==>All Maplestory Guide List<==
==>Maplestory Quest Guide List<==
1.0.1: What is Party Quest?
1.0.2: How to get into a party
1.0.3: How to get in the quest
1.0.4: 1st stage
1.0.5: 2nd stage
1.0.6: 3rd stage
1.0.7: 4th stage
1.0.8: Last (5th) stage
1.0.9: Bonus and Exit
1.1.0: Rewards
1.1.1: Rushing, Scouting, Tracking and Hogging
1.1.2: Try to...
1.1.3: You noob...!
1.1.4: PQ in a nutshell
1.1.5: General Tips and Tricks
1.1.6: Alternatives to PQing
1.1.7: Version History
2.0.1: Contacting
1.0.1 What is Party Quest?
Party Quest, or PQ, is a quest that many people flock to in order to get
mass-experience gain. It
is a very good way to get rare items and upgrade scrolls, as well as healing
items (for more
information, see the Rewards section (1.1.2)) that would otherwise cost you
a couple thousand
mesos. The prizes are also quite valuable, so you can sell them if you don't
need them. It is
started at Kerning City in Victoria Island, near the left-bottom corner. You
will notice that a
good many people are there in many channels. Finding a deserted channel is
near-impossible, unless
you log in at 2 or 3am (By American standards). Only one party can go in at
once. By 'party', I
mean group of 4 people who are between the levels 21 and 30. Because of
this, many people are
waiting at the sewers, so if you do not have a fast computer, just level the
normal way. You will
lag, and no-one likes lagging.
NOTE: There is also a Party Quest in Ludibrium for lv35s - 50s.
1.0.2: How to get into a party
To create a new party, you have to press 'R' and click on the party tab,
then click Create to make
one. Then you can either copy down a character's name, press Invite and type
their name to send an
quick invitation. If someone is causing trouble in the party, just highlight
their name and press
Banish to expel them. If you wish to leave your party, just open the party
window and press Leave.
NOTE: If you are the leader and you leave, the party is immediately
disbanded. Or if you wish to
join a party, not be leader, go to a channel where someone is saying '2/1
slot(s) left for PQ' and
respond 'ME!' or 'looking 4 pq' and you will most likely get the invitation.
Mages, Bowmen and Sins
tend to get in most often, whilst Warriors and Bandits are less likely to
get in, due to their near
uselessness. Stating your level and class is a good idea. If you are level
23 and under, perhaps it
wouldn't be a good idea. Mages are always good, and high-level bowmen.
Everyone likes level 28-30s,
so go forward and say so if you are. If you are a Sin, say what stars you
throw too.
1.0.3: How to get into the quest
To get into the quest, the leader must click on Lakelis when the quest is
empty. But other parties
are also trying to get in, so be prepared for some competition if you are
the leader. Click
casually in case the inside party comes out early, but don't wear yourself
out. Have your parties
notify you when the inner party is in the Bonus stage, or the Exit, or out
in Kerning City. When
this happens, the leader should click like mad. If your party continues to
bother you, just ignore
them and continue clicking. With a bit of luck, the screen will fade out as
if you entered another
area and you'll appear in...
1.0.4: 1st Stage
____ \ \_______
___ / / \________\
________/ / ___________/ /
/__________/ /______________/
\ \__________ ________
\___________\ _______ ________
_____ /_______/
\___/ ________________________
\__________________ \___
__ __ \___ \__
\ \______/ / \_______\
______ __
________ \____/ ________/ /
________ /_________/
______ ____
/ \ \__ \
\ \
\ \ CCC
NNNN \ \____ CCC
NNNN \______\ CCC
Key - N = Nella
C = Cloto
P = Portal
This is my poor rendition of the 1st stage, at least to my memory. The
solidish shapes are solid
platforms, the vertical lines are vines and the letters are explained above.
The members must go and talk to Cloto and receive their question, then
collect coupons equal to the
answer of the question from the Ligators on the platforms. The Ligators have
around 800 health and
reduced avoidability. The questions and the answer are stated below, from
smallest to largest.
NOTE: The Ligators have a 99% chance of dropping coupons.
