==>Thief Guide List <==
Dexless-Lowdex Luk Banditsin Guide
-the bandit you make from following this guide will NOT make money in the beginning. You will be poor or in debt if you dont have funding. This guide is for the person that wants to level ASAP and is willing to sacrifice positive cashflow for more EXP.
-the banditsin you make will level faster in the beginning and be more powerful for a several levels than normal build bandits(that is normal build statwise and skillwise), however you will miss double stab which will hurt you somewhat in the later levels until 3rd job when you get a better finishing move(assaulter) and you will be weaker than normal build bandits during early 4x
-also this guide makes the assumption that you want to do as much damage as possible, sacrificing change in equips and looks. If you want to wear the equips of your level go with a normal build guide, if you want to outdamage those wearing china sets and scorpios read this guide
this guide is made with the assumption that you have enough money to buy MP pots, a fan, that bathrobe/fruits, and scrolls (500k+ starting money + what you earn from levelling minimum recommended. The more money you have to spend the better the bandit you can make. I did soemthing like this build with no funding but that was with 2x exp and 2x drop)
first you roll a 4 for INT and 4 for STR, LUK and DEX stats dont matter because all the 4 stats add up to 25 always
level 1-10 on noob island- pump your dex to 25 ASAP and put the rest into LUK. DEX will add a little bit of damage to snails and help you get off the island faster. Stick with snail hunting ground 1 because its the fastest training. your choice wether you want to do the maple island quests or not.
at level ten your stats are:
4 STR 25 DEX 4 INT 37 LUK
You have just added enough dex to last you for at least 35 levels.
your ability point distribution till level 44:
level \ what you do
11 add 5 LUK
12 add 5 LUK
13 add 5 LUK
14 add 5 LUK
15 add 5 LUK
16 add 5 LUK
17 add 5 LUK
18 add 5 LUK
19 add 5 LUK
20 add 5 LUK
21 add 5 LUK
22 add 5 LUK
23 add 5 LUK
24 add 5 LUK
26 add 5 LUK
27 add 5 LUK
28 add 5 LUK
29 add 5 LUK
30 add 5 LUK
31 add 5 LUK
32 add 5 LUK
33 add 5 LUK
34 add 5 LUK
35 add 5 LUK
36 add 5 LUK
37 add 5 LUK
38 add 5 LUK
39 add 5 LUK
40 add 5 LUK
41 add 5 LUK
42 add 5 LUK
43 add 5 LUK
44 add 5 LUK
your stats at level 44:
4 STR 25 DEX 4 INT 207 LUK
after level 44 what you add will be affected by how much money you have and this will be discussed later.
skill point distribution for first job:
this is the normal sin build for the 1st job
level 10 1 lucky7
level 11 4 lucky7
level 12 7 lucky7
level 13 10 lucky7
level 14 13 lucky7 *
level 15 16 lucky7
level 16 19 lucky7
level 17 20 lucky7 \ 2 nimble body
level 18 20 lucky7 \ 3 nimble body \ 2 keen eyes**
level 19 20 lucky7 \ 3 nimble body \ 5 keen eyes
level 20 20 lucky7 \ 3 nimble body \ 8 keen eyes
level 21 20 lucky7 \ 6 nimble body \ 8 keen eyes
level 22 20 lucky7 \ 9 nimble body \ 8 keen eyes
level 23 20 lucky7 \ 12 nimble body \ 8 keen eyes
level 24 20 lucky7 \ 15 nimble body \ 8 keen eyes
level 25 20 lucky7 \ 18 nimble body \ 8 keen eyes
level 26 20 lucky7 \ 20 nimble body \ 8 keen eyes \ 1 disorder
level 27 20 lucky7 \ 20 nimble body \ 8 keen eyes \ 3 disorder \ 1 dark sight
level 28 20 lucky7 \ 20 nimble body \ 8 keen eyes \ 3 disorder \ 4 dark sight
level 29 20 lucky7 \ 20 nimble body \ 8 keen eyes \ 3 disorder \ 7 dark sight
level 30 20 lucky7 \ 20 nimble body \ 8 keen eyes \ 3 disorder \ 10 dark sight
*you can opt to save your skill points to max it later at level 16 or 17 if you want to save money on MP potions but this build is meant for fast levelling and i reccomend you add them immediately to increase damage asap
**some may decide not to max keen eyes because you wont use it ever after you stop throwing stars, and you can use those 8 points elsewhere. If you decide to use them in keen eyes, however, you will be able to level even faster because of the range
2nd job skill point order
level 30 1 savage blow
level 31 4 savage blow
level 32 7 savage blow
level 33 10 savage blow
level 34 13 savage blow
level 35 16 savage blow
level 36 19 savage blow
level 37 22 savage blow
level 38 22 savage blow \ 3 mastery
level 39 23 savage blow \ 5 mastery
level 40 23 savage blow \ 5 mastery \ 3 booster
level 41 26 savage blow \ 5 mastery \ 3 booster
