso (4)}
Lv. 119: [+3 Shadow Meso (27)] OR {+3 Shadow Meso (7)}
Lv. 120: [+3 Shadow Meso (MAXED) +4, Alchemist (4)] or {+7 Shadow Meso (14)}
At Lv. 120 {1}: Shadow Partner (30/30, MAXED)
Avenger (30/30, MAXED)
Flash Jump (20/20, MAXED)
Meso Up (20,20, MAXED)
Shadow Web (17/20)
Shadow Meso (30/30, MAXED)
Alchemist (4/20)
Total: (151/151)
At Lv. 120 {2}: Shadow Partner (30/30, MAXED)
Avenger (30/30, MAXED)
Flash Jump (20/20, MAXED)
Meso Up (20,20, MAXED)
Shadow Web (17/20)
Alchemist (20/20, MAXED)
Shadow Meso (14/30)
Total: (151/151)
4. Training Grounds --------- [4TrG]
Where to level... Well, with this section you won't have to wonder about that
4a. Beginner Training
Lv. 1 - 10: Snails, Blue Snail, Mushrooms
(Relativly self-explanitory I would assume)
4b. Rouge Training
Lv. 11 - 15: Mushrooms, Red Snails, Slimes, Orange Mushrooms
(Again pretty self-explanatory)
Lv. 16 - 20: Orange Mushrooms, Pigs, Ribbon Pigs
(Probably Orange Mushrooms til 18ish then switch to the Pigs)
Lv. 21 - 30: Pigs, Ribbon Pigs, Bubblings, Green and Horned Mushrooms, Party
(Pigs til 22, Bubblings til 25, Green and Horned Shrooms til
[Party quest from Lv. 26 - 30 if you want to relieve bordem]
4c. Assassin Training
Lv. 31 - 35: Zombie Shrooms, Wild Boars
(Zombie Shrooms til Lv. 33, Wild Boars til 36)
Lv. 36 - 40: Cloud Foxes, Jr. Kitties, Party Quest
(Cloud Foxs til Lv. 37, Jr. Kitties til lv. 43)
[Ludi PQ At lv. 39 if you really want to]
Lv. 41 - 47: Jr. Kitties, Platoon Chronos, Party Quest
(Jr. Kitties til 44, Platoon Chronos til 48)
[Ludi PQ for a bit of difference in training grounds]
{Alternativly, Flyeyes work just as well as Platoons}
Lv. 48 - 51: Party Quest, Skeledogs, Mummydogs
(Train on Skeledogs and Mummydogs til lv. 51)
[Party Quest til lv. 51 in which you have to move on to OPQ]
{Alternativly, you could go to Flyeyes from 43 - 55 then move on
to Coolies}
Lv. 51 - 57: Hodoris, Grupins, Coolies
(Hodoris til lv. 53, Regular Kitties til Lv. 56, Coolies
til Lv. 62)
{Alternativly, you could go to Flyeyes from 48 - 53 then move on
to Coolies}
Lv. 57 - 70: Coolies, Mixed Golems, Red Drake, Party Quest
(Coolies til lv. 62, Mixed Golems til 65, Red Drakes til 75)
{Alternativly, Coolies are fast enough EXP to last til about 75}
[Orbis PQ can relieve the bordem, however, Glitching it has a
chance to get you banned, message: DON"T GLITCH]
4d. Hermit Training
Lv. 71 - 75: Red Drakes
(Red Drakes will tide you over til around 75)
{You could also go back to Coolies and Mixed Golems}
Lv. 76 - 78: Buffies
(Stay at Buffies til 78, the money isn't great, but, otherwise,
you'd have to stay at Red Drakes til 78)
Lv. 79 - 87: Death Teddies
(Plenty of sniping positions and excellent EXP ratio)
Lv. 88 - 95: Dual Ghost Pirates, Master Death Teddies
(DGPs til about 91, then move on the MDTs)
Lv. 96 - 100: Master Death Teddies, Bains, Spirit Vikings
(MDTs til about 97, Bains if you want variaty, otherwise move
on to Spirit Vikings)
Lv. 101 - 110: Spirit Vikings, Squids, Phantom Watch, Gigantic Spirit Vikings
(Spirit Vikings til about 105, you could also try Squids for a
little difference in scenary, then move on to Phantom Watchs,
or Giantic Spirit Vikings)
{Rissel Squids spawn isn't fabulous, but they do drop Dark
Pirate wear, so consider them if you would rather train slowly,
but try to earn some serious money}
Lv. 111 - 120: Phantom Watch, Gigantic Spirit Vikings, Grim Phantom Watch
(Phantom Watchs [or GSKs] til 113, then go to Grims to make
that final leap to 120)
{Dreamy Ghosts are also an excellent source of EXP and you
can have a few encounters with Black Crows)
{Rissel Squids spawn isn't fabulous, but they do drop Dark
Pirate wear, so consider them if you would rather train slowly,
but try to earn some serious money}
5. Training Maps Guide ------ [5TMG]
Now if the previous section left you wondering where to train. Wonder no more,
For here it all is: The maps in which you are recommended to train in.