Minimum level for the mage's 1st job advancement
Minimum level for the warrior's/bowman's/thief's 1st job advancement
Amount of experience it takes to get from level 1 to 2
Minimum INT needed for the 1st mage to advancement
Minimum DEX needed for the 1st thief/bowman advancement
Minimum STR needed for the 1st warrior advancement
Mages should have no trouble taking out the Ligators one-by-one. Bowmen
should find it moderately
easy, whilst Thieves find it tedious and difficult at times. Lv 28 + members
should all find it
simple, no matter what the class. Tough, but if everyone helps (including
the leader), it should be
quite possible. Once you have all your coupons (no more, no less), talk to
to receive a yellow Pass
which should be dropped and handed to the leader. Remember, when you are
done, help others.
The leader has to wait on the other members to collect their coupons from
the Ligators. He/she then
collects the passes and once all 3 (2 if one member dies) passes are within
his/her grasp, he/she
talks to Cloto. Everyone receives 100 exp and the portal opens to...
1.0.5 2nd Stage
Key - N = Nella
C = Cloto
P = Portal
More of my questionable artwork. The solidy shapes are, once again,
platforms. The lines are vines.
The members must choose a vine to climb on - any vine. Two members cannot be
on the same vine. When
all 3 members are on a separate vine each, then the leader snaps into work.
If a huge 'WRONG' comes
up, the have a memeber next to an empty vine move to that vine. Then have
the leader work again. Go
in 1 direction until, finally, a huge 'CLEAR' goes onto the screen. Proceed
through the portal.
The leader waits until the 3 members are on the vines, then clicks on Cloto
to trigger a huge wood
thing reading 'WRONG' or 'CLEAR' to come up. When the sign comes up 'WRONG',
the leader clicks
until a 'CLEAR' comes up and everyone gets 200 exp.
1.0.6 3rd Stage
5 4 /
_____ \
_______ _______
\_____/ \_____/
1 3
______ _______
\____/ 2 \_____/ CCC
_______ CCC /
------- \
\_____/ CCC /
_ /
Key - N = Nella
C = Cloto
P = Portal
Again, this artwork is slightly sub-par (who am I kidding, it blows), but
Nella is supposed to be
at the far bottom left next to a slope.
This is slightly confusing. What you must do is jump on one of the
platforms. You'll notice there
are kittens on each platform. The numbers above refer to the number of
kittens. Sorta like the 2nd
stage, you have to jump on a possible platform. Let the person with the
least hp go on platform 1.
You should try every possibility. Use the standard numerical brute force
format -
123, 124, 125, 134, 135, 145, 234, 235, 245, 345
If you don't get it, here are some step-bystep directions (but I would try
to make sense of the
above, it's easier then alt/tabbing like mad). Once all three members are on
a separate platform
each, the leader should click on Cloto.
Format Changes
1,2,3 None
1,2,4 Person on 3 moves to 4
1,2,5 Person on 4 moves to 5
1,3,4 Person on 5 moves to 4, person on 2 moves to 3
1,3,5 Person on 4 moves to 5
1,4,5 Person on 3 moves to 4
2,3,4 Person on 1 moves to 2, person on 5 moves to 3
2,3,5 Person on 4 moves to 5
2,4,5 Person on 3 moves to 4
3,4,5 Person on 2 moves to 3
10 possibilities. You'l get it eventually.
Wait until all three members are on, then click on Cloto, like the last
time. You may also want to
lead the group by calling out the sequence. 'WRONG' or 'CLEAR' will appear.
When the giant 'CLEAR'
appears, everyone gets 400 exp and the portal opens to...
1.0.7 4th Stage
-- --
23 CCC
-- -- -- CCC
4 5 6 CCC
NNN ____
NNN ___
Key - 1,2,3,4,5,6 = Barrels
P = Portal
C = Cloto
N = Nella
This one seems a little better...but anyway, the boxy things are barrels,
which will be explained
later and the stair things are platforms, which you have to climb (you spawn
near Nella).