level 42 29 savage blow \ 5 mastery \ 3 booster
level 43 30 savage blow \ 7 mastery \ 3 booster
level 44 30 savage blow \ 10 mastery \ 3 booster
level 45 30 savage blow \ 13 mastery \ 3 booster
level 46 30 savage blow \ 16 mastery \ 3 booster
level 47 30 savage blow \ 19 mastery \ 3 booster
level 48 30 savage blow \ 19 mastery \ 3 booster \ 3 haste
level 49 30 savage blow \ 19 mastery \ 3 booster \ 6 haste
level 50 30 savage blow \ 19 mastery \ 3 booster \ 9 haste
level 51 30 savage blow \ 19 mastery \ 3 booster \ 12 haste
level 52 30 savage blow \ 19 mastery \ 3 booster \ 15 haste
level 53 30 savage blow \ 19 mastery \ 3 booster \ 18 haste
level 54 30 savage blow \ 19 mastery \ 4 booster \ 20 haste
level 55 30 savage blow \ 19 mastery \ 7 booster \ 20 haste
level 56 30 savage blow \ 19 mastery \ 10 booster \ 20 haste
level 57 30 savage blow \ 19 mastery \ 10 booster \ 20 haste \ 3 endure *
level 58 30 savage blow \ 19 mastery \ 10 booster \ 20 haste \ 6 endure
level 59 30 savage blow \ 19 mastery \ 10 booster \ 20 haste \ 9 endure
level 60 30 savage blow \ 19 mastery \ 10 booster \ 20 haste \ 10 endure \ 12 dark sight **
level 61 30 savage blow \ 19 mastery \ 10 booster \ 20 haste \ 10 endure \ 15 dark sight
level 62 30 savage blow \ 19 mastery \ 10 booster \ 20 haste \ 10 endure \ 18 dark sight
level 63 30 savage blow \ 19 mastery \ 10 booster \ 20 haste \ 11 endure \ 20 dark sight
level 64 30 savage blow \ 19 mastery \ 10 booster \ 20 haste \ 14 endure \ 20 dark sight
level 65 30 savage blow \ 19 mastery \ 10 booster \ 20 haste \ 17 endure \ 20 dark sight
level 66 30 savage blow \ 19 mastery \ 10 booster \ 20 haste \ 20 endure \ 20 dark sight
level 67****
*Ten endure is enough to nullify the effects of cold while hanging on a rope thus allowing you to go safely afk in the snowfields indefinitely, more useful than maxed dark sight first because dying while afk costs you EXP of course. if you are anything like most people i know, youre going to find this indefinite afk protection very useful in the long run, especially because youll be training in the snowfields a lot at these levels. There is also a minimal MP recovery that you receive while you fight. It is small but adds up in the long run
** remember darksight is a 1st job skill and you got ten points in it already. You can instead opt to max endure before darksight but maxed darksight will be more useful for those races to mushmom/balrog that youre going to be taking part in starting at around that level. Youre going to max both in the end anyways
**** after this point it really does not matter much at all what you put. Usually theives put 1 point in steal for fun. I put points in doublestab for a more stable higher damage finishing move since i cant use the 3rd job skills(for you this may be different). some opt to max booster. Whatever you choose to use, you will have 12 points to do whatever you want with.
Now comes the complicated part. What you do with your LUK and DEX after 45 will soley depend on how much DEX you can scroll onto your equipment items. First ill list the DEX schedule you need to adhere to, then ill post what you can do to get more DEX:
DEX schedule:
the amount of dex you need at this level is the MINIMUM required dex for that level, the number is soley based on how much dex is required to equip the geta at level 60(the dagger that you use after korean fan), how fast you can reasonably be expected to add dex(5 per level to be safe) and how many levels away you are from level 60. you can be ahead of the schedule if you ended up adding too much dex and the problem fixes itself as you level up, if you don't add dex. i strongly reccomend you do NOT fall behind the schedule because it may delay your abiliy to weild the geta for a level or more, or put otherwise unnecessary pressure on you to buy dex equips.
if you look at your stat screen where it lists your STR, DEX, INT and LUK, look at your DEX number. well take this number as an exmaple: 113 (100+13)
the 100 in that number is your base dex. that is, the amount of dex youll have if you go naked. the 13 is your equip dex, that is the sum of all the dex provided by your equips.
to find how much base dex you should add up to, take the reccomended dex, subtract your equip dex by the amount of reccomended dex and thats what your base dex should be.
