==>Bowman Guide List<==
==>Maplestory Skill Guide List <==
Main reason for going No Final Attack is to max skills like Focus, Soul Arrow, and Booster. These skills will still be useful in 3rd job, while Final Attack does not activate with 3rd job skills, like Strafe. There are other reasons, but you'll have to read the rest of the section.
Here are some other opinions:
Final Attack vs. No Final Attack Comparison
(Parts taken from sIRhcle’s guide)
What the Heck is Final Attack?!
* It’s a 2nd job skill that requires 30 points to max.
* Final attack is an additional arrow that is triggered when you shoot.
* Final attack when maxed is triggered at a rate of 60% and deals 250% damage.
* Final attack has the ability to knockback certain monsters, but does not add a 2 second knockback if the primary attacking skill has already knock-backed the monster
* Final attack is not triggered with 3rd job skills such as Strafe or Arrow Rain.
* There are 5 possible combinations of AB and DS with FA.
Problems without FA: Pros of (FA)
• A lot more mana needed to kill monsters, FA pretty much save you a free DS or AB, so without FA, you will be spending twice the amount of a FA arche.
• Harder to knock back monsters with if your DS bowmen, since DS doesn't knock-back very well.
• FA is proven to be faster than the standard attack, therefore you will have more shots/minute.
• FA has no minimun range, meaning if FA triggers, you won't get the "bow whacking" animation, but still get the solid 250% shot.
Problems with FA: (Cons of FA)
• FA triggers and can kill nothing, meaning it will just wait time.
• Time wasted when FA is activated may be unwanted and may cause death. ex. Balrog, macis, spears.
• FA triggers when using Iron Arrow/Arrow Bomb, first monster dies, and then you get overrun by the mob.
• What certain builds, you can max out Bow Booster and Soul Arrow, a skill you need forever and beyond, you can also have Focus as well. (30 Extra Skill points.)
• FA may be faster, but it's been proven that DS is strogner than FA.
• If you skip FA, you can max out skills like Arrow Bomb or Iron Arrow earlier, thus helping you with mobs.
A second opinion/debate:
Sample questions: Should I go FA or FAless? Which one is better?
lynnduh: from the looks of it, the archer community in sw.net has shifted, leaning more toward on final attack than 3-4 months ago when final attack less was a popular thing to go for. But however here are some responses from the archers.
First of all, I think it is very wise to read what dragontamer (final attack hunter) have to say.
1. FA doesn't work in 3rd job.
--Advantages: Strafe is so much more powerful and faster, that you wouldn't want FA anyway. Plus, you can finally train on spears (strafe == no FA)
--Disadvantages: Well, the obvious... it doesn't work in 3rd job.
-- Counter: The standard FA build only misses 3 things: Max Focus, max booster, max soul arrow. That is, you miss 11 points into Focus (11 avoid), 5 points into booster (50 seconds), and 15 points into soul arrow (7 1/2 minutes). As far as I'm concerned, those are the very very minor skills. Booster works the same at lvl 1 as lvl 20, it just lasts longer later on. So basically doing booster 2x at 1/2 the lvl is the same as casting booster 1 time at 2x the lvl. Ditto with soul arrow (that is, 2 1/2 minutes is MORE than enough for soul arrow) Focus doesn't work when clerics bless you.
--Counter-Counter: Anything is better than nothing in 3rd job
--Counter-Counter-Counter: Getting to 3rd job is easier with FA. No point saving up for 70 lvls if you can only last to 69.
--Counter-Counter-Counter-Counter: Getting to 3rd job isn't easier with FA, you get bomb/IA sooner so you pass the lvl 40-50 hell faster.
--Counter-Counter-Counter-Counter-Counter: Which leaves you to max nothing but luxury skills (soul arrow and booster) at lvl 60, while FA people are still gaining strength at lvl 68. Additionally, FA saves a hella money, so you can start affording those Olys and Asianics much sooner.
--Counter-Counter-Counter-Counter-Counter-Counter: FA may save money in short run, but the booster/Soul arrow save money in the long run
--Counter-Counter-Counter-Counter-Counter-Counter-Counter: The money saved from the luxury skills is insignificant.
[snip out the rest]
-- Note: This argument goes on much longer than this... please consider other points before you consider this one...
2. FA is 5 times faster shooting than DS (DS takes .75 seconds to shoot, FA takes ~.15)
-- Advantages: More damage/second
-- Disadvantages: Can't think of any... lynnduh: FA may shoot the monster that you didn't want to hit, and it will damage you, which in that case, you lose potions to heal = money loss.
3. If your first shot knock back the monster, FA won't knock it back again.
-- Advantages: Advantage: Proof that FA is that ****ing fast. No other character can attack so quickly as to not stun the enemy twice (except Warriors with Final Attack...)
-- Disadvantages: No stun, always bad.
-- Counter: If you go Double Shot, FA will always do more damage in 1 hit than DS.
Thus, many monsters won't be stunned by DS but will be stunned by FA. (for example, ~lvl 49 I was doing 700 + 700 with DS on average, but with FA I was doing closer to 900-1100 in the upper bounds. Thus, DS wouldn't stun very often, while FA would always stun)
Basically, FA comes out so fast that if you flinch the monster with AB or DS, FA won't flinch the monster.
For example: DS vs Zombie does 800 + 600 damage. FA pops out and does 1500 damage (not too uncommon actually) While DS knocked back the monster because of massive damage, FA will pop out so fast that the monster won't get knocked back again.
The counter is that there are many circumstances where DS will NEVER stun, while FA will nearly constantly stun. Zombies at lvl 50 is a good example. FA goes from 500-1500 damage (very wild... stupid defense) While DS at that time did 200-900 damage x2. FA will flinch a good % of the time under those circumstances because DS will almost never flinch the monster.
4. FA comes out only 60% of the time (when maxed)
--Advantages - Arrow Bomb. FA only hits 1 enemy, so it is important that bomb comes out as much as possible. It is nice to note that FA comes out 60% of the time allows you to bomb Jr. Yetis... and it will still be balanced. (that is, bomb + FA keeps yetis back enough) lynnduh: When you use arrow bomb, the damage on the first monster is always weak, but FA kill that first one :D
-- Disadvantages- Leads to FA's unpredictability. A .15 second delay in shooting is enough to mess you up at any creature. lynnduh: Thus it can kick your ass unexpected.
-- Counter- Assume FA is fired and there is really no problem. For example, Stay just 1 more length away from Zombies than FA-less people. lynnduh: When FA is fired, use ur quick reflexes and kill that bitch.
-- Counter-counter - Impossible to do that at Barlog... 1 length away is too far. So this implies that FA people won't be doing Barlog till strafe. lynnduh: I've been rogging since lvl 63 o_O and no archers can rog alone anyways regardless of FA or FAless.
5. FA is free
-- Advantages: Saves a heck of a lot of money
-- Counter: Max Timed skills save money too
-- Counter-Counter: $$ saved from Luxury skills is insignificant to the $$$$$$$$$$ saved from FA.
-- Counter-Counter-Counter: It is worth the cost
-- Counter-Counter-Counter-Counter: No it isn't
Part of the point was to show how useless FA vs FA-less debates get :)Basically, money is saved because you have longer soul arrow. That is, instead of every 2 minutes you cast soul arrow, you cast it every 10... saving a wooping 32 or so mana.
The counter to that, is that FA saves so much money, that 32 mana saved from Soul Arrow and the mana saved from Bow Booster is insignificant. -- Part of the counter to this is that Booster + Soul Arrow will keep saving you money till the end of the game, while FA effectivly stops saving Mana at lvl 70, when you start using strafe instead of DS.