Get up to the top first. Then choose a barrel (1, 2, 3) and hop on. You have
to toggle your arrow
keys a bit to be able to get up the barrels. Let the person with the lowest
hp go on 1 again. You
WILL need it. VERY similar to the last, but add a few to the list, which
goes -
Confusing, huh? Make some sense of it by memorising it and having everyone
stand on the barrels in
order. Most people know it, so if you're unsure, you might be able to ask.
If you're REALLY unlucky
and are in a party of PQ newbies, then just remember your 6th grade maths
classes on patterns.
Wait until your party members are on a barrel, then click on Cloto (Deja Vu,
anyone?). This may
take longer, but again, a huge 'CLEAR' has to appear. If the combination is
wrong, then the game
will reinforce the fact with the trade mark 'WRONG'. When the 'CLEAR'
finally comes, then everyone
gets a juicy 800 exp and the portal opens for the final challenge...
1.0.8 Last Stage
_____ __________
\_____/ \______/
____111________CURSE EYES x
__111_ ____
\____/ \__/
_________________J.R NECKIS x
____ \__/ ____
____ \__/ \__/ ____
_______ \__/ \__/ WWW
_ __
_ / \ _
_ _\__/ _
_ ___/_____ _
_ / \ _
_ / \ _
_ / o o \ _
_ / \ _
_ \ \_____/ / _
_ \ / _
_ \___________/ _
Key - N = Nella
C = Cloto
W = Warp Portals
Really, that is the most hilarious rendition of a giant 'lv23 and below unit
murderer' ever - the
KING SLIME! the beams are platforms, the words represent how many monsters
and the type of the
fiend. The laddery things are, well...ladders. The clump next to Cloto is
the unused portal.
Three words sum up your simple task. KILL, KILL, KILL! Simply put,
obliterate the monsters on each
of the 3 levels. The Jr Neckis are very easy - they now have 10 avoidability
instead of 25. Thieves
and mages should go straight for them. Warriors are pretty much no help on
this level (sorry all)
unless they are level 26/27ish and have a high amount of dexterity. They CAN
kill the Neckis though
(and maybe help with the Curse Eyes and even the King). When a monster dies,
they drop a yellow
thing you will recognise as the pass required for the 1st stage. The next
section outlines what
they are for. One more thing, you can't corner the monsters and kill them.
For some reason Wizet
hates cheap play and the monster won't drop a pass upon getting killed in a
corner. You need ALL 10
PASSES to get your big reward, so if there is a cornered Jr Necki, wait for
it to come out first.
Have your leader get the dropped passes. Now, the big boss...
NOTE: A new patch has made it so corner kills have a chance of dropping.
HP = 8000
MP = 100
Wpn Atk = 130
Mgc Atk = 160
Wpn Def = 160
Mgc Def = 160
Speed = 0
Hit Cap = 140
Avd Cap = 10
Special Attack
Tremor - Jumps up and deals extreme magic type (I think) damage to all
within range
Summon - Calls numerous smaller slimes (lv6)
Separate - Splits into smaller slimes (lv6) upon death
Wow. A whole section dedicated to this guy. He is a harsh fellow, dealing
200+ damage to even lv30s
with his Tremor attack. Aside from that, he can barge into you like mad, as
well as annihilate all
who dare to solo him (well, not really). Mages are most effective, followed
by Bowmen, then Rogues,
and Warriors and Bandits. Mages will cleave this guy easily, and Bowmen are
great supporters with
Double Arrow. Thieves with good stars (Steely, Icicles, Tobis, Kumbi) with
Lucky Seven are effective.
Warriors can do some damage, but not much. Damage is usually 1-100, even if
your status screen says
otherwise. Mages HAVE TO use Magic Guard/Magic Armor to prevent being
obliterated. Warriors have a
less harsh time surviving. Eye of the Amazon is good for Archers, as you
want to be as far away
from this guy as possible. Same goes for Thieves and Keen Eyes. If you are
low on Hp, get up the
ladders and heal quick. Thieves can use Dark Sight to escape easily.
Disorder does wonders to the
King Slime. Some say it does nothing. I think damage goes up considerably.
Iron Body and Magic
Armor are so obviously a plus. Now, onto attacking him.