example: you're level 57, and you must have 85 DEX at least. You have a ten dex bathrobe and 4 dex snowshoes, so you need at least 71 base dex.
level \ dex
level45 \ 25
level46 \ 30
level47 \ 35
level48 \ 40
level49 \ 45
level50 \ 50
level51 \ 55
level52 \ 60
level53 \ 65
level54 \ 70
level55 \ 75
level56 \ 80
level57 \ 85
level58 \ 90
level59 \ 95
level60 \ 100
level61~68 \ will remain the same
level69 \ 105
level70 \ 110
level70~78 \ will remain the same
level70 \ 115
level80 \ 120
also you may note that following this schedule you wont be able to equip the shinkita, fruits(avenger), or gephart on time. the shinkita isnt worth equipping in the first place, the gephart has an equivalent 0dex korean fan that needs to be used, and the avenger unfortunately cant be equipped by male theives, and can only be equipped by female theives at around 5x if they follow the dex schedule in this guide. But it gives 4 or 5 extra stat points, which is great if youre trying to squeeze stat points out of an overall. the schedule was designed with only maximum damage possible in mind.
Remember the ONLY point in having dex is to equip the weapon for your level. dex helps in other ways in adding accuracy and damage BUT compared to luk, the damage DEX adds is very low, and bandits no longer have any accuracy problems once they get mastery. list of daggers and required dex are below:
korean fan: level 35: 0 required DEX <- this is what makes the dexless build possible. also mandatory for you.
gephart: level 35: 70 required dex
shinkita: level 50: 90 required dex(recommend that you skip this weapon and do not add dex to use it)
geta: level 60: 100 required dex
kandine: level 70: 110 required dex
dragon tail: level 80: 120 required dex*
*not released in oms as of the writing of this guide. wether you add enough dex to equip once you reach this level is entirely up to you
scrolls you can use to add stats:
overall dex 10%/60%/100%- these will give the bulk of your dex bonus, males should scroll a bathrobe and females should scroll a fruits(Avenger) overall armor. These are the only options avaliable to the theif as far as overall armor goes. the defense sacrificed will be more than made up in extra damage and avoidability in the end. the 10% adds 5 DEX, the 60% adds 2 and the 100% adds 1 DEX. the accuracy and speed stats given are irrelevant.
shoe jump 10% and 60%- not to be confused with "shoe dex" which does not add dex. Shoe jump 10% adds 5 jump, 3 DEX, 1 speed and 60% adds 3 jump, 1 dex. Also for theives with max haste it will get your jump to the max 123% but no further
glove dex 10% and 60%- not reccomended to use these, as a 3 attack glove will be more beneficial then any godly scrolled(2 10% some 60%) dex glove, it is better to scroll your gloves for attack. but if you need some quick dex because, say, you got a kandine and didnt add enough in time this can save you 10% adds 5 accuracy, 3 dex and 1 avoid, 60% adds 3 accuracy, 1 dex, 100% adds 1 accuracy.
glove attack 10% and 60%- 10% adds 3 weapon attack and 60% adds 2 weapon attack. Getting a better attack glove is like getting a stronger weapon. Expecially for bandits even 1 atack will make a noticeable difference, you will want as much attack as possible
dagger attack 100% 60% and 10%- 10% adds 5 weapon attack, 3 luk, 1 weapon defense, 60% adds 2 attack and 1 luk, 100% adds 1 attack to your dagger. these are epensive and i dont suggest using 10% or 100% on an expensive dagger(like the geta).
claw attack 100%- you're not going to use claws for long enough to require more than 100%s on them.
scrolling techniques:
for scrolls such as shoe jump/snowshoes, overall dex/bathrobe, and glove attack, generally you want to use a combination of 10%s and 60%s rather than straight 60% to get the most stats out of your item.
1 10% rest 60%- the point of this technique it to basically get a good base item before you risk 60%s on it. It is also rather expensive. Get a bunch of the item you wish to scroll with the appropriate stats, preferably clean, and scroll the first slot of each item until a scroll works. From there on you can scroll with 60%s. It gives your equip a boost over the average clean equip when you start scrolling 60%s.