The counter to the counter is that FA is so bad (because of disadvantages), that it is worth the $$ lost from lvl 40-70.
Here are some general points made by the archers so in conclusion;
- Level up faster
- You can control final attack
- More speed
- More damage than Double Shot alone.
- You can't use FA during 3rd JOB so why should we put it in?
- You can max some of the skills like arrow blow, soul arrow, focus, and booster.
- You can max arrow bomb when the FA hunters are still maxing final attack skill which then you out damage them a lot.
Archer Crossbow Guide
Archer Skill Builds
Please do not post this guide on any other site without permission.
Before I begin, I'd like to give credit to Ray.mond and Anardil for the orginal The New Complete Archer Guide: Skill Distribution guide. I would also like to thank all the archers that helped with this guide. This guide is just a compilation of builds, and different paths of the same builds. If someone asks, "What skills do I get?", just copy and paste the Standard Builds I included in the guide.
Remember to read The New Complete Archer Guide and to use the Ask The Archers thread.
There are no 3rd Job Skill Builds in this guide.
Table of Contents
Frequently Asked Questions & Miscellaneous Infomation
Standard 1st Job Build
Standard 2nd Job Builds
Variations and Other Skill Builds
Skill Descriptions and Breakdown
Double Shot vs Arrow Blow
Final Attack vs No Final Attack
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What do I do about my build?
A: If you cannot find a solution in this guide, please post in the Ask The Archers thread.
Q: Should I get Blessing or Focus?
A: Blessing adds passive accuracy, while focus needs to be cast but adds both accuracy and avoid. Extra accuracy is almost completely useless for an archer, but the avoid from Focus can come in handy. It's recommended that you get Focus instead of Blessing.
Q: Should I get Double Shot or Arrow Blow?
A: It is recommended that you max Double Shot, not Arrow Blow. Both skills have a minimum attack of 260% damage on any defense monster. However, Double Shot does 460% max damage, and Arrow Blow only does 360% max damage. Double shot's high damage output is preferred over Arrow Blow's knockback capabilites. Double Shot is better for Hunters and Crossbowman.
Q: Is it true crossbowman should get Arrow Blow, and Hunters should get Double Shot?
A: No, this is not true. Both classes should get Double Shot.
Q: Why is Mastery left at level 19?
A: Level 19 and 20 Mastery both add 60% Mastery. Damage does not increase past lvl 19. Level 20 Mastery only adds 1 accuracy.
Q: What is Final Attack?
A: Final Attack is a passive skill that does a second attack after you use an attack skill, like Double Shot or Arrow Bomb. At max level, it activates 60% of the time and does 250% damage (350% with critical). Final attack only damages one monster; damage is not spread out when following a mob skill. It does not activate with any 3rd job skills.
Q: Should I get Final Attack?
A: In OMS, the choice is up to you. To help you make a decision, refer to the Final Attack vs No Final Attack section, or look at the different builds in the guide and pick one you
Q: Is level 24 Final Attack only 105% damage?
A: No, it's just a typo. It is 220% damage.
Q: Why should I get Soul Arrow?
A: Soul arrow allows you to fire arrows without using any arrows from your inventory. You no longer have to buy arrow, or even have arrow in your inventory. This frees up USE slots for potions and scrolls.
Q: Do bronze/steel arrows work with soul arrow?
A: If you have bronze/steel arrows in your inventory, and use soul arrow, you will not get an attack bonus. Soul Arrow negates bronze/steel arrow's attack bonus.
Q: What is Power Knockback?
A: This skill helps your archer push away monsters that are too close. It is an active skill that swings your bow/crossbow and has a higher chance of pushing away monster, and can push away more than 1 monster. However, no one knows exactly how the knockback % is calculated, or how Power Knockback's damage is calculated.
Miscellaneous Information
Critical Shot adds 100% to the damage multiplier. It does not multiply by 200%.
1 DEX = 0.8 Accuracy and 1 DEX = 0.25 Avoid
Soul arrow works with bows and crossbows no matter what class you are.
Double Shot/Arrow Blow works with bows and crossbows no matter what class you are.
Booster and Power Knockback are weapon-specific.
Final Attack can be forced not to activate by jumpshooting. Details are still not completely known.
You do not get an attack bonus from bronze/steel arrows in your inventory if Soul Arrow is activated.
Common Skill Abbreviations
DS = Double Shot
AB = Arrow Blow
FA = Final Attack
FAless = 0 Final Attack
PKB = Power Knockback
SA = Soul Arrow
Bomb = Arrow Bomb
IA = Iron Arrow
Skill Builds
1st Job Advancement - Bowman
There is a total of 61 SP to use, 1 SP from job advancement and and 60 SP from lvl 11 to 30. Note: Whether you pick Hunter or Crossbowman as your 2nd job advancement, both classes will have the same 1st job build.
2nd Job Advancement - Hunter/Crossbowman
There is a total of 121 SP to use, 1 SP from job advancement and and 120 SP from lvl 31 to 70. During 2nd job, there are 2 standard builds, Final Attack and No Final Attack. Currently in OMS, either path is fine. Also, Hunter and Crossbowman builds are practically identical, so Arrow Bomb and Iron Arrow are used interchangeably. For a list of advantages and disadvantges, please refer to the "Final Attack vs No Final Attack" section.
Standard 1st Job Build
This is one of the most recommended paths for a bowman. There is no longer a debate about "Double Shot or Arrow Blow". Double Shot is better than Arrow Blow for future Hunters and Crossbowman.
10 Blessing +1
11 Blessing +2, Eye of Amazon +1
12 Eye of Amazon +3
13 Eye of Amazon +3
14 Eye of Amazon +1, Critical Shot +2
15 Critical Shot +3
16 Critical Shot +3
17 Critical Shot +3
18 Critical Shot +3
19 Critical Shot +3
20 Critical Shot +3
21 Arrow Blow +1, Double Shot +2
22 Double Shot +3
23 Double Shot +3
24 Double Shot +2, Save SP
25 Save SP
26 Save SP
27 Double Shot +10
28 Focus +3
29 Focus +3
30 Focus +3
Blessing of Amazon: 3
Eye of Amazon: 8 (max)
Critical Shot: 20 (max)
Focus: 9
Double Shot: 20 (max)
Arrow Blow: 1
Standard 2nd Job Final Attack Build
For archers that decide to get Final Attack, this is the standard path that most Final Attack archers follow. At level 70, there will be 2 extra points. If you followed the 1st Job Standard Build, one SP will go into Focus to make it level 10 with a 150 sec timer.
30 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +1
31 Mastery +3
32 Mastery +3
33 Mastery +3
34 Mastery +3
35 Mastery +3
36 Mastery +3
37 Mastery +1, Final Attack +2
38 Final Attack +3
39 Final Attack +3
40 Final Attack +3
41 Final Attack +3
42 Final Attack +1, Booster +2
43 Booster +3
44 Booster +1, Soul Arrow +2
45 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
46 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
47 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
48 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
49 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +2, Final Attack +1
50 Final Attack +3
51 Final Attack +3
52 Final Attack +3
53 Final Attack +3
54 Final Attack +2, Save SP
55 Save SP
56 Save SP
57 Save SP
58 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +13
59 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +2, Power Knockback +1
60 Power Knockback +3
61 Power Knockback +3
62 Power Knockback +3
63 Power Knockback +3
64 Power Knockback +3
65 Power Knockback +3
66 Power Knockback +1, Save SP
67 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3, Save SP
68 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3
69 Save SP
70 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3, Focus +1, 1 Extra Point
Mastery: 19
Final Attack: 30 (max)
Booster: 15
Power Knockback: 20 (max)
Soul Arrow: 5
Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow: 30 (max)
Focus: 1
1 Extra Point
Standard 2nd Job No Final Attack Build
For archers that decide not to get Final Attack, this is the standard path that most FAless archers follow. This path may be better for Hunters with the 15 Bomb/20PKB/15 Bomb split. Note: Once you finish Mastery, Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow, and Power Knockback, the order of maxing Focus, Booster, and Soul Arrow is up to you.