Use Iron Body (Warrior) and rush in with Power Strike/Disorder x 1, Double
Stab. If you don't have
Iron Body or you are a Bandit get ready to run or heal. When Mp runs out,
attack normally as long
as you can without going into 2 digit Hp amounts.
Slap on your favoured protection (Magic Armor/Magic Guard/Both) and
experiment a bit. Stay as far
away as possible and try Magic Claw/Energy Bolt (If you don't have it for
some reason). If it
doesn't hit, move a bit closer, because your casting range is just past his
Tremor range. Keep on
casting unless healing is required.
Hopefully your Passive skills (Blessing of Amazon, Eye of Amazon, Critical
Shot) are close to maxed
out. You might want to activate Focus in case that extra avoidability comes
in handy. Follow the
same guidelines as the mage - get on the very edge of your range (which
should be long due to Eye
of Amazon) and Double Arrow/Arrow Blow away. Heal when necessary.
Follow the Mage/Bowman guidelines - get on the very far edge of your
throwing range and hurl away
using Lucky Seven. Dark Sight when low on health will guarantee survival, so
use it and flee to the
laddertops for healing.
Another note from Greg Morson, if you have music/FX on, listen for a squeak.
That is when you jump.
After a while, he'll send out a signal with his antenna thing. Several small
slimes (lv6, 50Hp) now
appear and disrupt your attack wave for a few seconds. You should notice a
few small platforms up
the top. When the slime chases you to one side, climb up, jump to the other
side and fall down so
you can attack him from behind. When he dies, multiple slimes will pop up.
Some people say that you
shouldn't kill them because your prize becomes worse. I experimented by
killing them against my
party's will, and the received prizes were 5 gold ores, 3 diamond ores, Mana
Elixir x 50, Screws.
So no penalty for killing the slimes.
1.0.9 Bonus and Exit
The bonus stage is filled with Green Mushrooms and HornED Mushrooms. I
refuse to call them Horn(i).
They are there for two purposes. One, to give that extra bit of experience
people need to level up.
Two, to give people a chance to show each other their rewards and talk about
scouting and rushing.
The Green Mushrooms give 26 exp and drop Pan Lid, a much sought after Common
class shield. They
also drop Green Mattys, which Magicians use at lv35 (very good seller) and
lv 25 + 35 bowman armor.
Zecos (lv40 spears) are a rarer drop, but can be sold for 140k+ to Spearmen.
Horned Mushrooms give
a good 35 exp and drop plenty of Warrior equipment, including Mithril
Polearms, Cutluses and Zecos.
A Brown Jester for Magicians, also dropped, is a sought after hat that puts
up speed. Lv 35 bowmen
hats and lv35 bandit hats too. I think the drop rate in the Bonus stage is
higher than anywhere out
in the world, because once my party found a Blue Polefeather Hat, a Cutlus
and a Steel Halfglove in
one Bonus. To get out of the bonus, click on Nella in the right hand bottom
corner. If the leader
leaves, everyone is expelled. You'll end up in a small map, known as the
Exit. This is where you
end up if you die during the party quest or if you leave via the Cash Shop
or Nella. Click on Nella
again to wind up anywhere in Kerning City. If you are the leader, this
matters, because you want to
repeat the Quest for more experience and rewards. To increase these chances,
read the section about
scouting and tracking. Don't take too long, because that is hogging, which
is explained later on.
1.1.0 Rewards
These are rewards received after the Last Stage in alphabetical order (or
close to).
Good, useful or valuable items will be outlined.