5a. Beginner Maps
Snails: Snail Hunting Grounds (I + II)
Blue Snails: Snail Hunting Ground (II + III)
Mushrooms: Mushroom Garden (Maple Island)
5b. Rouge Maps
Mushrooms: Mushroom Garden (A Hill West of Henesys), Hill East of Henesys
Red Snails: Mushroom Garden (A Hill West of Henesys), Hill East of Henesys
Slimes: Southern Forest I (Forest South of Ellinia)
Orange Mushrooms: Mushroom Garden (A Hill West of Henesys)
Pigs + Ribbon Pigs: Rain-Forest East of Henesys
Bubblings: Subway Line 1 Area 1 (Kerning City)
Green + Horned Mushrooms: Tree Dungeon, Forest Up North II
5c. Assassin Maps
Zombie Mushrooms: Ant Tunnel II + III (Dungeon)
Wild Boars: Land of Wild Boar 2 (East Domain of Perion)
Cloud Foxes: The Mountain of Cloud Fox (Zipangu)
Jr. Kitties: Gardens of Red, Yellow, Green/Blue (Orbis)
Flyeyes: The Dangerous Cave (Aqua Dungeon)
Platoon Chronos: Lost Time <1> (Ludibrium)
Skeledogs + Mummydogs: Remains <Tomb> I (Perion Excavation Site)
Hodoris: Tiger Ridge (Korean Folk Town) [Watch out for the Hoguls]
Grupins: Garden of Green/Blue II (Orbis)
Coolies: Dead Mines II - IV (El Nath)
Mixed Golems: The Forest of Gollem (Sleepywood)
Red Drakes: Dangerous Valley II (Perion Dungeon Trail)
5d. Hermit Maps
Red Drakes: Dangerous Vallley II (Perion Dungeon Trail)
Buffies + Lazy Buffies: Warped Path of Time <1> (Ludibrium Clock Tower)
Death Teddies: Forgotten Path of Time <3> (Ludibrium Clock Tower)
Dual Ghost Pirates: Unbalanced Time (Warped Path of Time <3>)
Master Death Teddies: Lost Time (Forgotten Path of Time <3>)
Bains: The Cave of Trial Three (El Nath Dungeon)
WanWan Spa of Hell (Zipangu) [not out as of patch 0.41]
Armory (Zipangu) [not out as of patch 0.41]
Spirit Vikings: Warped Path of Time <4> (Ludibrium Clock Tower)
Phantom Watch: Forgotten Path of Time <4> (Ludibrium Clock Tower)
Squids: Dangerous Sea Gorge I (Aqua Dungeon)
Dangerous Sea Gorge II (Aqua Dungeon)
Rissel Squids [Lethal Squids]: Dangerous Sea Gorge I (Aqua Dungeon)
Dangerous Sea Gorge II (Aqua Dungeon)
Gigantic Spirit Vikings: Twisted Time (Warped Path of Time <4>)
Grim Phantom Watches: Forbidden Time (Forgotten Path of Time <4>)
Dreamy Ghost: Encounter With Buddah
6. Throwing Star Guide ------ [6TSG]
Here's the guide to throwing stars in case you were wondering about them, you
use these to deal damage to the monsters. They all have a level limit of ten,
which I feel is useless since the Garnier's lv limit is 10. Also, recharge
costs do not include claw mastery bonus stars.