30 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +1
31 Mastery +3
32 Mastery +3
33 Mastery +3
34 Mastery +3
35 Mastery +3
36 Mastery +3
37 Mastery +1, Booster +2
38 Booster +3
39 Booster +1, Soul Arrow +2
40 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
41 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
42 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
43 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
44 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +2, Power Knockback +1
45 Power Knockback +3
46 Power Knockback +3
47 Power Knockback +3
48 Power Knockback +3
49 Power Knockback +3
50 Power Knockback +3
51 Power Knockback +1, Save SP
52 Save SP
53 Save SP
54 Save SP
55 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +14
56 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +1, Save SP
57 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3, Save SP
58 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3
59 Save SP
60 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3, Focus +1, Save SP
61 Save SP
62 Save SP
63 Focus +10
64 Save SP
65 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3, Save SP
66 Save SP
67 Save SP
68 Save SP
69 Save SP
70 Soul Arrow +14, Booster +2, 1 extra point
Mastery: 19
Final Attack: 0
Booster: 20 (max)
Power Knockback: 20 (max)
Soul Arrow: 20 (max)
Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow: 30 (max)
Focus: 11 (max)
1 Extra Point
Standard No Final Attack Build #2
This build maxes Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow before getting Power Knockback. This build is also highly recommended. This path may be better for crossbowman in order to take advantage of Iron Arrow for training. Note: Once you finish Mastery, Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow, and Power Knockback, the order of maxing Focus, Booster, and Soul Arrow is up to you.
30 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +1
31 Mastery +3
32 Mastery +3
33 Mastery +3
34 Mastery +3
35 Mastery +3
36 Mastery +3
37 Mastery +1, Booster +2
38 Booster +3
39 Booster +1, Soul Arrow +2
40 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
41 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
42 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
43 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
44 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +2, Save SP
45 Save SP
46 Save SP
47 Save SP
48 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +13
49 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +2, Power Knockback +1
50 Power Knockback +3
51 Power Knockback +3
52 Power Knockback +3
53 Power Knockback +3
54 Power Knockback +3
55 Power Knockback +3
56 Power Knockback +1, Save SP
57 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3, Save SP
58 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3
59 Save SP
60 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3, Focus +1, Save SP
61 Save SP
62 Save SP
63 Focus +10
64 Save SP
65 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3, Save SP
66 Save SP
67 Save SP
68 Save SP
69 Save SP
70 Soul Arrow +14, Booster +2, 1 extra point
Mastery: 19
Final Attack: 0
Booster: 20 (max)
Power Knockback: 20 (max)
Soul Arrow: 20 (max)
Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow: 30 (max)
Focus: 11 (max)
1 Extra Point
Variations and Other Skill Builds
Note: Please keep in mind that archer builds can be very flexible. There are many ways of achieving the same overall build. The builds listed here are just a few of the common paths and builds that archers use.
1st Job Advancement - Bowman
There is a total of 61 SP to use, 1 SP from job advancement and and 60 SP from lvl 11 to 30. Note: Whether you pick Hunter or Crossbowman as your 2nd job advancement, both classes will have the same 1st job build.
Variations on the Standard 1st Job Build
Standard 1st Job Build #2
This build allows you to start getting critical shot and double shot a little earlier. A level 4 or 5 Eye of Amazon gives good enough range for most maps during the early levels.
10 Blessing +1
11 Blessing +2, Eye of Amazon +1
12 Eye of Amazon +3
13 Critical Shot +3
14 Critical Shot +3
15 Critical Shot +3
16 Critical Shot +3
17 Critical Shot +3
18 Critical Shot +3
19 Critical Shot +2, Arrow Blow +1,
20 Double Shot +3
21 Double Shot +3
22 Double Shot +3
23 Double Shot +1, Eye of Amazon +2
24 Eye of Amazon +2, Save SP
25 Save SP
26 Save SP
27 Double Shot +10
28 Focus +3
29 Focus +3
30 Focus +3
Blessing of Amazon: 3
Eye of Amazon: 8 (max)
Critical Shot: 20 (max)
Focus: 9
Double Shot: 20 (max)
Arrow Blow: 1
Standard 1st Job Build #3
One variation that can be made to the orginal Standard 1st job build is switching the order of Critical Shot and Double Shot. Getting Double Shot before Critical Shot gives you an attack skill earlier, but it wastes more mp potions. Note: You can max Double Shot before getting Critical Shot if you want.
10 Blessing +1
11 Blessing +2, Eye of Amazon +1
12 Eye of Amazon +3
13 Eye of Amazon +3
14 Eye of Amazon +1, Arrow Blow +1, Double Shot +1
15 Double Shot +3
16 Double Shot +3
17 Double Shot +3
18 Critical Shot +3
19 Critical Shot +3
20 Critical Shot +3
21 Critical Shot +3
22 Critical Shot +3
23 Critical Shot +3
24 Critical Shot +2, Save SP
25 Save SP
26 Save SP
27 Double Shot +10
28 Focus +3
29 Focus +3
30 Focus +3
Blessing of Amazon: 3
Eye of Amazon: 8 (max)
Critical Shot: 20 (max)
Focus: 9
Double Shot: 20 (max)
Arrow Blow: 1
Arrow Blow Build
[Not Recommended] This build maxes Arrow Blow instead of Double Shot. Keep in mind, Double Shot is better than Arrow Blow. However, if you insist on getting Arrow Blow, here is a build you can follow. All the variations made in the above builds can also be applied to this Arrow Blow build.
10 Blessing +1
11 Blessing +2, Eye of Amazon +1
12 Eye of Amazon +3
13 Eye of Amazon +3
14 Eye of Amazon +1, Critical Shot +2
15 Critical Shot +3
16 Critical Shot +3
17 Critical Shot +3
18 Critical Shot +3
19 Critical Shot +3
20 Critical Shot +3
21 Arrow Blow +3
22 Arrow Blow +3
23 Arrow Blow +3
24 Arrow Blow +1, Save SP
25 Save SP
26 Save SP
27 Arrow Blow +10, Focus +1
28 Focus +3
29 Focus +3
30 Focus +3
Blessing of Amazon: 3
Eye of Amazon: 8 (max)
Critical Shot: 20 (max)
Focus: 10
Double Shot: 0
Arrow Blow: 20 (max)
20 Double Shot/10 Arrow Blow Build (and vice versa)
[Not Recommended] This build does not get any Focus, and instead maxes one attack skill and the other to level 10. Getting two attack skills is unneccesary as only one is needed, although some archers prefer it over Focus. All the variations made earlier can still be applied.
Here is an example build for getting max Double Shot and level 10 Arrow Blow.
10 Blessing +1
11 Blessing +2, Eye of Amazon +1
12 Eye of Amazon +3
13 Eye of Amazon +3
14 Eye of Amazon +1, Critical Shot +2
15 Critical Shot +3
16 Critical Shot +3
17 Critical Shot +3
18 Critical Shot +3
19 Critical Shot +3
20 Critical Shot +3
21 Arrow Blow +1, Double Shot +2
22 Double Shot +3
23 Double Shot +3
24 Double Shot +2, Save SP
25 Save SP
26 Save SP
27 Double Shot +10
28 Arrow Blow +3
29 Arrow Blow +3
30 Arrow Blow +3
Blessing of Amazon: 3
Eye of Amazon: 8 (max)
Critical Shot: 20 (max)
Focus: 0
Double Shot: 20 (max)
Arrow Blow: 10
Here is an example build for getting max Double Shot and level 10 Arrow Blow.