Mineral Ores
8 Adamantium Ores
8 Bronze Ores
5 Gold Ores (valuable)
8 Mithril Ores
8 Orihalcon Ores
8 Silver Ores
8 Steel Ores (valuable)
Jewel Ores
8 Amethyst Ores
8 Aquamarine Ores
3 Black Crystal Ores (valuable)
3 Diamond Ores (valuable)
8 Emerald Ores
8 Garnet Ores
8 Opal Ores
8 Sapphire Ores
8 Topaz Ores
Usable Items
100 Red Potions
100 Orange Potions
70 White Potions (decent)
100 Blue Potions (decent)
15 Pure Waters
50 Mana Elixirs (decent)
10% Scroll for Overall Defense
10% Scroll for Topwear Defense
10% Scroll for Bottomwear Defense
10% Scroll for Glove Dexterity
10% Scroll for Helmet Defense
10% Scroll for Overall Dexterity (valuable)
10% Scroll for Topwear Dexterity
10% Scroll for Bottomwear Dexterity
Equippable items
Yellow Square Earrings (lv20)
Weight Earrings (lv20) (needed for lv25 earring quest)
Gold Ring Earrings (lv25)
Red Cross Earrings (lv25)
Lightning Earrings (lv30)
Emerald Earrings (lv30)
Star Earrings (lv30)
Sapphire Earrings (lv35) (valuable)
Green Bamboo Hat (lv25) (bowman + warrior find useful)
Blue Bamboo Hat (lv25) (bowman + warrior find useful)
Brown Bamboo Hat (lv25) (thief + magician find useful)
30 Screws (useful)
1.1.1 Rushing, Scouting, Tracking and Hogging
The above terms will all have their own section for easy reading.
Rushing is when your party finishes and decides 'Let's PQ again!', which is
80% of the time. The
best way to rush is through use of Scouting (See below) and a bit of Hogging
(see below again). The
Scout gives the all clear is when the leader clicks Nella. Everyone clicks
Nella again quickly and
then proceed to the sewers or stay hidden to prevent Tracking (again, see
below). Hopefully, you'll
have gotten in again and the outside parties are frustrated at your skilful
return to the PQ.
Scouting is a job anyone except the leader can do. If anyone needs to stock
up on potions or needs
to buy new gear, then they are 1st priority for scouting. Scouts should copy
down names in case the
party misses, and tells when they have all the names via party chat. Then
they hide to prevent any
The miracle of '/find' is with you in this game. What is '/find', you ask.
It is the ability to
instantly locate anyone on your server, provided they are on the same
channel as you. If you miss a
PQ, but you saw someone disappear and got their name, press Return/Enter and
type '/find *********'
where ********* is the name of the person you saw disappear. If you're
lucky, then it will come up
with '********* is currently at <1st accompniment> <1st Stage>' and you have
your track. Continue
to track your victim. As she/he grows closer to the end of the quest, update
your party. Tell the
leader to start clicking hard a few minutes into the Last stage. Once the
inner party reaches the
Bonus Stage, yell out 'BONUS' through party chat and gently encourage your
leader to click. Do not
press for a response from the leader, as they are busy clicking. Don't keep
screaming 'GO GO GO!',
or he/she will become distracted.
This is basically being a loser and staying in Bonus for an extended period
of time. People outside
may whisper angry insults at you. If so, get out quick. You can hog for a
while and suddenly go out
to confuse trackers. This slightly improves your chances of Rushing.
1.1.2 Try to...
Encourage your leader when trying to get in. A morale boost never hurt
Track as often as you can - so your chat screen is filled with the
exclamation of location.
Help others once you are finished with your pass. (1st Stage)
Don't loot from others - KSing is OK, because you all get experience, but
don't loot. (1st Stage)
Co-operate with the others. (2nd, 3rd, 4th Stages)
Help defeat the Curse Eyes - 4 people on 1 Curse Eye is VERY effective.
(Last Stage)
Team up against the King Slime - Everyone pitching in makes this boss much
weaker. (Last Stage)
Not to hog (Bonus)
Click fast.
Stay close to Lakelis, but stay behind NPCs (JM from tha Streetz) or people.
Start killing Ligators once inside. (1st Stage)
Co-ordinate everyone in the formations. (2nd, 3rd, 4th Stages)
If you lag or don't click very fast, try to get someone else to be leader
1.1.3 You noob...!
Don't get annoyed at people who can't kill or hit Ligators or can't help in
the Last Stage. Just be
positive and try even harder to make up for them. Getting angry only leads
to bad morale - remember
that if one person gets angry and leaves the party, the whole party is
kicked out. Be friendly -
just because they can't get in formation properly doesn't mean they aren't
trying. Many people are
on their 1st ever PQ, so don't stress.