Star Name: Atk Bonus to Claw (Number of stars in Set) [Recharge Cost]
{Other Info}
Subi: +15 Atk (500) [150]
Snowball: +17 Atk (800) [800]
Wolbi: +17 Atk (500) [200]
Mokbi: +19 Atk (700) [350]
Wooden Top: +19 Atk (800) [800]
Paper Plane: +20 Atk (CS: n/a, Showa:1000) [N/A]
{Currently only Cash Shop item as of Patch 0.41}
Orange: +20 Atk (1000) [N/A] {Can only be recharged in Showa, Not out as
of Patch 0.41}
Kumbi: +21 Atk (500) [350]
Icicles: +21 Atk (800) [800]
Maple: +21 Atk (800) [800] {Prize for GM Event, Anniversary Event Drop}
Tobi: +23 Atk (1000) [600]
Steelies: +25 Atk (1000) [700] {Known as Throwing Knieves, and are called
such in game}
Ilbis: +27 Atk (800) [640]
Hwabi: +27 Atk (800) [N/A]
7. Equips Guide ------------- [7EQG]
Look here for help on Equipment choices
7a. Armors
Lv. 10 - 20: Use the Lv. 11 Tops from Lith, and Lv. 16 Pants from Lith
NOTE: If they are out, you can use Lv. 20 Robes from Showa
Lv. 21 - 30: Guys: You may switch to Camo pant
All: Get Sauna Robes at Lv. 30, Black Snowshoes, scroll your
Ragedy Cape with 100% Cape Dex scrolls, and wear a Brown
Bamboo Hat
Lv. 31 - 45: If you haven't already, scroll your sauna with 100% and 60%
for Dex, might as well scroll your Snowshoes for Dex with
60%'s, scroll your Icarus with 60% Cape Dex Scrolls
Lv. 46 - 70: Aim for a Sauna with +20 Dex, and get an Atk Work Glove with at
least 6 atk, scroll a Napoleon with 60% Dex Scrolls if your
Icarus didn't turn out so hot
Lv. 70+ : Try and find a Sauna with over 20 Dex, and maybe up your Atk Work
Glove, or switch to a Dex work glove, unless you have a better
one, keep using the cape you have.
NOTE: If you make it into a Zakum Run, the hat adds a MINIMUM of
6 DEX, 6 LCK, 6 ACC, and 6 Avoid.
7b. Weapons
Lv. 10 - 20: Scroll a Garnier with 7 100%, you'll need it.
Lv. 21 - 30: You'll still be using the Garnier unless you got enough Dex to
slap on a Meba, in which case, scroll that with 7 100%'s
Lv. 31 - 40: Try and get an average or above average Maple Claw and scroll that
with 7 100%
Lv. 41 - 50: If you're lucky enough to find or buy a Kandayo, scroll it,
again, with 7 100%, or if you feel lucky, a couple 60%'s and the
rest 100%'s
Lv. 51 - 60: If you're Dex equips are good enough, consider a Blood Slain
with 7 100%'s
Lv. 61+ : Well, if you do have good enough Dex equips, use the Blood Slain,
Otherwise, stick with the Kandayo
7c. Throwing Stars
Lv. 10 - 20: Subi: gotta love them. Cheap but weak, not much we can do there
unless you're lucky with drops and make a bit of cash
Mokbi; if you got a little rich, consider hunting the FM's for
a set or two of Mokbi
Lv. 21 - 30: Mokbis: you should've been able to save up a fair bit of cash,
so have around 2 - 3 sets of Mokbis on you
Kumbis: If you've really been cranking, get a set of Kumbis, they
look nice, and they do a lot more damage than plain subis
Lv. 31 - 40: Kumbis: sell your Mokbis and get have at least 4 sets of Kumbis
heck, if you can afford it have 5!