10 Blessing +1
11 Blessing +2, Eye of Amazon +1
12 Eye of Amazon +3
13 Eye of Amazon +3
14 Eye of Amazon +1, Critical Shot +2
15 Critical Shot +3
16 Critical Shot +3
17 Critical Shot +3
18 Critical Shot +3
19 Critical Shot +3
20 Critical Shot +3
21 Arrow Blow +3
22 Arrow Blow +3
23 Arrow Blow +3
24 Arrow Blow +1, Save SP
25 Save SP
26 Save SP
27 Arrow Blow +10, Double Shot +1
28 Double Shot +3
29 Double Shot +3
30 Double Shot +3
Blessing of Amazon: 3
Eye of Amazon: 8 (max)
Critical Shot: 20 (max)
Focus: 0
Double Shot: 10
Arrow Blow: 20 (max)
Blessing of Amazon Build
[Not Recommended] This build gets blessing instead of focus, or a second attack. It isn't a good thing to do at all, but some archer do get it, and it won't screw you over, much.
10 Blessing +1
11 Blessing +2, Eye of Amazon +1
12 Eye of Amazon +3
13 Eye of Amazon +3
14 Eye of Amazon +1, Critical Shot +2
15 Critical Shot +3
16 Critical Shot +3
17 Critical Shot +3
18 Critical Shot +3
19 Critical Shot +3
20 Critical Shot +3
21 Arrow Blow +1, Double Shot +2
22 Double Shot +3
23 Double Shot +3
24 Double Shot +2, Save SP
25 Save SP
26 Save SP
27 Double Shot +10
28 Blessing +3
29 Blessing +3
30 Blessing +3
Blessing of Amazon: 12
Eye of Amazon: 8 (max)
Critical Shot: 20 (max)
Focus: 0
Double Shot: 20 (max)
Arrow Blow: 1
2nd Job Advancement - Hunter/Crossbowman
There is a total of 121 SP to use, 1 SP from job advancement and and 120 SP from lvl 31 to 70. During 2nd job, there are 2 types of builds, Final Attack and No Final Attack. Currently in OMS, either path is fine. Also, Hunter and Crossbowman builds are practically identical, so Arrow Bomb and Iron Arrow are used interchangeably. For a list of advantages and disadvantges, please refer to the "Final Attack vs No Final Attack" section.
Final Attack Builds
If you want to get Final Attack, but didn't like the standard build, there are a couple of choices. There are no other overall Final Attack builds that are recommended though. Other builds would mean sacrificing skills like Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow, Power Knockback, or uneven Booster and Soul Arrow timer. Note: Booster and Soul Arrow SP distribution at the end can be adjusted to your own preference.
Standard Final Attack Build #2
This variation allocates points to Booster and Soul Arrow before getting Final Attack. For people who want to stop buying arrows as soon as possible, and free up slots for potions.
30 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +1
31 Mastery +3
32 Mastery +3
33 Mastery +3
34 Mastery +3
35 Mastery +3
36 Mastery +3
37 Mastery +1, Booster +2
38 Booster +3
39 Booster +1, Soul Arrow +2
40 Final Attack +3
41 Final Attack +3
42 Final Attack +3
43 Final Attack +3
44 Final Attack +3
45 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
46 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
47 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
48 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
49 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +2, Final Attack +1
50 Final Attack +3
51 Final Attack +3
52 Final Attack +3
53 Final Attack +3
54 Final Attack +2, Save SP
55 Save SP
56 Save SP
57 Save SP
58 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +13
59 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +2, Power Knockback +1
60 Power Knockback +3
61 Power Knockback +3
62 Power Knockback +3
63 Power Knockback +3
64 Power Knockback +3
65 Power Knockback +3
66 Power Knockback +1, Save SP
67 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3, Save SP
68 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3
69 Save SP
70 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3, Focus +1, 1 Extra Point
Mastery: 19
Final Attack: 30 (max)
Booster: 15
Power Knockback: 20 (max)
Soul Arrow: 5
Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow: 30 (max)
2 Extra Point
Standard Final Attack Build #3
This variation maxes Final Attack before putting more SP into Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow. This lets you take full advantage of Final Attack's benefits earlier. However, it does leave you without a strong mob skill.
30 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +1
31 Mastery +3
32 Mastery +3
33 Mastery +3
34 Mastery +3
35 Mastery +3
36 Mastery +3
37 Mastery +1, Final Attack +2
38 Final Attack +3
39 Final Attack +3
40 Final Attack +3
41 Final Attack +3
42 Final Attack +1, Booster +2
43 Booster +3
44 Booster +1, Soul Arrow +2
45 Final Attack +3
46 Final Attack +3
47 Final Attack +3
48 Final Attack +3
49 Final Attack +3
50 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
51 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
52 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
53 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
54 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +2, Power Knockback +1
55 Power Knockback +3
56 Power Knockback +3
57 Power Knockback +3
58 Power Knockback +3
59 Power Knockback +3
60 Power Knockback +3
61 Power Knockback +1, Save SP
62 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3
63 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3
64 Save SP
65 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3, Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +2
66 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
67 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
68 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
69 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
70 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +1, 2 Extra Point
Mastery: 19
Final Attack: 30 (max)
Booster: 15
Power Knockback: 20 (max)
Soul Arrow: 5
Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow: 30 (max)
2 Extra Point
Standard 2nd Job Final Attack Build #4
This variation maxes Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow before getting Power Knockback. This gives the mob skills max damage much earlier. However, without Power Knockback, you will lack close range protection at early levels, and you're stuck with short Booster and Soul Arrow timer for a long time.
30 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +1
31 Mastery +3
32 Mastery +3
33 Mastery +3
34 Mastery +3
35 Mastery +3
36 Mastery +3
37 Mastery +1, Final Attack +2
38 Final Attack +3
39 Final Attack +3
40 Final Attack +3
41 Final Attack +3
42 Final Attack +1, Booster +2
43 Booster +3
44 Booster +1, Soul Arrow +2
45 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
46 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
47 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
48 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
49 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +2, Final Attack +1
50 Final Attack +3
51 Final Attack +3
52 Final Attack +3
53 Final Attack +3
54 Final Attack +2, Save SP
55 Save SP
56 Save SP
57 Save SP
58 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +13
59 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +2, Power Knockback +1
60 Power Knockback +3
61 Power Knockback +3
62 Power Knockback +3
63 Power Knockback +3
64 Power Knockback +3
65 Power Knockback +3
66 Power Knockback +1, Save SP
67 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3
68 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3
69 Save SP
70 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3, 2 Extra Point
Mastery: 19
Final Attack: 30 (max)
Booster: 15
Power Knockback: 20 (max)
Soul Arrow: 5
Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow: 30 (max)
2 Extra Point
No Final Attack Builds
If you do not want to get Final Attack, but didn't like the standard build, here are a couple of choices. There is quite a bit of leeway with No Final Attack Builds, but here are some common builds. Note: Booster and Soul Arrow SP distribution at the end can be adjusted to your own preference.
Standard No Final Attack Build #3
This build puts more points (15/5) into Booster and Soul Arrow. It's not a bad idea if you dislike the short timer of the Standard builds, but it does put off skills like Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow. Note: Once you finish Mastery, Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow, and Power Knockback, the order of maxing Focus, Booster, and Soul Arrow is up to you.