1.1.4 PQ in a nutshell
This is a lite version of the above stuffs (for people who know the basics
of MS)
- Get into a party
- Talk to Cloto
- Kill Ligators until you get the required amount of tokens
- Talk to Cloto again
- Give Pass to leader
- Go through portal
- Jump on Vine
- Try combinations until the portal opens
- Go through portal
- Go up the hill
- Try combinations until the portal opens
- Go through portal
- Jump up the hill
- Try combinations until the portal opens
- Go through portal
- Jump down
- Kill the Evil Eyes
- Take the portal
- Jump/Climb down
- Kill Jr. Neckis
- Take portal
- Climb down
- Kill King Slime
- Go up to Cloto
- Talk to Cloto
- Use Bonus as you wish
- Repeat
- Start a party
- Get three characters
- Get in
- Start killing Ligators
- Collect passes
- Talk to Cloto
- Go through portal
- Talk to Cloto once members are on vines
- Go through portal
- Go up the hill
- Talk to Cloto once members are on platforms
- Go through portal
- Jump up the hill
- Talk to Cloto once members are on barrels
- Go through portal
- Jump down
- Kill Evil Eyes
- Collect Passes
- Kill Jr. Neckis
- Collect Passes
- Kill King Slime
- Collect Pass
- Talk to Cloto
- Talk to Cloto again
- Use Bonus as you wish
- Repeat
1.1.5 General Tips and Tricks
Once you're in a party, find somewhere remote and desolate and stay there.
That way trackers can't
find you.
Crowd around you leader on the bottom step of the steps leading up to
Lakelis. The leader won't be
tracked, so your chances of getting in increase.
1st Stage
There are some spots on the vines that the Ligators can reach - if you rest,
choose somewhere
without murderous crocodiles. The bottom is recommended.
Attack together. There is one platform where the Ligators are especially
abundant, and one person
simply cannot compete (Above the lower-left one; it is a V shape).
Keep killing even after you've finished - the coupons can be useful for
others, but your main
incentive is all that experience.
2nd Stage
Go in a clockwise pattern. The first pattern you should try is top right,
bottom right, bottom left
because they are the three closest to the exit.
3rd Stage
Have the person with the least Hp stand on platform 1 so they can have 20-30
sec of Hp regen.
4th Stage
Toggle the left and right keys a bit to jump upwards. Teleporting works too
(lv30 wizards)
Have the person with the least Hp stand on barrel 1 so they can have 30-50
sec of Hp Regen.
Last Stage
Team up against the Curse Eyes and King Slime. Attack the Curse Eyes from
one side so it takes a
continuous stream of damage with no chance to recover. It paralyses them so
they can't hurt you. Be
careful against the King Slime - Attack from two sides so as to confuse it.
Weaker people should attack the Neckis and skip the Curse Eyes - it's much
The weaker potions are more economic - 3 Red Potions heal 150 Hp, just like
Orange Potions, but use
up only 150 mesos. 10 mesos in your pocket. Every little thing counts, so
save, save, save!
If you can't hit anyone, try using the various stat increasing pots. They
can be bought anywhere,
and some monsters drop them. Warriors should try the Warrior and Sniper
potions if they can't hit
Ligators. Mages can try using the Magic potion, or the rarer Wizard potion
dropped by Horned
Use pots whenever more than 1/2 your half is depleted. Same goes for Mp.
Try and take on crowded places with Slash Blast and help lv21s - 24s with
Power Strike in the 1st
stage. You have more Hp restoration than others. Donate pots if others need
em. Power Strike the
King Slime as much as your meagre MP will allow. Also, you can massacre the
Curse Eyes EASILY with
Power Strike. Do it and save your party some trouble.
Use Magic Guard + Magic Armor on Stages 1 and last. This prevents death VERY
well. Besides, Mp can
be recovered. Try at hit the King Slime from as far away as possible. If
you're lv30 with Teleport
(good choice) then you can use it on the barrel stage. Spam Magic Claw.