2 10% rest 60% its basically a much more expensive version of the above, youll end up with a LOT of ruined 10% first slot equips and a lot of 1-slot-less equips but it will give you an even BIGGER head start.
straight 60%s this sort of scrolling is generally reserved for weapons ONLY, simply because of the costs involved. Statistically, youre going to get the largest stat bonus off weapon scrolls if you go straight 60%s rather then 10% or 100% if you only had one weapon to work with. Keep in mind, though, that if your first several 60% scrolls fail you may also want to consider the longshot "fixing it or fuxing it" with a 10%, hoping for a little better with 60%s, or cutting your losses and go 100%
100%ing If youre using 100% overall dex, its a cheap and guaranteed 10 dex bonus that you can get from your equips, but it isnt going to be the sort of thing that youll use forever. Dont use 100%s on a fan unless its base stats were bad, youre only going to use it till you can get a better fan anyways. If you 100% an item you will receive an item thats below average if you had used 60%s on them. with few exceptions you shouldnt mix 100% scrolls with 10% or 60% scrolls on the same item. do not, i repeat DO NOT use 100%s on expensive items like getas or perfect stat fans. I 100%ed a 54 attack fan once in beta. And people made fun of me.
straight 10%legit +7 10% daggers and 50 dex sauna robes do not exist. So dont get greedy and try that, youll ruin your item. that said, high dex theives like to throw 7 10% topwear and bottomwear defense scrolls on their armors in the hope that some will work. people also do this with helm defense or hp, as theres nothing better to scroll for those items and if one gains a lot of weapon defense, it eventually becomes noticeable and does help more in low damage areas. however this is not a scrolling technique you should use if you want more dex out of an item, the combination of 10 and 60%s yields better results on average.
training tips.
these are by no means an exhaustive guide nor do you HAVE to follow it word for word. these are all suggestions for training spots and it will vary for each bandit due to his or her equips and resources. Noone will be able to tell you wether a training spot will be good for you or not, this is just a list of places you need to explore and try out for you to receive the best EXP for your level)
level 1-10- snail hunting ground1. this is really the only time when your only option is one map. the other maps have red snails that are a waste of time. this map has the most green snails =]
level 11-20- 1 screen left of kerning, kill orange mushrooms. or kill green slimes near ellinia. youll be able to OHKO them quickly with your lucky7 because you will be adding luk faster than normal theives. later on try pig beach. a garnier claw will be fine
level 20-30- jr sentinals, horned shrooms and undead shrooms, youll be spending several levels in the ant tunnel. party quest is usually too crowded to be an option. 100% dex a bathrobe (fruits will come later, for female theives) and equip the best claw for your level and dex, and 100% claw attack scroll that one. Youll use that till you use your fan.
level 30-40- jr sents, more ant tunnel, wild boar, try 2hko fire boar, leatty, or jr kitty
level 40-50- youll be throwing your last stars at evil eyes . once you can OHKO evil eyes with savage you might want to do that, as its more convenient in the cramped nests, though itll be more expensive. Youll see a huge growth in strength at this point. after evil eyes youll be doing OHKO curse eyes, fire boars, jr kitties, or leatties and after that youll do jr pepe and finally zombie lupins. in 10 levels your damage should double.
level 50-60- zombie lupins, sanc2(cold eyes for the exp, tauros for hunting, itll be REALLY expensive. dont attempt until you can OHKO cold eyes, and your HP is at around 1600-1700+ so you can use unagis in there without waste), 2hko jr yetis and later on 2hko hectors or zombies, try drakes meal table or 2hko hot sand once you can OHKO lorangs and cold eyes. before you can ohko cold eyes youre going to be in a bit of a levelling rut(no really good place to train) but just hang in there and ohko zombie lupins.
level 60-70- your options are pretty much anything at this point, but theyre affected mainly by wether or not you have a geta. i cant list all possible maps because they encompas just about every map in the game, except yeti and pepe, werewolf/lycan maps and sanc 3-4. after this level you should have a good feel for what kind of monsters you need to train from and you don't need my help to find out what monster you need, just keep in mind that you want your damage to be evenly divisible(by 1,2,or3) by the HP of the monster. if you still want pointers, ohko of jr yetis, 2hko of hectors and zombies, as well as ohko hot sand.
level 70-80- anywhere you want except bains, cerebes, etc... hot sand was the best exp for me early 7x, later and mid 7x i ohkoed jr yetis, nearing the end of 7x youll be on the verge of ohkoing hectors and zombies. yeti and pepe are decent exp for mid/high 7x but EXPENSIVE and can only be done by geta'ed bandits anyways.
also i found that if you jr yetis with a lower levelled partner(5x or so) that kill jr yetis a lot slower they can take the top while you slaughter jr yetis quickly at the bottom, and they can enjoy full spawn without having to move, and you can enjoy not having to climb that rope to fix the spawn.[subject to change because this assumes you still wield geta instead of the kandine]
level 80+ early 8x you may still jr yeti, otherwise ohko zombies for EVER. or yeti and pepe for more a combnation of training and hunting. Dark yeti and pepe give almost as much EXP as zombies once you can kill as fast as the map spawns. where you level is largely dependant on wehter you went assaulter or theives first. Assaulter should get you OHKOing zombies and zipping back and forth rather quickly. theives lets you level anywhere else
==>Thief Guide List <==
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