30 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +1
31 Mastery +3
32 Mastery +3
33 Mastery +3
34 Mastery +3
35 Mastery +3
36 Mastery +3
37 Mastery +1, Booster +2
38 Booster +3
39 Booster +1, Soul Arrow +2
40 Save SP
41 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3, Save SP
42 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3, Save SP
43 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3
44 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
45 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
46 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
47 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
48 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +2, Power Knockback +1
49 Power Knockback +3
50 Power Knockback +3
51 Power Knockback +3
52 Power Knockback +3
53 Power Knockback +3
54 Power Knockback +3
55 Power Knockback +1, Save SP
56 Save SP
57 Save SP
58 Save SP
59 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +14
60 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +1,Focus +1
61 Save SP
62 Save SP
63 Focus +10
64 Save SP
65 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3, Save SP
66 Save SP
67 Save SP
68 Save SP
69 Save SP
70 Soul Arrow +14, Booster +2, 1 Extra Point
Mastery: 19
Final Attack: 0
Booster: 20 (max)
Power Knockback: 20 (max)
Soul Arrow: 20 (max)
Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow: 30 (max)
Focus: 11 (max)
1 Extra Point
Max Double Shot&Arrow Blow Build
[Not Recommended] For archers who got 10 Arrow Blow or 10 Double Shot instead of 9 Focus during 1st job, going with a No Final Attack Build leaves you with an option of maxing a second attack skill. SP will be sacrificed from focus, booster, and/or soul arrow. Just max Double Shot/Arrow Blow, than follow a previous build like normal, but sacrifice SP from focus, booster, and/or soul arrow. This build maxes Double Shot/Arrow Blow after getting soul arrow, and does not get any Focus. Note: Once you finish Mastery, Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow, and Power Knockback, the order of maxing Focus, Booster, and Soul Arrow is up to you.
30 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +1
31 Mastery +3
32 Mastery +3
33 Mastery +3
34 Mastery +3
35 Mastery +3
36 Mastery +3
37 Mastery +1, Booster +2
38 Booster +3
39 Booster +1, Soul Arrow +2
40 Double Shot/Arrow Blow +3
41 Double Shot/Arrow Blow +3
42 Double Shot/Arrow Blow +3
43 Double Shot/Arrow Blow +1, Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +2
44 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
45 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
46 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
47 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
48 Power Knockback +3
49 Power Knockback +3
50 Power Knockback +3
51 Power Knockback +3
52 Power Knockback +3
53 Power Knockback +3
54 Power Knockback +2, Save SP
55 Save SP
56 Save SP
57 Save SP
58 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +13
59 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +2, Save SP
60 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3
61 Save SP
62 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3, Save SP
63 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3, Save SP
64 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3
65 Save SP
66 Save SP
67 Save SP
68 Save SP
69 Save SP
70 Soul Arrow +14, Booster +2, 2 Extra Points
Mastery: 19
Final Attack: 0
Booster: 20 (max)
Power Knockback: 20 (max)
Soul Arrow: 20 (max)
Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow: 30 (max)
Double Shot/Arrow Blow: 10
2 Extra Points
Max Double Shot&Arrow Blow Build
[Not Recommended] For archers who got 10 Arrow Blow or 10 Double Shot instead of 9 Focus during 1st job, going with a No Final Attack Build leaves you with an option of maxing a second attack skill. SP will be sacrificed from focus, booster, and/or soul arrow. Just max Double Shot/Arrow Blow, than follow a previous build like normal, but sacrifice SP from focus, booster, and/or soul arrow. This build maxes Double Shot/Arrow Blow after getting soul arrow, and gets 18/6 Booster/Soul Arrow and 18 Focus. Note: Once you finish Mastery, Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow, and Power Knockback, the order of maxing Focus, Booster, and Soul Arrow is up to you.
30 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +1
31 Mastery +3
32 Mastery +3
33 Mastery +3
34 Mastery +3
35 Mastery +3
36 Mastery +3
37 Mastery +1, Booster +2
38 Booster +3
39 Booster +1, Soul Arrow +2
40 Double Shot/Arrow Blow +3
41 Double Shot/Arrow Blow +3
42 Double Shot/Arrow Blow +3
43 Double Shot/Arrow Blow +1, Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +2
44 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
45 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
46 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
47 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +3
48 Power Knockback +3
49 Power Knockback +3
50 Power Knockback +3
51 Power Knockback +3
52 Power Knockback +3
53 Power Knockback +3
54 Power Knockback +2, Save SP
55 Save SP
56 Save SP
57 Save SP
58 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +13
59 Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow +2, Save SP
60 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3
61 Save SP
62 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3, Save SP
63 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3, Save SP
64 Soul Arrow +1, Booster +3
65 Focus +3
66 Focus +3
67 Focus +3
68 Focus +3
69 Focus +3
70 Focus +3
Mastery: 19
Final Attack: 0
Booster: 18
Power Knockback: 20 (max)
Soul Arrow: 6
Arrow Bomb/Iron Arrow: 30 (max)
Double Shot/Arrow Blow: 10
Focus: 18
Skill Descriptions and Breakdown
The Basics of a Bowman
The Blessing of Amazon Master Level: 16 Increases accuracy. Level 1: Accuracy +1 Level 2: Accuracy +2 Level 3: Accuracy +3 Level 4: Accuracy +4 Level 5: Accuracy +5 Level 6: Accuracy +6 Level 7: Accuracy +7 Level 8: Accuracy +8 Level 9: Accuracy +9 Level 10: Accuracy +10 Level 11: Accuracy +11 Level 12: Accuracy +12 Level 13: Accuracy +13 Level 14: Accuracy +14 Level 15: Accuracy +15 Level 16: Accuracy +16 Critical Shot Master Level: 20 Allows you to perform a critical attack with a certain success rate. Level 1: 2% success rate, critical damage 105% Level 2: 4% success rate, critical damage 110% Level 3: 6% success rate, critical damage 115% Level 4: 8% success rate, critical damage 120% Level 5: 10% success rate, critical damage 125% Level 6: 12% success rate, critical damage 130% Level 7: 14% success rate, critical damage 135% Level 8: 16% success rate, critical damage 140% Level 9: 18% success rate, critical damage 145% Level 10: 20% success rate, critical damage 150% Level 11: 22% success rate, critical damage 155% Level 12: 24% success rate, critical damage 160% Level 13: 26% success rate, critical damage 165% Level 14: 28% success rate, critical damage 170% Level 15: 30% success rate, critical damage 175% Level 16: 32% success rate, critical damage 180% Level 17: 34% success rate, critical damage 185% Level 18: 36% success rate, critical damage 190% Level 19: 38% success rate, critical damage 195% Level 20: 40% success rate, critical damage 200% The Eye of Amazon Master Level: 8 Increases the range of attack for bows and crossbows. Level 1: Range of attack for bows and crossbows: +25 Level 2: Range of attack for bows and crossbows: +50 Level 3: Range of attack for bows and crossbows: +75 Level 4: Range of attack for bows and crossbows: +100 Level 5: Range of attack for bows and