==>Maplestory Hacks List <==
Maple Story - MapleStory: Basic Hacking Tutorials
Allright guys, I've compiled a basic tutorial that teaches the fundamentals of hacking with a CE like ZenXEngine. This tutorial requires that you have already downloaded the CE that you wish to use...
It appears that after a few encounters, anyone that uses the Cheat Engine program as their CE will have their computers restarted every time they turn Maple Story on. It is for this reason that I suggest you use a different CE such as KasperSky or ZenXEngine [both have been tested and proven to work].
Also note that these codes are for GMS and OMS only.
Update: I've added around 17 pictures to the guide so that you can better understand what's being shown to you. The pictures will open in new windows since I don't want the image files cluttering the MPC Forums space.
Also, I've made it so that you won't have to keep on injecting the codes over and over again every time you wish to hack. Re-read the Tutorial for more information.
Sin's tutorial on hacking Basics [Includes DEMI and Item Vac] This tutorial will teach anybody that is new to hacking how to use DemI and FMI Vac as well as Godmode and Super Tubi. These hacks are pretty fundamental to the knowledge of many hackers that use ZenXEngine or KasperSky or anything of the sort. Allright... so, you need to have a Cheat Engine [CE for short]. ZenXEngine or KasperSky are fine. Before we hack, we need to set up our Settings so Maple Story doesn't detect the CE. **NOTICE: UNTIL WE SET UP OUR SETTINGS, DO NOT OPEN UP MAPLE STORY UNTIL AFTER THE SETTINGS ARE SET. ONCE THE SETTINGS ARE SET ONE TIME, THEY WILL BE SAVED, SO SETTINGS ONLY HAVE TO BE DONE ONCE. Open up your CE, do NOT open a game program AFTER opening the CE. Having a game program on BEFORE opening the CE is perfectly fine however. Click on the button that says "Settings" at the top right-hand corner of the CE and set the settings accordingly: General Settings Tab: Here's a picture! ------------------------------------ Tick Everything - except "Show and work with Binaries as if they are decimals" Scan Settings Tab: Here's a picture! ------------------------------------ [ ] Fast scan on by default [x] Enable hyperscan when possible [ ] Don't scan memory that is protected with the No Cache Option [ ] Keep low memory usage when doing an "Unknown Initial Value scan" with Hyper Scan [x] MEM_PRIVATE [x] MEM_IMAGE [ ] MEM_MAPPED [X] Run scan in seperate thread. File Associations Tab: Here's a picture! ------------------------------------ Tick Nothing Code Finder Tab: Here's a picture! ------------------------------------ [x] Use Debug Registers [ ] Memory Access Exceptions [x]Try to prevent detection of the debugger [ ] Handle breakpoints not caused by CE Assembler Tab: Here's a picture! ------------------------------------ [x] Show disassembler [x] Show debugger options [x] Use hardware breakpoints [ ] Use int3 instructions for breakpoints [x] Replace incomplete opcodes with nops [x] Ask for replace with nop [x] Try to prevent detection of the debugger Extra Tab: Here's a picture! ------------------------------------ [ ] Query memory region routines [x] Read/Write process memory [x] Open Process [ ] Use APC to inject dll's [ ] Use APC to create new threads [ ] Undo changes to CE [ ] Force memory to be writable in case the standard method is blocked [x] Enable use of Process Watcher [x] Use kernel debugger options when possible [ ] Stealth mode (Usermode) [ ] Stealth mode (Kernelmode) Okay, now that these settings are set, click OK and look at your CE. Get familiar with where the buttons are. If you are already logged onto Maple Story, then log off, exit the program, open the program again while the CE is on. Then Maple Story should attach itself to the CE, allowing you to officially hack. Before you log into the game, Alt + Esc or Alt + Tab out of MS. Click on the "Add Address Manually" button and a box should pop up. Tick off the "Pointer" checkbox and then some new input fields should appear. In the "Address of Pointer" field, type in 773E7C and in the Offset type in E70. Then for Description [one of the first fields], type in Unlimited Attack. Then click OK. Click Add Adress Manually once more and put in the same Address of Pointer. This time, the Offset will be 254 this time. The description for this pointer will be No Breath After Attacks. Now click on the buttons called "Memory View" and "Auto Assemble". Minimize them both (click on the flat line button near the X button at the top right hand corner). Maximise your Auto Assembler and copy and paste the following code into it: Code:
Credits go to ESPN8theocho for this code. I've modified one line so that we can view the ItemVac value that is returned from the game [The line was: registersymbol(ItemVac)]. Once you've gotten that code pasted in, click on File --> Assign to Current Cheat Table, and then a new row should appear under your pointers on your Cheat Table saying "Auto Assemble Cheat". Double click on the description of "Auto Assemble Cheat" and re-name it to "DemI and FMI Vac". Now that you have the DemI and FMI Vac on your CT, check off the Frozen Box beside it and then the codes have now been injected into the game. Close the Auto Assembler. All we need to do now is activate the codes. Click on "Add Address Manually" once more, and this time don't tick off Pointer. In the Address field that it gives you, type in rangeX and in the Description field type in rangeX Value. Now click OK and you should see a new row appear on your CT [Cheat Table]. Click on "Add Address Manually" once again, and this time for Address put ItemVac and in the Description put ItemVac Value. Click on OK and you'll see another row appear on your Cheat Table right below rangeX Value. Now, wait for a second while the "Address" column for rangeX Value and ItemVac Value find an address. Once they've found one, try to remember them for the next step. If you can't, you can simply look back at your Cheat Table. *NOTICE* - The address returned by the rangeX Value and ItemVac Value will always be different every time you freeze Demi and FMI Vac. It must be ticked off and back on every time you exit and then run Maple Story again! Go to memory view and click Ctrl + G and then a box will pop up. In that box, type in 517a34 and click OK. It'll highlight a section saying.. Quote:
Right click on the "mov ecx, [ebx+00000390]" part and choose "Change Register at this Location". A new box will appear. Tick off the EIP Section [EXTREMELY IMPORTANT] and you'll be able to type something into the EIP box. In the EIP Box, type in the address you got from rangeX Value [which should be something like 00***0000]. Click OK and then do Ctrl + G again and this time type in 63588A. Right click and choose "Change Register at this Location" again and then when the box pops up, tick off the box right beside the letters ZF [make sure you only tick the first one and not the second one]. Godmode is the reason I don't want you to log into your character yet. When you start the DemI vac without godmode on, you'll be receiving damage instantly when you are on your character. So, because you aren't on your character yet, you can activate DemI first. I also taught you DemI first because it lays the groundwork for using Hack Addresses in Memory View. Though, if you are on your character, make sure you turn on Godmode first before DemI so you don't get damage as you turn your other hacks on. Grats, you have GodMode and DEMI on right now Now, to get Item Vac to work... go to your CT and remember the address of ItemVac Value. Go to Memory View and hit CTRL + G and go to 48ED02 and in change the register so the EIP Section is whatever address ItemVac Value gave you. Now you've got item vac on, godmode and DEMI on. Now, to get Super Tubi to work (Super Tubi allows you to pick up items at an insanely fast speed), go to Memory View and click Ctrl + G and go to 48837D. Tick off both boxes next to ZF and click OK. You now have Super Tubi on. Now, for the last part. Log in on Maple Story and get on your character. One you are on your character, Alt + Tab out and go to the CE's main window. Remember when we added those two 773E7C pointers? Well now its time to use them... Near the bottom of your CE, you should see two checkmark boxes under the column "Frozen". Check them both off and now you can use attacks more than 100 times in the same spot [Unlimited Attack] and you don't have to wait for the Breath thing to happen before you change weps/channels/drop something, etc [No Breath]. Enjoy hacking! - Tutorial by TheUnknownSin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes [1] Regarding the Cheat Table: So that you dont have to put the pointer addresses and save the codes to your CT continually, once they are there , go to the top and click on the disk icon. Save the Cheat Table to your CE's folder so you can access it by clicking on the folder icon beside the disk icon [the folder icon is the open file icon]. This way, you have fast access to your cheat Table and won't have to put in the codes every time [2] Regarding De-Rebugging: De-Rebugging is the term used to describe what you do whenever you change something in Memory View. You are only allowed a maximum of 4 de-rebugged addresses. This tutorial uses all 4 available de-rebugs. De-rebugs can be cancelled by clicking on "Breakpoint List" on your CE's main window and then deleting the addresses that you no longer want de-rebugged. Important: If you turn Maple Story off and then back on and you wish to use Godmode, Super Tubi, DemI and FMI again, you must delete all breakpoints and re-inject the codes and change the registers again. Frequently Asked Questions: Q: How come Maple Story does not attach to the CE? A: This tells me you haven't read the guide completely... near the top of this guide, it says: "If you are already logged onto Maple Story, then log off, exit the program, open the program again while the CE is on. Then Maple Story should attach itself to the CE, allowing you to officially hack. Before you log into the game, Alt + Esc or Alt + Tab out of MS." Please read the guide and make sure you understand it before asking questions about it not working. Q: How come when I do this hack the first time it works, but when I try it again it doesn't? A: Well, if it worked the first time, it should work the second time, unless you've done something wrong. Read the following quote from the guide: "*NOTICE* - The address returned by the rangeX Value and ItemVac Value will always be different every time you freeze Demi and FMI Vac. It must be ticked off and back on every time you exit and then run Maple Story again!" If you've read that then nothing should go wrong if you attempt to use the same hack again. Q: How Do I use the Item Vac in the Game? A: Once the code has been successfully injected for the FMI Vac, just click on your Pick Up key to loot items whenever you are not directly on top of them (note that this does not mean you can loot another person's drops, only drops available to you). Q: Can't I control what I loot? A: Unfortunately, no you can't. The Item Vac places items that have been on the ground for a longer period of time at the top of the available items list, and the more recent drops are at the bottom. Q: You say that I'm using a monster and Item Vac, but I can't see anything being hacked towards me. Why not? A: Ah, but they are being vacced to you. It's just not visible. They are getting placed right on your feet (coding wise). As you move, all the monsters and items on your map move with you, not visibly, but they do. That's why you can move around and loot an item from anywhere as well as hit a monster while moving around with DemI on Q: Do I have to do all of that every time I want to hack?! A: Nope, not any more. Once you've assigned the codes to the Cheat Table and have saved the Cheat Table, you can then just tick off the DemI and FMI Vac every time you turn Maple Story off and back on. Then the addresses for rangeX Value and ItemVac Value will become what you need to put into the EIP sections for 517A34 and 48ED02 Q: The DemI works, but I can't use any Stars or Arrows! Why? A: This is DemI for Warriors, Bandits and Mages. It does not work for Bowmen or Sins. For a vac that works for bowmen and sins, look at this thread: UberVac with Range for Sins and Bowmen Q: When I try to tick off Frozen beside the Unlimited Attack and No Breath Pointers, I can't. The Values are also "??" as well. Why is that? A: That's because you have yet to log into your character in the game. Those values that are "??" are only assigned a value by the game once you've logged into your character. After logging in, then go and tick off both pointers. |
I wonder if this'll get Stickied
NOTICE: You --MUST-- read the FAQ before asking a question to see if it has already been answered. From now on, if any question that has already been answered is asked, I will simply say "Refer to the FAQ".
==>Maplestory Hacks List <==
1 comment:
Where can I download a CE??
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