Tobis: they can bankrupt you, but they are very, very decent
stars, worth considering if you're rich
Lv. 41 - 50: Tobis: have at least 3 of these on your personel, and maybe keep
2 or 3 Kumbis to backup on.
Lv. 51 - 60: Tobis: by now you should have at least 5 of these beauties and no
Kumbis if you can help it.
Steelies: at around 10+ mil in just about every server, these
stars are a powerhouse to have, you don't need them,
but they are nice to have
Lv. 61 - 70: Steelies: get. NAO. You'll need at least 4 of these, check
Basil Market, or browse the FM's really carefully.
Tobis: Keep around 7 of these around in case you run out of
Ilbis: possibility, but you'd only need 1 set, otherwise you'd be
broke and we wouldn't want that now would we?
Lv. 71+: Steelies: Gotta love em, have at least 8 sets of these by the time
you are lv. 80
Ilbis: Ok, now these are looking cheaper no? Maybe splurge and get 2
sets at most
Tobis: Good to have 2 sets to fall back on, but after lv. 81, sell
them and maybe use the money to buy another set of Steelies
7d. LCK Equips Guide
Lv. 10 - 20: Use the Lv. 11 Tops from Lith, and Lv. 16 Pants from Lith
NOTE: If they are out, you can use Lv. 20 Robes from Showa
Lv. 21 - 30: Switch to a Brown Bamboo Hat at lv. 25, wear snowshoes, and guys
can switch to Camo Pants, also if you can scroll your Ragedy Cape
with a couple 100% Lck Scrolls
Lv. 31 - 45: Grab a Maple Claw and switch to a Sauna with either all 100% LCK
scrolls, or all 60%, if you feel lucky try a 30%/10%. Once you hit
Lv. 43, Switch to a Kandayo and scroll it with 30%/10% ATT scrolls
if you want a marginal lck increase with a great risk. Otherwise,
stick with 100%'s and 60%'s.
Lv. 46+ : Interestingly enough, THERE ARE NO MORE EQUIPS without more DEX,
Pure lck sins will encounter this problem, and until the Dexless
claw comes out, or/and you get a Zakum Helm, you will have the
same equips for a VERY, VERY, VERY long time.
8. Job Advancement Guide ---- [8JAG]
Here's the guide for how to change jobs.
8a. Thief Job Advancement
Location: Kerning City (Jazz Club)
Requirements: Lv. 10
25 Dex
How to Advance: Talk to Dark Lord in the Jazz Club
8b. Assassin Job Advancement
Location: Kerning City (Jazz Club), Construction Site North of Kerning City
Requirements: Lv. 30
Use all skill points earned up to that point
How to Advance: Talk to Dark Lord in Jazz Club and get the letter
Walk to Construction Site North of Kerning City
Go to the Top Right and talk to the Job Instructor
Kill the Monsters inside and collect 30 Dark Marbles
Go back to the Dark Lord with the Proof Of Hero
Select Assassin and voila!
8c. Hermit Job Advancement
Location: Kerning City (Jazz Club), El Nath (Chief Residence), Monkey Swamp II
(Door of Dimension), Sharp Cliff II (Holy Ground at the Snowfield)
Requirements: Lv. 70
Use all skill points earned up to that point
Dark Crystal (Refined, not ores) x 1
How to Advance: Head over to El Nath and go into the Chief Residence
Talk to Arec
Go Back to Victoria and Talk to the Dark Lord
Head to Monkey Swamp II and talk to the Door of Dimension
Walk across the Path of the Glittering Crystal
Defeat the Dark Lord Clone and collect the Black Charm
Exchange the Black Charm for the Necklace of Strength
Head to Sharp Cliff II and go up on the upper right structure
Head down and talk to Stone and answer five question
^---(Requires a Dark Crystal, get any wrong and you'll need
another one)
Take both Necklaces to Arec and select Hermit
9. Bossess ------------------- [9BOS]
Here is a list of bosses you can face at certain levels, as well as where to
find them.