crossbows: +125 Level 6: Range of attack for bows and crossbows: +150 Level 7: Range of attack for bows and crossbows: +175 Level 8: Range of attack for bows and crossbows: +200 Focus Master Level: 20 Focusing to temporarily increase accuracy and avoidability. Level 1: MP -8; accuracy +1, avoidability +1 for 70 sec. Level 2: MP -8; accuracy +2, avoidability +2 for 80 sec. Level 3: MP -8; accuracy +3, avoidability +3 for 90 sec. Level 4: MP -8; accuracy +4, avoidability +4 for 100 sec. Level 5: MP -8; accuracy +5, avoidability +5 for 110 sec. Level 6: MP -8; accuracy +6, avoidability +6 for 130 sec. Level 7: MP -8; accuracy +7, avoidability +7 for 140 sec. Level 8: MP -8; accuracy +8, avoidability +8 for 150 sec. Level 9: MP -8; accuracy +9, avoidability +9 for 160 sec. Level 10: MP -8; accuracy +10, avoidability +10 for 170 sec. Level 11: MP -16; accuracy +11, avoidability +11 for 195 sec. Level 12: MP -16; accuracy +12, avoidability +12 for 205 sec. Level 13: MP -16; accuracy +13, avoidability +13 for 215 sec. Level 14: MP -16; accuracy +14, avoidability +14 for 225 sec. Level 15: MP -16; accuracy +15, avoidability +15 for 235 sec. Level 16: MP -16; accuracy +16, avoidability +16 for 260 sec. Level 17: MP -16; accuracy +17, avoidability +17 for 270 sec. Level 18: MP -16; accuracy +18, avoidability +18 for 280 sec. Level 19: MP -16; accuracy +19, avoidability +19 for 290 sec. Level 20: MP -16; accuracy +20, avoidability +20 for 300 sec. Arrow Blow Master Level: 20 Fires an arrow with authority. Applies more damage than usual. Level 1: MP -6; damage 141% Level 2: MP -6; damage 146% Level 3: MP -6; damage 151% Level 4: MP -6; damage 156% Level 5: MP -7; damage 164% Level 6: MP -7; damage 169% Level 7: MP -7; damage 174% Level 8: MP -8; damage 182% Level 9: MP -8; damage 187% Level 10: MP -9; damage 195% Level 11: MP -9; damage 200% Level 12: MP -10; damage 208% Level 13: MP -10; damage 213% Level 14: MP -11; damage 221% Level 15: MP -11; damage 226% Level 16: MP -12; damage 224% Level 17: MP -12; damage 239% Level 18: MP -13; damage 247% Level 19: MP -13; damage 252% Level 20: MP -14; damage 260% Double Shot Master Level: 20 Fires two arrows at once to attack an enemy twice. Level 1: MP -8; damage 76% Level 2: MP -8; damage 78% Level 3: MP -8; damage 80% Level 4: MP -8; damage 82% Level 5: MP -9; damage 86% Level 6: MP -9; damage 88% Level 7: MP -9; damage 90% Level 8: MP -10; damage 94% Level 9: MP -10; damage 96% Level 10: MP -11; damage 100% Level 11: MP -11; damage 102% Level 12: MP -12; damage 106% Level 13: MP -12; damage 108% Level 14: MP -13; damage 112% Level 15: MP -13; damage 114% Level 16: MP -14; damage 118% Level 17: MP -14; damage 120% Level 18: MP -15; damage 124% Level 19: MP -15; damage 126% Level 20: MP -16; damage 130%
Bow Mastery Master Level: 20 Increases the bow mastery and accuracy. It only applies when a bow is in hand. Level 1: +15% bow mastery, +1 accuracy Level 2: +15% bow mastery, +2 accuracy Level 3: +20% bow mastery, +3 accuracy Level 4: +20% bow mastery, +4 accuracy Level 5: +25% bow mastery, +5 accuracy Level 6: +25% bow mastery, +6 accuracy Level 7: +30% bow mastery, +7 accuracy Level 8: +30% bow mastery, +8 accuracy Level 9: +35% bow mastery, +9 accuracy Level 10: +35% bow mastery, +10 accuracy Level 11: +40% bow mastery, +11 accuracy Level 12: +40% bow mastery, +12 accuracy Level 13: +45% bow mastery, +13 accuracy Level 14: +45% bow mastery, +14 accuracy Level 15: +50% bow mastery, +15 accuracy Level 16: +50% bow mastery, +16 accuracy Level 17: +55% bow mastery, +17 accuracy Level 18: +55% bow mastery, +18 accuracy Level 19: +60% bow mastery, +19 accuracy Level 20: +60% bow mastery, +20 accuracy Final Attack : Bow Master Level: 30 With a certain success rate, another attack follows after performing an attacking skill. Only works with a bow in hand. Level 1: 2% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 105% Level 2: 4% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 110% Level 3: 6% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 115% Level 4: 8% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 120% Level 5: 10% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 125% Level 6: 12% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 130% Level 7: 14% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 135% Level 8: 16% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 140% Level 9: 18% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 145% Level 10: 20% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 150% Level 11: 22% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 155% Level 12: 24% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 160% Level 13: 26% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 165% Level 14: 28% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 170% Level 15: 30% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 175% Level 16: 32% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 180% Level 17: 34% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 185% Level 18: 36% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 190% Level 19: 38% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 195% Level 20: 40% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 200% Level 21: 42% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 205% Level 22: 44% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 210% Level 23: 46% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 215% Level 24: 48% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 105% (Typo: Actually 220%) Level 25: 50% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 225% Level 26: 52% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 230% Level 27: 54% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 235% Level 28: 56% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 240% Level 29: 50% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 245% Level 30: 60% Success rate, final attack with bow damage 250% Bow Booster Master Level: 20 Uses HP and MP to temporarily boost up the attacking speed of the bow. It only works with a bow in hand. Level 1: HP -29, MP -29; increase in bow attacking speed for 10 sec. Level 2: HP -28, MP -28; increase in bow attacking speed for 20 sec. Level 3: HP -27, MP -27; increase in bow attacking speed for 30 sec. Level 4: HP -26, MP -26; increase in bow attacking speed for 40 sec. Level 5: HP -25, MP -25; increase in bow attacking speed for 50 sec. Level 6: HP -24, MP -24; increase in bow attacking speed for 60 sec. Level 7: HP -23, MP -23; increase in bow attacking speed for 70 sec. Level 8: HP -22, MP -22; increase in bow attacking speed for 80 sec. Level 9: HP -21, MP -21; increase in bow attacking speed for 90 sec. Level 10: HP -20, MP -20; increase in bow attacking speed for 100 sec. Level 11: HP -19, MP -19; increase in bow attacking speed for 110 sec. Level 12: HP -18, MP -18; increase in bow attacking speed for 120 sec. Level 13: HP -17, MP -17; increase in bow attacking speed for 130 sec. Level 14: HP -16, MP -16; increase in bow attacking speed for 140 sec. Level 15: HP -15, MP -15; increase in bow attacking speed for 150 sec. Level 16: HP -14, MP -14; increase in bow attacking speed for 160 sec. Level 17: HP -13, MP -13; increase in bow attacking speed for 170 sec. Level 18: HP -12, MP -12; increase in bow attacking speed for 180 sec. Level 19: HP -11, MP -11; increase in bow attacking speed for 190 sec. Level 20: HP -10, MP -10; increase in bow attacking speed for 200 sec. Power Knock-Back Master Level: 20 Improves the success rate of