Seriously. Go crazy with it
on the 1st and last stage. Use your flashlight range (triangular) to hit
Hit Slimey with skills as much as possible - Critical Shot increases damage
and encourages knockbak
which helps everybody. Use the little platforms - Jump behind Slimey. Then
go crazy with AB or DS.
Use your flashlight range well and spam Arrow Blow/Double Arrow. Stock up on
whatever arrows/bolts
you may need, and get bronzed projectiles if you can.
Dark Sight is good. Sins should go mad with Lucky Seven. BDits should just
attack, like warriors.
Sins should make use of their jump L7 in the 1st stage. If you have haste,
use it (lv30). Don't use
pots sparingly - spam em. Buy some good stars (30k - 5mil) and save some
trouble. Never use Subis
because they are SO WEAK. Try Kumbis or, if you have the cash, Snowballs or
even Steelys.
Recommended Equipment
Raggedy Capes are good because of the avoid. When you hit 26, get a White-
bottom Boot from the FM
or Henesys. Scroll it if you must (Jump or Speed, DEX is pointless). This
adds a bit of speed.
Thieves, if you have the money, should get an Attack Workglove. They cost
a fortune, but are well
worth it. About 50 mil for a 10 atk. Mages and Thieves should try to get a
Mystic Shield or Wrist-
guard (respectively). Starry Bandanas are fun, and add decent defence.
Try Blue or Green Bamboo hats for an easier time. The Dark Master Sergeant
is a good idea - it will
defintely help strength. The Venon isn't THAT great a glove, but it's quite
easy to get (lv15 quest).
Use whatever equipment is best for your level - don't bother skipping
yet. Right now, the cost
is small, so go ahead and buy. The Wizard Staff/Wand identify you as a top-
notch pqer (mages are
always wanted) and increase your chance to get into a party.
Not very exped in this field. The Battle Bow (lv25) increases chance to get
in. Bennis Chainmail is
a good idea. Savatas seem abundant in the FM (saw three in one channel) so
try and find them. I really don't know why they're so common (the ice
quest?) but they just
are. If you can't find one, stick with your Diros. Green Bamboo Hat is the
best choice. You can use
Blue if you want, but Green seems better.
Meba is required when you hit lv25. Not optional, REQUIRED. It throws
Use a Brown Bamboo Hat
for better damage. Don't bother with the Sneak Set unless you HAVE to.
is: (1: It's fugly. And
(2: I just plain don't like it. Just kidding. Get it if you want, personally
I use the Pao Set. Saves
a bit of cash. The Mischief is good, don't bother with the Wolfskin. Of
it's easy to make, but
it's not worth it (unless you upgrade to dark).
1.1.6: Alternatives to PQ
Yeah, that's right. No more PQ because I missed 34 times in a row. I'm sick
of it, what should I do
instead? Well, this handy little section gives you some hints, some proper,
some not.
Train. Yeah, grind. 'But I thought we crossed that/YOU WERE WRONG, OKAY?
JEEZ!' Some choices are
Mushrooms (of all kinds except massive), Wild Boar, Octopi, Evil Eyes and
Teddies. Or the whole far
side of Aqua Road.
Merchant. Only if you have cash though. Search for bargains, resell at
normal/higher price.
Group train. Same as (1, but with more peoples.
Hunt. Same as (1, only searching for equips, not experience. Like mages
hunting Zombie Mushies for
Chaos Robes. Or whatever.
Alt-tab. There's a whole world out there. And it's called the Internet. Try
it out.
The Off Button. Shut down your computer and go outside, or at least do some
push-ups or something.
It's NOT unthinkable.
Keep at it. Only if you're addicted...
That section was just a big article on how you should spend time outside and
not in front of the
1.1.7: Version History
1.0: Finished nearly all the guide - up to Rewards section
1.1: Woo...posted it...
1.2: It's on the site - but I received emails about problems, and I forgot
this section entirely!
1.3: Added what you are reading now...
1.5 Hidden Street took down everything and revamped it - gave me time to
remodel the guide.
2.0: Added PQ in a nutshell, more General Tips and Tricks
2.1: Added Recommended Equipment, revamped the rewards section