Lv. 21 - 30: King Slime
Kerning PQ
Lv. 31 - 50: Rombot/Lombard [Mini-boss]
Hidden Tower
Rombot/Lombard from another Dimension [Mini-boss]
Ludi PQ
Ludi PQ - Crack in the Wall
Chief Gray [Mini-boss]
Kulan Field V
MT-09 [Mini-boss]
Defeat Monsters
Someone Else's House
Lv. 51 - 70: Zombie Mushmom
The Grave of Mushmom
Yellow/Blue/Green Goblins
Haunted House {Summoned via Special items made in KFT}
Jr. Balrog
Cursed Sanctuary
Dark Lord's Clone
The Other Dimension {Face once for Job Advance}
Lv. 71 - 80: Blue Mushmom
Hall of the Mushroom
Lv. 81 - 90: Thanatos [Mini-boss]
Forgotten Passage
Gatekeeper [Mini-boss]
Warped Passage
Crimson Balrog
During the Ride to Orbis/Ellinia {AT LEAST LEVEL 90!!!}
Lv. 91 - 100: Black Crow (Tengu)
Encounter With Buddah
Pianus (Doom Flounder)
Cave of Pianus {may take a party}
Deep in Ludi Clocktower {SHOULD DO WITH PARTY}
Lv. 101 - 200: Female Boss
Parlor (Showa Hideout) {SHOULD DO WITH PARTY}
{Not out yet as of Patch 0.41}
Zakum Dungeon {DO WITH MULTIPLE PARTIES, can only be summoned
in Chnl 3, minimum lv would be around 93}
10. FAQ ---------------------- [10FAQ]
Q. Why did you make this guide?
A. Because I got tired of seeing no Dexless sin guide out there and wanted to
help out anyone who did want to make one of them.
Q. What's the point of Dexless sins?
A. The are usually stronger than most ordinary sins but have to use either the
Maple weapons or a Garnier for a long time til they get a DEX robe or DEX
equips. Also, it's challenging! It's also considered a "Broken" character
that doesn't seem to work in the long run without a ton of luck (not a pun)
and patience.
Q. Why not just buy scrolls and lck equips intead of Dex equips?
A. As of Guide V. 1.15, I have included a Lck Equips guide as well, but the
point of getting Dex equips was to upgrade your equips to the next level.
Also, it's near impossible to get 100% Lck cape scrolls cheap since they
are drops, not scroll maker bought. Also with Dexless sins, you won't be
able to equip ANYTHING higher than a Sauna after Lv. 30 unless non-dex
equips are released. While there is a dexless claw, it will take a VERY
long time to get to the appropriate level (
Q. Can I host your guide on my site?
A. Please ask for permission first or I will bring the full power of the law
upon you.
A. I'm just trying to help other people out. If you have a problem with this
guide, then don't read it.
11. Credits, Legal, Contact, Closing -- [11CLC]
Hidden-street.net: Thanks for your helpful charts and skill lists
GameFAQs: for hosting this guide, and helping with all my video game troubles
Neoseekers: for hosting this guide
Super Cheats: for hosting this guide
CJayC: For creating GameFAQS
Nexon: Who owns this game
This guide is copyrighted to RagnarokGX (2007), and cannot be reused, reprinted,
or put on display without my permission. You may print this guide out or save
it for personal use, but you may not sell in order to make money. This is a
free work that you may use at no charge.
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.
Thank you for reading this guide. I hoped it helped you make a better Dexless
==>Thief Guide List <==
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