knocking back the enemies far when swinging the bow. The higher the level, the higher the number of enemies character can knock down. Level 1: MP -8; knock-back +2%, damage 105%, knock-back 2 enemies. Level 2: MP -8; knock-back +4%, damage 110%, knock-back 2 enemies. Level 3: MP -8; knock-back +6%, damage 115%, knock-back 2 enemies. Level 4: MP -8; knock-back +8%, damage 120%, knock-back 2 enemies. Level 5: MP -8; knock-back +10%, damage 125%, knock-back 2 enemies. Level 6: MP -8; knock-back +12%, damage 130%, knock-back 3 enemies. Level 7: MP -8; knock-back +14%, damage 135%, knock-back 3 enemies. Level 8: MP -8; knock-back +16%, damage 140%, knock-back 3 enemies. Level 9: MP -8; knock-back +18%, damage 145%, knock-back 3 enemies. Level 10: MP -8; knock-back +20%, damage 150%, knock-back 3 enemies. Level 11: MP -15; knock-back +22%, damage 155%, knock-back 4 enemies. Level 12: MP -15; knock-back +24%, damage 160%, knock-back 4 enemies. Level 13: MP -15; knock-back +26%, damage 165%, knock-back 4 enemies. Level 14: MP -15; knock-back +28%, damage 170%, knock-back 4 enemies. Level 15: MP -15; knock-back +30%, damage 175%, knock-back 4 enemies. Level 16: MP -15; knock-back +32%, damage 180%, knock-back 5 enemies. Level 17: MP -15; knock-back +34%, damage 185%, knock-back 5 enemies. Level 18: MP -15; knock-back +36%, damage 190%, knock-back 5 enemies. Level 19: MP -15; knock-back +38%, damage 195%, knock-back 5 enemies. Level 20: MP -15; knock-back +40%, damage 200%, knock-back 6 enemies. Soul Arrow : Bow Master Level: 20 Temporarily allows the character to fire bow arrows without using up the arrows. Only works with a bow in hand. Level 1: MP -15; attack for 30 sec without using up an arrow. Level 2: MP -15, attack for 60 sec without using up an arrow. Level 3: MP -15, attack for 90 sec without using up an arrow. Level 4: MP -15, attack for 120 sec without using up an arrow. Level 5: MP -15, attack for 150 sec without using up an arrow. Level 6: MP -15, attack for 180 sec without using up an arrow. Level 7: MP -15, attack for 210 sec without using up an arrow. Level 8: MP -15, attack for 240 sec without using up an arrow. Level 9: MP -15, attack for 270 sec without using up an arrow. Level 10: MP -15, attack for 300 sec without using up an arrow. Level 11: MP -30, attack for 330 sec without using up an arrow. Level 12: MP -30, attack for 360 sec without using up an arrow. Level 13: MP -30, attack for 390 sec without using up an arrow. Level 14: MP -30, attack for 420 sec without using up an arrow. Level 15: MP -30, attack for 450 sec without using up an arrow. Level 16: MP -30, attack for 480 sec without using up an arrow. Level 17: MP -30, attack for 510 sec without using up an arrow. Level 18: MP -30, attack for 540 sec without using up an arrow. Level 19: MP -30, attack for 570 sec without using up an arrow. Level 20: MP -30, attack for 600 sec without using up an arrow. Arrow Bomb : Bow Master Level: 30 Fires arrows with bombs attached to it. If struck cleanly, the bomb explodes on the enemy, knocking out some of the enemies around with a certain success rate. Can't attack more than 6 at once, and it only works with a bow in hand. Level 1: MP -14, stunner 31%, damage 72% Level 2: MP -14, stunner 32%, damage 74% Level 3: MP -14, stunner 33%, damage 76% Level 4: MP -14, stunner 34%, damage 78% Level 5: MP -14, stunner 35%, damage 80% Level 6: MP -14, stunner 36%, damage 82% Level 7: MP -14, stunner 37%, damage 84% Level 8: MP -14, stunner 38%, damage 86% Level 9: MP -14, stunner 39%, damage 88% Level 10: MP -14, stunner 40%, damage 90% Level 11: MP -14, stunner 41%, damage 92% Level 12: MP -14, stunner 42%, damage 94% Level 13: MP -14, stunner 43%, damage 96% Level 14: MP -14, stunner 44%, damage 98% Level 15: MP -14, stunner 45%, damage 100% Level 16: MP -28, stunner 46%, damage 102% Level 17: MP -28, stunner 47%, damage 104% Level 18: MP -28, stunner 48%, damage 106% Level 19: MP -28, stunner 49%, damage 108% Level 20: MP -28, stunner 50%, damage 110% Level 21: MP -28, stunner 51%, damage 112% Level 22: MP -28, stunner 52%, damage 114% Level 23: MP -28, stunner 53%, damage 116% Level 24: MP -28, stunner 54%, damage 118% Level 25: MP -28, stunner 55%, damage 120% Level 26: MP -28, stunner 56%, damage 122% Level 27: MP -28, stunner 57%, damage 124% Level 28: MP -28, stunner 58%, damage 126% Level 29: MP -28, stunner 59%, damage 128% Level 30: MP -28, stunner 60%, damage 130%
Crossbow Mastery Master Level: 20 Increases the crossbow mastery and accuracy. It only applies when a crossbow is in hand. Level 1: Crossbow mastery +15%, accuracy +1 Level 2: Crossbow mastery +15%, accuracy +2 Level 3: Crossbow mastery +20%, accuracy +3 Level 4: Crossbow mastery +20%, accuracy +4 Level 5: Crossbow mastery +25%, accuracy +5 Level 6: Crossbow mastery +25%, accuracy +6 Level 7: Crossbow mastery +30%, accuracy +7 Level 8: Crossbow mastery +30%, accuracy +8 Level 9: Crossbow mastery +35%, accuracy +9 Level 10: Crossbow mastery +35%, accuracy +10 Level 11: Crossbow mastery +40%, accuracy +11 Level 12: Crossbow mastery +40%, accuracy +12 Level 13: Crossbow mastery +45%, accuracy +13 Level 14: Crossbow mastery +45%, accuracy +14 Level 15: Crossbow mastery +50%, accuracy +15 Level 16: Crossbow mastery +50%, accuracy +16 Level 17: Crossbow mastery +55%, accuracy +17 Level 18: Crossbow mastery +55%, accuracy +18 Level 19: Crossbow mastery +60%, accuracy +19 Level 20: Crossbow mastery +60%, accuracy +20 Final Attack : Crossbow Master Level: 30 With a certain success rate, another attack follows after performing an attacking skill. Only works with a crossbow in hand. Level 1: 2% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 105% Level 2: 4% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 110% Level 3: 6% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 115% Level 4: 8% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 120% Level 5: 10% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 125% Level 6: 12% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 130% Level 7: 14% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 135% Level 8: 16% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 140% Level 9: 18% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 145% Level 10: 20% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 150% Level 11: 22% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 155% Level 12: 24% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 160% Level 13: 26% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 165% Level 14: 28% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 170% Level 15: 30% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 175% Level 16: 32% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 180% Level 17: 34% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 185% Level 18: 36% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 190% Level 19: 38% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 195% Level 20: 38% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 200% Level 21: 42% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 205% Level 22: 44% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 210% Level 23: 46% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 215% Level 24: 48% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 220% Level 25: 50% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 225% Level 26: 52% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 230% Level 27: 54% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 235% Level 28: 56% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 240% Level 29: 58% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 245% Level 30: 60% Success rate, final attack with crossbow damage 250% Crossbow Booster Master Level: 20 Uses HP and MP to temporarily boost up the attacking speed of the crossbow. It only works with a crossbow in hand. Level 1: HP -29, MP -29; improves crossbow speed for 10 sec. Level 2: HP -28, MP -28; improves crossbow speed for 20 sec. Level 3: HP -27, MP -27; improves crossbow speed for 30 sec. Level 4: HP -26, MP -26; improves crossbow speed for 40 sec. Level 5: HP -25, MP -25; improves crossbow speed for 50 sec. Level 6: HP -24, MP -24; improves crossbow speed for 60 sec. Level 7: HP -23, MP -23; improves crossbow speed for 70 sec. Level 8: HP -22, MP -22; improves crossbow speed for 80 sec. Level 9: HP -21, MP -21; improves crossbow speed for 90 sec. Level 10: HP -20, MP -20; improves crossbow speed for 100 sec. Level 11: HP -19, MP -19; improves crossbow speed for 110 sec. Level 12: HP -18, MP -18; improves crossbow speed for 120 sec. Level 13: HP -17, MP -17; improves crossbow speed for 130 sec. Level 14: HP -16, MP -16; improves crossbow speed for 140 sec. Level 15: HP -15, MP -15; improves crossbow speed for 150 sec. Level 16: HP -14, MP -14; improves crossbow speed for 160 sec. Level 17: HP -13, MP -13; improves crossbow speed for 170 sec. Level 18: HP -12, MP -12; improves crossbow speed for 180 sec. Level 19: HP -11, MP -11; improves crossbow speed for 190 sec. Level 20: HP -10, MP -10; improves crossbow speed for 200 sec. Power Knock-Back Master Level: 20 Improves the success rate of knocking back the enemies far when swinging the crossbow. The higher the level, the higher the number of enemies the character can knock down. Level 1: MP -8; knock-back +2%, damage 105%, knock-back 2 enemies. Level 2: MP -8; knock-back +4%, damage 110%, knock-back 2 enemies. Level 3: MP -8; knock-back +6%, damage 115%, knock-back 2 enemies. Level 4: MP -8; knock-back +8%, damage 120%, knock-back 2 enemies. Level 5: MP -8; knock-back +10%, damage 125%, knock-back 2 enemies. Level 6: MP -8; knock-back +12%, damage 130%, knock-back 3 enemies. Level 7: MP -8; knock-back +14%, damage 135%, knock-back 3 enemies. Level 8: MP -8; knock-back +16%, damage 140%, knock-back 3 enemies. Level 9: MP -8; knock-back +18%, damage 145%, knock-back 3 enemies. Level 10: MP -8; knock-back +20%, damage 150%, knock-back 3 enemies. Level 11: MP -15; knock-back +22%, damage 155%, knock-back 4 enemies. Level 12: MP -15; knock-back +24%, damage 160%, knock-back 4 enemies. Level 13: MP -15; knock-back +26%, damage 165%, knock-back 4 enemies. Level 14: MP -15; knock-back +28%, damage 170%, knock-back 4 enemies. Level 15: MP -15; knock-back +30%, damage 175%, knock-back 4 enemies. Level 16: MP -15; knock-back +32%, damage 180%, knock-back 5 enemies. Level 17: MP -15; knock-back +34%, damage 185%, knock-back 5 enemies. Level 18: MP -15; knock-back +36%, damage 190%, knock-back 5 enemies. Level 19: MP -15; knock-back +38%, damage 195%, knock-back 5 enemies. Level 20: MP -15; knock-back +40%, damage 200%, knock-back 6 enemies. Soul Arrow : Crossbow Master Level: 20 Temporarily allows the character to fire crossbow arrows without using up the arrows. Only works with a crossbow in hand. Level 1: MP -15; attack for 30 sec without using up an arrow. Level 2: MP -15, attack for 60 sec without using up an arrow. Level 3: MP -15, attack for 90 sec without using up an arrow. Level 4: MP -15, attack for 120 sec without using up an arrow. Level 5: MP -15, attack for 150 sec without using up an arrow. Level 6: MP -15, attack for 180 sec without using up an arrow. Level 7: MP -15, attack for 210 sec without using up an arrow. Level 8: MP -15, attack for 240 sec without using up an arrow. Level 9: MP -15, attack for 270 sec without using up an arrow. Level 10: MP -15, attack for 300 sec without using up an arrow. Level 11: MP -30, attack for 330 sec without using up an arrow. Level 12: MP -30, attack for 360 sec without using up an arrow. Level 13: MP -30, attack for 390 sec without using up an arrow. Level 14: MP -30, attack for 420 sec without using up an arrow. Level 15: MP -30, attack for 450 sec without using up an arrow. Level 16: MP -30, attack for 480 sec without using up an arrow. Level 17: MP -30, attack for 510 sec without using up an arrow. Level 18: MP -30, attack for 540 sec without using up an arrow. Level 19: MP -30, attack for 570 sec without using up an arrow. Level 20: MP -30, attack for 600 sec without using up an arrow. Iron Arrow : Crossbow Master Level: 30 The arrow that's fired will go through a monster and attack another one behind it. The damage decreases for every monster the arrow goes through. Can damage up to 6 monsters at once. Level 1: MP -14, damage 64% Level 2: MP -14, damage 68% Level 3: MP -14, damage 72% Level 4: MP -14, damage 76% Level 5: MP -14, damage 80% Level 6: MP -14, damage 84% Level 7: MP -14, damage 88% Level 8: MP -14, damage 92% Level 9: MP -14, damage 96% Level 10: MP -14, damage 100% Level 11: MP -14, damage 104% Level 12: MP -14, damage 108% Level 13: MP -14, damage 112% Level 14: MP -14, damage 116% Level 15: MP -14, damage 120% Level 16: MP -28, damage 124% Level 17: MP -28, damage 128% Level 18: MP -28, damage 132% Level 19: MP -28, damage 136% Level 20: MP -28, damage 140% Level 21: MP -28, damage 144% Level 22: MP -28, damage 148% Level 23: MP -28, damage 152% Level 24: MP -28, damage 156% Level 25: MP -28, damage 160% Level 26: MP -28, damage 164% Level 27: MP -28, damage 168% Level 28: MP -28, damage 172% Level 29: MP -28, damage 176% Level 30: MP -28, damage 180%
Double Shot vs Arrow Blow
Double Shot is better than Arrow Blow. Get 20 Double Shot and 1 Arrow Blow.
Critical Shot is +100% not x200% to the damage multiplier.
Double Shot is 460% max damage. (130% +100%) x 2 arrows = 460%
Arrow Blow is 360% max damage. (260% +100%) = 360%
Double Shot and Arrow Blow have the same minimum damage on any defense monster.
Double Shot: (Attack-Mons.Def.) x 130% x 2 arrows = 260%
Arrow Blow: (Attack-Mons.Def.) x 260% = 260%
Note: Damage is reduced before the multiplier is applied.
Arrow Blow's only advantage is that it provides knockback on higher level monsters. However, knockback can be considered useless for training purposes where Double Shot can kill faster.
Average Damage calculations:
Calculations by sIRhcle:
Arrow Blow deals one arrow of 260% damage.
Double Shot deals two arrows of 130% damage each adding up to 260%
Critical Shot has a 40% chance of adding 100% damage to each arrow fired.
Arrow Blow
Arrow Blow has one 40% chance of adding 100% to 260%
60% chance of Arrow Blow without Critical = 260%
40% chance of Arrow Blow with Critical = 360%
Average damage Arrow Blow damage = 0.6*260 + 0.4*360 = 300%
Effective knockback on most monsters.
Double Shot
Double Shot has two 40% chances of adding 100% to two 130%’s
16% chance of Double Shot with 2 Critical = 460%
48% chance of Double shot with 1 Critical = 360%
36% chance of Double Shot without Critical = 260%
Average damage Double Shot = 0.16*460 + 0.48*360+ 0.36*260 = 340%
* Double Shot can deal up to 100% more damage than Arrow Blow when both are doing critical damage.
* Double Shot deals 40% more damage than Arrow Blow on average.
* Double Shot has a 24% chance of ALWAYS dealing equal or more damage than Arrow Blow.
* Arrow Blow has the power to knockback particular monsters.
* Choosing Arrow Blow or Double Shot affects learning Final Attack or not.
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